.. Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. .. Contributors: :author: Matthias De Lozzo .. _simple_opt_example: Tutorial: How to solve an optimization problem ============================================== Although the library |g| is dedicated to the :term:`MDO`, it can also be used for mono-disciplinary optimization problems. This tutorial presents some examples on analytical test cases. 1. Optimization based on a design of experiments ************************************************ Let :math:`(P)` be a simple optimization problem: .. math:: (P) = \left\{ \begin{aligned} & \underset{x\in\mathbb{N}^2}{\text{minimize}} & & f(x) = x_1 + x_2 \\ & \text{subject to} & & -5 \leq x \leq 5 \end{aligned} \right. In this subsection, we will see how to use |g| to solve this problem :math:`(P)` by means of a Design Of Experiments (DOE) 1.a. Define the objective function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Firstly, by means of the :func:`.create_discipline` API function, we create an :class:`.Discipline` of :class:`.AutoPyDiscipline` type from a python function. We also configure the GEMSEO logger with the :func:`configure_logger` function. .. code:: python from gemseo import configure_logger from gemseo import create_discipline configure_logger() def f(x1=0., x2=0.): y = x1 + x2 return y discipline = create_discipline("AutoPyDiscipline", py_func=f) Now, we want to minimize this :class:`.Discipline` over a design of experiments (DOE). 1.b. Define the design space ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For that, by means of the :func:`.create_design_space` API function, we define the :class:`.DesignSpace` :math:`[-5, 5]\times[-5, 5]` by using its :meth:`~.DesignSpace.add_variable` method. .. code:: python from gemseo import create_design_space design_space = create_design_space() design_space.add_variable("x1", 1, lower_bound=-5, upper_bound=5, type_="integer") design_space.add_variable("x2", 1, lower_bound=-5, upper_bound=5, type_="integer") 1.c. Define the DOE scenario ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then, by means of the :func:`.create_scenario` API function, we define a :class:`.DOEScenario` from the :class:`.Discipline` and the :class:`.DesignSpace` defined above: .. code:: python from gemseo import create_scenario scenario = create_scenario( discipline, "DisciplinaryOpt", "y", design_space, scenario_type="DOE" ) 1.d. Execute the DOE scenario ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lastly, we solve the :class:`.OptimizationProblem` included in the :class:`.DOEScenario` defined above by minimizing the objective function over a design of experiments included in the :class:`.DesignSpace`. Precisely, we choose a `full factorial design `_ of size :math:`11^2`: .. code:: python scenario.execute(algo_name="PYDOE_FULLFACT", n_samples=11**2) The optimum results can be found in the execution log. It is also possible to extract them from the :attr:`.Scenario.optimization_result`. .. code:: python optimization_result = scenario.optimization_result print(f"The solution of P is (x*,f(x*)) = ({optimization_result.x_opt}, {optimization_result.f_opt})") which yields: .. code:: bash The solution of P is (x*,f(x*)) = ([-5, -5], -10.0). 2. Optimization based on a quasi-Newton method by means of the library `scipy `_ **************************************************************************************************** Let :math:`(P)` be a simple optimization problem: .. math:: (P) = \left\{ \begin{aligned} & \underset{x}{\text{minimize}} & & f(x) = \sin(x) - \exp(x) \\ & \text{subject to} & & -2 \leq x \leq 2 \end{aligned} \right. In this subsection, we will see how to use |g| to solve this problem :math:`(P)` by means of an optimizer directly used from the library `SciPy `_. 2.a. Define the objective function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Firstly, we create the objective function and its gradient as standard python functions: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np def g(x=0): y = np.sin(x) - np.exp(x) return y def dgdx(x=0): y = np.cos(x) - np.exp(x) return y 2.b. Minimize the objective function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, we can minimize this python function over its design space by means of the `L-BFGS-B algorithm `_ implemented in the function ``scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b``. .. code-block:: python from scipy import optimize x_0 = -0.5 * np.ones(1) opt = optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(g, x_0, fprime=dgdx, bounds=[(-.2, 2.)]) x_opt, f_opt, _ = opt Then, we can display the solution of our optimization problem with the following code: .. code:: print(f"The solution of P is (x*,f(x*)) = ({x_opt[0]}, {f_opt}).") which gives: .. code:: bash The solution of P is (x*,f(x*)) = (-0.2, -1.017400083873043). .. seealso:: You can found the scipy implementation of the L-BFGS-B algorithm `by clicking here `_. 3. Optimization based on a quasi-Newton method by means of the |g| optimization interface ***************************************************************************************** Let :math:`(P)` be a simple optimization problem: .. math:: (P) = \left\{ \begin{aligned} & \underset{x}{\text{minimize}} & & f(x) = \sin(x) - \exp(x) \\ & \text{subject to} & & -2 \leq x \leq 2 \end{aligned} \right. In this subsection, we will see how to use |g| to solve this problem :math:`(P)` by means of an optimizer from `SciPy `_ called through the optimization interface of |g|. 3.a. Define the objective function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Firstly, by means of the :func:`.create_discipline` API function, we create an :class:`.Discipline` of :class:`.AutoPyDiscipline` type from a python function: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from gemseo import create_discipline def g(x=0): y = np.sin(x) - np.exp(x) return y def dgdx(x=0): y = np.cos(x) - np.exp(x) return y discipline = create_discipline("AutoPyDiscipline", py_func=g, py_jac=dgdx) Now, we can to minimize this :class:`.Discipline` over a design space, by means of a quasi-Newton method from the initial point :math:`0.5`. 3.b. Define the design space ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For that, by means of the :func:`.create_design_space` API function, we define the :class:`.DesignSpace` :math:`[-2., 2.]` with initial value :math:`0.5` by using its :meth:`~.DesignSpace.add_variable` method. .. code:: from gemseo import create_design_space design_space = create_design_space() design_space.add_variable("x", 1, lower_bound=-2., upper_bound=2., value=-0.5 * np.ones(1)) 3.c. Define the optimization problem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then, by means of the :func:`.create_scenario` API function, we define an :class:`.MDOScenario` from the :class:`.Discipline` and the :class:`.DesignSpace` defined above: .. code:: from gemseo import create_scenario scenario = create_scenario( discipline, "DisciplinaryOpt", "y", design_space, scenario_type="MDO" ) 3.d. Execute the optimization problem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lastly, we solve the :class:`.OptimizationProblem` included in the :class:`.MDOScenario` defined above by minimizing the objective function over the :class:`.DesignSpace`. Precisely, we choose the `L-BFGS-B algorithm `_ implemented in the function ``scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b`` and indirectly called by means of the class :class:`.OptimizationLibraryFactory` and of its function :meth:`~.BaseAlgoFactory.execute`: .. code-block:: python scenario.execute(algo_name="L-BFGS-B", max_iter=100) The optimization results are displayed in the log file. They can also be obtained using the following code: .. code:: optimization_result = scenario.optimization_result print(f"The solution of P is (x*,f(x*)) = ({optimization_result.x_opt}, {optimization_result.f_opt}).") which yields: .. code:: The solution of P is (x*,f(x*)) = (-1.29, -1.24). .. seealso:: You can find the `SciPy `_ implementation of the `L-BFGS-B algorithm `_ algorithm `by clicking here `_. .. tip:: In order to get the list of available optimization algorithms, use: .. code:: from gemseo import get_available_opt_algorithms algo_list = get_available_opt_algorithms() print(f"Available algorithms: {algo_list}") which gives: .. code:: Available algorithms: ['NLOPT_SLSQP', 'L-BFGS-B', 'SLSQP', 'NLOPT_COBYLA', 'NLOPT_BFGS', 'NLOPT_NEWUOA', 'TNC', 'P-L-BFGS-B', 'NLOPT_MMA', 'NLOPT_BOBYQA', 'ODD'] 4. Saving and post-processing ***************************** After the resolution of the :class:`~gemseo.algos.optimization_problem.OptimizationProblem`, we can export the results into a :term:`HDF` file: .. code:: problem = scenario.formulation.optimization_problem problem.to_hdf("my_optim.hdf5") We can also post-process the optimization history by means of the function :func:`.execute_post`, either from the :class:`~gemseo.algos.optimization_problem.OptimizationProblem`: .. code:: from gemseo import execute_post execute_post(problem, "OptHistoryView", save=True, file_path="opt_view_with_doe") or from the :term:`HDF` file created above: .. code:: from gemseo import execute_post execute_post("my_optim.hdf5", "OptHistoryView", save=True, file_path="opt_view_from_disk") This command produces a series of PDF files: .. image:: opt_view_from_disk_variables_history.png :scale: 50% .. image:: opt_view_from_disk_obj_history.png :scale: 50% .. image:: opt_view_from_disk_x_xstar_history.png :scale: 50% .. image:: opt_view_from_disk_hessian_approx.png :scale: 50%