Build a discipline from a simple Python function

Let’s consider a simple Python function, e.g.:

def f(x=0., y=0.):
    """A simple Python function"""
    z = x + 2*y
    return z

Then, we can consider the AutoPyDiscipline to convert it into an MDODiscipline.

Create and instantiate the discipline

For that, we can use the create_discipline() API function with AutoPyDiscipline as first argument:

from gemseo import create_discipline
from numpy import array

disc = create_discipline('AutoPyDiscipline', py_func=f)

The original Python function may or may not include default values for input arguments, however, if the resulting AutoPyDiscipline is going to be placed inside an MDF, a BiLevel formulation or an MDA with strong couplings, then the Python function must assign default values for its input arguments.

Execute the discipline

Then, we can execute it easily, even considering default inputs:


which results in:

{'y': array([ 0.]), 'x': array([ 0.]), 'z': array([ 0.])}

or using new inputs:

print(disc.execute({'x': array([1.]), 'y':array([-3.2])}))

which results in:

{'y': array([-3.2]), 'x': array([ 1.]), 'z': array([-5.4])}

Optional arguments

Optional arguments are:

  • py_jac=None: The Python function to compute the Jacobian which must return a 2D numpy array,

  • use_arrays=False: if True, the function is expected to take arrays as inputs and give outputs as arrays,

  • grammar_type=MDODiscipline.GrammarType.JSON: The type of grammar to be used.

Here is an example of Jacobian function, returning a 2D matrix. The rows of the matrix correspond to the derivatives of the outputs, the columns correspond to the variables with respect to the outputs are derived.

def dzdxy(x=0., y=0.):
    """Jacobian function of z=f(x,y)"""
    jac = array((1,2))
    jac[0, 0] = 1.
    jac[0, 1] = 2.
    return jac