gemseo.third_party.prettytable.prettytable module#

The pretty table core#

class PrettyTable(field_names=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: object

  • encoding -- Unicode encoding scheme used to decode any encoded input

  • title -- optional table title

  • field_names (Sequence[str] | None) -- list or tuple of field names

  • fields -- list or tuple of field names to include in displays

  • start -- index of first data row to include in output

  • end -- index of last data row to include in output PLUS ONE

  • header -- print a header showing field names

  • header_style -- stylisation to apply to field names in header

  • border -- print a border around the table

  • hrules -- controls printing of horizontal rules after rows

  • vrules -- controls printing of vertical rules between columns

  • int_format -- controls formatting of integer data

  • float_format -- controls formatting of floating point data

  • min_table_width -- minimum desired table width

  • max_table_width -- maximum desired table width

  • padding_width -- number of spaces on either side of column data

  • left_padding_width -- number of spaces on left hand side of column data

  • right_padding_width -- number of spaces on right hand side of column data

  • vertical_char -- single character string used to draw vertical lines

  • horizontal_char -- single character string used to draw horizontal lines

  • junction_char -- single character string used to draw line junctions

  • sortby -- name of field to sort rows by

  • sort_key -- sorting key function

  • valign -- default valign for each row

  • reversesort -- True or False to sort in descending or ascending order

  • oldsortslice -- Slice rows before sorting in the

add_column(fieldname, column, align='c', valign='t')[source]#

Add a column to the table.

  • fieldname (str) -- name of the field to contain the new column of data

  • column -- column of data

  • table -- has rows

  • align (str) --

    desired alignment for this column (Default value = "c")

    By default it is set to "c".

  • valign (str) --

    desired vertical alignment for new columns (Default value = "t")

    By default it is set to "t".


Add a row to the table

Return type:



Delete all rows and field names from the table, maintaining nothing but styling options

Return type:



Delete all rows from the table but keep the current field names

Return type:



Delete a row to the table


row_index -- The index of the row you want to delete

  • title -- optional table title

  • start -- index of first data row to include in output

  • end -- index of last data row to include in output PLUS ONE

  • fields -- names of fields

  • header -- print a header showing field names

  • border -- print a border around the table

  • hrules -- controls printing of horizontal rules after rows

  • vrules -- controls printing of vertical rules between columns

  • int_format -- controls formatting of integer data

  • float_format -- controls formatting of floating point data

  • padding_width -- number of spaces on either side of column data

  • left_padding_width -- number of spaces on left hand side of column data

  • right_padding_width -- number of spaces on right hand side of column data

  • sortby -- name of field to sort rows by

  • sort_key -- sorting key function

  • attributes -- dictionary of name

  • xhtml -- print

Return type:


  • title -- optional table title

  • start -- index of first data row to include in output

  • end -- index of last data row to include in output PLUS ONE

  • fields -- names of fields

  • header -- print a header showing field names

  • border -- print a border around the table

  • hrules -- controls printing of horizontal rules after rows

  • vrules -- controls printing of vertical rules between columns

  • int_format -- controls formatting of integer data

  • float_format -- controls formatting of floating point data

  • padding_width -- number of spaces on either side of column data

  • left_padding_width -- number of spaces on left hand side of column data

  • right_padding_width -- number of spaces on right hand side of column data

  • vertical_char -- single character string used to draw vertical lines

  • horizontal_char -- single character string used to draw horizontal lines

  • junction_char -- single character string used to draw line junctions

  • sortby -- name of field to sort rows by

  • sort_key -- sorting key function

  • reversesort -- True or False to sort in descending or ascending order

  • print -- empty

Return type:


paginate(page_length=58, **kwargs)[source]#

page_length (int) --

Default value = 58)

By default it is set to 58.



property align#

Controls alignment of fields


align -- alignment

property attributes#

A dictionary of HTML attribute name/value pairs to be included in the <table> tag when printing HTML


attributes - dictionary of attributes

property border#

Controls printing of border around table


border -- print a border around the table

property end#

End index of the range of rows to print


end -- index of last data row to include in output PLUS ONE

property field_names#

List or tuple of field names

property fields#

List or tuple of field names to include in displays

property float_format#

Controls formatting of floating point data


float_format -- floating point format string

property format#

Controls whether or not HTML tables are formatted to match styling options


format -- True or False

property header#

Controls printing of table header with field names


header -- print a header showing field names

property header_style#

Controls stylisation applied to field names in header


header_style -- stylisation to apply to field names in header

property horizontal_char#

The charcter used when printing table borders to draw horizontal lines


horizontal_char -- single character string used to draw horizontal lines

property hrules#

Controls printing of horizontal rules after rows


hrules -- horizontal rules style

property int_format#

Controls formatting of integer data


int_format -- integer format string

property junction_char#

The charcter used when printing table borders to draw line junctions


junction_char -- single character string used to draw line junctions

property left_padding_width#

The number of empty spaces between a column's left edge and its content


left_padding -- number of spaces

property max_table_width#
property max_width#

Controls maximum width of fields


max_width -- maximum width integer

property min_table_width#
property min_width#

Controls minimum width of fields


min_width -- minimum width integer

property oldsortslice#

oldsortslice - Slice rows before sorting in the 'old style'

property padding_width#

The number of empty spaces between a column's edge and its content


padding_width -- number of spaces

property print_empty#

Controls whether or not empty tables produce a header and frame or just an empty string


print_empty -- True or False

property reversesort#

Controls direction of sorting (ascending vs descending)


reveresort -- set to True to sort by descending order

property right_padding_width#

The number of empty spaces between a column's right edge and its content


right_padding -- number of spaces

property sort_key#

Sorting key function, applied to data points before sorting


sort_key -- a function which takes one argument and returns something to be sorted

property sortby#

Name of field by which to sort rows


sortby -- field name to sort by

property start#

Start index of the range of rows to print


start -- index of first data row to include in output

property title#

Optional table title


title -- table title

property valign#

Controls vertical alignment of fields


valign -- vertical alignment

property vertical_char#

The charcter used when printing table borders to draw vertical lines


vertical_char -- single character string used to draw vertical lines

property vrules#

Controls printing of vertical rules between columns


vrules -- vertical rules style