gemseo / core

chain module

Chains of disciplines: sequential and parallel execution processes

class gemseo.core.chain.MDOAdditiveChain(disciplines, outputs_to_sum, name=None, grammar_type='JSON', use_threading=True)[source]

Bases: gemseo.core.chain.MDOParallelChain

Chain of processes that executes disciplines in parallel and sums specified outputs across disciplines


  • disciplines (list(MDODiscipline)) – the disciplines list

  • outputs_to_sum (list(str)) – names list of the outputs to sum

  • name (str) – name of the discipline

  • grammar_type (str) – the type of grammar to use for IO declaration either JSON_GRAMMAR_TYPE or SIMPLE_GRAMMAR_TYPE

  • use_threading (bool) – if True, use Threads instead of processes to parallelize the execution

class gemseo.core.chain.MDOChain(disciplines, name=None, grammar_type='JSON')[source]

Bases: gemseo.core.discipline.MDODiscipline

Chain of processes that is based on a predefined order of execution.

Constructor of the chain

  • disciplines – the disciplines list

  • name – the name of the discipline

  • grammar_type – the type of grammar to use for IO declaration either JSON_GRAMMAR_TYPE or SIMPLE_GRAMMAR_TYPE

AVAILABLE_MODES = ['direct', 'reverse', 'auto']
static copy_jacs(jac_dict)[source]

Hard copies Jacobian dict


jac_dict – dict of dict of ndarrays, or dict of ndarrays


deepcopy of the input


Returns the expected data exchange sequence, used for xdsm representation See MDOFormulation.get_expected_dataflow


Returns the expected execution sequence, used for xdsm representation. See MDOFormulation.get_expected_workflow.


Defines all inputs and outputs of the chain


Sets all the statuses to PENDING.

reverse_chain_rule(chain_outputs, discipline)[source]

Chains derivatives of self, with a new discipline in the chain in reverse mode

Performs chain ruling: (notation: D is total derivative, d is partial derivative)

D out d out dinpt_1 d output dinpt_2 —– = ——– . ——- + ——– . ——– D new_in d inpt_1 d new_in d inpt_2 d new_in

D out d out d out dinpt_2 —– = ——– + ——– . ——– D z d z d inpt_2 d z

D out d out [dinpt_1 d out d inpt_1 dinpt_2 ] —– = ——– . [——- + ——– . ——– . ——–] D z d inpt_1 [d z d inpt_1 d inpt_2 d z ]

  • discipline – new discipline to compose in the chain

  • chain_outputs – the chain_outputs to linearize


Sets the sub disciplines statuses


status – the status

class gemseo.core.chain.MDOParallelChain(disciplines, name=None, grammar_type='JSON', use_threading=True)[source]

Bases: gemseo.core.discipline.MDODiscipline

Chain of processes that executes disciplines in parallel

Constructor of the chain

  • disciplines – the disciplines list

  • name – the name of the discipline

  • grammar_type – the type of grammar to use for IO declaration either JSON_GRAMMAR_TYPE or SIMPLE_GRAMMAR_TYPE

  • use_threading – if True, use Threads instead of processes to parallelize the execution


Add inputs to the differentiation list.

This method updates self._differentiated_inputs with inputs


inputs – list of inputs variables to differentiate if None, all inputs of discipline are used (Default value = None)


Add outputs to the differentiation list.

Update self._differentiated_inputs with inputs.


outputs – list of output variables to differentiate if None, all outputs of discipline are used


Returns the expected data exchange sequence, used for xdsm representation See MDOFormulation.get_expected_dataflow


Returns the expected execution sequence, used for xdsm representation. See MDOFormulation.get_expected_workflow.


Defines all inputs and outputs of the chain


Sets all the statuses to PENDING.