# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
# INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
# :author: Francois Gallard
Chains of disciplines: sequential and parallel execution processes
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from copy import deepcopy
from future import standard_library
from numpy import dot, ndarray, zeros
from gemseo.core.coupling_structure import DependencyGraph
from gemseo.core.discipline import MDODiscipline
from gemseo.core.execution_sequence import ExecutionSequenceFactory
from gemseo.core.jacobian_assembly import JacobianAssembly
from gemseo.core.parallel_execution import (
from gemseo import LOGGER
[docs]class MDOChain(MDODiscipline):
"""Chain of processes that is based on a predefined order of execution."""
def __init__(
self, disciplines, name=None, grammar_type=MDODiscipline.JSON_GRAMMAR_TYPE
Constructor of the chain
:param disciplines: the disciplines list
:param name: the name of the discipline
:param grammar_type: the type of grammar to use for IO declaration
super(MDOChain, self).__init__(name, grammar_type=grammar_type)
self.disciplines = disciplines
self.default_inputs = {}
[docs] def set_disciplines_statuses(self, status):
"""Sets the sub disciplines statuses
:param status: the status
for discipline in self.disciplines:
discipline.status = status
[docs] def initialize_grammars(self):
"""Defines all inputs and outputs of the chain"""
for discipline in self.disciplines:
discipline.input_grammar, self.output_grammar
def _update_default_inputs(self):
"""Computes the default inputs from the disciplines default inputs"""
self_inputs = self.get_input_data_names()
for disc in self.disciplines:
for key, value in disc.default_inputs.items():
if key in self_inputs:
self.default_inputs[key] = value
def _run(self):
"""Run discipline"""
for discipline in self.disciplines:
outs = discipline.execute(self.local_data)
[docs] def reverse_chain_rule(self, chain_outputs, discipline):
"""Chains derivatives of self, with a new discipline in the chain
in reverse mode
Performs chain ruling:
(notation: D is total derivative, d is partial derivative)
D out d out dinpt_1 d output dinpt_2
----- = -------- . ------- + -------- . --------
D new_in d inpt_1 d new_in d inpt_2 d new_in
D out d out d out dinpt_2
----- = -------- + -------- . --------
D z d z d inpt_2 d z
D out d out [dinpt_1 d out d inpt_1 dinpt_2 ]
----- = -------- . [------- + -------- . -------- . --------]
D z d inpt_1 [d z d inpt_1 d inpt_2 d z ]
:param discipline: new discipline to compose in the chain
:param chain_outputs: the chain_outputs to linearize
# TODO : only linearize wrt needed inputs/inputs
# use coupling_structure graph path for that
last_cached = discipline.cache.get_last_cached_inputs()
discipline.linearize(last_cached, force_no_exec=True, force_all=True)
for output in chain_outputs:
if output in self.jac:
# This output has already been taken from previous disciplines
# Derivatives must be composed using the chain rule
# Make a copy of the keys because the dict is changed in the
# loop
existing_inputs = self.jac[output].keys()
common_inputs = set(existing_inputs) & set(discipline.jac)
for input_name in common_inputs:
# Store reference to the current Jacobian
curr_j = self.jac[output][input_name]
for new_in, new_jac in discipline.jac[input_name].items():
# Chain rule the derivatives
# TODO: sum BEFORE dot
loc_dot = dot(curr_j, new_jac)
# when input_name==new_in, we are in the case of an
# input being also an output
# in this case we must only compose the derivatives
if new_in in self.jac[output] and input_name != new_in:
# The output is already linearized wrt this
# input_name. We are in the case:
# d o d o d o di_2
# ---- = ---- + ----- . -----
# d z d z d i_2 d z
self.jac[output][new_in] += loc_dot
# The output is not yet linearized wrt this
# input_name. We are in the case:
# d o d o di_1 d o di_2
# ----- = ------ . ---- + ---- . ----
# d x d i_1 d x d i_2 d x
self.jac[output][new_in] = loc_dot
elif output in discipline.jac:
# Output of the chain not yet filled in jac,
# Take the jacobian dict of the current discipline to
# Initialize. Make a copy !
self.jac[output] = MDOChain.copy_jacs(discipline.jac[output])
def _compute_jacobian(self, inputs=None, outputs=None):
"""Actual computation of the jacobians
:param inputs: linearization should be performed with respect
to inputs list.
:param outputs: linearization should be performed on
chain_outputs list.
# Initializes self jac with copy of last discipline (reverse mode)
last_discipline = self.disciplines[-1]
# TODO : only linearize wrt needed inputs/inputs
# use coupling_structure graph path for that
last_cached = last_discipline.cache.get_last_cached_inputs()
last_discipline.linearize(last_cached, force_no_exec=True, force_all=True)
self.jac = self.copy_jacs(last_discipline.jac)
# reverse mode of remaining disciplines
remaining_disciplines = self.disciplines[:-1]
for discipline in remaining_disciplines[::-1]:
self.reverse_chain_rule(outputs, discipline)
# Remove differentiations that should not be there,
# because inputs are not inputs of the chain
for in_dict in self.jac.values():
# Copy keys because the dict in changed in the loop
input_keys_cp = list(in_dict.keys())
for input_name in input_keys_cp:
if input_name not in inputs:
del in_dict[input_name]
# Add differentiations that should be there,
# because inputs inputs of the chain but not
# of all disciplines
for out_name, jac_loc in self.jac.items():
n_outs = len(self.get_outputs_by_name(out_name))
for input_name in inputs:
if input_name not in jac_loc:
n_inpts = len(self.get_inputs_by_name(input_name))
jac_loc[input_name] = zeros((n_outs, n_inpts))
[docs] @staticmethod
def copy_jacs(jac_dict):
"""Hard copies Jacobian dict
:param jac_dict: dict of dict of ndarrays, or dict of ndarrays
:returns: deepcopy of the input
out_d = {}
for outpt, sub_jac in jac_dict.items():
if isinstance(sub_jac, dict):
loc_jac_cp = {}
out_d[outpt] = loc_jac_cp
for inpt, jac in sub_jac.items():
loc_jac_cp[inpt] = jac.copy()
elif isinstance(sub_jac, ndarray):
out_d[outpt] = sub_jac.copy()
return out_d
[docs] def reset_statuses_for_run(self):
"""Sets all the statuses to PENDING."""
super(MDOChain, self).reset_statuses_for_run()
for discipline in self.disciplines:
[docs] def get_expected_workflow(self):
"""Returns the expected execution sequence,
used for xdsm representation.
See MDOFormulation.get_expected_workflow."""
sequence = ExecutionSequenceFactory.serial()
for disc in self.disciplines:
return sequence
[docs] def get_expected_dataflow(self):
"""Returns the expected data exchange sequence,
used for xdsm representation
See MDOFormulation.get_expected_dataflow
all_disc = list(set(self.disciplines))
graph = DependencyGraph(all_disc)
res = graph.get_disciplines_couplings()
# Add discipline inner couplings (ex. MDA case)
for disc in all_disc:
return res
def _set_cache_tol(self, cache_tol):
Sets to the cache input tolerance
To be overloaded by subclasses
:param cache_tol: float, cache tolerance
super(MDOChain, self)._set_cache_tol(cache_tol)
for disc in self.disciplines:
disc.cache_tol = cache_tol or 0.0
[docs]class MDOParallelChain(MDODiscipline):
"""Chain of processes that executes disciplines in parallel"""
def __init__(
Constructor of the chain
:param disciplines: the disciplines list
:param name: the name of the discipline
:param grammar_type: the type of grammar to use for IO declaration
:param use_threading: if True, use Threads instead of processes
to parallelize the execution
super(MDOParallelChain, self).__init__(name, grammar_type=grammar_type)
self.disciplines = disciplines
self.default_inputs = {}
dpe = DiscParallelExecution(
self.disciplines, len(self.disciplines), use_threading=use_threading
self.parallel_execution = dpe
dpl = DiscParallelLinearization(
self.disciplines, len(self.disciplines), use_threading=use_threading
self.parallel_lin = dpl
[docs] def initialize_grammars(self):
"""Defines all inputs and outputs of the chain"""
for discipline in self.disciplines:
def _update_default_inputs(self):
"""Computes the default inputs from the disciplines default inputs"""
self_inputs = self.get_input_data_names()
for disc in self.disciplines:
for key, value in disc.default_inputs.items():
if key in self_inputs:
self.default_inputs[key] = value
def _get_inputs_list(self):
Returns a list of inputs dict for parallel execution
n_disc = len(self.disciplines)
# Avoid overlaps with dicts in // by doing a deepcopy
# The outputs of a discipline may be a coupling, and shall therefore
# not be passed as input of another since the execution are assumed
# to be independent here
all_inpts = [deepcopy(self.local_data) for _ in range(n_disc)]
return all_inpts
def _run(self):
"""Run discipline"""
all_inpts = self._get_inputs_list()
# Update data according to input order of priority
for discipline in self.disciplines:
out_set = discipline.get_output_data_names()
disc_data = discipline.local_data
out_dict = {out_k: disc_data[out_k] for out_k in out_set}
def _compute_jacobian(self, inputs=None, outputs=None):
"""Actual computation of the jacobians
:param inputs: linearization should be performed with respect
to inputs list. If None, linearization
should be performed wrt all inputs (Default value = None)
:param outputs: linearization should be performed on
chain_outputs list.
If None, linearization should be
performed on all chain_outputs (Default value = None)
all_inpts = self._get_inputs_list()
jacobians = self.parallel_lin.execute(all_inpts)
self.jac = {}
# Update jacobians according to input order of priority
for disc_jacobian in jacobians:
for out_k, jac_loc in disc_jacobian.items():
self_jac_o = self.jac.get(out_k)
if self_jac_o is None:
self_jac_o = {}
self.jac[out_k] = self_jac_o
self._init_jacobian(inputs, outputs, with_zeros=True, fill_missing_keys=True)
def _set_disciplines_diff_inputs(self, inputs):
Adds inputs to the right sub discipline's differentiated inputs
:param inputs: the inputs list
diff_inpts = set(inputs)
for disc in self.disciplines:
inpt_set = set(disc.get_input_data_names()) & diff_inpts
if inpt_set:
[docs] def add_differentiated_outputs(self, outputs=None):
MDODiscipline.add_differentiated_outputs(self, outputs)
def _set_disciplines_diff_outputs(self, outputs):
Adds outputs to the right sub discipline's differentiated outputs
:param outputs: the outputs list
diff_outpts = set(outputs)
for disc in self.disciplines:
outpt_set = set(disc.get_output_data_names()) & diff_outpts
if outpt_set:
[docs] def reset_statuses_for_run(self):
"""Sets all the statuses to PENDING."""
super(MDOParallelChain, self).reset_statuses_for_run()
for discipline in self.disciplines:
[docs] def get_expected_workflow(self):
"""Returns the expected execution sequence,
used for xdsm representation.
See MDOFormulation.get_expected_workflow.
sequence = ExecutionSequenceFactory.parallel()
for disc in self.disciplines:
return sequence
[docs] def get_expected_dataflow(self):
"""Returns the expected data exchange sequence,
used for xdsm representation
See MDOFormulation.get_expected_dataflow
return []
def _set_cache_tol(self, cache_tol):
Sets to the cache input tolerance
To be overloaded by subclasses
:param cache_tol: float, cache tolerance
super(MDOParallelChain, self)._set_cache_tol(cache_tol)
for disc in self.disciplines:
disc.cache_tol = cache_tol or 0.0
[docs]class MDOAdditiveChain(MDOParallelChain):
"""Chain of processes that executes disciplines in parallel and sums
specified outputs across disciplines"""
def __init__(
:param disciplines: the disciplines list
:type disciplines: list(MDODiscipline)
:param outputs_to_sum: names list of the outputs to sum
:type outputs_to_sum: list(str)
:param name: name of the discipline
:type name: str
:param grammar_type: the type of grammar to use for IO declaration
:type grammar_type: str
:param use_threading: if True, use Threads instead of processes
to parallelize the execution
:type use_threading: bool
super(MDOAdditiveChain, self).__init__(
disciplines, name, grammar_type, use_threading
self._outputs_to_sum = outputs_to_sum
def _run(self):
Runs the disciplines and computes the sum.
# Run the disciplines in parallel
# Sum the required outputs across disciplines
for out_name in self._outputs_to_sum:
terms = [
for disc in self.disciplines
if out_name in disc.local_data
sum_value = sum(terms) if terms else None
self.local_data[out_name] = sum_value
def _compute_jacobian(self, inputs=None, outputs=None):
"""Actual computation of the Jacobians
:param inputs: linearization should be performed with respect
to inputs list. If None, linearization
should be performed wrt all inputs (Default value = None)
:param outputs: linearization should be performed on
chain_outputs list.
If None, linearization should be
performed on all chain_outputs (Default value = None)
# Differentiate the disciplines in parallel
MDOParallelChain._compute_jacobian(self, inputs, outputs)
# Sum the Jacobians of the required outputs across disciplines
for out_name in self._outputs_to_sum:
self.jac[out_name] = dict()
for in_name in inputs:
terms = [
for disc in self.disciplines
if in_name in disc.jac[out_name]
assert terms
sum_value = sum(terms)
self.jac[out_name][in_name] = sum_value