Source code for gemseo.third_party.pyxdsm.XDSM

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pyxdsm is a python library for generating publication quality PDF XDSM
# diagrams.This library is a thin wrapper that uses the TIKZ library and
# LaTeX to build the PDFs. Source:
# OpenMDAO Open Source License:
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import print_function

import os

import numpy as np

tikzpicture_template = r"""
%%% Preamble Requirements %%%
% \usepackage{{geometry}}
% \usepackage{{amsfonts}}
% \usepackage{{amsmath}}
% \usepackage{{amssymb}}
% \usepackage{{sfmath}}
% \usepackage{{tikz}}

% \usetikzlibrary{{arrows,chains,positioning,scopes,shapes.geometric,shapes.misc,shadows}}

%%% End Preamble Requirements %%%



% XDSM process chains



tex_template = r"""

% Define the set of tikz packages to be included in the architecture diagram document

% Set the border around all of the architecture diagrams to be tight to the diagrams themselves
% (i.e. no longer need to tinker with page size parameters)


\input{{ {tikzpicture_path} }}


[docs]class XDSM(object): def __init__(self): self.comps = [] self.connections = [] self.left_outs = {} self.right_outs = {} self.ins = {} self.processes = [] self.process_arrows = []
[docs] def add_system( self, node_name, style, label, stack=False, faded=False, text_width=None): self.comps.append([node_name, style, label, stack, faded, text_width])
[docs] def add_input(self, name, label, style='DataIO', stack=False): self.ins[name] = ('output_' + name, style, label, stack)
[docs] def add_output( self, name, label, style='DataIO', stack=False, side="left"): if side == "left": self.left_outs[name] = ('left_output_' + name, style, label, stack) elif side == "right": self.right_outs[name] = ( 'right_output_' + name, style, label, stack)
[docs] def connect( self, src, target, label, style='DataInter', stack=False, faded=False): if src == target: raise ValueError('Can not connect component to itself') self.connections.append([src, target, style, label, stack, faded])
[docs] def add_process(self, systems, arrow=True): self.processes.append(systems) self.process_arrows.append(arrow)
def _parse_label(self, label): if isinstance(label, (tuple, list)): # mod_label = r'$\substack{' # mod_label += r' \\ '.join(label) # mod_label += r'}$' mod_label = r'$\begin{array}{c}' mod_label += r' \\ '.join(label) mod_label += r'\end{array}$' else: mod_label = r'${}$'.format(label) return mod_label def _build_node_grid(self): size = len(self.comps) comps_rows = np.arange(size) comps_cols = np.arange(size) if self.ins: size += 1 # move all comps down one row comps_rows += 1 if self.left_outs: size += 1 # shift all comps to the right by one, to make room for inputs comps_cols += 1 if self.right_outs: size += 1 # don't need to shift anything in this case # build a map between comp node_names and row idx for ordering # calculations row_idx_map = {} col_idx_map = {} node_str = r'\node [{style}] ({node_name}) {{{node_label}}};' grid = np.empty((size, size), dtype=object) grid[:] = '' # add all the components on the diagonal for i_row, j_col, comp in zip(comps_rows, comps_cols, self.comps): style = comp[1] if comp[3] is True: # stacking style += ',stack' if comp[4] is True: # fading style += ',faded' if comp[5] is not None: style += ',text width={}cm'.format(comp[5]) label = self._parse_label(comp[2]) node = node_str.format( style=style, node_name=comp[0], node_label=label) grid[i_row, j_col] = node row_idx_map[comp[0]] = i_row col_idx_map[comp[0]] = j_col # add all the off diagonal nodes from components for src, target, style, label, stack, faded in self.connections: src_row = row_idx_map[src] target_col = col_idx_map[target] loc = (src_row, target_col) if stack is True: # stacking style += ',stack' if faded is True: # fading style += ',faded' label = self._parse_label(label) node_name = '{}-{}'.format(src, target) node = node_str.format(style=style, node_name=node_name, node_label=label) grid[loc] = node # add the nodes for left outputs for comp_name, out_data in self.left_outs.items(): node_name, style, label, stack = out_data if stack: style += ',stack' i_row = row_idx_map[comp_name] loc = (i_row, 0) label = self._parse_label(label) node = node_str.format(style=style, node_name=node_name, node_label=label) grid[loc] = node # add the nodes for right outputs for comp_name, out_data in self.right_outs.items(): node_name, style, label, stack = out_data if stack: style += ',stack' i_row = row_idx_map[comp_name] loc = (i_row, -1) label = self._parse_label(label) node = node_str.format(style=style, node_name=node_name, node_label=label) grid[loc] = node # add the inputs to the top of the grid for comp_name, in_data in self.ins.items(): node_name, style, label, stack = in_data if stack: style = ',stack' j_col = col_idx_map[comp_name] loc = (0, j_col) label = self._parse_label(label) node = node_str.format(style=style, node_name=node_name, node_label=label) grid[loc] = node # mash the grid data into a string rows_str = '' for i, row in enumerate(grid): rows_str += "%Row {}\n".format(i) + '&\n'.join(row) + r'\\' + '\n' return rows_str def _build_edges(self): h_edges = [] v_edges = [] edge_string = "({start}) edge [DataLine] ({end})" for src, target, style, label, stack, faded in self.connections: od_node_name = '{}-{}'.format(src, target) h_edges.append(edge_string.format(start=src, end=od_node_name)) v_edges.append(edge_string.format(start=od_node_name, end=target)) for comp_name, out_data in self.left_outs.items(): node_name, style, label, stack = out_data h_edges.append(edge_string.format(start=comp_name, end=node_name)) for comp_name, out_data in self.right_outs.items(): node_name, style, label, stack = out_data h_edges.append(edge_string.format(start=comp_name, end=node_name)) for comp_name, in_data in self.ins.items(): node_name, style, label, stack = in_data v_edges.append(edge_string.format(start=comp_name, end=node_name)) paths_str = '% Horizontal edges\n' + '\n'.join(h_edges) + '\n' paths_str += '% Vertical edges\n' + '\n'.join(v_edges) + ';' return paths_str def _build_process_chain(self): sys_names = [s[0] for s in self.comps] chain_str = "" for proc, arrow in zip(self.processes, self.process_arrows): chain_str += "{ [start chain=process]\n \\begin{pgfonlayer}{process} \n" for i, sys in enumerate(proc): if sys not in sys_names: raise ValueError( 'process includes a system named "{}" but no system with that name exists.'.format(sys)) if i == 0: chain_str += "\\chainin ({});\n".format(sys) else: if arrow: chain_str += "\\chainin ({}) [join=by ProcessHVA];\n".format( sys) else: chain_str += "\\chainin ({}) [join=by ProcessHV];\n".format( sys) chain_str += "\\end{pgfonlayer}\n}" return chain_str
[docs] def write(self, file_name=None, build=True, cleanup=True, quiet=False): """ Write output files for the XDSM diagram. This produces the following: - {file_name}.tikz A file containing the TIKZ definition of the XDSM diagram. - {file_name}.tex A standalone document wrapped around an include of the TIKZ file which can be compiled to a pdf. - {file_name}.pdf An optional compiled version of the standalone tex file. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The prefix to be used for the output files build : bool Flag that determines whether the standalone PDF of the XDSM will be compiled. Default is True. cleanup: bool Flag that determines if padlatex build files will be deleted after build is complete quiet: bool Set to True to suppress output from pdflatex. """ nodes = self._build_node_grid() edges = self._build_edges() process = self._build_process_chain() module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) diagram_styles_path = os.path.join(module_path, 'diagram_styles') # hack for Windows. MiKTeX needs Linux style paths diagram_styles_path = diagram_styles_path.replace('\\', '/') tikzpicture_str = tikzpicture_template.format(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, process=process, diagram_styles_path=diagram_styles_path) with open(file_name + '.tikz', 'w') as f: f.write(tikzpicture_str) s_file_name = os.path.split(file_name)[-1] tex_str = tex_template.format(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, tikzpicture_path=s_file_name + '.tikz', diagram_styles_path=diagram_styles_path) if file_name: with open(file_name + '.tex', 'w') as f: f.write(tex_str) dirname = os.path.dirname(file_name) if build: command = 'pdflatex ' if quiet: command += " -interaction=batchmode -halt-on-error " command += "-output-directory " + dirname + " " os.system(command + file_name + '.tex') if cleanup: for ext in ['aux', 'fdb_latexmk', 'fls', 'log']: f_name = '{}.{}'.format(file_name, ext) if os.path.exists(f_name): os.remove(f_name)