singleton module¶
Singletons implementation and variants.
Legacy multiton metaclass. |
A Singleton-like design pattern so that subclasses are only instantiated when the discipline instance passed as input of the constructor is different from already created instances. |
A Singleton-like design pattern so that subclasses are only instantiated when the discipline instance passed as input of the constructor is different from already created instances. |
- class gemseo.utils.singleton.SingleInstancePerAttributeEq[source]¶
Legacy multiton metaclass.
Provided for backward compatibility, please use the Multiton base class instead.
Clear the cache.
()Return a type's method resolution order.
- classmethod cache_clear()¶
Clear the cache.
- instances = {(<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.core.discipline.MDODiscipline'>, ('gemseo.problems', 'gemseo.core', 'gemseo.wrappers')): +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MDODiscipline | +----------------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +----------------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Aerodynamics | Yes | **Aerodynamics** is the :class:`.MDODiscipline` | | AnalyticDiscipline | Yes | Discipline based on analytic expressions list, using the symbolic | | | | calculation | | AutoPyDiscipline | Yes | A simplified and straightforward way of integrating a discipline from a | | | | python | | BurgersDiscipline | Yes | A software integrated in the workflow. | | ConcatenationDiscipline | Yes | Concatenate input variables into a single output variable. | | ConstrAggegationDisc | Yes | A discipline that aggregates the constraints computed by other | | | | disciplines. | | DOEScenario | Yes | A multidisciplinary scenario to be executed by a design of experiments | | | | (DOE). | | DiscFromExe | Yes | Generic wrapper for executables. | | FilteringDiscipline | Yes | The FilteringDiscipline is a MDODiscipline wrapping another | | | | MDODiscipline, for a | | LinearDiscipline | Yes | A discipline that computes random outputs from inputs. | | MDOAdditiveChain | Yes | Chain of processes that executes disciplines in parallel and sums | | | | specified | | MDOChain | Yes | Chain of processes that is based on a predefined order of execution. | | MDOObjScenarioAdapter | Yes | A scenario adapter overwriting the local data with the optimal objective. | | MDOParallelChain | Yes | Chain of processes that executes disciplines in parallel. | | MDOScenario | Yes | A multidisciplinary scenario to be executed by an optimizer. | | MDOScenarioAdapter | Yes | An adapter class for MDO Scenario. | | MatlabDiscipline | Yes | Base wrapper for matlab discipline. | | Mission | Yes | **Aerostructure** is the :class:`.MDODiscipline` | | PropaneComb1 | Yes | Propane combustion 1st set of equations This discipline is characterized | | | | by two | | PropaneComb2 | Yes | Propane combustion 2nd set of equations This discipline is characterized | | | | by two | | PropaneComb3 | Yes | This discipline is characterized by three governing equations. | | PropaneReaction | Yes | Propane's objective and constraints discipline This discipline's outputs | | | | are the | | RosenMF | Yes | **RosenMF**, a multi-fidelity Rosenbrock | | ScalableDiscipline | Yes | Scalable discipline. | | Scenario | Yes | Base class for the scenarios. | | Sellar1 | Yes | The discipline to compute the coupling variable :math:`y_1`. | | Sellar2 | Yes | The discipline to compute the coupling variable :math:`y_2`. | | SellarSystem | Yes | The discipline to compute the objective and constraints of the Sellar | | | | problem. | | SobieskiAerodynamics | Yes | Sobieski aerodynamic discipline wrapper. | | SobieskiAerodynamicsSG | Yes | Sobieski aerodynamic discipline wrapper Uses simple grammars and not | | | | JSON, mainly | | SobieskiBaseWrapper | Yes | Base wrapper for Sobieski problem discipline wrappers and JSON grammars. | | SobieskiBaseWrapperSimpleG | Yes | Base wrapper for Sobieski problem discipline wrappers and SimpleGrammar. | | ram | | | | SobieskiChain | Yes | Chains Sobieski disciplines : weight, aero, power and range | | SobieskiMDAGaussSeidel | Yes | Chains Sobieski disciplines to perform and MDA by Gauss Seidel algorithm | | | | Loops | | SobieskiMDAJacobi | Yes | Chains Sobieski disciplines to perform and MDA by Jacobi algorithm Loops | | | | over | | SobieskiMission | Yes | Sobieski range wrapper using the Breguet formula. | | SobieskiMissionSG | Yes | Sobieski range wrapper using Breguet formula Uses simple grammars and not | | | | JSON, | | SobieskiPropulsion | Yes | Sobieski propulsion propulsion wrapper. | | SobieskiPropulsionSG | Yes | Sobieski propulsion discipline wrapper Uses simple grammars and not JSON, | | | | mainly | | SobieskiStructure | Yes | Sobieski mass estimation wrapper. | | SobieskiStructureSG | Yes | Sobieski mass estimation wrapper Uses simple grammars and not JSON, | | | | mainly for | | Structure | Yes | **Structure** is the :class:`.MDODiscipline` | | SurrogateDiscipline | Yes | A :class:`.MDODiscipline` approximating another one with a surrogate | | | | model. | | TMDiscipline | Yes | Abstract base class for disciplines in the TM problem. | | TMMainDiscipline | Yes | The system discipline from the scalable problem introduced by Tedford | | TMSubDiscipline | Yes | An elementary discipline from the scalable problem introduced by | | XLSDiscipline | Yes | Wraps an excel workbook into a discipline. | +----------------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.core.cache.AbstractCache'>, ('gemseo.caches',)): +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AbstractCache | +------------------------+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +------------------------+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HDF5Cache | Yes | Cache using disk HDF5 file to store the data. | | MemoryFullCache | Yes | Cache using memory to cache all data. | | SimpleCache | Yes | Simple discipline cache based on a dictionary. | +------------------------+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.core.grammars.abstract_grammar.AbstractGrammar'>, ('gemseo.core.grammars',)): +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AbstractGrammar | +-----------------+-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +-----------------+-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JSONGrammar | Yes | A grammar based on a JSON schema. | | SimpleGrammar | Yes | A grammar based on the names and types of the elements specified by a | +-----------------+-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.mda.mda.MDA'>, ('gemseo.mda',)): +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MDA | +--------------------+------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +--------------------+------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GSNewtonMDA | Yes | Perform some Gauss-Seidel iterations and then Newton-Raphson iterations. | | MDAChain | Yes | A chain of sub-MDAs. | | MDAGaussSeidel | Yes | An MDA analysis based on the Gauss-Seidel algorithm. | | MDAJacobi | Yes | Perform a MDA analysis using a Jacobi algorithm. | | MDANewtonRaphson | Yes | Newton solver for MDA. | | MDAQuasiNewton | Yes | Quasi-Newton solver for MDA. | | MDARoot | Yes | Abstract class implementing MDAs based on (Quasi-)Newton methods. | | MDASequential | Yes | A sequence of elementary MDAs. | +--------------------+------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.algos.linear_solvers.linear_solver_lib.LinearSolverLib'>, ('gemseo.algos.linear_solvers',)): +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | LinearSolverLib | +-------------------------+----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +-------------------------+----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ScipyLinalgAlgos | Yes | Wrapper for scipy linalg sparse linear solvers. | +-------------------------+----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.distribution.Distribution'>, ('gemseo.uncertainty.distributions',)): +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Distribution | +---------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +---------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ComposedDistribution | Yes | Composed distribution. | | OTComposedDistribution | Yes | OpenTURNS composed distribution. | | OTDistribution | Yes | OpenTURNS probability distribution. | | OTExponentialDistribution | Yes | Create an exponential distribution. | | OTNormalDistribution | Yes | Create a normal distribution. | | OTTriangularDistribution | Yes | Create a triangular distribution. | | OTUniformDistribution | Yes | Create an uniform distribution. | | SPComposedDistribution | Yes | Scipy composed distribution. | | SPDistribution | Yes | SciPy probability distribution. | | SPExponentialDistribution | Yes | Create an exponential distribution. | | SPNormalDistribution | Yes | Create a normal distribution. | | SPTriangularDistribution | Yes | Create a triangular distribution. | | SPUniformDistribution | Yes | Create an uniform distribution. | +---------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.algos.doe.doe_lib.DOELibrary'>, ('gemseo.algos.doe',)): +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DOELibrary | +----------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +----------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CustomDOE | Yes | A design of experiments from samples provided as a file or an array. | | DiagonalDOE | Yes | Class used to create a diagonal DOE. | | OpenTURNS | Yes | Library of OpenTURNS DOE algorithms. | | PyDOE | Yes | PyDOE optimization library interface See DOELibrary. | +----------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.core.formulation.MDOFormulation'>, ('gemseo.formulations',)): +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MDOFormulation | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BiLevel | Yes | A bi-level formulation. | | DisciplinaryOpt | Yes | The disciplinary optimization. | | IDF | Yes | The Individual Discipline Feasible (IDF) formulation. | | MDF | Yes | The Multidisciplinary Design Feasible (MDF) formulation. | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class ''>, ('',)): +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OptPostProcessor | +----------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +----------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BasicHistory | Yes | Plot the history of selected constraint, objective and observable functions. | | ConstraintsHistory | Yes | Plot of the constraint function history with line charts. | | Correlations | Yes | Scatter plots of the correlated variables. | | GradientSensitivity | Yes | Histograms of the derivatives of objective and constraints. | | KMeans | Yes | The **KMeans** post processing performs a k-means clustering on optimization | | ObjConstrHist | Yes | The constraint function history in line charts. | | OptHistoryView | Yes | The **OptHistoryView** post processing performs separated plots: the design | | ParallelCoordinates | Yes | Parallel coordinates among design variables, outputs functions and | | ParetoFront | Yes | Compute the Pareto front for a multi-objective problem. | | QuadApprox | Yes | Quadratic approximation of a function. | | RadarChart | Yes | Plot on radar style chart a list of constraint functions. | | Robustness | Yes | Uncertainty quantification at the optimum. | | SOM | Yes | Self organizing map clustering optimization history. | | ScatterPlotMatrix | Yes | Scatter plot matrix among design variables, output functions and constraints. | | VariableInfluence | Yes | First order variable influence analysis. | +----------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class ''>, ('',)): +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DatasetPlot | +---------------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +---------------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | AndrewsCurves | Yes | Andrews curves. | | BarPlot | Yes | Barplot visualization. | | Curves | Yes | Plot curves y_i over the mesh x. | | Lines | Yes | Plot sampled variables as lines. | | ParallelCoordinates | Yes | Parallel coordinates. | | Radar | Yes | Radar visualization. | | RadarChart | Yes | Radar Chart visualization. | | Scatter | Yes | Plot curve y versus x. | | ScatterMatrix | Yes | Scatter plot matrix. | | Surfaces | Yes | Plot surfaces y_i over the mesh x. | | YvsX | Yes | Plot curve y versus x. | | ZvsXY | Yes | Plot surface z versus x,y. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.algos.opt.opt_lib.OptimizationLibrary'>, ('gemseo.algos.opt',)): +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OptimizationLibrary | +------------------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +------------------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Nlopt | Yes | NLopt optimization library interface. | | PDFOOpt | Yes | PDFO optimization library interface. | | PSevenOpt | Yes | Interface for the Generic Tool for Optimization (GTOpt) of pSeven Core. | | ScipyGlobalOpt | Yes | Scipy optimization library interface. | | ScipyLinprog | Yes | SciPy linear programming library interface. | | ScipyOpt | Yes | Scipy optimization library interface. | | SnOpt | Yes | SNOPT optimization library interface. | +------------------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.mlearning.core.ml_algo.MLAlgo'>, ('gemseo.mlearning',)): +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MLAlgo | +--------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +--------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GaussianMixture | Yes | The Gaussian mixture clustering algorithm. | | GaussianProcessRegression | Yes | Gaussian process regression. | | KMeans | Yes | The k-means clustering algorithm. | | KNNClassifier | Yes | The k-nearest neighbors classification algorithm. | | LinearRegression | Yes | Linear regression. | | MLClassificationAlgo | Yes | Classification Algorithm. | | MLClusteringAlgo | Yes | Clustering algorithm. | | MLPredictiveClusteringAlgo | Yes | Predictive clustering algorithm. | | MLRegressionAlgo | Yes | Machine Learning Regression Model Algorithm. | | MLSupervisedAlgo | Yes | Supervised machine learning algorithm. | | MLUnsupervisedAlgo | Yes | Unsupervised machine learning algorithm. | | MixtureOfExperts | Yes | Mixture of experts regression. | | PCERegression | Yes | Polynomial chaos expansion. | | PolynomialRegression | Yes | Polynomial regression. | | RBFRegression | Yes | Regression based on radial basis functions (RBFs). | | RandomForestClassifier | Yes | The random forest classification algorithm. | | RandomForestRegressor | Yes | Random forest regression. | | SVMClassifier | Yes | The Support Vector Machine algorithm for classification. | +--------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.mlearning.classification.classification.MLClassificationAlgo'>, ('gemseo.mlearning.classification',)): +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MLClassificationAlgo | +-----------------------------+-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +-----------------------------+-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | KNNClassifier | Yes | The k-nearest neighbors classification algorithm. | | RandomForestClassifier | Yes | The random forest classification algorithm. | | SVMClassifier | Yes | The Support Vector Machine algorithm for classification. | +-----------------------------+-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.core.dataset.Dataset'>, ('gemseo.problems.dataset',)): +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dataset | +------------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +------------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | BurgersDataset | Yes | Burgers dataset parametrization. | | IrisDataset | Yes | Iris dataset parametrization. | | RosenbrockDataset | Yes | Rosenbrock dataset parametrization. | +------------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.mlearning.cluster.cluster.MLClusteringAlgo'>, ('gemseo.mlearning.cluster',)): +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MLClusteringAlgo | +-------------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +-------------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | GaussianMixture | Yes | The Gaussian mixture clustering algorithm. | | KMeans | Yes | The k-means clustering algorithm. | | MLPredictiveClusteringAlgo | Yes | Predictive clustering algorithm. | +-------------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.mlearning.regression.regression.MLRegressionAlgo'>, ('gemseo.mlearning.regression',)): +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MLRegressionAlgo | +---------------------------------+--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +---------------------------------+--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | GaussianProcessRegression | Yes | Gaussian process regression. | | LinearRegression | Yes | Linear regression. | | MixtureOfExperts | Yes | Mixture of experts regression. | | PCERegression | Yes | Polynomial chaos expansion. | | PolynomialRegression | Yes | Polynomial regression. | | RBFRegression | Yes | Regression based on radial basis functions (RBFs). | | RandomForestRegressor | Yes | Random forest regression. | +---------------------------------+--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.uncertainty.statistics.tolerance_interval.distribution.ToleranceInterval'>, ('gemseo.uncertainty.statistics.tolerance_interval',)): +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ToleranceInterval | +----------------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +----------------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ExponentialToleranceInterv | Yes | Computation of tolerance intervals from a data-fitted exponential | | al | | distribution. | | LogNormalToleranceInterval | Yes | Computation of tolerance intervals from a data-fitted log-normal | | | | distribution. | | NormalToleranceInterval | Yes | Computation of tolerance intervals from a data-fitted normal | | | | distribution. | | UniformToleranceInterval | Yes | Computation of tolerance intervals from a data-fitted uniform | | | | distribution. | | WeibullMinToleranceInterva | Yes | Computation of tolerance intervals from a data-fitted Weibull | | l | | distribution. | | WeibullToleranceInterval | Yes | Computation of tolerance intervals from a data-fitted Weibull | | | | distribution. | +----------------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.problems.scalable.data_driven.model.ScalableModel'>, ('gemseo.problems.scalable',)): +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ScalableModel | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | ScalableDiagonalModel | Yes | Scalable diagonal model. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------+, (<class 'gemseo.core.factory.Factory'>, <class 'gemseo.utils.derivatives.gradient_approximator.GradientApproximator'>, ('gemseo.utils.derivatives',)): +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GradientApproximator | +----------------+------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Is available ? | Purpose or error message | +----------------+------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ComplexStep | Yes | Complex step approximator, performing a second-order gradient calculation. | | FirstOrderFD | Yes | First-order finite differences approximator. | +----------------+------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+}¶
- mro()¶
Return a type’s method resolution order.
- class gemseo.utils.singleton.SingleInstancePerAttributeId[source]¶
A Singleton-like design pattern so that subclasses are only instantiated when the discipline instance passed as input of the constructor is different from already created instances.
The test if the instances are equal is made with the id(obj1)==id(obj2) operator
()Return a type's method resolution order.
- instances = {(94440216146672, 140508321238992): <gemseo.core.monitoring.Monitoring object>}¶
- mro()¶
Return a type’s method resolution order.
- class gemseo.utils.singleton.SingleInstancePerFileAttribute[source]¶
A Singleton-like design pattern so that subclasses are only instantiated when the discipline instance passed as input of the constructor is different from already created instances.
The test if the instances are equal is made with the obj1 == obj2 operator
()Return a type's method resolution order.
- instances = {(94440227851488, '/home/docs/checkouts/'): <gemseo.caches.hdf5_cache.HDF5FileSingleton object>}¶
- mro()¶
Return a type’s method resolution order.