Source code for gemseo.algos.aggregation.core

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
#       :author: Francois Gallard
"""Constraints aggregation core functions."""
from __future__ import annotations

from math import log
from typing import Sequence

from numpy import argmax as np_argmax
from numpy import array
from numpy import atleast_2d
from numpy import exp as np_exp
from numpy import full
from numpy import max as np_max
from numpy import multiply
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import sum as np_sum
from numpy import zeros

[docs]def ks_agg( orig_val: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, rho: float = 1e2, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> float: """Transform a vector of equalities into a Kreisselmeier–Steinhauser function. Kreisselmeier G, Steinhauser R (1983) Application of Vector Performance Optimization to a Robust Control Loop Design for a Fighter Aircraft. International Journal of Control 37(2):251–284, doi:10.1080/00207179.1983.9753066 Graeme J. Kennedy, Jason E. Hicken, Improved constraint-aggregation methods, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 289, 2015, Pages 332-354, ISSN 0045-7825, ( Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. rho: The multiplicative parameter in the exponential. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function value. """ if indices is not None: orig_val = orig_val[indices] orig_val *= scale alpha = len(orig_val) m = max(orig_val) return ( m + (1.0 / rho) * log((1.0 / alpha) * sum(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m)))) - 1.0 )
[docs]def ks_agg_jac_v( orig_val: ndarray, orig_jac: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, rho: float = 1e2, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> ndarray: """Aggregate inequality constraints. Jacobian vector product of the constraints aggregation method for inequality constraints. See :cite:`kennedy2015improved` and :cite:`kreisselmeier1983application`. Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. orig_jac: The original constraint jacobian. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. rho: The multiplicative parameter in the exponential. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function Jacobian vector product. """ if indices is not None: orig_jac = orig_jac[indices, :] orig_val = orig_val[indices] orig_jac *= scale orig_val *= scale m = max(orig_val) div = np_sum(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))) weights = np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m)).T / div return np_sum(multiply(atleast_2d(weights).T, orig_jac), axis=0)
[docs]def ks_agg_jac( orig_val: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, rho: float = 1e2, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> ndarray: """Transform a vector of equalities into a scalar equivalent constraint. Jacobian of the Constraints aggregation method for inequality constraints. See :cite:`kennedy2015improved` and :cite:`kreisselmeier1983application`. Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. rho: The multiplicative parameter in the exponential. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function Jacobian. """ full_size = orig_val.size if indices is not None: orig_val = orig_val[indices] orig_val *= scale m = max(orig_val) div = np_sum(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))) weights = np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m)).T / div der = atleast_2d(multiply(weights, scale)) return __filter_jac(der, full_size, indices)
[docs]def iks_agg( orig_val: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, rho: float = 1e2, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> float: """Aggregate IKS Constraints for inequality constraints. See :cite:`kennedy2015improved`. Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. rho: The multiplicative parameter in the exponential. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated value. """ if indices is not None: orig_val = orig_val[indices] orig_val *= scale m = max(orig_val) iks = sum(orig_val * np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))) iks /= sum(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))) return iks
[docs]def iks_agg_jac_v( orig_val: ndarray, orig_jac: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, rho: float = 1e2, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> ndarray: """Aggregate inequality constraints. Jacobian vector product of the IKS Constraints aggregation method for inequality constraints. See :cite:`kennedy2015improved`. Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. orig_jac: The original constraint jacobian. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. rho: The multiplicative parameter in the exponential. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function Jacobian vector product. """ if indices is not None: orig_jac = orig_jac[indices, :] orig_val = orig_val[indices] orig_jac *= scale orig_val *= scale m = max(orig_val) iks_num = sum(orig_val * np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))) iks_den = sum(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))) iks_num_der = np_sum( multiply(atleast_2d(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))).T, orig_jac), axis=0 ) iks_num_der += np_sum( multiply( atleast_2d(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m)) * orig_val).T, rho * orig_jac, ), axis=0, ) iks_den_der = np_sum( multiply(atleast_2d(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))).T, rho * orig_jac), axis=0, ) return (-iks_den_der / iks_den**2) * iks_num + iks_num_der / iks_den
[docs]def iks_agg_jac( orig_val: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, rho: float = 1e2, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> ndarray: """Jacobian of the IKS Constraints aggregation method for inequality constraints. Kennedy, Graeme J., and Jason E. Hicken. "Improved constraint-aggregation methods." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 289 (2015): 332-354. Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. rho: The multiplicative parameter in the exponential. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function Jacobian. """ full_size = orig_val.size if indices is not None: orig_val = orig_val[indices] orig_val *= scale m = max(orig_val) iks_num = sum(orig_val * np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))) iks_den = sum(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))) iks_num_der = atleast_2d(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))) iks_num_der += rho * atleast_2d(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m)) * orig_val) iks_den_der = rho * atleast_2d(np_exp(rho * (orig_val + 1.0 - m))) iks_d = atleast_2d((-iks_den_der / iks_den**2) * iks_num + iks_num_der / iks_den) iks_d = multiply(iks_d, scale) return __filter_jac(iks_d, full_size, indices)
def __filter_jac( orig_jac: ndarray, full_size: int, indices: Sequence[int], ) -> ndarray: """Filters the Jacobian according to the indices. Args: orig_jac: The original Jacobian. full_size: The size of the full flatten Jacobian array. indices: The array of indices to filter. Returns: The filtered Jacobian. """ if indices is not None: jac = zeros((1, full_size)) jac[:, indices] = orig_jac return jac return orig_jac
[docs]def sum_square_agg( orig_val: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> ndarray: """Transform a vector of equalities into a sum of squared constraints. Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, scale all the constraint values. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function. """ if indices is not None: orig_val = orig_val[indices] orig_val *= scale return np_sum(orig_val**2)
[docs]def sum_square_agg_jac_v( orig_val: ndarray, orig_jac: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> ndarray: """Transform a vector of equalities into a sum of squared constraints. Jacobian vector product of the constraints aggregation method for equality constraints. Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. orig_jac: The original constraint jacobian. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function Jacobian vector product. """ if indices is not None: orig_jac = orig_jac[indices, :] orig_val = orig_val[indices] orig_jac *= scale orig_val *= scale return 2 * np_sum(orig_jac * orig_val, axis=0)
[docs]def sum_square_agg_jac( orig_val: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> ndarray: """Transform a vector of equalities into a sum of squared constraints. Jacobian of the constraints aggregation method for equality constraints. Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function Jacobian. """ if indices is not None: jac = zeros((1, orig_val.size)) jac[:, indices] = 2.0 else: jac = full((1, orig_val.size), 2.0) return jac
[docs]def max_agg( orig_val: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> float: """Transform a vector of equalities into a max of all values. Constraints aggregation method for inequality constraints. Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function. """ if indices is not None: orig_val = orig_val[indices] orig_val *= scale return array([np_max(orig_val)])
[docs]def max_agg_jac_v( orig_val: ndarray, orig_jac: ndarray, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> ndarray: """Transform a vector of equalities into the max of all the values. Jacobian vector product of the max constraints aggregation method for inequality constraints. Args: orig_val: The original constraint values. orig_jac: The original constraint jacobian. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function. """ if indices is not None: orig_jac = orig_jac[indices, :] orig_val = orig_val[indices] orig_jac *= scale orig_val *= scale i_max = np_argmax(orig_val) return atleast_2d(orig_jac)[i_max, :]