Source code for gemseo.algos.pareto_front

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard
#        :author: Damien Guenot
"""Compute and display a Pareto Front."""
from __future__ import annotations

from itertools import combinations
from typing import Sequence

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import all as np_all
from numpy import any as np_any
from numpy import array
from numpy import full
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import vstack

[docs]def compute_pareto_optimal_points( obj_values: ndarray, feasible_points: ndarray | None = None, ) -> ndarray: """Compute the Pareto optimal points. Search for all the non-dominated points, i.e. there exists ``j`` such that there is no lower value for ``obj_values[:,j]`` that does not degrade at least one other objective ``obj_values[:,i]``. Args: obj_values: The objective function array of size `(n_samples, n_objs)`. feasible_points: An array of boolean of size n_sample, True if the sample is feasible, False otherwise. Returns: The vector of booleans of size n_samples, True if the point is Pareto optimal. """ pareto_optimal = full(obj_values.shape[0], True) if feasible_points is None: feasible_points = full(obj_values.shape[0], True) def any_ax1_all(arr): return np_all(np_any(arr, axis=1)) # Store the feasible indexes feasible_indexes = [] for i, feasible_point in enumerate(feasible_points): if not feasible_point: pareto_optimal[i] = False else: feasible_indexes.append(i) # Exclude the non-feasible points for the computation of the Pareto optimal points obj_values_filtered = obj_values[feasible_indexes, :] for i, feasible_index in enumerate(feasible_indexes): obj = obj_values[feasible_index] before_are_worse = any_ax1_all(obj_values_filtered[:i] > obj) after_are_worse = any_ax1_all(obj_values_filtered[i + 1 :] > obj) pareto_optimal[feasible_index] = before_are_worse and after_are_worse return pareto_optimal
[docs]class ParetoPlotBiObjective: """Plot a 2D Pareto front on a Matplotlib axes.""" def __init__( self, axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes, obj_values: ndarray, pareto_optimal_loc: Sequence[bool], obj_names: Sequence[str], all_pareto_optimal: Sequence[bool], is_non_feasible: Sequence[bool], bi_obj: bool = False, show_non_feasible: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Args: axes: A matplotlib axes on which to be plotted. obj_values: The objective function array, of size (n_samples, n_objs). pareto_optimal_loc: A vector of booleans of size n_samples, True if the point is Pareto optimal. obj_names: The names of the objectives. all_pareto_optimal: The indices of points that are Pareto optimal w.r.t. all criteria. is_non_feasible: An Array of booleans of size n_samples, True if non_feasible. bi_obj: True if there are only two objective values. show_non_feasible: True to show the non-feasible points. """ self.__nb_pareto_pts = obj_values.shape[0] self.__axes = axes self.__obj_values = obj_values self.__pareto_optimal_loc = pareto_optimal_loc self.__obj_names = obj_names self.__pareto_optimal_all = all_pareto_optimal self.__is_non_feasible = is_non_feasible self.__bi_objective = bi_obj self.__show_non_feasible = show_non_feasible self.__pareto_dominated_indexes = None # Compute the Pareto dominated indexes self.__compute_pareto_dominated_indexes()
[docs] def plot_on_axes(self) -> None: """Plot the Pareto points on the Matplolib axes.""" self.__plot_pareto_dominated_points() self.__plot_non_feasible_points() self.__plot_globally_pareto_optimal_points() self.__plot_locally_pareto_optimal_points() self.__axes.set_xlabel(self.__obj_names[0]) self.__axes.set_ylabel(self.__obj_names[1])
def __compute_pareto_dominated_indexes(self) -> None: """Compute the Pareto dominated indexes. The Pareto-dominated points are all the points which are feasible, but not locally and globally pareto optimal. """ pareto_dominated_indexes = array([True] * self.__nb_pareto_pts) self.__pareto_dominated_indexes = ( pareto_dominated_indexes & ~array(self.__is_non_feasible) & ~self.__pareto_optimal_loc & ~self.__pareto_optimal_all ) def __plot_pareto_dominated_points(self) -> None: """Plot the Pareto-dominated points on the scatter plot.""" if True in self.__pareto_dominated_indexes: self.__axes.scatter( self.__obj_values[self.__pareto_dominated_indexes, 0], self.__obj_values[self.__pareto_dominated_indexes, 1], color="b", label="Pareto dominated", ) def __plot_non_feasible_points(self) -> None: """Plot the non-feasible points on the scatter plot.""" if True in self.__is_non_feasible and self.__show_non_feasible: self.__axes.scatter( self.__obj_values[self.__is_non_feasible, 0], self.__obj_values[self.__is_non_feasible, 1], color="r", marker="X", label="Non feasible point", ) def __plot_globally_pareto_optimal_points(self) -> None: """Plot the globally optimal Pareto points on the scatter plot.""" if True in self.__pareto_optimal_all: if self.__bi_objective: label = "Pareto optimal" else: label = "Globally Pareto optimal" self.__axes.scatter( self.__obj_values[self.__pareto_optimal_all, 0], self.__obj_values[self.__pareto_optimal_all, 1], color="g", label=label, ) def __plot_locally_pareto_optimal_points(self) -> None: """Plot the locally optimal Pareto points on the scatter plot.""" if True in self.__pareto_optimal_loc and not self.__bi_objective: self.__axes.scatter( self.__obj_values[self.__pareto_optimal_loc, 0], self.__obj_values[self.__pareto_optimal_loc, 1], color="r", label="Locally Pareto optimal", )
[docs]def generate_pareto_plots( obj_values: ndarray, obj_names: Sequence[str], fig_size: tuple[float, float] = (10.0, 10.0), non_feasible_samples: ndarray | None = None, show_non_feasible: bool = True, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """Plot a 2D Pareto front. Args: obj_values: The objective function array of size (n_samples, n_objs). obj_names: The names of the objectives. fig_size: The matplotlib figure sizes in x and y directions, in inches. non_feasible_samples: The array of bool of size n_samples, True if the current sample is non-feasible. If None, all the samples are considered feasible. show_non_feasible: If True, show the non-feasible points in the Pareto front plot. Raises: ValueError: If the number of objective values and names are different. """ n_obj = obj_values.shape[1] nb_pareto_pts = obj_values.shape[0] obj_names_length = len(obj_names) if obj_names_length != n_obj: msg = "Inconsistent objective values size and objective names: {} != {}".format( n_obj, obj_names_length ) raise ValueError(msg) # If non_feasible_samples set to None, # then all the points are considered as feasible if non_feasible_samples is None: non_feasible_samples = full(nb_pareto_pts, False) is_feasible = ~non_feasible_samples pareto_opt_all = compute_pareto_optimal_points(obj_values, is_feasible) fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_obj - 1, n_obj - 1, figsize=fig_size, squeeze=False) fig.suptitle("Pareto front") # 0 vs 1 0 vs 2 0 vs 3 # 1 vs 2 1 vs 3 # 2 vs 3 # i j+1 i=0...nobj-1 # j=1....nobj for i, j in combinations(range(n_obj), 2): # no duplication, j!=j obj_loc = vstack((obj_values[:, i], obj_values[:, j])).T pareto_opt_loc = compute_pareto_optimal_points(obj_loc, is_feasible) axe = axes[i, j - 1] bi_obj = True if n_obj == 2 else False plot_pareto_bi_obj = ParetoPlotBiObjective( axe, obj_loc, pareto_opt_loc, [obj_names[i], obj_names[j]], pareto_opt_all, non_feasible_samples, bi_obj=bi_obj, show_non_feasible=show_non_feasible, ) plot_pareto_bi_obj.plot_on_axes() if i != j - 1: axes[j - 1, i].remove() # Ensure the unicity of the labels in the legend new_handles = [] new_labels = [] for axe in axes.flatten(): handles, labels = axe.get_legend_handles_labels() for label, handle in zip(labels, handles): if label not in new_labels: new_labels.append(label) new_handles.append(handle) fig.legend(new_handles, new_labels, loc="lower left") return fig