# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
# INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
# :author: Benoit Pauwels
"""Post-optimal analysis."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Mapping
from numpy import atleast_1d
from numpy import dot
from numpy import hstack
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import vstack
from numpy import zeros_like
from numpy.linalg.linalg import norm
from gemseo.algos.lagrange_multipliers import LagrangeMultipliers
from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class PostOptimalAnalysis:
Post-optimal analysis of a parameterized optimization problem.
Consider the parameterized optimization problem below, whose objective and
constraint functions depend on both the optimization variable :math:`x` and
a parameter :math:`p`.
.. math::
& \text{Minimize} & & f(x,p) \\
& \text{relative to} & & x \\
& \text{subject to} & & \left\{\begin{aligned}
& g(x,p)\le0, \\
& h(x,p)=0, \\
& \ell\le x\le u.
Denote :math:`x^\ast(p)` a solution of the problem, which depends on
The post-optimal analysis consists in computing the following total
.. math::
\frac{\total f(x^\ast(p),p)}{\total p}(p)
=\frac{\partial f}{\partial p}(x^\ast(p),p)
+\lambda_g^\top\frac{\partial g}{\partial p}(x^\ast(p),p)
+\lambda_h^\top\frac{\partial h}{\partial p}(x^\ast(p),p),
where :math:`\lambda_g` and :math:`\lambda_h` are the Lagrange multipliers
of :math:`x^\ast(p)`.
N.B. the equality above relies on the assumption that
.. math::
\lambda_g^\top\frac{\total g(x^\ast(p),p)}{\total p}(p)=0
\text{ and }
\lambda_h^\top\frac{\total h(x^\ast(p),p)}{\total p}(p)=0.
# Dictionary key for term "Lagrange multipliers dot constraints Jacobian"
MULT_DOT_CONSTR_JAC = "mult_dot_constr_jac"
def __init__(self, opt_problem: OptimizationProblem, ineq_tol: bool = None) -> None:
opt_problem: The solved optimization problem to be analyzed.
ineq_tol: The tolerance to determine active inequality constraints.
If ``None``, its value is fetched in the optimization problem.
self.lagrange_computer = LagrangeMultipliers(opt_problem)
# N.B. at creation LagrangeMultipliers checks the optimization problem
self.opt_problem = opt_problem
# Get the optimal solution
self.x_opt = self.opt_problem.design_space.get_current_value()
# Get the objective name
outvars = self.opt_problem.objective.outvars
if len(outvars) != 1:
raise ValueError("The objective must be single-valued.")
self.outvars = outvars
# Set the tolerance on inequality constraints
if ineq_tol is None:
self.ineq_tol = self.opt_problem.ineq_tolerance
self.ineq_tol = ineq_tol
[docs] def check_validity(
total_jac: dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]],
partial_jac: dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]],
parameters: list[str],
threshold: float,
"""Check whether the assumption for post-optimal validity holds.
total_jac: The total derivatives of the post-optimal constraints.
partial_jac: The partial derivatives of the constraints.
parameters: The names of the optimization problem parameters.
threshold: The tolerance on the validity assumption.
# Check the Jacobians
func_names = self.opt_problem.get_constraints_names()
self._check_jacobians(total_jac, func_names, parameters)
self._check_jacobians(partial_jac, func_names, parameters)
# Compute the Lagrange multipliers
multipliers = self.lagrange_computer.compute(self.x_opt, self.ineq_tol)
_, mul_ineq = multipliers.get(LagrangeMultipliers.INEQUALITY, ([], []))
_, mul_eq = multipliers.get(LagrangeMultipliers.EQUALITY, ([], []))
# Get the array to validate the inequality constraints
total_ineq_jac = self._get_act_ineq_jac(total_jac, parameters)
partial_ineq_jac = self._get_act_ineq_jac(partial_jac, parameters)
ineq_tot, ineq_part, ineq_corr = self._compute_validity(
total_ineq_jac, partial_ineq_jac, mul_ineq, parameters
# Get the array to validate the equality constraints
total_eq_jac = self._get_eq_jac(total_jac, parameters)
partial_eq_jac = self._get_eq_jac(partial_jac, parameters)
eq_tot, eq_part, eq_corr = self._compute_validity(
total_eq_jac, partial_eq_jac, mul_eq, parameters
# Compute the error
errors = [arr for arr in [ineq_tot, eq_tot] if arr is not None]
part_norms = [arr for arr in [ineq_part, eq_part] if arr is not None]
if errors and part_norms:
error = norm(vstack(errors))
part_norm = norm(vstack(part_norms))
if part_norm > threshold:
error /= part_norm
error = 0.0
# Assess the validity
valid = error < threshold
if valid:
LOGGER.info("Post-optimality is valid.")
LOGGER.info("Post-optimality assumption is wrong by %s%%.", error * 100.0)
return valid, ineq_corr, eq_corr
def _compute_validity(
total_jac: dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]],
partial_jac: dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]],
multipliers: ndarray,
parameters: list[str],
) -> tuple[list[ndarray], list[ndarray], dict[str, ndarray]]:
"""Compute the arrays necessary to the validity check.
total_jac: The total derivatives of the post-optimal constraints.
partial_jac: The partial derivatives of the constraints.
multipliers: The Lagrange multiplier.
parameters: The names of the optimization problem parameters.
corrections = dict.fromkeys(parameters, 0.0) # corrections terms
total_prod_blocks = []
partial_prod_blocks = []
for input_name in parameters:
total_jac_block = total_jac.get(input_name)
partial_jac_block = partial_jac.get(input_name)
if total_jac_block is not None and partial_jac_block is not None:
total_prod_blocks.append(dot(multipliers, total_jac_block))
partial_prod_blocks.append(dot(multipliers, partial_jac_block))
corrections[input_name] = -total_prod_blocks[-1]
if not self.opt_problem.minimize_objective:
corrections[input_name] *= -1.0
total_prod = hstack(total_prod_blocks) if total_prod_blocks else None
partial_prod = hstack(partial_prod_blocks) if partial_prod_blocks else None
return total_prod, partial_prod, corrections
[docs] def execute(
outputs: Iterable[str],
inputs: Iterable[str],
functions_jac: dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]],
) -> dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]]:
"""Perform the post-optimal analysis.
outputs: The names of the outputs to differentiate.
inputs: The names of the inputs w.r.t. which to differentiate.
functions_jac: The Jacobians of the optimization functions
w.r.t. the differentiation inputs.
The Jacobian of the Lagrangian.
# Check the outputs
nondifferentiable_outputs = set(outputs) - set(self.outvars)
if nondifferentiable_outputs:
nondifferentiable_outputs = ", ".join(nondifferentiable_outputs)
raise ValueError(
f"Only the post-optimal Jacobian of {self.outvars[0]} can be computed, "
f"not the one(s) of {nondifferentiable_outputs}."
# Check the inputs and Jacobians consistency
func_names = self.outvars + self.opt_problem.get_constraints_names()
PostOptimalAnalysis._check_jacobians(functions_jac, func_names, inputs)
# Compute the Lagrange multipliers
# Compute the Jacobian of the Lagrangian
return self.compute_lagrangian_jac(functions_jac, inputs)
def _check_jacobians(
functions_jac: dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]],
func_names: Iterable[str],
inputs: Iterable[str],
"""Check the consistency of the Jacobians with the required inputs.
functions_jac: The Jacobians of the optimization function
w.r.t. the differentiation inputs.
func_names: The naemes of the function to differentiate.
inputs: The names of the inputs w.r.t. which to differentiate.
ValueError: When the Jacobian is totally or partially missing or malformed.
# Check the consistency of the Jacobians
for output_name in func_names:
jac_out = functions_jac.get(output_name)
if jac_out is None:
raise ValueError(f"Jacobian of {output_name} is missing.")
for input_name in inputs:
jac_block = jac_out.get(input_name)
if jac_block is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Jacobian of {output_name} "
f"with respect to {input_name} is missing."
if not isinstance(jac_block, ndarray):
raise ValueError(
f"Jacobian of {output_name} "
f"with respect to {input_name} must be of type ndarray."
if len(jac_block.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError(
f"Jacobian of {output_name} "
f"with respect to {input_name} must be a 2-dimensional ndarray."
def _compute_lagrange_multipliers(self) -> None:
"""Compute the Lagrange multipliers at the optimum."""
self.lagrange_computer.compute(self.x_opt, self.ineq_tol)
[docs] def compute_lagrangian_jac(
self, functions_jac: dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]], inputs: Iterable[str]
) -> dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]]:
"""Compute the Jacobian of the Lagrangian.
functions_jac: The Jacobians of the optimization function
w.r.t. the differentiation inputs.
inputs: The names of the inputs w.r.t. which to differentiate.
The Jacobian of the Lagrangian.
# Get the Lagrange multipliers
multipliers = self.lagrange_computer.lagrange_multipliers
if multipliers is None:
multipliers = self.lagrange_computer.lagrange_multipliers
_, mul_ineq = multipliers.get(LagrangeMultipliers.INEQUALITY, ([], []))
_, mul_eq = multipliers.get(LagrangeMultipliers.EQUALITY, ([], []))
# Build the Jacobians of the active constraints
act_ineq_jac = self._get_act_ineq_jac(functions_jac, inputs)
eq_jac = self._get_eq_jac(functions_jac, inputs)
jac = {self.outvars[0]: dict(), self.MULT_DOT_CONSTR_JAC: dict()}
for input_name in inputs:
# Contribution of the objective
jac_obj_arr = functions_jac[self.outvars[0]][input_name]
jac_cstr_arr = zeros_like(jac_obj_arr)
# Contributions of the inequality constraints
jac_ineq_arr = act_ineq_jac.get(input_name)
if jac_ineq_arr is not None:
jac_cstr_arr += dot(mul_ineq, jac_ineq_arr)
# Contributions of the equality constraints
jac_eq_arr = eq_jac.get(input_name)
if jac_eq_arr is not None:
jac_cstr_arr += dot(mul_eq, jac_eq_arr)
# Assemble the Jacobian of the Lagrangian
if not self.opt_problem.minimize_objective:
jac_cstr_arr *= -1.0
jac[self.MULT_DOT_CONSTR_JAC][input_name] = jac_cstr_arr
jac[self.outvars[0]][input_name] = jac_obj_arr + jac_cstr_arr
return jac
def _get_act_ineq_jac(
self, jacobian: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, ndarray]], input_names: Iterable[str]
) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
"""Build the Jacobian of the active inequality constraints for each input name.
jacobian: The Jacobian of the inequality constraints.
input_names: The names of the differentiation inputs.
The Jacobian of the active inequality constraints for each input name.
active_ineq_constraints = self.opt_problem.get_active_ineq_constraints(
self.x_opt, self.ineq_tol
input_names_to_jacobians = dict()
for input_name in input_names:
jacobians = [
for constraint, components_are_active in active_ineq_constraints.items()
if True in components_are_active
if jacobians:
input_names_to_jacobians[input_name] = vstack(jacobians)
return input_names_to_jacobians
def _get_eq_jac(
self, jacobians: dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]], inputs: Iterable[str]
) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
"""Build the Jacobian of the equality constraints.
jacobians: The Jacobians of the equality constraints
w.r.t. the differentiation inputs.
inputs: The names of the differentiation inputs.
The jacobian of the equality constraints.
eq_constraints = self.opt_problem.get_eq_constraints()
jacobian = dict()
if eq_constraints:
for input_name in inputs:
jacobian[input_name] = vstack(
[jacobians[func.name][input_name] for func in eq_constraints]
return jacobian