Source code for gemseo.core.mdofunctions.consistency_constraint

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard
#        :author: Benoit Pauwels - Stacked data management
#               (e.g. iteration index)
#        :author: Gilberto Ruiz Jimenez
"""The MDOFunction consistency constraint subclass to support formulations."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from numpy import eye
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import ones_like
from numpy import zeros

from gemseo.core.mdofunctions.function_from_discipline import FunctionFromDiscipline
from gemseo.core.mdofunctions.mdo_function import MDOFunction

    from gemseo.core.formulation import MDOFormulation

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConsistencyCstr(MDOFunction): """An :class:`.MDOFunction` object to compute the consistency constraints.""" def __init__( self, output_couplings: Sequence[str], formulation: MDOFormulation, ) -> None: """ Args: output_couplings: The names of the output couplings. formulation: The IDF formulation of the problem. """ self.__formulation = formulation self.__output_couplings = output_couplings self.__coupl_func = FunctionFromDiscipline( self.__output_couplings, self.__formulation ) self.__dv_names_of_disc = self.__coupl_func.args if self.__formulation.normalize_constraints: self.__norm_fact = self.__formulation._get_normalization_factor( output_couplings ) else: self.__norm_fact = 1.0 self.__dv_len = self.__formulation.design_space.variables_sizes expr = "" for out_c in self.__output_couplings: expr += f"{out_c}({', '.join(self.__dv_names_of_disc)}) - {out_c}\n" super().__init__( self._coupl_min_x,, args=self.__dv_names_of_disc, expr=expr, jac=self._coupl_min_x_jac, outvars=self.__coupl_func.outvars, f_type=MDOFunction.TYPE_EQ, ) def _coupl_min_x( self, x_vect: ndarray, ) -> ndarray: """Compute the consistency constraints. Args: x_vect: The design variable vector. Returns: The value of the consistency constraints. Equal to zero if the disciplines are at equilibrium. """ x_sw = self.__formulation.mask_x_swap_order(self.__output_couplings, x_vect) coupl = self.__coupl_func(x_vect) if self.__formulation.normalize_constraints: return (coupl - x_sw) / self.__norm_fact return coupl - x_sw def _coupl_min_x_jac( self, x_vect: ndarray, ) -> ndarray: """Compute the gradient of the consistency constraints. Args: x_vect: The design variable vector. Returns: The value of the gradient of the consistency constraints. """ coupl_jac = self.__coupl_func.jac(x_vect) # pylint: disable=E1102 if len(coupl_jac.shape) > 1: # In this case it is harder since a block diagonal # matrix with -Id should be placed for each output # coupling, at the right place. n_outs = coupl_jac.shape[0] x_jac_2d = zeros((n_outs, len(x_vect)), dtype=x_vect.dtype) x_names = self.__formulation.get_optim_variables_names() o_min = 0 o_max = 0 for out in self.__output_couplings: o_len = self.__dv_len[out] i_min = 0 i_max = 0 o_max += o_len for x_i in x_names: x_len = self.__dv_len[x_i] i_max += x_len if x_i == out: x_jac_2d[o_min:o_max, i_min:i_max] = eye(x_len) i_min = i_max o_min = o_max x_jac = x_jac_2d else: # This is surprising but there is a duality between the masking # operation in the function inputs and the unmasking of its # outputs x_jac = self.__formulation.unmask_x_swap_order( self.__output_couplings, ones_like(x_vect) ) if self.__formulation.normalize_constraints: return (coupl_jac - x_jac) / self.__norm_fact[:, None] return coupl_jac - x_jac