Source code for gemseo.utils.derivatives.gradient_approximator

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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"""Gradient approximation."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Sequence

from docstring_inheritance import GoogleDocstringInheritanceMeta
from numpy import array
from numpy import finfo
from numpy import float64
from numpy import ndarray

from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace
from gemseo.core.factory import Factory

EPSILON = finfo(float).eps
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GradientApproximator(metaclass=GoogleDocstringInheritanceMeta): """A gradient approximator.""" f_pointer: Callable[[ndarray], ndarray] """The pointer to the function to derive.""" ALIAS = None def __init__( self, f_pointer: Callable[[ndarray], ndarray], step: float = 1e-6, parallel: bool = False, design_space: DesignSpace | None = None, normalize: bool = True, **parallel_args: int | bool | float, ) -> None: """ Args: f_pointer: The pointer to the function to derive. step: The default differentiation step. parallel: Whether to differentiate the function in parallel. design_space: The design space containing the upper bounds of the input variables. If None, consider that the input variables are unbounded. normalize: If True, then the functions are normalized. **parallel_args: The parallel execution options, see :mod:`gemseo.core.parallel_execution`. """ self.f_pointer = f_pointer self.__par_args = parallel_args self.__parallel = parallel self._step = None self.step = step self._design_space = design_space self._normalize = normalize @property def _parallel(self) -> bool: """Whether to differentiate the function in parallel.""" return self.__parallel @property def _par_args(self) -> int | bool | float: """The parallel execution options.""" return self.__par_args @property def step(self) -> float: """The default approximation step.""" return self._step @step.setter def step( self, value: float, ) -> None: self._step = value
[docs] def f_gradient( self, x_vect: ndarray, step: float | None = None, x_indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ndarray: """Approximate the gradient of the function for a given input vector. Args: x_vect: The input vector. step: The differentiation step. If None, use the default differentiation step. x_indices: The components of the input vector to be used for the differentiation. If None, use all the components. **kwargs: The optional arguments for the function. Returns: The approximated gradient. """ input_dimension = len(x_vect) input_perturbations, steps = self.generate_perturbations( input_dimension, x_vect, x_indices=x_indices, step=step ) n_perturbations = input_perturbations.shape[1] if self._parallel: grad = self._compute_parallel_grad( x_vect, n_perturbations, input_perturbations, steps, **kwargs ) else: grad = self._compute_grad( x_vect, n_perturbations, input_perturbations, steps, **kwargs ) return array(grad, dtype=float64).T
def _compute_parallel_grad( self, input_values: ndarray, n_perturbations: int, input_perturbations: ndarray, step: float, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ndarray: """Approximate the gradient in parallel. Args: input_values: The input values. n_perturbations: The number of perturbations. step: The differentiation step, either one global step or one step by input component. **kwargs: The optional arguments for the function. Returns: The approximated gradient. """ raise NotImplementedError def _compute_grad( self, input_values: ndarray, n_perturbations: int, input_perturbations: ndarray, step: float | ndarray, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ndarray: """Approximate the gradient. Args: input_values: The input values. n_perturbations: The number of perturbations. input_perturbations: The input perturbations. step: The differentiation step, either one global step or one step by input component. **kwargs: The optional arguments for the function. Returns: The approximated gradient. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def generate_perturbations( self, n_dim: int, x_vect: ndarray, x_indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, step: float | None = None, ) -> tuple[ndarray, float | ndarray]: """Generate the input perturbations from the differentiation step. These perturbations will be used to compute the output ones. Args: n_dim: The input dimension. x_vect: The input vector. x_indices: The components of the input vector to be used for the differentiation. If None, use all the components. step: The differentiation step. If None, use the default differentiation step. Returns: * The input perturbations. * The differentiation step, either one global step or one step by input component. """ if step is None: step = self.step if x_indices is None: x_indices = range(n_dim) return self._generate_perturbations(x_vect, x_indices, step)
def _generate_perturbations( self, input_values: ndarray, input_indices: list[int], step: float, ) -> tuple[ndarray, float | ndarray]: """Generate the input perturbations from the differentiation step. These perturbations will be used to compute the output ones. Args: input_values: The input vector. input_indices: The components of the input vector to be used for the differentiation. step: The differentiation step. Returns: * The input perturbations. * The differentiation step, either one global step or one step by input component. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class GradientApproximationFactory: """A factory to create gradient approximators.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self.factory = Factory(GradientApproximator, ("gemseo.utils.derivatives",)) self.__aliases = { self.factory.get_class(class_name).ALIAS: class_name for class_name in self.factory.classes }
[docs] def create( self, name: str, f_pointer: Callable, step: float | None = None, parallel: bool = False, **parallel_args, ) -> GradientApproximator: """Create a gradient approximator. Args: name: Either the name of the class implementing the gradient approximator or its alias. f_pointer: The pointer to the function to differentiate. step: The differentiation step. If None, use a default differentiation step. parallel: Whether to differentiate the function in parallel. **parallel_args: The parallel execution options, see :mod:`gemseo.core.parallel_execution`. Returns: The gradient approximator. """ if name in self.__aliases: name = self.__aliases[name] if step is None: return self.factory.create( name, f_pointer=f_pointer, parallel=parallel, **parallel_args ) else: return self.factory.create( name, f_pointer=f_pointer, step=step, parallel=parallel, **parallel_args )
@property def gradient_approximators(self) -> list[str]: """The gradient approximators.""" return self.factory.classes
[docs] def is_available(self, class_name) -> bool: """Whether a gradient approximator is available. Args: class_name: The name of the class implementing the gradient approximator. Return: Whether the gradient approximator is available. """ return self.factory.is_available(class_name)