Source code for gemseo.utils.n2d3.n2_json

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
"""Generator of the JSON file defining the coupling structure used by the N2 chart."""
from __future__ import annotations

import json
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from jinja2 import Template

    from gemseo.core.coupling_structure import DependencyGraph

from gemseo.core.discipline import MDODiscipline

[docs]class N2JSON: """The JSON structure to be used by the D3.js-based N2 chart.""" _DEFAULT_GROUP_TEMPLATE = "Group {}" _DEFAULT_WEAKLY_COUPLED_DISCIPLINES = "Weakly coupled disciplines" __NA = "n/a" def __init__( self, graph: DependencyGraph, ) -> None: """ Args: graph: The dependency graph. """ self._graph = graph self.__disciplines = list(graph.disciplines) data = {} self.__disciplines_names = self._get_disciplines_names() couplings = self._graph.get_disciplines_couplings() groups, n_groups, data["children"] = self._compute_groups( self.__disciplines_names ) variables_sizes = self._compute_variables_sizes() data["nodes"], data["groups"] = self._create_nodes( groups, variables_sizes, self.__disciplines_names, n_groups, data["children"], ) data["links"] = self._create_links( couplings, len(data["nodes"]), variables_sizes, self.__disciplines_names, n_groups, ) data["disciplines"] = self._create_groups_menu_html( self.__disciplines_names, data["children"], data["groups"] ) self.__json = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True) def __str__(self): return self.__json @staticmethod def _create_variables_html( names: Iterable[str], variables_sizes: Mapping[str, int] | None = None, ) -> str: """Generate the HTML representation of variables from their names and sizes. Args: names: The names of the variables. variables_sizes: The sizes of the variables. If None, display only the names. Return: The HTML representation of the sorted variables. """ variables = [ { "name": name, "size": None if variables_sizes is None else variables_sizes.get(name, 1), } for name in sorted(names) ] return Template( "<div align='center'>" " <table>" " {%- for variable in variables %}" " <tr>" " <td>{{ }}</td>" " {%- if variable.size is not none -%}" " <td>({{ variable.size }})</td>" " {%- endif %}" " </tr>" " {%- endfor %}" " </table>" "</div>" ).render(variables=variables) @classmethod def _create_coupling_html( cls, source: str, destination: str, coupling_names: Iterable[str], variables_sizes: Mapping[str, int], ) -> str: """Generate the HTML representation of a bi-disciplinary coupling. Args: source: The name of the source discipline. destination: The name of the destination discipline. coupling_names: The names of the coupling variables. variables_sizes: The sizes of the variables. Returns: The HTML block describing this bi-disciplinary coupling. """ return Template( "The coupling variables " "from <b>{{ source }}</b> " "to <b>{{ destination }}</b>:" "{{ coupling_variables }}" ).render( source=source, destination=destination, coupling_variables=cls._create_variables_html( coupling_names, variables_sizes ), ) @classmethod def _create_discipline_html( cls, discipline: MDODiscipline, variables_sizes: Mapping[str, int], ) -> str: """Generate the HTML representation of a discipline. Args: discipline: The discipline. variables_sizes: The sizes of the variables. Returns: The HTML block describing the discipline. """ html_inputs_names = cls._create_variables_html( discipline.get_input_data_names(), variables_sizes ) html_outputs_names = cls._create_variables_html( discipline.get_output_data_names(), variables_sizes ) return Template( "The inputs of <b>{{ discipline }}</b>:" "{{ inputs }}" "The outputs of <b>{{ discipline }}</b>:" "{{ outputs }}" ).render(, inputs=html_inputs_names, outputs=html_outputs_names, ) @classmethod def _create_group_html( cls, group: int, disciplines: Sequence[str], n_groups: int, children: Sequence[Sequence[int]], ) -> str: """Generate the HTML representation of a group of disciplines. Args: group: The index of the group of disciplines. disciplines: The names of the disciplines. n_groups: The number of groups. children: The indices of the disciplines for the different groups. Returns: The HTML block describing the group of disciplines. """ disciplines = [disciplines[child - n_groups] for child in children[group]] return Template("The disciplines of <b>{{group}}</b>:{{ disciplines }}").render( group=cls._DEFAULT_GROUP_TEMPLATE.format(group), disciplines=cls._create_variables_html(disciplines), ) @staticmethod def _create_groups_menu_html( disciplines: Sequence[str], children: Sequence[Sequence[int]], groups: Sequence[str], ) -> str: """Generate the HTML representation of the right menu related to the groups. Args: disciplines: The names of the disciplines. children: The indices of the disciplines for the different groups. groups: The names of the groups. Returns: The HTML block used to collapse, expand and visualize groups. """ data = [] n_groups = len(groups) for group_index, disciplines_indices in enumerate(children): disciplines_names = [ disciplines[discipline_index - n_groups] for discipline_index in disciplines_indices ] data.append( { "disciplines": sorted(disciplines_names), "group_index": group_index, "group_name": groups[group_index], } ) return Template( " <ul class='collapsible'>" " <li>" " <div class='switch'>" " <label>" " <input " "type='checkbox' " "onclick='expand_collapse_all(json.groups.length,svg);' id='check_all'/>" " <span class='lever'></span>" " </label>All groups" " </div>" " </li>" " {%- for datum in data %}" " <li>" " <div class='collapsible-header'>" " {%- if datum.group_index != 0 %}" " <div class='switch'>" " <label>" " <input " "type='checkbox' id='check_{{ datum.group_index }}' " "onclick='expand_collapse_group({{ datum.group_index }},svg)'/>" " <span class='lever'></span>" " </label>" " </div>" " {%- endif %}" " <span id='group_name_{{ datum.group_index }}' " "contenteditable='true' " "class='group' " "onblur='change_group_name(this,{{ datum.group_index }});'>" "{{ datum.group_name }}" " </span>" " </div>" " <div class='collapsible-body'>" " {%- for discipline in datum.disciplines %}" " {{ discipline }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}" " {%- endfor %}" " </div>" " </li>" " {%- endfor %}" " </ul>" ).render(data=data) def _create_links( self, couplings: Iterable[tuple[MDODiscipline, MDODiscipline, Sequence[str]]], n_nodes: int, variables_sizes: Mapping[str, int], disciplines: Sequence[str], n_groups: int, ) -> list[dict[str, int | str]]: """Create the links. Args: couplings: The couplings. n_nodes: The number of nodes. variables_sizes: The sizes of the variables. disciplines: The names of the disciplines. n_groups: The number of groups. Returns: The existing links between disciplines, defined by a source discipline a target discipline, a value quantifying the degree of this relationship, and an HTML representation. """ links = [] for link in couplings: source, target, variables = link if variables: source_index = n_groups + disciplines.index( target_index = n_groups + disciplines.index( links.append( { "source": source_index, "target": target_index, "value": len(variables), "description": self._create_coupling_html(,, variables, variables_sizes ), } ) for index in range(n_nodes): links.append( { "source": index, "target": index, "value": 1, "description": "", } ) return links def _create_nodes( self, group: Mapping[str, int], variables_sizes: Mapping[str, int], disciplines: Sequence[str], n_groups: int, children: Sequence[Sequence[int]], ) -> tuple[list[dict[str, int | str | bool]], list[str]]: """Create the nodes representing either a discipline or a disciplines group. Args: group: The indices of the groups to which the disciplines belong. variables_sizes: The sizes of the variables. disciplines: The names of the disciplines. n_groups: The number of groups. children: The indices of the disciplines for the different groups. Returns: The existing nodes, defined by a name, a group index, an HTML representation a target discipline, a value quantifying the degree of this relationship, an HTML representation, and whether the node represents a group. """ disciplines_nodes = [ { "name":, "group": group[], "description": self._create_discipline_html( discipline, variables_sizes ), "is_group": False, } for discipline in self.__disciplines ] groups_nodes = [ { "name": self._DEFAULT_GROUP_TEMPLATE.format(group_index), "group": group_index, "description": self._create_group_html( group_index, disciplines, n_groups, children ), "is_group": True, } for group_index in range(n_groups) ] groups_names = [ self._DEFAULT_GROUP_TEMPLATE.format(group_index) for group_index in range(1, n_groups) ] groups_names = [self._DEFAULT_WEAKLY_COUPLED_DISCIPLINES] + groups_names return groups_nodes + disciplines_nodes, groups_names def _compute_groups( self, disciplines: Sequence[str], ) -> tuple[dict[str, int], int, list[list[int]]]: """Compute the groups and the children. Args: disciplines: The names of the disciplines Returns: The groups to which the disciplines belong, the number of groups, and the indices of the disciplines for the different groups. """ children = [[]] n_groups = 1 groups = {} for parallel_tasks in self._graph.get_execution_sequence(): for components in parallel_tasks: if len(components) > 1: n_groups += 1 children.append([]) for component in components: index = disciplines.index( children[-1].append(index) groups[] = n_groups - 1 else: index = disciplines.index(components[0].name) groups[components[0].name] = 0 children[0].append(index) indices = [] new_children = [] index = 0 for group in children: new_children.append([]) for child in group: new_children[-1].append(index) index += 1 indices.append(child) self.__disciplines = [self.__disciplines[index] for index in indices] self.__disciplines_names = [ self.__disciplines_names[index] for index in indices ] new_children = [[child + n_groups for child in group] for group in new_children] return groups, n_groups, new_children def _compute_variables_sizes(self) -> dict[str, int]: """Compute the sizes of the coupling variables. Returns: The names of the coupling variables bound to their sizes. """ variables_sizes = {} for discipline in self.__disciplines: for name in discipline.get_input_data_names(): if name not in variables_sizes or variables_sizes[name] == self.__NA: default_value = discipline.default_inputs.get(name) if default_value is not None: size = default_value.size else: size = self.__NA variables_sizes[name] = size return variables_sizes def _get_disciplines_names(self) -> list[str]: """Return the names of the disciplines.""" return [ for discipline in self.__disciplines]