
You may install the core or the full features set of GEMSEO. See Dependencies for more information. There are different ways to install GEMSEO, they are described below.


To install GEMSEO, you should use a Python environment. You can create environments with the Python built-in venv module or with Anaconda.

For using the full features set, if you are not using Anaconda, make sure that graphviz is installed (for rendering graphs).

Install from Pypi

Install the core features of the latest version with

pip install gemseo

or the full features with:

pip install gemseo[all]

See pip for more information.

Install from Anaconda

Install the full features in an anaconda environment named gemseo for Python 3.9 with

conda create -c conda-forge -n gemseo python=3.9 gemseo

You can change the Python version to 3.7, 3.8 or 3.10.

Install without internet access

If for some reasons you do not have access to internet from the target machine, such as behind a corporate firewall, you can use a self-contained installer.

Install from an archive

Install the core features from an archive with

pip install

or the full features with:

pip install[all]

Install the development version

Install the core features of the development version with

pip install gemseo@git+

or the full features with:

pip install gemseo[all]@git+

Test the installation

Basic test

To check that the installation is successful, try to import the module:

python -c "import gemseo"


If you obtain the error:

“Traceback (most recent call last): File “<string>”, line 1, in <module> ImportError: No module named gemseo“

then the installation failed.

Test the GEMSEO dependencies with the API

You can use the function print_configuration() to print the successfully loaded modules and the failed imports with the reason.

from gemseo.api import print_configuration


This function is useful when only some of the GEMSEO features appear to be missing. Usually this is related to external libraries that were not installed because the user did not request full features. See Dependencies for more information.

Test with examples

The gallery of examples contains many examples to illustrate the main features of GEMSEO. For each example, you can download a Python script or a Jupyter Notebook, execute it and experiment to test the installation.

Test with unit tests

Run the tests with:

pip install gemseo[all,test]

Please have a look at the contributing section for more information on testing.