Source code for gemseo.core.mdofunctions.mdo_quadratic_function

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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"""A quadratic function defined from coefficients and offset matrices."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Sequence

from numpy import array
from numpy import matmul
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import zeros
from numpy import zeros_like
from numpy.linalg import multi_dot

from gemseo.core.mdofunctions.mdo_function import ArrayType
from gemseo.core.mdofunctions.mdo_function import MDOFunction
from gemseo.core.mdofunctions.mdo_linear_function import MDOLinearFunction

[docs]class MDOQuadraticFunction(MDOFunction): r"""Scalar-valued quadratic multivariate function defined by * a *square* matrix :math:`A` of second-order coefficients :math:`(a_{ij})_{\substack{i = 1, \dots n \\ j = 1, \dots n}}` * a vector :math:`b` of first-order coefficients :math:`(b_i)_{i = 1, \dots n}` * and a scalar zero-order coefficient :math:`c` .. math:: f(x) = c + \sum_{i = 1}^n b_i \, x_i + \sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{j = 1}^n a_{ij} \, x_i \, x_j. """ def __init__( self, quad_coeffs: ArrayType, name: str, f_type: str | None = None, args: Sequence[str] = None, linear_coeffs: ArrayType | None = None, value_at_zero: float | None = None, ) -> None: """ Args: quad_coeffs: The second-order coefficients. name: The name of the function. f_type: The type of the linear function among :attr:`.MDOFunction.AVAILABLE_TYPES`. If ``None``, the linear function will have no type. args: The names of the inputs of the linear function. If ``None``, the inputs of the linear function will have no names. linear_coeffs: The first-order coefficients. If ``None``, the first-order coefficients will be zero. value_at_zero: The zero-order coefficient. If ``None``, the value at zero will be zero. """ self._input_dim = 0 self._quad_coeffs = array([]) self._linear_coeffs = array([]) self.quad_coeffs = quad_coeffs # sets the input dimension new_args = self.generate_args(self._input_dim, args) # Build the first-order term if linear_coeffs is not None and linear_coeffs.size: self._linear_part = MDOLinearFunction( linear_coeffs, f"{name}_lin", args=new_args ) self.linear_coeffs = self._linear_part.coefficients self._value_at_zero = value_at_zero super().__init__( self._func_to_wrap, name, f_type, self._jac_to_wrap, self.__build_expression( self._quad_coeffs, new_args, self._linear_coeffs, self._value_at_zero ), args=new_args, dim=1, ) def _func_to_wrap(self, x_vect: ArrayType) -> ArrayType: """Compute the output of the quadratic function. Args: x_vect: The value of the inputs of the quadratic function. Returns: The value of the quadratic function. """ value = multi_dot((x_vect.T, self._quad_coeffs, x_vect)) if self._linear_coeffs is not None: value += self._linear_part(x_vect) if self._value_at_zero is not None: value += self._value_at_zero return value def _jac_to_wrap(self, x_vect: ArrayType) -> ArrayType: """Compute the gradient of the quadratic function. Args: x_vect: The value of the inputs of the quadratic function. Returns: The value of the gradient of the quadratic function. """ gradient = matmul(self._quad_coeffs + self._quad_coeffs.T, x_vect) if self._linear_coeffs is not None: gradient += self._linear_part.jac(x_vect) return gradient @property def quad_coeffs(self) -> ArrayType: """The second-order coefficients of the function. Raises: ValueError: If the coefficients are not passed as a 2-dimensional square ``ndarray``. """ return self._quad_coeffs @quad_coeffs.setter def quad_coeffs(self, coefficients: ArrayType) -> None: # Check the second-order coefficients if ( not isinstance(coefficients, ndarray) or len(coefficients.shape) != 2 or coefficients.shape[0] != coefficients.shape[1] ): raise ValueError( "Quadratic coefficients must be passed as a 2-dimensional " "square ndarray." ) self._quad_coeffs = coefficients self._input_dim = self._quad_coeffs.shape[0] @property def linear_coeffs(self) -> ArrayType: """The first-order coefficients of the function. Raises: ValueError: If the number of first-order coefficients is not consistent with the dimension of the input space. """ if self._linear_coeffs is None: return zeros(self._input_dim) return self._linear_coeffs @linear_coeffs.setter def linear_coeffs(self, coefficients: ArrayType) -> None: if coefficients.size != self._input_dim: raise ValueError( "The number of first-order coefficients must be equal " "to the input dimension." ) self._linear_coeffs = coefficients @classmethod def __build_expression( cls, quad_coeffs: ArrayType, args: Sequence[str], linear_coeffs: ArrayType | None = None, value_at_zero: float | None = None, ) -> str: """Build the expression of the quadratic function. Args: quad_coeffs: The second-order coefficients. args: The names of the inputs of the function. linear_coeffs: The first-order coefficients. If ``None``, the first-order coefficients will be zero. value_at_zero: The zero-order coefficient. If ``None``, the value at zero will be zero. Returns: The expression of the quadratic function. """ transpose_str = "'" expr = "" for index, line in enumerate(quad_coeffs): arg = args[index] # Second-order expression line = quad_coeffs[index, :].tolist() expr += f"[{arg}]" expr += transpose_str if index == 0 else " " quad_coeffs_str = (cls.COEFF_FORMAT_ND.format(val) for val in line) expr += "[{}]".format(" ".join(quad_coeffs_str)) expr += f"[{arg}]" # First-order expression if ( linear_coeffs is not None and (linear_coeffs != zeros_like(linear_coeffs)).any() ): expr += " + " if index == 0 else " " expr += "[{}]".format( cls.COEFF_FORMAT_ND.format(linear_coeffs[0, index]) ) expr += transpose_str if index == 0 else " " expr += f"[{arg}]" # Zero-order expression if value_at_zero is not None and value_at_zero != 0.0 and index == 0: sign_str = "+" if value_at_zero > 0.0 else "-" expr += (" {} " + cls.COEFF_FORMAT_ND).format( sign_str, abs(value_at_zero) ) if index < quad_coeffs.shape[0] - 1: expr += "\n" return expr