Source code for

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#         documentation
#        :author:  Matthias De Lozzo
"""Post-processing for scalability study.

The :class:`.PostScalabilityStudy` class implements the way as the set of
:class:`.ScalabilityResult`-based result files
contained in the study directory are graphically post-processed. This class
provides several methods to easily change graphical properties, notably
the plot labels. It also makes it possible to define a cost function per
MDO formulation, converting the numbers of executions and linearizations
of the different disciplines required by a MDO process in an estimation
of the computational cost associated with what would be a scaled version
of the true problem.

.. warning::

   Comparing MDO formulations in terms of estimated true computational time
   rather than CPU time of the :class:`.ScalabilityStudy` is highly
   Indeed, time is often an obviousness criterion to distinguish between
   MDO formulations having the same performance in terms of distance to the
   optimum: look at our calculation budget and choose the best formulation
   that satisfies this budget, or even saves us time. Thus, it is important
   to carefully define these cost functions.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from numpy import array
from numpy import atleast_3d
from numpy import bool as np_bool
from numpy import median
from numpy import poly1d
from numpy import polyfit

from import ScalabilityResult
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import MultiLineString

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

RESULTS_DIRECTORY = Path("results")
POST_DIRECTORY = Path("visualization")

[docs]class PostScalabilityStudy: """The PostScalabilityStudy class aims to post-process a list of scalability results stored in a directory.""" NOMENCLATURE = { "exec_time": "Execution time (s)", "original_exec_time": "Pseudo-original execution time", "n_calls": "Number of discipline evaluations", "n_calls_linearize": "Number of gradient evaluations", "status": "Optimizatin status", "is_feasible": "Feasibility of the solution (0 or 1)", "scaling_strategy": "Scaling strategy index", "total_calls": "Total number of evaluations", } def __init__(self, study_directory): """Constructor. :param str study_directory: directory of the scalability study." """ msg = MultiLineString() msg.add("Post-process for scalability study") msg.indent() msg.add("Working directory: {}", study_directory)"%s", msg) self.study_directory = Path(study_directory) self.scalability_results = self.__load_results() self.n_results = len(self.scalability_results) self.descriptions = self.NOMENCLATURE self.cost_function = {} self.unit_cost = None for result in self.scalability_results: result.total_calls = sum(result.n_calls.values()) result.total_calls += sum(result.n_calls_linearize.values())
[docs] def set_cost_function(self, formulation, cost): """Set cost function for each formulation. :param str formulation: name of the formulation. :param function cost: cost function """ self.cost_function[formulation] = cost
[docs] def set_cost_unit(self, cost_unit): """Set the measurement unit for cost evaluation. :param str cost_unit: cost unit, e.g. 'h', 'min', ... """ self.unit_cost = cost_unit description = self.descriptions["original_exec_time"].split(" (")[0] description = f"{description} ({cost_unit})" self.descriptions["original_exec_time"] = description
[docs] def labelize_exec_time(self, description): """Change the description of execution time, used in plotting methods notably. :param str description: description. """ self._update_descriptions("exec_time", description)
[docs] def labelize_original_exec_time(self, description): """Change the description of original execution time, used in plotting methods notably. :param str description: description. """ self._update_descriptions("original_exec_time", description) if self.unit_cost is not None: self.set_cost_unit(self.unit_cost)
[docs] def labelize_n_calls(self, description): """Change the description of number of calls, used in plotting methods notably. :param str description: description. """ self._update_descriptions("n_calls", description)
[docs] def labelize_n_calls_linearize(self, description): """Change the description of number of calls for linearization, used in plotting methods notably. :param str description: description. """ self._update_descriptions("n_calls_linearize", description)
[docs] def labelize_status(self, description): """Change the description of status, used in plotting methods notably. :param str description: description. """ self._update_descriptions("status", description)
[docs] def labelize_is_feasible(self, description): """Change the description of feasibility, used in plotting methods notably. :param str description: description. """ self._update_descriptions("is_feasible", description)
[docs] def labelize_scaling_strategy(self, description): """Change the description of scaling strategy, used in plotting methods notably. :param str description: description. """ self._update_descriptions("scaling_strategy", description)
def _update_descriptions(self, keyword, description): """Update the description initialized with the NOMENCLATURE class attribute. :param str keyword: keyword of the considered object. :param str description: new description """ if not self.descriptions.get(keyword): keywords = ", ".join(list(self.descriptions.keys())) raise ValueError(f"The keyword {keyword} is not in the list: {keywords}") if not isinstance(description, str): raise TypeError( 'The argument "description" must be ' "of type string, " "not of type {}".format(description.__class__.__name__) ) self.descriptions[keyword] = description def __load_results(self): """Load results from the results directory of the study path.""" if not self.study_directory.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f'Directory "{self.study_directory}" does not exist.') directory = self.study_directory / RESULTS_DIRECTORY if not directory.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f'Directory "{directory}" does not exist.') filenames = [ for filename in directory.iterdir() if filename.is_file() ] results = [] for filename in filenames: name = filename.split(".")[0] id_scaling = int(name.split("_")[-2]) id_sample = int(name.split("_")[-1]) result = ScalabilityResult(name, id_scaling, id_sample) result.load(self.study_directory) results.append(result) if not results: raise ValueError(f"Directory {directory} is empty.") return results
[docs] def plot( self, legend_loc="upper left", xticks=None, xticks_labels=None, xmargin=0.0, **options, ): """Plot the results using different methods according to the presence or absence of replicate values. :param str legend_loc: legend localization :param list(float) xticks: list of xticks (default: None) :param list(str) xticks_labels: list of xticks labels (default: None) :param float xmargin: margin on left and right sides of the x-axis :param options: options for the specialized plot methods """ msg = MultiLineString() msg.add("Execute post-processing") msg.indent() self.__has_scaling_dimension(xticks) self.__has_scaling_dimension(xticks_labels) there_are_replicates = len(self.get_replicates(True)) > 1 if self.cost_function: self._estimate_original_time() if there_are_replicates: msg.add("Type: replicate") self._plot_boxes(legend_loc, xticks, xticks_labels, xmargin, **options) else: msg.add("Type: standard") self._plot_lines(legend_loc, xticks, xticks_labels, xmargin, **options)"%s", msg)
def __has_scaling_dimension(self, value): """Assert if a value has the scaling dimension. :param ndarray value: value. """ if value is not None and hasattr(value, "__len__"): assert len(value) == len(self.get_scaling_strategies(True)) def _plot_lines( self, legend_loc="upper left", xticks=None, xticks_labels=None, xmargin=0.0 ): """Deterministic plot. :param str legend_loc: legend localization :param list(float) xticks: list of xticks (default: None) :param list(str) xticks_labels: list of xticks labels (default: None) :param float xmargin: margin on left and right sides of the x-axis """ colors = ["blue", "red", "green"] handles = [ Line2D([0], [0], color=colors[idx], lw=4, label=optim_strategy) for idx, optim_strategy in enumerate(self.optimization_strategies) ] for index, strategy in enumerate(self.optimization_strategies): color = colors[index] scales, criteria = self.__get_scales_and_criteria(strategy) for name, value in criteria.items(): self.__draw(name, value, xticks, xticks_labels, scales, color, xmargin) for criterion in criteria: plt.figure(criterion) plt.legend(handles=handles, loc=legend_loc, frameon=False, framealpha=0.5) fname = Path(criterion).with_suffix("." + PLOT_EXTENSION) fpath = self.study_directory / POSTSTUDY_DIRECTORY / fname plt.savefig(str(fpath)) def __draw(self, name, value, xticks, labels, scales, color, xmargin): """Create plot for specific criterion when r=1 replicate. :param str name: criterion name. :param str value: criterion value. :param list(float) xticks: list of xticks (default: None) :param list(str) labels: list of xticks labels (default: None) :param list(str) scales: scales :param str color: line color. :param float xmargin: margin on left and right sides of the x-axis """ plt.figure(name) value = atleast_3d(value.T).T n_lines = value.shape[0] for id_line in range(n_lines): yvalues = value[id_line, :, 0].flatten() xvalues = scales linestyle = "-" if n_lines == 1 else (0, (id_line + 1, n_lines)) if xticks is not None: xvalues = xticks else: xticks = xvalues plt.plot(xvalues, yvalues, "o", color=color) coef = polyfit(xvalues, yvalues, 1) poly1d_fn = poly1d(coef) plt.plot(xvalues, poly1d_fn(xvalues), linestyle=linestyle, color=color) if labels is None: labels = xticks else: labels = xvalues plt.xticks(xticks, labels) plt.xlabel(self.descriptions["scaling_strategy"]) plt.ylabel(self.descriptions[name]) plt.xlim(xvalues[0] - xmargin, xvalues[-1] + xmargin) plt.grid(True, "both") @property def n_samples(self): """Number of samples.""" return len(self.get_replicates(True)) def _plot_boxes( self, legend_loc="upper left", xticks=None, xticks_labels=None, xmargin=0.0, minbox=2, notch=False, widths=0.25, whis=1.5, ): """Probabilistic plot. :param str legend_loc: legend localization :param list(float) xticks: list of xticks (default: None) :param list(str) xticks_labels: list of xticks labels (default: None) :param float xmargin: margin on left and right sides of the x-axis :param int minbox: minimal number of values for boxplot (default: 2). :param bool notch: if True, will produced a notched boxplot. :param float whis: the reach of the whiskers to the beyond the first and third quartiles (default: 1.5). """ if not hasattr(widths, "__len__"): widths = [widths] * len(self.get_scaling_strategies(True)) else: self.__has_scaling_dimension(widths) colors = ["blue", "red", "green"] for index, strategy in enumerate(self.optimization_strategies): color = colors[index] scales, criteria = self.__get_scales_and_criteria(strategy) for name, value in criteria.items(): self.__drawb( name, index, value, xticks, xticks_labels, scales, widths, color, notch, whis, xmargin, ) handles = [ Line2D([0], [0], color=colors[idx], lw=4, label=strategy) for idx, strategy in enumerate(self.optimization_strategies) ] for criterion in criteria: plt.figure(criterion) plt.legend( handles=handles, loc=legend_loc, frameon=False, framealpha=0.5, ) fname = Path(criterion).with_suffix("." + PLOT_EXTENSION) fpath = self.study_directory / POSTSTUDY_DIRECTORY / fname indentation = MultiLineString.INDENTATION"%sSave %s plot in %s", indentation, criterion, fpath) plt.savefig(str(fpath)) def __drawb( self, name, index, value, xticks, labels, scales, widths, color, notch, whis, xmargin, ): """Create plot for specific criterion when r=1 replicate. :param str name: criterion name. :param int index: strategy index. :param str value: criterion value. :param list(float) xticks: list of xticks (default: None) :param list(str) labels: list of xticks labels (default: None) :param list(str) scales: scales :param str color: line color. :param bool notch: if True, will produced a notched boxplot. :param float whis: the reach of the whiskers to the beyond the first and third quartiles (default: 1.5). :param float xmargin: margin on left and right sides of the x-axis """ plt.figure(name) xvalues = scales if xticks is not None: xvalues = xticks n_strategies = len(self.optimization_strategies) tmp = [] for idx, xtick in enumerate(xvalues): tmp.append(float(index) / n_strategies) tmp[-1] *= widths[idx] * 3 tmp[-1] += xtick self.__draw_boxplot(value, tmp, color, color, notch, widths, whis) zvalues = atleast_3d(value.T).T[0] xval_offset = [ xtick + float(index) / n_strategies * widths[idx] * 3 for idx, xtick in enumerate(xvalues) ] plt.plot(xval_offset, median(zvalues, 1), "--", color=color) if labels is None: labels = xvalues plt.xticks(xvalues, labels) plt.xlim(xvalues[0] - xmargin, xvalues[-1] + xmargin) plt.xlabel(self.descriptions["scaling_strategy"]) plt.ylabel(self.descriptions[name]) plt.grid(True, "both") @staticmethod def __draw_boxplot(data, xticks, edge_color, fill_color, notch, widths, whis): """Draw boxplot from a dataset. :param array data: dataset array of dimension 2 or 3 :param list(float) xticks: values of xticks :param str edge_color: edge color :param str fill_color: fill color :param bool notch: if True, will produced a notched boxplot. :param list(float) widths: widths of boxplots :param float whis: the reach of the whiskers to the beyond the first and third quartiles """ if len(data.shape) == 3: data = data[0, :, :] if data.dtype == np_bool: # To prevent error when arrays are substracted with recent numpy data = data.astype(int) boxplot = plt.boxplot( data.T, patch_artist=True, positions=xticks, showfliers=False, whiskerprops={"linestyle": "-"}, notch=notch, widths=widths, whis=whis, ) for element in ["boxes", "whiskers", "fliers", "means", "caps"]: plt.setp(boxplot[element], color=edge_color) plt.setp(boxplot["medians"], color="white") for patch in boxplot["boxes"]: patch.set(facecolor=fill_color) return boxplot def __get_scales_and_criteria(self, optim_strategy): """Get values of criteria and corresponding scaling levels for a given optimization strategy and all replicates. :param str optim_strategy: name of the optimization strategy. :return: scaling levels, criteria values :rtype: list(int), dict(array) """ exec_time = [] original_exec_time = [] n_calls = [] n_calls_linearize = [] status = [] is_feasible = [] scaling = [] total_calls = [] for replicate in self.get_replicates(True): xcoord, ycoord = self.__get_replicate_values(optim_strategy, replicate) exec_time.append(ycoord["exec_time"]) total_calls.append(ycoord["total_calls"]) if self.cost_function: original_exec_time.append(ycoord["original_exec_time"]) tmp = [ list(ycoord["n_calls"][idx].values()) for idx in range(len(ycoord["n_calls"])) ] n_calls.append(tmp) tmp = [ list(ycoord["n_calls_linearize"][idx].values()) for idx in range(len(ycoord["n_calls_linearize"])) ] n_calls_linearize.append(tmp) status.append(ycoord["status"]) is_feasible.append(ycoord["is_feasible"]) scaling.append(ycoord["scaling"]) scaling_levels = xcoord values = {"exec_time": array(exec_time).T} # (n_scal, n_rep) if self.cost_function: values["original_exec_time"] = array(original_exec_time).T # (n_s, n_r) values["n_calls"] = array(n_calls).T # (n_d, n_s, n_rep) values["n_calls_linearize"] = array(n_calls_linearize).T # (n_d, n_s, n_r) values["total_calls"] = array(total_calls).T # (n_scal, n_rep) values["is_feasible"] = array(is_feasible).T # (n_scal, n_rep) return scaling_levels, values def __get_replicate_values(self, optim_strategy, replicate): """Get values of criteria and corresponding scaling levels for a given optimization strategy and a given replicate. :param str optim_strategy: optimization strategy. :param int replicate: replicate index. :return: scaling levels, criteria values :rtype: list(int), dict(array-like) """ are_replicate = [value == replicate for value in self.get_replicates()] are_optim_strategy = [ value == optim_strategy for value in self.get_optimization_strategies() ] are_ok = [ is_rep and is_oo for is_rep, is_oo in zip(are_replicate, are_optim_strategy) ] indices = [index for index, is_ok in enumerate(are_ok) if is_ok] scaling_levels = self.get_scaling_strategies() scaling_levels = [scaling_levels[index] for index in indices] tmp = sorted(list(range(len(scaling_levels))), key=lambda k: scaling_levels[k]) indices = [indices[index] for index in tmp] scaling_levels = [scaling_levels[index] for index in tmp] results = [self.scalability_results[index] for index in indices] exec_time = [result.exec_time for result in results] total_calls = [result.total_calls for result in results] original_exec_time = [result.original_exec_time for result in results] n_calls = [result.n_calls for result in results] n_calls_linearize = [result.n_calls_linearize for result in results] status = [result.status for result in results] is_feasible = [result.is_feasible for result in results] scaling = [result.scaling for result in results] values = { "exec_time": exec_time, "total_calls": total_calls, "n_calls": n_calls, "n_calls_linearize": n_calls_linearize, "status": status, "is_feasible": is_feasible, "scaling": scaling, } if self.cost_function: values["original_exec_time"] = original_exec_time return scaling_levels, values @property def names(self): """Get the names of the scalability results.""" return [ for value in self.scalability_results]
[docs] def get_optimization_strategies(self, unique=False): """Get the names of the optimization strategies. :param bool unique: return either unique values if True or one value per scalability result if False (default: False). :return: names of the optimization strategies. :rtype: list(str) """ strategy_names = ["_".join(name.split("_")[0:-2]) for name in self.names] if unique: return sorted(set(strategy_names)) return strategy_names
@property def optimization_strategies(self): return self.get_optimization_strategies(True)
[docs] def get_scaling_strategies(self, unique=False): """Get the identifiers of the scaling strategies. :param bool unique: return either unique values if True or one value per scalability result if False (default: False). :return: identifiers of scaling strategies :rtype: list(int) """ strategy_identifiers = [int(name.split("_")[-2]) for name in self.names] if unique: return sorted(set(strategy_identifiers)) return strategy_identifiers
[docs] def get_replicates(self, unique=False): """Get the replicate identifiants. :param bool unique: return either unique values if True or one value per scalability result if False (default: False). :return: identifiants of replicates. :rtype: list(int) """ rep = [int(name.split("_")[-1]) for name in self.names] if unique: rep = sorted(set(rep)) return rep
def _estimate_original_time(self): """Estimate the original execution time from the number of calls and linearizations of the different disciplines and top-level disciplines and from the cost functions provided by the user. :return: original time :rtype: float """ for scalability_result in self.scalability_results: n_c = scalability_result.n_calls n_cl = scalability_result.n_calls_linearize n_tl_c = scalability_result.n_calls_top_level n_tl_cl = scalability_result.n_calls_linearize_top_level varsizes = scalability_result.new_varsizes formulation = scalability_result.formulation if formulation not in self.cost_function: raise ValueError( "The cost function of {} must be defined " "in order to compute " "the estimated original time.".format(formulation) ) result = self.cost_function[formulation]( varsizes, n_c, n_cl, n_tl_c, n_tl_cl ) scalability_result.original_exec_time = result