Source code for gemseo.core.derivatives.jacobian_assembly

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                         documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard, Charlie Vanaret
"""Coupled derivatives calculations."""
from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Mapping
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import atleast_2d
from numpy import concatenate
from numpy import empty
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import ones
from numpy import zeros
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.sparse import dia_matrix
from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix
from scipy.sparse import vstack
from import csc_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import factorized
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator

from gemseo.algos.linear_solvers.linear_problem import LinearProblem
from gemseo.algos.linear_solvers.linear_solvers_factory import LinearSolversFactory
from gemseo.core.derivatives import derivation_modes
from gemseo.core.derivatives.mda_derivatives import traverse_add_diff_io_mda
from gemseo.utils.matplotlib_figure import save_show_figure

    from gemseo.core.coupling_structure import MDOCouplingStructure
    from gemseo.core.discipline import MDODiscipline

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def none_factory() -> None: """Returns None... To be used for defaultdict """
[docs]def default_dict_factory() -> dict[Any, None]: """Instantiates a defaultdict(None) object.""" return defaultdict(none_factory)
[docs]class JacobianAssembly: """Assembly of Jacobians. Typically, assemble discipline's Jacobians into a system Jacobian. """ coupling_structure: MDOCouplingStructure """The considered coupling structure.""" sizes: dict[str, int] """The number of elements of a given str.""" disciplines: dict[str, MDODiscipline] """The MDODisciplines, stored using their name.""" __last_diff_inouts: tuple[set[str], set[str]] """The last diff in-outs stored.""" __minimal_couplings: list[str] """The minimal couplings.""" coupled_system: CoupledSystem """The coupled derivative system of residuals.""" n_newton_linear_resolutions: int """The number of Newton linear resolutions.""" __linear_solver_factory: LinearSolversFactory """The linear solver factory.""" AVAILABLE_MODES: ClassVar[tuple[str]] = derivation_modes.AVAILABLE_MODES """The enumeration of the available modes.""" DIRECT_MODE: ClassVar[str] = derivation_modes.DIRECT_MODE """The name of the direct mode.""" ADJOINT_MODE: ClassVar[str] = derivation_modes.ADJOINT_MODE """The name of the adjoint mode.""" AUTO_MODE: ClassVar[str] = derivation_modes.AUTO_MODE """The name of the auto-mode.""" REVERSE_MODE: ClassVar[str] = derivation_modes.REVERSE_MODE """The name of the reverse mode.""" # matrix types SPARSE: ClassVar[str] = "sparse" """The name for sparse matrices.""" LINEAR_OPERATOR: ClassVar[str] = "linear_operator" """The name for linear operators.""" AVAILABLE_MAT_TYPES: ClassVar[tuple[str]] = (SPARSE, LINEAR_OPERATOR) """The enumeration of the available matrix types.""" def __init__(self, coupling_structure: MDOCouplingStructure) -> None: """ Args: coupling_structure: The MDOCouplingStructure associated disciplines that form the coupled system. """ # noqa: D205, D212, D415 self.coupling_structure = coupling_structure self.sizes = {} self.disciplines = {} self.__last_diff_inouts = tuple() self.__minimal_couplings = [] self.coupled_system = CoupledSystem() self.n_newton_linear_resolutions = 0 self.__linear_solver_factory = LinearSolversFactory() def __check_inputs( self, functions: Iterable[str], variables: Iterable[str], couplings: Iterable[str], matrix_type: str, use_lu_fact: bool, ) -> None: """Check the inputs before differentiation. Args: functions: The functions to differentiate. variables: The differentiation variables. couplings: The coupling variables. matrix_type: The type of matrix for linearization. use_lu_fact: Whether to use the LU factorization once for all second members. Raises: ValueError: When the inputs are inconsistent. """ unknown_dvars = set(variables) unknown_outs = set(functions) for discipline in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: inputs = set(discipline.get_input_data_names()) outputs = set(discipline.get_output_data_names()) unknown_outs -= outputs unknown_dvars -= inputs if unknown_dvars: raise ValueError( "Some of the specified variables are not " + "inputs of the disciplines: " + str(unknown_dvars) + " possible inputs are: " + str( [ disc.get_input_data_names() for disc in self.coupling_structure.disciplines ] ) ) if unknown_outs: raise ValueError( "Some outputs are not computed by the disciplines:" + str(unknown_outs) + " available outputs are: " + str( [ disc.get_output_data_names() for disc in self.coupling_structure.disciplines ] ) ) for coupling in set(couplings) & set(variables): raise ValueError( "Variable " + str(coupling) + " is both a coupling and a design variable" ) if matrix_type not in self.AVAILABLE_MAT_TYPES: raise ValueError( "Unknown matrix type " + str(matrix_type) + ", available ones are " + str(self.AVAILABLE_MAT_TYPES) ) if use_lu_fact and matrix_type == self.LINEAR_OPERATOR: raise ValueError( "Unsupported LU factorization for " + "LinearOperators! Please use Sparse matrices" + " instead" )
[docs] def compute_sizes( self, functions: Iterable[str], variables: Iterable[str], couplings: Iterable[str], residual_variables: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Compute the number of scalar functions, variables and couplings. Args: functions: The functions to differentiate. variables: The differentiation variables. couplings: The coupling variables. residual_variables: The mapping of residuals of disciplines to their respective state variables. Raises: ValueError: When the size of some variables could not be determined. """ self.sizes = {} self.disciplines = {} # search for the functions/variables/couplings in the # Jacobians of the disciplines if residual_variables: outputs = itertools.chain( functions, couplings, residual_variables.keys(), residual_variables.values(), ) else: outputs = itertools.chain(functions, couplings) # functions and coupling and states for output in outputs: discipline = self.coupling_structure.find_discipline(output) self.disciplines[output] = discipline # get an arbitrary Jacobian and compute the number of rows self.sizes[output] = discipline.local_data[output].shape[0] # variables for variable in variables: for discipline in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: if variable not in self.sizes: for jacobian in discipline.jac.values(): jacobian_wrt_variable = jacobian.get(variable, None) if jacobian_wrt_variable is not None: self.sizes[variable] = jacobian_wrt_variable.shape[1] self.disciplines[variable] = discipline break if variable not in self.sizes: raise ValueError( f"Failed to determine the size of input variable {variable}" )
@staticmethod def _check_mode(mode: str, n_variables: int, n_functions: int) -> str: """Check the differentiation mode (direct or adjoint). Args: mode: The differentiation mode. n_variables: The number of variables. n_functions: The number of functions. Returns: The linearization mode. """ if mode == JacobianAssembly.AUTO_MODE: if n_variables <= n_functions: mode = JacobianAssembly.DIRECT_MODE else: mode = JacobianAssembly.ADJOINT_MODE return mode
[docs] def compute_dimension(self, names: Iterable[str]) -> int: """Compute the total number of functions/variables/couplings of the full system. Args: names: The names of the inputs or the outputs. Returns: The dimension if the system. """ number = 0 for name in names: number += self.sizes[name] return number
def _dres_dvar_sparse( self, residuals: Iterable[str], variables: Iterable[str], n_residuals: int, n_variables: int, ) -> dok_matrix: """Form the matrix of partial derivatives of residuals. Given disciplinary Jacobians dYi(Y0...Yn)/dvj, fill the sparse Jacobian: | | | dRi/dvj | | | Args: residuals: The residuals. variables: The differentiation variables. n_residuals: The number of residuals. n_variables: The number of variables. Returns: The derivatives of the residuals wrt the variables. """ dres_dvar = dok_matrix((n_residuals, n_variables)) out_i = 0 # Row blocks for residual in residuals: residual_size = self.sizes[residual] # Find the associated discipline discipline = self.disciplines[residual] residual_jac = discipline.jac[residual] # Column blocks out_j = 0 for variable in variables: variable_size = self.sizes[variable] if residual == variable: # residual Yi-Yi: put -I in the Jacobian ones_mat = (ones(variable_size), 0) shape = (variable_size, variable_size) diag_mat = -dia_matrix(ones_mat, shape=shape) if self.coupling_structure.is_self_coupled(discipline): jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: diag_mat += jac dres_dvar[ out_i : out_i + variable_size, out_j : out_j + variable_size ] = diag_mat else: # block Jacobian jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: n_i, n_j = jac.shape assert n_i == residual_size assert n_j == variable_size # Fill the sparse Jacobian block dres_dvar[out_i : out_i + n_i, out_j : out_j + n_j] = jac # Shift the column by block width out_j += variable_size out_i += residual_size return dres_dvar.real def _dres_dvar_linop( self, residuals: Iterable[str], variables: Iterable[str], n_residuals: int, n_variables: int, ) -> LinearOperator: """Form the linear operator of partial derivatives of residuals. Args: residuals: The residuals. variables: The differentiation variables. n_residuals: The number of residuals. n_variables: The number of variables. Returns: The operator dres_dvar. """ def dres_dvar(x_array: ndarray) -> ndarray: """The linear operator that represents the square matrix dR/dy. Args: x_array: vector multiplied by the matrix """ assert x_array.shape[0] == n_variables # initialize the result result = zeros(n_residuals, dtype=x_array.dtype) out_i = 0 # Row blocks for residual in residuals: residual_size = self.sizes[residual] # Find the associated discipline discipline = self.disciplines[residual] residual_jac = discipline.jac[residual] # Column blocks out_j = 0 for variable in variables: variable_size = self.sizes[variable] if residual == variable: # residual Yi-Yi: (-I).x = -x sub_x = x_array[out_j : out_j + variable_size] result[out_i : out_i + residual_size] -= sub_x if self.coupling_structure.is_self_coupled(discipline): jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: result[out_i : out_i + residual_size] += else: # block Jacobian jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: sub_x = x_array[out_j : out_j + variable_size] sub_result = result[out_i : out_i + residual_size] += sub_result # Shift the column by block width out_j += variable_size # Shift the row by block height out_i += residual_size return result return LinearOperator((n_residuals, n_variables), matvec=dres_dvar) def _dres_dvar_t_linop( self, residuals: Iterable[str], variables: Iterable[str], n_residuals: int, n_variables: int, ) -> LinearOperator: """Form the transposed linear operator of partial derivatives of residuals. Args: residuals: The residuals. variables: The differentiation variables. n_residuals: The number of residuals. n_variables: The number of variables. Returns: The transpose of the operator dres_dvar. """ def dres_t_dvar(x_array: ndarray) -> ndarray: """The transposed linear operator that represents the square matrix dR/dy. Args: x_array: The vector multiplied by the matrix. """ assert x_array.shape[0] == n_residuals # initialize the result result = zeros(n_variables) out_j = 0 # Column blocks for residual in residuals: residual_size = self.sizes[residual] # Find the associated discipline discipline = self.disciplines[residual] residual_jac = discipline.jac[residual] # Row blocks out_i = 0 for variable in variables: variable_size = self.sizes[variable] if residual == variable: # residual Yi-Yi: (-I).x = -x sub_x = x_array[out_j : out_j + residual_size] result[out_i : out_i + variable_size] -= sub_x if self.coupling_structure.is_self_coupled(discipline): jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: result[out_i : out_i + residual_size] += sub_x ) else: # block Jacobian jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: sub_x = x_array[out_j : out_j + residual_size] sub_result = result[out_i : out_i + variable_size] += sub_result # Shift the column by block width out_i += variable_size # Shift the row by block height out_j += residual_size return result return LinearOperator((n_variables, n_residuals), matvec=dres_t_dvar)
[docs] def dres_dvar( self, residuals: Iterable[str], variables: Iterable[str], n_residuals: int, n_variables: int, matrix_type: str = SPARSE, transpose: bool = False, ) -> dok_matrix | LinearOperator: """Form the matrix of partial derivatives of residuals. Given disciplinary Jacobians dYi(Y0...Yn)/dvj, fill the sparse Jacobian: | | | dRi/dvj | | | (Default value = False) Args: residuals: The residuals. variables: The differentiation variables. n_residuals: The number of residuals. n_variables: The number of variables. matrix_type: The type of the matrix. transpose: Whether to transpose the matrix. Returns: The jacobian of dres_dvar. Raises: TypeError: When the matrix type is unknown. """ if matrix_type == JacobianAssembly.SPARSE: sparse_dres_dvar = self._dres_dvar_sparse( residuals, variables, n_residuals, n_variables, ) if transpose: return sparse_dres_dvar.T return sparse_dres_dvar if matrix_type == JacobianAssembly.LINEAR_OPERATOR: if transpose: return self._dres_dvar_t_linop( residuals, variables, n_residuals, n_variables ) return self._dres_dvar_linop(residuals, variables, n_residuals, n_variables) raise TypeError("cannot handle the matrix type")
[docs] def dfun_dvar( self, function: str, variables: Iterable[str], n_variables: int ) -> dok_matrix: """Forms the matrix of partial derivatives of a function. Given disciplinary Jacobians dJi(, fill the sparse Jacobian: | | | dJi/dvj | | | Args: function: The function to differentiate. variables: The differentiation variables. n_variables: The number of variables. Returns: The full Jacobian matrix. """ function_size = self.sizes[function] dfun_dy = dok_matrix((function_size, n_variables)) # Find the associated discipline discipline = self.disciplines[function] function_jac = discipline.jac[function] # Loop over differentiation variable out_j = 0 for variable in variables: variable_size = self.sizes[variable] jac_var = function_jac.get(variable, None) if jac_var is not None: n_i, n_j = jac_var.shape assert n_j == variable_size assert n_i == function_size # Fill the sparse Jacobian block dfun_dy[:, out_j : out_j + n_j] = jac_var # Shift the column by block width out_j += variable_size return dfun_dy
def _compute_diff_ios_and_couplings( self, variables: Iterable[str], functions: Iterable[str], states: Iterable[str], coupling_structure: MDOCouplingStructure, ) -> list[str]: """Compute the minimal differentiated inputs, outputs and couplings. This is done form the disciplines that are required to differentiate the functions with respect to the variables. This uses a graph algorithm that computes the dependency process graph and address the "jacobian accumulation" problem with a heuristic but conservative approach. Args: variables: The differentiation variables. functions: The functions to differentiate. states: The state variables. coupling_structure: The coupling structure containing all the disciplines. Returns: The minimal coupling variables set requires to differentiate the functions with respect to the variables. """ diff_ios = (set(variables), set(functions)) if self.__last_diff_inouts != diff_ios: diff_ios_merged = traverse_add_diff_io_mda( coupling_structure, variables, functions ) self.__last_diff_inouts = diff_ios couplings = [ coupl for coupls in diff_ios_merged.values() for coupl in list(coupls[0]) + list(coupls[1]) ] minimal_couplings = set(couplings).intersection( coupling_structure.all_couplings ) # The state variables are not coupling variables, although they are inputs # and outputs of the disciplines with residuals. minimal_couplings = sorted(minimal_couplings.difference(states)) self.__minimal_couplings = minimal_couplings return self.__minimal_couplings
[docs] def total_derivatives( self, in_data, functions: Iterable[str], variables: Iterable[str], couplings: Iterable[str], linear_solver: str = "DEFAULT", mode: str = AUTO_MODE, matrix_type: str = SPARSE, use_lu_fact: bool = False, exec_cache_tol: float | None = None, force_no_exec: bool = False, residual_variables: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, **linear_solver_options: Any, ) -> dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]] | dict[Any, dict[Any, None]]: """Compute the Jacobian of total derivatives of the coupled system. Args: in_data: The input data dict. functions: The functions to differentiate. variables: The differentiation variables. couplings: The coupling variables. linear_solver: The name of the linear solver. mode: The linearization mode (auto, direct or adjoint). matrix_type: The representation of the matrix dR/dy (sparse or linear operator). use_lu_fact: Whether to factorize dres_dy once, unsupported for linear operator mode. exec_cache_tol: The discipline cache tolerance to when calling the linearize method. If None, no tolerance is set (equivalent to tol=0.0). force_no_exec: Whether the discipline is not re-executed, the cache is loaded anyway. linear_solver_options: The options passed to the linear solver factory. residual_variables: a mapping of residuals of disciplines to their respective state variables. **linear_solver_options: The options passed to the linear solver factory. Returns: The total coupled derivatives. Raises: ValueError: When the linearization_mode is incorrect. """ if not functions: return defaultdict(default_dict_factory) self.__check_inputs(functions, variables, couplings, matrix_type, use_lu_fact) if residual_variables: states = list(residual_variables.values()) else: states = [] couplings_minimal = self._compute_diff_ios_and_couplings( variables, functions, states, self.coupling_structure, ) couplings_and_res = couplings_minimal.copy() couplings_and_states = couplings_minimal.copy() # linearize all the disciplines if residual_variables is not None and residual_variables: couplings_and_res += residual_variables.keys() couplings_and_states += states for disc in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: if disc.cache is not None and exec_cache_tol is not None: disc.cache_tol = exec_cache_tol disc.linearize(in_data, force_no_exec=force_no_exec) # compute the sizes from the Jacobians self.compute_sizes(functions, variables, couplings_minimal, residual_variables) n_variables = self.compute_dimension(variables) n_functions = self.compute_dimension(functions) n_residuals = self.compute_dimension(couplings_minimal) if residual_variables: n_residuals += self.compute_dimension(residual_variables.keys()) n_variables += self.compute_dimension(residual_variables.values()) # compute the partial derivatives of the residuals dres_dx = self.dres_dvar( couplings_and_res, variables, n_residuals, n_variables, ) # compute the partial derivatives of the interest functions (dfun_dx, dfun_dy) = ({}, {}) for fun in functions: dfun_dx[fun] = self.dfun_dvar(fun, variables, n_variables) dfun_dy[fun] = self.dfun_dvar(fun, couplings_minimal, n_residuals) mode = self._check_mode(mode, n_variables, n_functions) # compute the total derivatives if mode == JacobianAssembly.DIRECT_MODE: # sparse square matrix dR/dy dres_dy = self.dres_dvar( couplings_and_res, couplings_and_states, n_residuals, n_residuals, matrix_type=matrix_type, ) # compute the coupled derivatives total_derivatives = self.coupled_system.direct_mode( functions, n_variables, n_residuals, dres_dx, dres_dy, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, use_lu_fact=use_lu_fact, **linear_solver_options, ) elif mode == JacobianAssembly.ADJOINT_MODE: # transposed square matrix dR/dy^T dres_dy_t = self.dres_dvar( couplings_and_res, couplings_and_states, n_residuals, n_residuals, matrix_type=matrix_type, transpose=True, ) # compute the coupled derivatives total_derivatives = self.coupled_system.adjoint_mode( functions, dres_dx, dres_dy_t, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, use_lu_fact=use_lu_fact, **linear_solver_options, ) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect linearization mode " + str(mode)) return self.split_jac(total_derivatives, variables)
[docs] def split_jac( self, coupled_system: Mapping[str, ndarray | dok_matrix], variables: Iterable[str], ) -> dict[str, ndarray | dok_matrix]: """Split a Jacobian dict into a dict of dict. Args: coupled_system: The derivatives to split. variables: The variables wrt which the differentiation is performed. Returns: The Jacobian. """ j_split = {} for function, function_jac in coupled_system.items(): i_out = 0 sub_jac = {} for variable in variables: size = self.sizes[variable] sub_jac[variable] = function_jac[:, i_out : i_out + size] i_out += size j_split[function] = sub_jac return j_split
# Newton step computation
[docs] def compute_newton_step( self, in_data: Mapping[str, Any], couplings: Iterable[str], relax_factor: float | int, linear_solver: str = "DEFAULT", matrix_type: str = SPARSE, **linear_solver_options: Any, ) -> dict[str, ndarray]: """Compute the Newton step for the coupled system of disciplines residuals. Args: in_data: The input data. couplings: The coupling variables. relax_factor: The relaxation factor. linear_solver: The name of the linear solver. matrix_type: The representation of the matrix dR/dy (sparse or linear operator). **linear_solver_options: The options passed to the linear solver factory. Returns: The Newton step -[dR/dy]^-1 . R as a dict of steps per coupling variable. """ # linearize the disciplines for disc in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: inputs_to_linearize = set(disc.get_input_data_names()).intersection( couplings ) outputs_to_linearize = set(disc.get_output_data_names()).intersection( couplings ) # If outputs and inputs to linearize not empty, then linearize if inputs_to_linearize and outputs_to_linearize: disc.add_differentiated_inputs(inputs_to_linearize) disc.add_differentiated_outputs(outputs_to_linearize) disc.linearize(in_data) # Otherwise, # Execute and populate with empty dicts the Jacobian # with the outputs to linearize # This will be needed when creating the dRes/dCoupling matrix. else: disc.execute(in_data) disc.jac = {} for out in outputs_to_linearize: disc.jac[out] = {} self.compute_sizes(couplings, couplings, couplings) n_couplings = self.compute_dimension(couplings) # compute the partial derivatives of the residuals dres_dy = self.dres_dvar( couplings, couplings, n_couplings, n_couplings, matrix_type=matrix_type ) # form the residuals res = self.residuals(in_data, couplings) # solve the linear system linear_problem = LinearProblem(dres_dy, -relax_factor * res) self.__linear_solver_factory.execute( linear_problem, linear_solver, **linear_solver_options ) newton_step = linear_problem.solution self.n_newton_linear_resolutions += 1 # split the array of steps couplings_to_steps = {} component = 0 for coupling in couplings: size = self.sizes[coupling] couplings_to_steps[coupling] = newton_step[component : component + size] component += size return couplings_to_steps
[docs] def residuals( self, in_data: Mapping[str, Any], var_names: Iterable[str] ) -> ndarray: """Form the matrix of residuals wrt coupling variables. Given disciplinary explicit calculations Yi(Y0_t,...Yn_t), fill the residual matrix:: [Y0(Y0_t,...Yn_t) - Y0_t] [ ] [Yn(Y0_t,...Yn_t) - Yn_t] Args: in_data: The values prescribed for the calculation of the residuals (Y0_t,...Yn_t). var_names: The names of variables associated with the residuals (R). Returns: The residuals array. """ residuals = [] # Build rows blocks for name in var_names: for discipline in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: # Find associated discipline if name in discipline.get_output_data_names(): residuals.append( atleast_2d(discipline.get_outputs_by_name(name) - in_data[name]) ) return concatenate(residuals, axis=1)[0, :]
# plot method
[docs] def plot_dependency_jacobian( self, functions: Iterable[str], variables: Iterable[str], save: bool = True, show: bool = False, filepath: str | None = None, markersize: float | None = None, ) -> str: """Plot the Jacobian matrix. Nonzero elements of the sparse matrix are represented by blue squares. Args: functions: The functions to plot. variables: The variables. show: Whether the plot is displayed. save: Whether the plot is saved in a PDF file. filepath: The file name to save to. If None, ``coupled_jacobian.pdf`` is used, otherwise ``coupled_jacobian_ + filepath + .pdf``. markersize: size of the markers Returns: The file name. """ self.compute_sizes(functions, variables, []) n_variables = self.compute_dimension(variables) total_jac = None # compute the positions of the outputs outputs_positions = {} current_position = 0 for fun in functions: dfun_dx = self.dfun_dvar(fun, variables, n_variables) outputs_positions[fun] = current_position current_position += self.sizes[fun] if total_jac is None: total_jac = dfun_dx else: total_jac = vstack((total_jac, dfun_dx)) # compute the positions of the inputs inputs_positions = {} current_position = 0 for variable in variables: inputs_positions[variable] = current_position current_position += self.sizes[variable] # plot the (sparse) matrix fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.0, 10.0)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.spy(total_jac, markersize=markersize) ax1.set_aspect("auto") plt.yticks(list(outputs_positions.values()), list(outputs_positions.keys())) plt.xticks( list(inputs_positions.values()), list(inputs_positions.keys()), rotation=90 ) if save: if filepath is None: filename = "coupled_jacobian.pdf" else: filename = f"coupled_jacobian_{filepath}.pdf" else: filename = None save_show_figure(fig, show, filename) return filename
[docs]class CoupledSystem: """Compute coupled (total) derivatives of a system of residuals. Use several methods: - direct or adjoint - factorized for multiple RHS """ n_linear_resolutions: int """The number of linear resolutions.""" n_direct_modes: int """The number of direct mode calls.""" n_adjoint_modes: int """The number of adjoint mode calls.""" lu_fact: int """The number of LU mode calls (adjoint or direct).""" __linear_solver_factory: LinearSolversFactory """The linear solver factory.""" linear_problem: LinearProblem | None """The considered linear problem.""" DEFAULT_LINEAR_SOLVER: ClassVar[str] = "DEFAULT" """The default linear solver.""" def __init__(self) -> None: # noqa:D107 self.n_linear_resolutions = 0 self.n_direct_modes = 0 self.n_adjoint_modes = 0 self.lu_fact = 0 self.__linear_solver_factory = LinearSolversFactory() self.linear_problem = None
[docs] def direct_mode( self, functions: Iterable[str], n_variables: int, n_couplings: int, dres_dx: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dres_dy: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dfun_dx: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], dfun_dy: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], linear_solver: str = DEFAULT_LINEAR_SOLVER, use_lu_fact: bool = False, **linear_solver_options: Any, ) -> dict[str, dok_matrix]: """Compute the total derivative Jacobian in direct mode. Args: functions: The functions to differentiate. n_variables: The number of variables. n_couplings: The number of couplings. dres_dx: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the design variables. dres_dy: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the coupling variables. dfun_dx: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the design variables. dfun_dy: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the coupling variables. linear_solver: The name of the linear solver. use_lu_fact: Whether to factorize dres_dy once. **linear_solver_options: The optional parameters. Returns: The Jacobian of the total coupled derivatives. """ self.n_direct_modes += 1 if use_lu_fact: return self._direct_mode_lu( functions, n_variables, n_couplings, dres_dx, dres_dy, dfun_dx, dfun_dy ) return self._direct_mode( functions, n_variables, n_couplings, dres_dx, dres_dy, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, **linear_solver_options, )
[docs] def adjoint_mode( self, functions: Iterable[str], dres_dx: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dres_dy_t: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dfun_dx: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], dfun_dy: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], linear_solver: str = DEFAULT_LINEAR_SOLVER, use_lu_fact: bool = False, **linear_solver_options: Any, ) -> dict[str, ndarray]: """Compute the total derivative Jacobian in adjoint mode. Args: functions: The functions to differentiate. dres_dx: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the design variables. dres_dy_t: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the coupling variables. dfun_dx: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the design variables. dfun_dy: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the coupling variables. linear_solver: The name of the linear solver. use_lu_fact: Whether to factorize dres_dy_t once. **linear_solver_options: The optional parameters. Returns: The Jacobian of total coupled derivatives. """ self.n_adjoint_modes += 1 if use_lu_fact: return self._adjoint_mode_lu( functions, dres_dx, dres_dy_t, dfun_dx, dfun_dy ) return self._adjoint_mode( functions, dres_dx, dres_dy_t, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, **linear_solver_options, )
def _direct_mode( self, functions: Iterable[str], n_variables: int, n_couplings: int, dres_dx: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dres_dy: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dfun_dx: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], dfun_dy: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], linear_solver: str = DEFAULT_LINEAR_SOLVER, **linear_solver_options: Any, ) -> dict[str, dok_matrix]: """Compute the total derivative Jacobian in direct mode. Args: functions: The functions to differentiate. n_variables: The number of variables. n_couplings: The number of couplings. dres_dx: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the design variables. dres_dy: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the coupling variables. dfun_dx: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the design variables. dfun_dy: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the coupling variables. linear_solver: The name of the linear solver. **linear_solver_options: The optional parameters. Returns: The Jacobian of total coupled derivatives. """ # compute the total derivative dy/dx, independent of the # function to differentiate dy_dx = empty((n_couplings, n_variables)) self.linear_problem = LinearProblem(dres_dy) if linear_solver in ["DEFAULT", "LGMRES"]: # Reinit outerV, and store it for all RHS linear_solver_options["outer_v"] = [] for var_index in range(n_variables): self.linear_problem.rhs = -dres_dx[:, var_index] self.__linear_solver_factory.execute( self.linear_problem, linear_solver, **linear_solver_options ) dy_dx[:, var_index] = self.linear_problem.solution self.n_linear_resolutions += 1 # assemble the total derivatives of the functions using dy_dx jac = {} for fun in functions: jac[fun] = dfun_dx[fun].toarray() + dfun_dy[fun].dot(dy_dx) return jac def _adjoint_mode( self, functions: Iterable[str], dres_dx: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dres_dy_t: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dfun_dx: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], dfun_dy: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], linear_solver: str = DEFAULT_LINEAR_SOLVER, **linear_solver_options: Any, ) -> dict[str, ndarray]: """Compute the total derivative Jacobian in adjoint mode. Args: functions: The functions to differentiate. dres_dx: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the design variables. dres_dy: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the coupling variables. dfun_dx: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the design variables. dfun_dy: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the coupling variables. linear_solver: The name of the linear solver. dres_dy_t: The derivatives of the residuals wrt coupling vars. **linear_solver_options: The optional parameters. Returns: The Jacobian of total coupled derivatives. """ jac = {} # adjoint vector for each interest function if linear_solver in ["DEFAULT", "LGMRES"]: # Reinit outerV, and store it for all RHS linear_solver_options["outer_v"] = [] self.linear_problem = LinearProblem(dres_dy_t) for fun in functions: dfunction_dx = dfun_dx[fun] dfunction_dy = dfun_dy[fun] jac[fun] = empty(dfunction_dx.shape) # compute adjoint vector for each component of the function for fun_component in range(dfunction_dy.shape[0]): self.linear_problem.rhs = -dfunction_dy[fun_component, :].T self.__linear_solver_factory.execute( self.linear_problem, linear_solver, **linear_solver_options ) adjoint = self.linear_problem.solution self.n_linear_resolutions += 1 jac[fun][fun_component, :] = ( dfunction_dx[fun_component, :] + ( ) return jac def _direct_mode_lu( self, functions: Iterable[str], n_variables: int, n_couplings: int, dres_dx: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dres_dy: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dfun_dx: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], dfun_dy: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], tol: float = 1e-10, ) -> dict[str, dok_matrix]: """Compute the total derivative Jacobian in direct mode. Args: functions: The functions to differentiate. n_variables: The number of variables. n_couplings: The number of couplings. dres_dx: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the design variables. dres_dy: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the coupling variables. dfun_dx: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the design variables. dfun_dy: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the coupling variables. tol: Tolerance on the relative residuals norm to consider that the linear system is solved. If not, raises a warning. Returns: The Jacobian of total coupled derivatives. """ # compute the total derivative dy/dx, independent of the # function to differentiate dy_dx = empty((n_couplings, n_variables)) # compute LU decomposition lhs = csc_matrix(dres_dy) solve = factorized(lhs) self.lu_fact += 1 for var_index in range(n_variables): rhs = -dres_dx[:, var_index].todense() sol = solve(rhs) dy_dx[:, var_index] = sol.squeeze() self.n_linear_resolutions += 1 res = norm( - rhs) / norm(rhs) if res > tol: LOGGER.warning( "The linear system in _direct_mode_lu used to compute the coupled " "derivatives is not well resolved, " "residuals > tolerance : %s > %s ", res, tol, ) # assemble the total derivatives of the functions using dy_dx jac = {} for fun in functions: jac[fun] = dfun_dx[fun].toarray() + dfun_dy[fun].dot(dy_dx) return jac def _adjoint_mode_lu( self, functions: Iterable[str], dres_dx: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dres_dy_t: dok_matrix | LinearOperator, dfun_dx: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], dfun_dy: Mapping[str, dok_matrix], tol: float = 1e-10, ) -> dict[str, ndarray]: """Compute the total derivative Jacobian in adjoint mode. Args: functions: The functions to differentiate. dres_dx: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the design variables. dfun_dx: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the design variables. dfun_dy: The Jacobian of the functions wrt the coupling variables. dres_dy_t: The Jacobian of the residuals wrt the coupling variables. tol: Tolerance on the relative residuals norm to consider that the linear system is solved. If not, raises a warning. Returns: The Jacobian of total coupled derivatives. """ jac = {} # compute LU factorization solve = factorized(dres_dy_t) self.lu_fact += 1 # adjoint vector for each interest function for fun in functions: dfunction_dx = dfun_dx[fun] dfunction_dy = dfun_dy[fun] jac[fun] = empty(dfunction_dx.shape) # compute adjoint vector for each component of the function for fun_component in range(dfunction_dy.shape[0]): rhs = -dfunction_dy[fun_component, :].todense().T adjoint = solve(rhs) res = norm( - rhs) / norm(rhs) if res > tol: LOGGER.warning( "The linear system in _adjoint_mode_lu used to compute the " "coupled " "derivatives is not well resolved, " "residuals > tolerance : %s > %s ", res, tol, ) self.n_linear_resolutions += 1 jac[fun][fun_component, :] = ( dfunction_dx[fun_component, :] + ( ) return jac