gemseo / post / dataset

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radar_chart module

Draw a radar chart from a Dataset.

class, display_zero=True, connect=False, radial_ticks=False, n_levels=6, scientific_notation=True)[source]

Bases: DatasetPlot

Radar Chart visualization.

  • dataset (Dataset) – The dataset containing the data to plot.

  • display_zero (bool) –

    Whether to display the line where the output is equal to zero.

    By default it is set to True.

  • connect (bool) –

    Whether to connect the elements of a series with a line.

    By default it is set to False.

  • radial_ticks (bool) –

    Whether to align the ticks names with the radius.

    By default it is set to False.

  • n_levels (int) –

    The number of grid levels.

    By default it is set to 6.

  • scientific_notation (bool) –

    Whether to format the grid levels with the scientific notation.

    By default it is set to True.


ValueError – If the dataset is empty.

color: str | list[str]

The color(s) for the series.

If empty, use a default one.

colormap: str

The color map.

dataset: Dataset

The dataset to be plotted.

fig_size: FigSizeType

The figure size.

font_size: int

The font size.

legend_location: str

The location of the legend.

linestyle: str | list[str]

The line style(s) for the series.

If empty, use a default one.

marker: str | list[str]

The marker(s) for the series.

If empty, use a default one.

title: str

The title of the plot.

xlabel: str

The label for the x-axis.

xmax: float | None

The maximum value on the x-axis.”.

If None, compute it from data.

xmin: float | None

The minimum value on the x-axis.

If None, compute it from data.

ylabel: str

The label for the y-axis.

ymax: float | None

The maximum value on the y-axis.

If None, compute it from data.

ymin: float | None

The minimum value on the y-axis.

If None, compute it from data.

zlabel: str

The label for the z-axis.

zmax: float | None

The maximum value on the z-axis.

If None, compute it from data.

zmin: float | None

The minimum value on the z-axis.

If None, compute it from data.

Examples using RadarChart

Radar chart

Radar chart