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scatter_plot_matrix module

Draw a scatter matrix from a Dataset.

The ScatterMatrix class implements the scatter plot matrix, which is a way to visualize \(n\) samples of a multi-dimensional vector


in several 2D subplots where the (i,j) subplot represents the cloud of points

\[\left(x_i^{(k)},x_j^{(k)}\right)_{1\leq k \leq n}\]

while the (i,i) subplot represents the empirical distribution of the samples


by means of an histogram or a kernel density estimator.

A variable name can be passed to the DatasetPlot.execute() method by means of the classifier keyword in order to color the curves according to the value of the variable name. This is useful when the data is labeled.

class, variable_names=None, classifier=None, kde=False, size=25, marker='o', plot_lower=True, plot_upper=True)[source]

Bases: DatasetPlot

Scatter plot matrix.

  • dataset (Dataset) – The dataset containing the data to plot.

  • variable_names (Sequence[str] | None) – The description is missing.

  • classifier (str | None) – The name of the variable to build the cluster.

  • kde (bool) –

    The type of the distribution representation. If True, plot kernel-density estimator on the diagonal. Otherwise, use histograms.

    By default it is set to False.

  • size (int) –

    The size of the points.

    By default it is set to 25.

  • marker (str) –

    The marker for the points.

    By default it is set to “o”.

  • plot_lower (bool) –

    Whether to plot the lower part.

    By default it is set to True.

  • plot_upper (bool) –

    Whether to plot the upper part.

    By default it is set to True.


ValueError – If the dataset is empty.

color: str | list[str]

The color(s) for the series.

If empty, use a default one.

colormap: str

The color map.

dataset: Dataset

The dataset to be plotted.

fig_size: FigSizeType

The figure size.

font_size: int

The font size.

legend_location: str

The location of the legend.

linestyle: str | list[str]

The line style(s) for the series.

If empty, use a default one.

marker: str | list[str]

The marker(s) for the series.

If empty, use a default one.

title: str

The title of the plot.

xlabel: str

The label for the x-axis.

xmax: float | None

The maximum value on the x-axis.”.

If None, compute it from data.

xmin: float | None

The minimum value on the x-axis.

If None, compute it from data.

ylabel: str

The label for the y-axis.

ymax: float | None

The maximum value on the y-axis.

If None, compute it from data.

ymin: float | None

The minimum value on the y-axis.

If None, compute it from data.

zlabel: str

The label for the z-axis.

zmax: float | None

The maximum value on the z-axis.

If None, compute it from data.

zmin: float | None

The minimum value on the z-axis.

If None, compute it from data.

Examples using ScatterMatrix

Diagonal design of experiments

Diagonal design of experiments

Iris dataset

Iris dataset

Scatter matrix

Scatter matrix

Gaussian Mixtures

Gaussian Mixtures



Parameter space

Parameter space

Parameter space

Parameter space