Source code for gemseo.algos.driver_library

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
#       :author: Damien Guenot - 26 avr. 2016
#       :author: Francois Gallard, refactoring
"""Driver library.

A driver library aims to solve an :class:`.OptimizationProblem`
using a particular algorithm from a particular family of numerical methods.
This algorithm will be in charge of evaluating the objective and constraints
functions at different points of the design space, using the
:meth:`.DriverLibrary.execute` method.
The most famous kinds of numerical methods to solve an optimization problem
are optimization algorithms and design of experiments (DOE). A DOE driver
browses the design space agnostically, i.e. without taking into
account the function evaluations. On the contrary, an optimization algorithm
uses this information to make the journey through design space
as relevant as possible in order to reach as soon as possible the optimum.
These families are implemented in :class:`.DOELibrary`
and :class:`.OptimizationLibrary`.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from time import time
from typing import Any
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Final
from typing import List
from typing import Union

from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import ones
from numpy import where
from numpy import zeros
from strenum import StrEnum

from gemseo.algos._unsuitability_reason import _UnsuitabilityReason
from gemseo.algos.algorithm_library import AlgorithmDescription
from gemseo.algos.algorithm_library import AlgorithmLibrary
from gemseo.algos.base_problem import BaseProblem
from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace
from gemseo.algos.first_order_stop_criteria import KKTReached
from gemseo.algos.linear_solvers.linear_problem import LinearProblem
from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem
from gemseo.algos.opt_result import OptimizationResult
from gemseo.algos.progress_bar import ProgressBar
from gemseo.algos.progress_bar import TqdmToLogger
from gemseo.algos.stop_criteria import DesvarIsNan
from gemseo.algos.stop_criteria import FtolReached
from gemseo.algos.stop_criteria import FunctionIsNan
from gemseo.algos.stop_criteria import MaxIterReachedException
from gemseo.algos.stop_criteria import MaxTimeReached
from gemseo.algos.stop_criteria import TerminationCriterion
from gemseo.algos.stop_criteria import XtolReached
from gemseo.core.grammars.json_grammar import JSONGrammar
from gemseo.utils.derivatives.approximation_modes import ApproximationMode
from gemseo.utils.enumeration import merge_enums
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import MultiLineString

DriverLibOptionType = Union[str, float, int, bool, List[str], ndarray]
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class DriverDescription(AlgorithmDescription): """The description of a driver.""" handle_integer_variables: bool = False """Whether the optimization algorithm handles integer variables.""" require_gradient: bool = False """Whether the optimization algorithm requires the gradient."""
[docs]class DriverLibrary(AlgorithmLibrary): """Abstract class for library interfaces. Lists available methods in the library for the proposed problem to be solved. To integrate an optimization package, inherit from this class and put your file in gemseo.algos.doe or gemseo.algo.opt packages. """ ApproximationMode = ApproximationMode class _DifferentiationMethod(StrEnum): """The additional differentiation methods.""" USER_GRAD = OptimizationProblem.DifferentiationMethod.USER_GRAD DifferentiationMethod = merge_enums( "DifferentiationMethod", StrEnum, ApproximationMode, _DifferentiationMethod, doc="The differentiation methods.", ) INEQ_TOLERANCE = "ineq_tolerance" EQ_TOLERANCE = "eq_tolerance" MAX_TIME = "max_time" USE_DATABASE_OPTION = "use_database" NORMALIZE_DESIGN_SPACE_OPTION = "normalize_design_space" _NORMALIZE_DS = True ROUND_INTS_OPTION = "round_ints" EVAL_OBS_JAC_OPTION = "eval_obs_jac" MAX_DS_SIZE_PRINT = 40 _ACTIVATE_PROGRESS_BAR_OPTION_NAME = "activate_progress_bar" """The name of the option to activate the progress bar in the optimization log.""" activate_progress_bar: ClassVar[bool] = True """Whether to activate the progress bar in the optimization log.""" _COMMON_OPTIONS_GRAMMAR: ClassVar[JSONGrammar] = JSONGrammar( "DriverLibOptions", file_path=Path(__file__).parent / "driver_lib_options.json", ) __RESET_ITERATION_COUNTERS_OPTION: Final[str] = "reset_iteration_counters" """The name of the option to reset the iteration counters of the OptimizationProblem before each execution.""" __reset_iteration_counters: bool """Whether to reset the iteration counters of the OptimizationProblem before each execution.""" def __init__(self) -> None: # noqa:D107 # Library settings and check super().__init__() self.__progress_bar = None self.__activate_progress_bar = self.activate_progress_bar self.__max_iter = 0 self.__iter = 0 self._start_time = None self._max_time = None self.__message = None self.__is_current_iteration_logged = True self.__reset_iteration_counters = True @classmethod def _get_unsuitability_reason( cls, algorithm_description: DriverDescription, problem: OptimizationProblem ) -> _UnsuitabilityReason: reason = super()._get_unsuitability_reason(algorithm_description, problem) if reason or problem.design_space: return reason return _UnsuitabilityReason.EMPTY_DESIGN_SPACE
[docs] def deactivate_progress_bar(self) -> None: """Deactivate the progress bar.""" self.__progress_bar = None
[docs] def init_iter_observer( self, max_iter: int, message: str = "...", ) -> None: """Initialize the iteration observer. It will handle the stopping criterion and the logging of the progress bar. Args: max_iter: The maximum number of iterations. message: The message to display at the beginning. Raises: ValueError: If ``max_iter`` is lower than one. """ if max_iter < 1: raise ValueError(f"max_iter must be >=1, got {max_iter}") self.problem.max_iter = self.__max_iter = max_iter self.problem.current_iter = self.__iter = ( 0 if self.__reset_iteration_counters else self.problem.current_iter ) self.__message = message if self.__activate_progress_bar: self.__progress_bar = ProgressBar( total=max_iter, desc=message, ascii=False, bar_format="{desc} {percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}{r_bar}", file=TqdmToLogger(), ) self.__progress_bar.n = self.__iter else: self.deactivate_progress_bar() self._start_time = time()
def __set_progress_bar_objective_value(self, x_vect: ndarray | None) -> None: """Set the objective value in the progress bar. Args: x_vect: The design variables values. If None, consider the objective at the last iteration. """ if x_vect is None: value = self.problem.objective.last_eval else: value = self.problem.database.get_function_value(, x_vect ) if value is not None: self.__is_current_iteration_logged = True # if maximization problem: take the opposite if ( not self.problem.minimize_objective and not self.problem.use_standardized_objective ): value = -value self.__progress_bar.n += 1 if isinstance(value, ndarray): if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] self.__progress_bar.set_postfix(refresh=True, obj=value) # else: if self.__is_current_iteration_logged: self.__is_current_iteration_logged = False else: self.__is_current_iteration_logged = True self.__progress_bar.n += 1 self.__progress_bar.set_postfix(refresh=True, obj="Not evaluated")
[docs] def new_iteration_callback(self, x_vect: ndarray | None = None) -> None: """Iterate the progress bar, implement the stop criteria. Args: x_vect: The design variables values. If None, use the values of the last iteration. Raises: MaxTimeReached: If the elapsed time is greater than the maximum execution time. """ # First check if the max_iter is reached and update the progress bar if self.__progress_bar is not None and not self.__is_current_iteration_logged: self.__set_progress_bar_objective_value( self.problem.database.get_x_vect(self.problem.current_iter or -1) ) self.__iter += 1 self.problem.current_iter = self.__iter if self._max_time > 0: delta_t = time() - self._start_time if delta_t > self._max_time: raise MaxTimeReached() if self.__progress_bar is not None: self.__set_progress_bar_objective_value(x_vect)
[docs] def finalize_iter_observer(self) -> None: """Finalize the iteration observer.""" if self.__progress_bar is not None: if not self.__is_current_iteration_logged: self.__set_progress_bar_objective_value( self.problem.database.get_x_vect(self.problem.current_iter or -1) ) self.__progress_bar.leave = False self.__progress_bar.close()
def _pre_run( self, problem: OptimizationProblem, algo_name: str, **options: DriverLibOptionType, ) -> None: """To be overridden by subclasses. Specific method to be executed just before _run method call. Args: problem: The optimization problem. algo_name: The name of the algorithm. **options: The options of the algorithm, see the associated JSON file. """ self._max_time = options.get(self.MAX_TIME, 0.0)"%s", problem) if problem.design_space.dimension <= self.MAX_DS_SIZE_PRINT: log = MultiLineString() log.indent() log.add("over the design space:") for line in str(problem.design_space).split("\n")[1:]: log.add(line)"%s", log)"Solving optimization problem with algorithm %s:", algo_name) def _post_run( self, problem: LinearProblem, algo_name: str, result, **options: Any ) -> None: """To be overridden by subclasses. Args: problem: The problem to be solved. algo_name: The name of the algorithm. result: The result of the run, e.g. an :class:`.OptimizationResult`. **options: The options of the algorithm. """ opt_result_str = result._strings"%s", opt_result_str[0]) if result.constraint_values: if result.is_feasible:"%s", opt_result_str[1]) else: LOGGER.warning("%s", opt_result_str[1])"%s", opt_result_str[2]) problem.solution = result if result.x_opt is not None: problem.design_space.set_current_value(result) if problem.design_space.dimension <= self.MAX_DS_SIZE_PRINT: log = MultiLineString() log.indent() log.indent() for line in str(problem.design_space).split("\n"): log.add(line)"%s", log) def _check_integer_handling( self, design_space: DesignSpace, force_execution: bool, ) -> None: """Check if the algo handles integer variables. The user may force the execution if needed, in this case a warning is logged. Args: design_space: The design space of the problem. force_execution: Whether to force the execution of the algorithm when the problem includes integer variables and the algo does not handle them. Raises: ValueError: If `force_execution` is set to `False` and the algo does not handle integer variables and the design space includes at least one integer variable. """ if ( design_space.has_integer_variables() and not self.descriptions[self.algo_name].handle_integer_variables ): if not force_execution: raise ValueError( "Algorithm {} is not adapted to the problem, it does not handle " "integer variables.\n" "Execution may be forced setting the 'skip_int_check' " "argument to 'True'.".format(self.algo_name) ) else: LOGGER.warning( "Forcing the execution of an algorithm that does not handle " "integer variables." )
[docs] def execute( self, problem: BaseProblem, algo_name: str | None = None, eval_obs_jac: bool = False, skip_int_check: bool = False, **options: DriverLibOptionType, ) -> OptimizationResult: """Execute the driver. Args: problem: The problem to be solved. algo_name: The name of the algorithm. If None, use the algo_name attribute which may have been set by the factory. eval_obs_jac: Whether to evaluate the Jacobian of the observables. skip_int_check: Whether to skip the integer variable handling check of the selected algorithm. **options: The options for the algorithm. Returns: The optimization result. Raises: ValueError: If `algo_name` was not either set by the factory or given as an argument. """ self.problem = problem if algo_name is not None: self.algo_name = algo_name if self.algo_name is None: raise ValueError( "Algorithm name must be either passed as " "argument or set by the attribute 'algo_name'." ) self._check_algorithm(self.algo_name, problem) self._check_integer_handling(problem.design_space, skip_int_check) activate_progress_bar = options.pop( self._ACTIVATE_PROGRESS_BAR_OPTION_NAME, None ) if activate_progress_bar is not None: self.__activate_progress_bar = activate_progress_bar self.__reset_iteration_counters = options.pop( self.__RESET_ITERATION_COUNTERS_OPTION, True ) options = self._update_algorithm_options(**options) self.internal_algo_name = self.descriptions[ self.algo_name ].internal_algorithm_name problem.check() problem.preprocess_functions( is_function_input_normalized=options.get( self.NORMALIZE_DESIGN_SPACE_OPTION, self._NORMALIZE_DS ), use_database=options.get(self.USE_DATABASE_OPTION, True), round_ints=options.get(self.ROUND_INTS_OPTION, True), eval_obs_jac=eval_obs_jac, ) problem.database.add_new_iter_listener(problem.execute_observables_callback) problem.database.add_new_iter_listener(self.new_iteration_callback) try: # Term criteria such as max iter or max_time can be triggered in pre_run self._pre_run(problem, self.algo_name, **options) result = self._run(**options) except TerminationCriterion as error: result = self._termination_criterion_raised(error) self.finalize_iter_observer() problem.database.clear_listeners() self._post_run(problem, algo_name, result, **options) return result
def _process_specific_option(self, options, option_key: str) -> None: """Process one option as a special treatment. Args: options: The options as preprocessed by _process_options. option_key: The current option key to process. """ if option_key == self.INEQ_TOLERANCE: self.problem.ineq_tolerance = options[option_key] del options[option_key] elif option_key == self.EQ_TOLERANCE: self.problem.eq_tolerance = options[option_key] del options[option_key] def _termination_criterion_raised( self, error: TerminationCriterion ) -> OptimizationResult: # pylint: disable=W0613 """Retrieve the best known iterate when max iter has been reached. Args: error: The obtained error from the algorithm. """ if isinstance(error, TerminationCriterion): message = "" if isinstance(error, MaxIterReachedException): message = "Maximum number of iterations reached." elif isinstance(error, FunctionIsNan): message = "Function value or gradient or constraint is NaN, " message += "and problem.stop_if_nan is set to True." elif isinstance(error, DesvarIsNan): message = "Design variables are NaN." elif isinstance(error, XtolReached): message = "Successive iterates of the design variables " message += "are closer than xtol_rel or xtol_abs." elif isinstance(error, FtolReached): message = "Successive iterates of the objective function " message += "are closer than ftol_rel or ftol_abs." elif isinstance(error, MaxTimeReached): message = f"Maximum time reached: {self._max_time} seconds." elif isinstance(error, KKTReached): message = ( "The KKT residual norm is smaller than the tolerance " "kkt_tol_abs or kkt_tol_rel." ) message += " GEMSEO Stopped the driver" else: message = error.args[0] result = self.get_optimum_from_database(message) return result
[docs] def get_optimum_from_database( self, message=None, status=None ) -> OptimizationResult: """Retrieve the optimum from the database and build an optimization.""" problem = self.problem if len(problem.database) == 0: return OptimizationResult( optimizer_name=self.algo_name, message=message, status=status, n_obj_call=0, ) x_0 = problem.database.get_x_vect(1) # compute the best feasible or infeasible point f_opt, x_opt, is_feas, c_opt, c_opt_grad = problem.get_optimum() if ( f_opt is not None and not problem.minimize_objective and not problem.use_standardized_objective ): f_opt = -f_opt if x_opt is None: optimum_index = None else: optimum_index = problem.database.get_iteration(x_opt) - 1 return OptimizationResult( x_0=x_0, x_opt=x_opt, f_opt=f_opt, optimizer_name=self.algo_name, message=message, status=status, n_obj_call=problem.objective.n_calls, is_feasible=is_feas, constraint_values=c_opt, constraints_grad=c_opt_grad, optimum_index=optimum_index, )
[docs] def requires_gradient(self, driver_name: str) -> bool: """Check if a driver requires the gradient. Args: driver_name: The name of the driver. Returns: Whether the driver requires the gradient. """ if driver_name not in self.descriptions: raise ValueError(f"Algorithm {driver_name} is not available.") return self.descriptions[driver_name].require_gradient
[docs] def get_x0_and_bounds_vects(self, normalize_ds): """Return x0 and bounds. Args: normalize_ds: Whether to normalize the input variables that are not integers, according to the normalization policy of the design space. Returns: The current value, the lower bounds and the upper bounds. """ design_space = self.problem.design_space l_b = design_space.get_lower_bounds() u_b = design_space.get_upper_bounds() # remove normalization from options for algo if normalize_ds: norm_array = design_space.dict_to_array(design_space.normalize) l_b = where(norm_array, zeros(norm_array.shape), l_b) u_b = where(norm_array, ones(norm_array.shape), u_b) current_x = self.problem.get_x0_normalized(cast_to_real=True) else: current_x = self.problem.design_space.get_current_value( complex_to_real=True ) return current_x, l_b, u_b
[docs] def ensure_bounds(self, orig_func, normalize: bool = True): """Project the design vector onto the design space before execution. Args: orig_func: The original function. normalize: Whether to use the normalized design space. Returns: A function calling the original function with the input data projected onto the design space. """ def wrapped_func(x_vect): x_proj = self.problem.design_space.project_into_bounds(x_vect, normalize) return orig_func(x_proj) return wrapped_func