Source code for gemseo_mma.opt.core.mma_optimizer

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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"""MMA optimization solver."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging

import numpy as np
from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem
from numpy import atleast_2d
from numpy import ndarray

from import compute_kkt_residual_on_local_approximation
from import solve_mma_local_approximation_problem

# Import MMA functions

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MMAOptimizer: """Method of Moving Asymptotes optimizer class. This class run an optimization algorithm to solve Non-linear Optimization problems with constraints. The objective function and the constraints and their gradients are needed for the optimization algorithm. The original implementation the next iteration candidate is computed using mmasub function adapted from ` <>`_ . The external and internal move limit can be tuned to control minimum and maximum local approximation convexity. The max_optimization_step parameter can be used to control the optimization step. To avoid solver divergence in the case of highly non-linear problems one should use smaller values of the max_optimization_step, max_asymptote_distance and min_asymptote_distance. """ __DEFAULT_NORMALIZE_DESIGN_SPACE = False __DEFAULT_MAX_OPTIM_STEP = 0.1 __DEFAULT_MIN_DISTANCE = 0.01 __DEFAULT_MAX_DISTANCE = 10.0 __DEFAULT_TOLERANCE = 1e-6 __DEFAULT_MAXITER = 1000 __DEFAULT_KKT_TOL = 1e-2 __EMPTY_STRING = "" __DEFAULT_ASYINIT = 0.5 __DEFAULT_ASYINCR = 1.2 __DEFAULT_ASYDECR = 0.7 __max_optimization_step: float """The maximum optimization step.""" __min_asymptote_distance: float """The minimum distance of the asymptotes from the current design variable value.""" __max_asymptote_distance: float """The maximum distance of the asymptotes from the current design variable value.""" __ftol_abs: float """The absolute tolerance on the objective function.""" __ftol_rel: float """The relative tolerance on the objective function.""" __xtol_rel: float """The relative tolerance on the design parameters.""" __xtol_abs: float """The absolute tolerance on the design parameters.""" __tol: float """KKT residual norm tolerance.""" __max_iter: int """The maximum number of iterations.""" __normalize_design_space: bool """Whether to normalize the design space.""" __message: str """The message of the optimization problem.""" __problem: OptimizationProblem """The GEMSEO OptimizationProblem to be solved.""" __initial_asymptotes_distance: float """The initial asymptotes distance from the current design variable value.""" __asymptotes_distance_amplification_coefficient: float """The amplification factor for successful iterations.""" __asymptotes_distance_reduction_coefficient: float """The decremental factor for unsuccessful iterations.""" def __init__(self, problem: OptimizationProblem) -> None: """Constructor.""" self.__problem = problem self.__message = self.__EMPTY_STRING self.__normalize_design_space = self.__DEFAULT_NORMALIZE_DESIGN_SPACE self.__max_iter = self.__DEFAULT_MAXITER self.__tol = self.__DEFAULT_KKT_TOL self.__xtol_abs = self.__DEFAULT_TOLERANCE self.__xtol_rel = self.__DEFAULT_TOLERANCE self.__ftol_rel = self.__DEFAULT_TOLERANCE self.__ftol_abs = self.__DEFAULT_TOLERANCE self.__ineq_tolerance = self.__DEFAULT_TOLERANCE self.__max_asymptote_distance = self.__DEFAULT_MAX_DISTANCE self.__min_asymptote_distance = self.__DEFAULT_MIN_DISTANCE self.__max_optimization_step = self.__DEFAULT_MAX_OPTIM_STEP self.__initial_asymptotes_distance = self.__DEFAULT_ASYINIT self.__asymptotes_distance_amplification_coefficient = self.__DEFAULT_ASYINCR self.__asymptotes_distance_reduction_coefficient = self.__DEFAULT_ASYDECR
[docs] def optimize(self, **options: bool | int | float) -> tuple[str, int]: """Optimize the problem. Args: **options: The optimization problem options. Returns: The optimization solver message and final status. """ self.__normalize_design_space = options.get( "normalize_design_space", self.__DEFAULT_NORMALIZE_DESIGN_SPACE ) self.__max_iter = options.get("max_iter", self.__DEFAULT_MAXITER) self.__tol = options.get("tol", self.__DEFAULT_TOLERANCE) self.__xtol_abs = options.get("xtol_abs", self.__DEFAULT_TOLERANCE) self.__xtol_rel = options.get("xtol_rel", self.__DEFAULT_TOLERANCE) self.__ftol_rel = options.get("ftol_rel", self.__DEFAULT_TOLERANCE) self.__ftol_abs = options.get("ftol_abs", self.__DEFAULT_TOLERANCE) self.__max_asymptote_distance = options.get( "max_asymptote_distance", self.__DEFAULT_MAX_DISTANCE ) self.__min_asymptote_distance = options.get( "min_asymptote_distance", self.__DEFAULT_MIN_DISTANCE ) self.__max_optimization_step = options.get( "max_optimization_step", self.__DEFAULT_MAX_OPTIM_STEP ) self.__initial_asymptotes_distance = options.get( "initial_asymptotes_distance", self.__DEFAULT_ASYINIT ) self.__asymptotes_distance_amplification_coefficient = options.get( "asymptotes_distance_amplification_coefficient", self.__DEFAULT_ASYINCR ) self.__asymptotes_distance_reduction_coefficient = options.get( "asymptotes_distance_reduction_coefficient", self.__DEFAULT_ASYDECR ) # initialize database if not self.__normalize_design_space: x0 = self.__problem.design_space.get_current_value() else: x0 = self.__problem.design_space.normalize_vect( self.__problem.design_space.get_current_value() ) # launch optim xopt = self.iterate(x0)[0] self.__problem.design_space.set_current_value(xopt) return self.__message, 0
[docs] def iterate(self, x0: ndarray) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """Iterate until convergence from the starting guess. Args: x0: The starting guess design point. Returns: The optimum design point and objective value. """ n = len(x0) eeen = np.ones((n, 1)) xval = np.reshape(x0, eeen.shape) xold1 = xval.copy() xold2 = xval.copy() if not self.__normalize_design_space: xmin = np.reshape( self.__problem.design_space.get_lower_bounds(), eeen.shape ) xmax = np.reshape( self.__problem.design_space.get_upper_bounds(), eeen.shape ) else: xmin = 0 * eeen xmax = eeen low = xmin.copy() upp = xmax.copy() a0 = 1 outeriter = 0 maxoutit = self.__max_iter kkttol = self.__tol ( f0val, df0dx, fval, dfdx, ) = self.__get_objective_and_constraints_with_gradients(xval.flatten()) m = len(fval) eeem = np.ones((m, 1)) zerom = np.zeros((m, 1)) c = 1000 * eeem d = eeem.copy() a = zerom.copy() # The iterations starts kktnorm = kkttol + 10 f_ref = f0val x_ref = np.linalg.norm(xval) change_fc = 10 change_f = 10 change_x = 10 change_relative_f = 10 change_relative_x = 10 outit = 0 while ( (kktnorm > kkttol) and (change_x > self.__xtol_abs) and (change_relative_x > self.__xtol_rel) and (change_relative_f > self.__ftol_rel) and (change_f > self.__ftol_abs) or ( any(fval > self.__problem.ineq_tolerance) and change_fc > self.__ftol_abs ) ) and (outit < maxoutit): outit += 1 outeriter += 1 ( xmma, ymma, zmma, lam, xsi, eta, mu, zet, s, low, upp, ) = solve_mma_local_approximation_problem( m, n, outeriter, xval, xmin, xmax, xold1, xold2, f0val, df0dx, fval, dfdx, low, upp, a0, a, c, d, self.__max_optimization_step, self.__max_asymptote_distance, self.__min_asymptote_distance, self.__initial_asymptotes_distance, self.__asymptotes_distance_amplification_coefficient, self.__asymptotes_distance_reduction_coefficient, ) ( f0valnew, df0dxnew, fvalnew, dfdxnew, ) = self.__get_objective_and_constraints_with_gradients(xmma.flatten()) change_x = np.linalg.norm(xval - xmma) change_f = np.abs(f0valnew - f0val) change_fc = np.abs(fvalnew.max() - fval.max()) change_relative_x = change_x / x_ref change_relative_f = change_f / f_ref # Some vectors are updated: xold2 = xold1.copy() xold1 = xval.copy() xval = xmma.copy() # Re-calculate function values and gradients of the objective and # constraints functions f0val, df0dx, fval, dfdx = f0valnew, df0dxnew, fvalnew, dfdxnew # The residual vector of the KKT conditions is calculated residu, kktnorm, residumax = compute_kkt_residual_on_local_approximation( m, n, xmma, ymma, zmma, lam, xsi, eta, mu, zet, s, xmin, xmax, df0dx, fval, dfdx, a0, a, c, d, ) if self.__normalize_design_space: xopt = self.__problem.design_space.unnormalize_vect(xval.flatten()) else: xopt = xval.flatten()"END OF MMA ALGORITHM") if kktnorm <= kkttol: self.__message = "KKT norm criteria met" else: self.__message = "change criteria met" return xopt, f0val
def __get_objective_and_constraints_with_gradients( self, xval: ndarray ) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]: """Compute the objective and constraints with their gradients. Args: xval: The current design value. Returns: The objective and constraint value in the provided design point and their gradients. """ f0val = self.__problem.objective(xval) df0dx = self.__problem.objective.jac(xval) df0dx = np.reshape(df0dx, (df0dx.size, 1)) constraint_list = [] constraint_jac_list = [] for constraint in self.__problem.constraints: constraint_list.append(constraint(xval).flatten()) constraint_jac_list.append(atleast_2d(constraint.jac(xval))) fval = np.concatenate(constraint_list) fval = np.reshape(fval, (fval.size, 1)) dfdx = np.concatenate(constraint_jac_list, axis=0) return f0val, df0dx, fval, dfdx