gemseo_fmu / problems / disciplines / sellar

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variable_names module

The names of the variables used in the Sellar problem.

gemseo_fmu.problems.disciplines.sellar.variable_names.C_1: Final[str] = 'c_1'

The name of the 1st constraint \(c_1\) computed by SellarSystem.

gemseo_fmu.problems.disciplines.sellar.variable_names.C_2: Final[str] = 'c_2'

The name of the 2nd constraint \(c_2\) computed by SellarSystem.

gemseo_fmu.problems.disciplines.sellar.variable_names.OBJ: Final[str] = 'obj'

The name of the objective \(\textrm{obj} computed by :class:\).SellarSystem`.

gemseo_fmu.problems.disciplines.sellar.variable_names.X_LOCAL: Final[str] = 'x_local'

The name of the design variable \(x_{\textrm{local}\).

gemseo_fmu.problems.disciplines.sellar.variable_names.X_SHARED_1: Final[str] = 'x_shared_1'

The name of the 1st component of the design variable \(x_{\textrm{shared}}\).

gemseo_fmu.problems.disciplines.sellar.variable_names.X_SHARED_2: Final[str] = 'x_shared_2'

The name of the 2nd component of the design variable \(x_{\textrm{shared}}\).

gemseo_fmu.problems.disciplines.sellar.variable_names.Y_1: Final[str] = 'y_1'

The name of the coupling variable \(y_1\) computed by Sellar1.

gemseo_fmu.problems.disciplines.sellar.variable_names.Y_2: Final[str] = 'y_2'

The name of the coupling variable \(y_2\) computed by Sellar2.