Source code for gemseo_benchmark.benchmarker.benchmarker

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Benoit Pauwels
"""A benchmarker of optimization algorithms on reference problems."""
from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable

from gemseo import configure_logger
from gemseo.algos.database import Database
from gemseo.algos.opt.opt_factory import OptimizersFactory
from gemseo.core.parallel_execution.callable_parallel_execution import (
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import pretty_str

from gemseo_benchmark import join_substrings
from gemseo_benchmark.algorithms.algorithm_configuration import AlgorithmConfiguration
from gemseo_benchmark.algorithms.algorithms_configurations import (
from gemseo_benchmark.benchmarker.worker import Worker
from gemseo_benchmark.benchmarker.worker import WorkerOutputs
from gemseo_benchmark.problems.problem import Problem
from gemseo_benchmark.results.performance_history import PerformanceHistory
from gemseo_benchmark.results.results import Results

LOGGER = configure_logger()

[docs]class Benchmarker: """A benchmarker of optimization algorithms on reference problems.""" _HISTORY_CLASS = PerformanceHistory def __init__( self, histories_path: Path, results_path: Path | None = None, databases_path: Path | None = None, pseven_logs_path: Path | None = None, ) -> None: """ Args: histories_path: The path to the directory where to save the performance histories. results_path: The path to the file for saving the performance histories paths. If exists, the file is updated with the new performance histories paths. databases_path: The path to the destination directory for the databases. If ``None``, the databases will not be saved. pseven_logs_path: The path to the destination directory for the pSeven log files. If ``None``, the pSeven log files will not be saved. """ # noqa: D205, D212, D415 self._databases_path = databases_path self.__histories_path = histories_path self.__optimizers_factory = OptimizersFactory() self.__is_algorithm_available = self.__optimizers_factory.is_available self.__pseven_logs_path = pseven_logs_path self.__results_path = results_path if results_path is not None and results_path.is_file(): self._results = Results(results_path) else: self._results = Results()
[docs] def execute( self, problems: Iterable[Problem], algorithms: AlgorithmsConfigurations, overwrite_histories: bool = False, number_of_processes: int = 1, use_threading: bool = False, ) -> Results: """Run optimization algorithms on reference problems. Args: problems: The benchmarking problems. algorithms: The algorithms configurations. overwrite_histories: Whether to overwrite the existing performance histories. number_of_processes: The maximum simultaneous number of threads or processes used to parallelize the execution. use_threading: Whether to use threads instead of processes to parallelize the execution. Returns: The results of the optimization. Raises: ValueError: If the algorithm is not available. """ # Prepare the inputs of the benchmarking workers inputs = list() for algorithm_configuration in algorithms: algorithm_name = algorithm_configuration.algorithm_name if not self.__is_algorithm_available(algorithm_name): raise ValueError(f"The algorithm is not available: {algorithm_name}.") algorithm_configuration = self.__disable_stopping_criteria( algorithm_configuration ) inputs.extend( [ ( ( self.__set_pseven_log_file( algorithm_configuration, problem, problem_instance_index ), problem, problem_instance, problem_instance_index, ) ) for problem in problems for problem_instance_index, problem_instance in enumerate(problem) if not self.__skip_instance( algorithm_configuration, problem, problem_instance_index, overwrite_histories, ) ] ) if inputs: worker = Worker(self.__optimizers_factory, self._HISTORY_CLASS) if number_of_processes == 1: for worker_inputs in inputs: self.__worker_callback(0, worker(worker_inputs)) else: CallableParallelExecution( [worker], number_of_processes, use_threading, ).execute(inputs, self.__worker_callback) return self._results
@staticmethod def __disable_stopping_criteria( algorithm_configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration, ) -> AlgorithmConfiguration: """Disable the stopping criteria. Args: algorithm_configuration: The algorithm configuration. Returns: A copy of the algorithm configuration with disabled stopping criteria. """ options = { "xtol_rel": 0.0, "xtol_abs": 0.0, "ftol_rel": 0.0, "ftol_abs": 0.0, "stop_crit_n_x": sys.maxsize, } options.update(algorithm_configuration.algorithm_options) return AlgorithmConfiguration( algorithm_configuration.algorithm_name,, **options, ) def __skip_instance( self, algorithm_configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration, bench_problem: Problem, index: int, overwrite_histories: bool, ) -> bool: """Check whether a problem instance has already been solved. Args: algorithm_configuration: The algorithm configuration. bench_problem: The benchmarking problem. index: The index of the instance. overwrite_histories: Whether to overwrite existing histories. Returns: Whether to solve the problem instance. """ instance = index + 1 problem_name = if not overwrite_histories and self._results.contains(, problem_name, self.__get_history_path(algorithm_configuration, problem_name, index), ): "Skipping instance %s of problem %s for algorithm configuration %s.", instance, problem_name,, ) return True "Solving instance %s of problem %s with algorithm configuration %s.", instance, problem_name,, ) return False def __set_pseven_log_file( self, algorithm_configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration, problem: Problem, index: int, ) -> AlgorithmConfiguration: """Copy an algorithm configuration by adding the path to the pSeven log file. Args: algorithm_configuration: The algorithm configuration. problem: The benchmarking problem. index: The index of the problem instance. Returns: A copy of the configuration including the path to the pSeven log file. """ if not self.__pseven_logs_path or not self.__is_algorithm_available("PSEVEN"): return algorithm_configuration from gemseo.algos.opt.lib_pseven import PSevenOpt if algorithm_configuration.algorithm_name not in PSevenOpt().descriptions: return algorithm_configuration return AlgorithmConfiguration( algorithm_configuration.algorithm_name,, **algorithm_configuration.algorithm_options, log_path=pretty_str( self.__get_pseven_log_path(algorithm_configuration,, index) ), ) def __worker_callback(self, _: int, outputs: WorkerOutputs) -> None: """Save the history and database of a benchmarking worker. Args: _: The index of the worker. outputs: The outputs of the worker. """ problem, problem_instance_index, database, history = outputs self._save_history(history, problem_instance_index) if self._databases_path is not None: self.__save_database( database, history.algorithm_configuration,, problem_instance_index, ) if self.__results_path: self._results.to_file(self.__results_path, indent=4) def _save_history(self, history: PerformanceHistory, index: int) -> None: """Save a performance history into a history file. Args: history: The performance history. index: The index of the problem instance. """ problem_name = history.problem_name algorithm_configuration = history.algorithm_configuration path = self.__get_history_path( algorithm_configuration, problem_name, index, make_parents=True ) history.to_file(path) self._results.add_path(, problem_name, path) def __get_history_path( self, algorithm_configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration, problem_name: str, index: int, make_parents: bool = False, ) -> Path: """Return a path for a history file. Args: algorithm_configuration: The algorithm configuration. problem_name: The name of the problem. index: The index of the problem instance. make_parents: Whether to make the parent directories. Returns: The path for the history file. """ return self._get_path( self.__histories_path, algorithm_configuration, problem_name, index, "json", make_parents=make_parents, ) def __get_pseven_log_path( self, algorithm_configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration, problem_name: str, index: int, ) -> Path: """Return a path for a pSeven log file. Args: algorithm_configuration: The algorithm configuration. problem_name: The name of the problem. index: The index of the problem instance. Returns: The path for the pSeven log file. Raises: ValueError: If the path to the destination directory for the pSeven files is not set. """ if not self.__pseven_logs_path: raise ValueError("The directory for the pSeven files is not set.") return self._get_path( self.__pseven_logs_path, algorithm_configuration, problem_name, index, "txt", make_parents=True, ) @staticmethod def _get_path( root_dir: Path, algorithm_configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration, problem_name: str, index: int, extension: str = "json", make_parents: bool = False, ) -> Path: """Return a path in the file tree dedicated to a specific optimization run. Args: root_dir: The path to the root directory. algorithm_configuration: The algorithm configuration. problem_name: The name of the problem. index: The index of the problem instance. extension: The extension of the path. If ``None``, the extension is for a JSON file. make_parents: Whether to make the parent directories of the path. Returns: The path for the file. """ configuration_name = join_substrings( path = ( root_dir.resolve() / configuration_name / join_substrings(problem_name) / f"{configuration_name}.{index + 1}.{extension}" ) if make_parents: path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return path def __save_database( self, database: Database, algorithm_configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration, problem_name: str, index: int, ) -> None: """Save the database of a problem. Args: database: The database. algorithm_configuration: The algorithm configuration. problem_name: The name of the problem. index: The index of the problem instance. """ database.to_hdf( self._get_path( self._databases_path, algorithm_configuration, problem_name, index, "h5", make_parents=True, ) )