Unsupervised learning

This module contains the base class for the unsupervised machine learning algorithms.

The unsupervised module implements the concept of unsupervised machine learning models, where the data has no notion of input or output.

This concept is implemented through the MLUnsupervisedAlgo class, which inherits from the MLAlgo class.

class gemseo.mlearning.core.unsupervised.MLUnsupervisedAlgo(data, transformer=mappingproxy({}), var_names=None, **parameters)[source]

Unsupervised machine learning algorithm.

Inheriting classes shall overload the MLUnsupervisedAlgo._fit() method.

  • data (Dataset) – The learning dataset.

  • transformer (TransformerType) –

    The strategies to transform the variables. The values are instances of Transformer while the keys are the names of either the variables or the groups of variables, e.g. "inputs" or "outputs" in the case of the regression algorithms. If a group is specified, the Transformer will be applied to all the variables of this group. If IDENTITY, do not transform the variables.

    By default it is set to {}.

  • var_names (Iterable[str] | None) – The names of the variables. If None, consider all variables mentioned in the learning dataset.

  • **parameters (MLAlgoParameterType) – The parameters of the machine learning algorithm.


ValueError – When both the variable and the group it belongs to have a transformer.

class DataFormatters

Decorators for the internal MLAlgo methods.


learn(samples=None, fit_transformers=True)

Train the machine learning algorithm from the learning dataset.

  • samples (Sequence[int] | None) – The indices of the learning samples. If None, use the whole learning dataset.

  • fit_transformers (bool) –

    Whether to fit the variable transformers.

    By default it is set to True.

Return type:



Load a machine learning algorithm from a directory.


directory (str | Path) – The path to the directory where the machine learning algorithm is saved.

Return type:


to_pickle(directory=None, path='.', save_learning_set=False)

Save the machine learning algorithm.

  • directory (str | None) – The name of the directory to save the algorithm.

  • path (str | Path) –

    The path to parent directory where to create the directory.

    By default it is set to “.”.

  • save_learning_set (bool) –

    Whether to save the learning set or get rid of it to lighten the saved files.

    By default it is set to False.


The path to the directory where the algorithm is saved.

Return type:


DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER: DefaultTransformerType = mappingproxy({})

The default transformer for the input and output data, if any.

IDENTITY: Final[DefaultTransformerType] = mappingproxy({})

A transformer leaving the input and output variables as they are.

LIBRARY: ClassVar[str] = ''

The name of the library of the wrapped machine learning algorithm.

SHORT_ALGO_NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'MLUnsupervisedAlgo'

The short name of the machine learning algorithm, often an acronym.

Typically used for composite names, e.g. f"{algo.SHORT_ALGO_NAME}_{dataset.name}" or f"{algo.SHORT_ALGO_NAME}_{discipline.name}".

algo: Any

The interfaced machine learning algorithm.

input_names: list[str]

The names of the variables.

property is_trained: bool

Return whether the algorithm is trained.

property learning_samples_indices: Sequence[int]

The indices of the learning samples used for the training.

learning_set: Dataset

The learning dataset.

parameters: dict[str, MLAlgoParameterType]

The parameters of the machine learning algorithm.

transformer: dict[str, Transformer]

The strategies to transform the variables, if any.

The values are instances of Transformer while the keys are the names of either the variables or the groups of variables, e.g. “inputs” or “outputs” in the case of the regression algorithms. If a group is specified, the Transformer will be applied to all the variables of this group.