Source code for gemseo.algos.doe.lib_openturns

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Damien Guenot
"""OpenTURNS DOE algorithms."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Any
from typing import Final
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Mapping
from typing import MutableMapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Union

import openturns
from numpy import array
from numpy import full
from numpy import max as np_max
from numpy import min as np_min
from numpy import ndarray
from packaging import version

from gemseo.algos.doe.doe_library import DOEAlgorithmDescription
from gemseo.algos.doe.doe_library import DOELibrary
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import MultiLineString

OptionType = Optional[Union[str, int, float, bool, Sequence[int], ndarray]]

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class OpenTURNS(DOELibrary): """Library of OpenTURNS DOE algorithms.""" __OT_WEBPAGE = ( "" "_generated/openturns.{}.html" ) # Available algorithm for DOE design OT_SOBOL = "OT_SOBOL" OT_RANDOM = "OT_RANDOM" OT_HASEL = "OT_HASELGROVE" OT_REVERSE_HALTON = "OT_REVERSE_HALTON" OT_HALTON = "OT_HALTON" OT_FAURE = "OT_FAURE" OT_MC = "OT_MONTE_CARLO" OT_FACTORIAL = "OT_FACTORIAL" OT_COMPOSITE = "OT_COMPOSITE" OT_AXIAL = "OT_AXIAL" OT_LHSO = "OT_OPT_LHS" OT_LHS = "OT_LHS" OT_LHSC = "OT_LHSC" OT_FULLFACT = "OT_FULLFACT" # Box in openturns OT_SOBOL_INDICES = "OT_SOBOL_INDICES" __OT_METADATA = { OT_SOBOL: ("Sobol sequence", "SobolSequence"), OT_RANDOM: ("Random sampling", "RandomGenerator"), OT_HASEL: ("Haselgrove sequence", "HaselgroveSequence"), OT_REVERSE_HALTON: ("Reverse Halton", "ReverseHaltonSequence"), OT_HALTON: ("Halton sequence", "HaltonSequence"), OT_FAURE: ("Faure sequence", "FaureSequence"), OT_MC: ("Monte Carlo sequence", "RandomGenerator"), OT_FACTORIAL: ("Factorial design", "Factorial"), OT_COMPOSITE: ("Composite design", "Composite"), OT_AXIAL: ("Axial design", "Axial"), OT_LHSO: ("Optimal Latin Hypercube Sampling", "SimulatedAnnealingLHS"), OT_LHS: ("Latin Hypercube Sampling", "LHS"), OT_LHSC: ("Centered Latin Hypercube Sampling", "LHS"), OT_FULLFACT: ("Full factorial design", "Box"), OT_SOBOL_INDICES: ("DOE for Sobol 'indices", "SobolIndicesAlgorithm"), } # Optional parameters CENTER_KEYWORD = "centers" DOE_SETTINGS_OPTIONS = [ DOELibrary.LEVEL_KEYWORD, CENTER_KEYWORD, ] CRITERION = "criterion" CRITERIA = { "C2": openturns.SpaceFillingC2, "PhiP": openturns.SpaceFillingPhiP, "MinDist": openturns.SpaceFillingMinDist, } TEMPERATURE = "temperature" TEMPERATURES = { "Geometric": openturns.GeometricProfile, "Linear": openturns.LinearProfile, } N_REPLICATES = "n_replicates" ANNEALING = "annealing" __DISCREPANCY_SEQUENCES = { OT_FAURE: openturns.FaureSequence, OT_HALTON: openturns.HaltonSequence, OT_HASEL: openturns.HaselgroveSequence, OT_SOBOL: openturns.SobolSequence, OT_REVERSE_HALTON: openturns.ReverseHaltonSequence, } __STRATIFIED_DOES = { OT_COMPOSITE: openturns.Composite, OT_AXIAL: openturns.Axial, OT_FACTORIAL: openturns.Factorial, } __EVAL_SECOND_ORDER: Final[str] = "eval_second_order" LIBRARY_NAME = "OpenTURNS" def __init__(self) -> None: # noqa:D107 super().__init__() self.__sequence = None for algo_name, algo_value in self.__OT_METADATA.items(): self.descriptions[algo_name] = DOEAlgorithmDescription( algorithm_name=algo_name, description=algo_value[0], handle_integer_variables=True, internal_algorithm_name=algo_name, library_name=self.__class__.__name__, website=self.__OT_WEBPAGE.format(algo_value[1]), ) def _get_options( self, levels: int | Sequence[int] | None = None, centers: Sequence[int] | None = None, eval_jac: bool = False, n_samples: int | None = None, n_processes: int = 1, wait_time_between_samples: float = 0.0, criterion: str = "C2", temperature: str = "Geometric", annealing: bool = True, n_replicates: int = 1000, seed: int | None = None, max_time: float = 0, eval_second_order: bool = True, **kwargs: OptionType, ) -> dict[str, OptionType]: r"""Set the options. Args: levels: The levels. If there is a parameter ``n_samples``, the latter can be specified and the former set to its default value ``None``. centers: The centers for axial, factorial and composite designs. If ``None``, centers = 0.5. eval_jac: Whether to evaluate the jacobian. n_samples: The number of samples. If there is a parameter ``levels``, the latter can be specified and the former set to its default value ``None``. n_processes: The maximum simultaneous number of processes used to parallelize the execution. wait_time_between_samples: The waiting time between two samples. criterion: The space-filling criterion, either "C2", "PhiP" or "MinDist". temperature: The temperature profile for simulated annealing, either "Geometric" or "Linear". annealing: If ``True``, use simulated annealing to optimize LHS. Otherwise, use crude Monte Carlo. n_replicates: The number of Monte Carlo replicates to optimize LHS. seed: The seed value. If ``None``, use the seed of the library, namely :attr:`.OpenTURNS.seed`. max_time: The maximum runtime in seconds, disabled if 0. eval_second_order: Whether to build a DOE to evaluate also the second-order indices; otherwise, the DOE is designed for first- and total-order indices only. **kwargs: The additional arguments. Returns: The processed options. """ if centers is None: centers = [0.5] return self._process_options( levels=levels, centers=centers, eval_jac=eval_jac, n_samples=n_samples, n_processes=n_processes, wait_time_between_samples=wait_time_between_samples, criterion=criterion, temperature=temperature, annealing=annealing, n_replicates=n_replicates, seed=seed, max_time=max_time, eval_second_order=eval_second_order, **kwargs, ) def __check_and_cast_levels( self, options: MutableMapping[str, Any], ) -> None: """Check that the options ``levels`` is properly defined and cast it to array. Args: options: The DOE options. Raises: ValueError: When a level does not belong to [0, 1]. TypeError: When the levels are neither a list nor a tuple. """ levels = options[self.LEVEL_KEYWORD] if isinstance(levels, (list, tuple)): levels = array(levels) lower_bound = np_min(levels) upper_bound = np_max(levels) if lower_bound < 0.0 or upper_bound > 1.0: raise ValueError( "Levels must belong to [0, 1]; " "got [{}, {}].".format(lower_bound, upper_bound) ) options[self.LEVEL_KEYWORD] = levels else: raise TypeError( "The argument 'levels' must be either a list or a tuple; " "got a '{}'.".format(levels.__class__.__name__) ) def __check_and_cast_centers( self, dimension: int, options: MutableMapping[str, Any], ) -> None: """Check that the options ``centers`` is properly defined and cast it to array. Args: dimension: The parameter space dimension. options: The DOE options. Raises: ValueError: When the centers dimension has a wrong dimension. TypeError: When the centers are neither a list nor a tuple. """ center = options[self.CENTER_KEYWORD] if isinstance(center, (list, tuple)): if len(center) != dimension: raise ValueError( "Inconsistent length of 'centers' list argument " "compared to design vector size: {} vs {}.".format( dimension, len(center) ) ) options[self.CENTER_KEYWORD] = array(center) else: raise TypeError( "Error for 'centers' definition in DOE design; " "a tuple or a list is expected whereas {} is provided.".format( type(center) ) ) def _generate_samples( self, dimension: int, n_samples: int | None = None, seed: int | None = None, **options: OptionType, ) -> ndarray: """Generate the samples. Args: dimension: The dimension of the variables space. n_samples: The number of samples. If ``None``, set from the options. seed: The seed to be used. If ``None``, use :attr:`.seed`. **options: The options for the DOE algorithm, see associated JSON file. Returns: The samples for the DOE. """ self.seed += 1 openturns.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(self.seed if seed is None else seed) if self.algo_name in (self.OT_LHS, self.OT_LHSC, self.OT_LHSO): return self.__generate_lhs(n_samples, dimension, **options) if self.algo_name in [self.OT_MC, self.OT_RANDOM]: return self.__generate_random(n_samples, dimension) if self.algo_name == self.OT_FULLFACT: levels = options.pop(self.LEVEL_KEYWORD, None) return self._generate_fullfact(dimension, n_samples, levels) if self.algo_name in self.__STRATIFIED_DOES: return self.__generate_stratified(dimension, options) if self.algo_name == self.OT_SOBOL_INDICES: return self.__generate_sobol( n_samples, dimension, options[self.__EVAL_SECOND_ORDER] ) if self.algo_name in self.__DISCREPANCY_SEQUENCES: algo = self.__DISCREPANCY_SEQUENCES[self.algo_name](dimension) return array(algo.generate(n_samples)) def __check_stratified_options( self, dimension: int, options: MutableMapping[str, Any], ) -> None: """Check that the mandatory inputs for the composite design are set. Args: dimension: The parameter space dimension. options: The options of the DOE. Raises: KeyError: If the key `levels` is not in `options`. """ if self.LEVEL_KEYWORD not in options: raise KeyError( "Missing parameter 'levels', " "tuple of normalized levels in [0,1] you need in your design." ) self.__check_and_cast_levels(options) centers = options.get(self.CENTER_KEYWORD) if centers is None: options[self.CENTER_KEYWORD] = [0.5] * dimension else: if len(centers) == 1: options[self.CENTER_KEYWORD] = centers * dimension self.__check_and_cast_centers(dimension, options) def __generate_stratified( self, dimension: int, options: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> ndarray: """Generate a DOE using the composite DOE algorithm. Args: dimension: The dimension of the parameter space. options: The DOE options. Returns: The samples. """ self.__check_stratified_options(dimension, options) levels = options[self.LEVEL_KEYWORD] centers = options[self.CENTER_KEYWORD] msg = MultiLineString() msg.add("Composite design:") msg.indent() msg.add("centers: {}", centers) msg.add("levels: {}", levels) LOGGER.debug("%s", msg) algo = self.__STRATIFIED_DOES[self.algo_name](centers, levels) samples = self._rescale_samples(array(algo.generate())) return samples def __generate_lhs( self, n_samples: int, dimension: int, **options: OptionType, ) -> ndarray: """Generate a DOE using the LHS algorithm, possibly centered or optimized. Args: n_samples: The number of samples. dimension: The parameter space dimension. options: The DOE options. Returns: The samples. """ lhs = openturns.LHSExperiment( self.__get_uniform_distribution(dimension), n_samples ) if self.algo_name == self.OT_LHSO: lhs.setAlwaysShuffle(True) if options[self.ANNEALING]: if version.parse(openturns.__version__) < version.parse("1.17.0"): algo = openturns.SimulatedAnnealingLHS( lhs, self.TEMPERATURES[options[self.TEMPERATURE]](), self.CRITERIA[options[self.CRITERION]](), ) else: algo = openturns.SimulatedAnnealingLHS( lhs, self.CRITERIA[options[self.CRITERION]](), self.TEMPERATURES[options[self.TEMPERATURE]](), ) design = algo.generate() else: algo = openturns.MonteCarloLHS(lhs, options[self.N_REPLICATES]) design = algo.generate() else: design = lhs.generate() samples = array(design) if self.algo_name == self.OT_LHSC: samples = self.__compute_centered_lhs(samples) return samples @staticmethod def __compute_centered_lhs( samples: ndarray, ) -> ndarray: """Center the samples resulting from a Latin hypercube sampling. Args: samples: The samples resulting from a Latin hypercube sampling. Returns: The centered version of the initial samples. """ n_samples = len(samples) centered_samples = (samples // (1.0 / n_samples) + 0.5) / n_samples return centered_samples @staticmethod def __get_uniform_distribution( dimension: int, ) -> openturns.ComposedDistribution: return openturns.ComposedDistribution([openturns.Uniform(0.0, 1.0)] * dimension) def __generate_sobol( self, n_samples: int, dimension: int, eval_second_order: bool ) -> ndarray: """Generate a DOE using a Sobol' sampling. Args: n_samples: The number of samples. dimension: The parameter space dimension. eval_second_order: Whether to build a DOE to evaluate also the second-order indices; otherwise, the DOE is designed for first- and total-order indices only. Returns: The samples. """ # If eval_second_order is set to False, the input design is of size N(2+n_X). # If eval_second_order is set to False, # if n_X = 2, the input design is of size N(2+n_X). # if n_X != 2, the input design is of size N(2+2n_X). # Ref: # openturns.SobolIndicesExperiment.html#openturns.SobolIndicesExperiment if eval_second_order and dimension > 2: sub_sample_size = int(n_samples / (2 * dimension + 2)) else: sub_sample_size = int(n_samples / (dimension + 2)) return array( openturns.SobolIndicesExperiment( self.__get_uniform_distribution(dimension), sub_sample_size, eval_second_order, ).generate() ) def _generate_fullfact_from_levels( self, levels: Iterable[int], ) -> ndarray: # This method relies on openturns.Box. # This latter assumes that the levels provided correspond to the intermediate # levels between lower and upper bounds, while GEMSEO includes these bounds # in the definition of the levels, so we substract 2 in order to get # only intermediate levels. levels = [level - 2 for level in levels] # If any level is negative, we take them out, generate the DOE, # then append the DOE with 0.5 for the missing levels. ot_indices = [] ot_levels = [] for ot_index, ot_level in enumerate(levels): if ot_level >= 0: ot_levels.append(ot_level) ot_indices.append(ot_index) if not ot_levels: return full([1, len(levels)], 0.5) ot_doe = array(openturns.Box(ot_levels).generate()) if len(ot_levels) == len(levels): return ot_doe doe = full([ot_doe.shape[0], len(levels)], 0.5) doe[:, ot_indices] = ot_doe return doe @staticmethod def __generate_random( n_samples: int, dimension: int, ) -> ndarray: """Generate a DOE using the random generator. Args: n_samples: The number of samples. dimension: The parameter space dimension. Returns: The samples. """ samples = array(openturns.RandomGenerator.Generate(dimension * n_samples)) return samples.reshape((n_samples, dimension))