lib_pydoe module¶
PyDOE algorithms wrapper.
- class gemseo.algos.doe.lib_pydoe.PyDOE[source]¶
PyDOE optimization library interface See DOELibrary.
- class ApproximationMode(value)¶
The approximation derivation modes.
- CENTERED_DIFFERENCES = 'centered_differences'¶
The centered differences method used to approximate the Jacobians by perturbing each variable with a small real number.
- COMPLEX_STEP = 'complex_step'¶
The complex step method used to approximate the Jacobians by perturbing each variable with a small complex number.
- FINITE_DIFFERENCES = 'finite_differences'¶
The finite differences method used to approximate the Jacobians by perturbing each variable with a small real number.
- class DifferentiationMethod(value)¶
The differentiation methods.
- CENTERED_DIFFERENCES = 'centered_differences'¶
- COMPLEX_STEP = 'complex_step'¶
- FINITE_DIFFERENCES = 'finite_differences'¶
- USER_GRAD = 'user'¶
- compute_doe(variables_space, size=None, unit_sampling=False, **options)¶
Compute a design of experiments (DOE) in a variables space.
- Parameters:
variables_space (DesignSpace) – The variables space to be sampled.
size (int | None) – The size of the DOE. If
, the size is deduced from theoptions
.unit_sampling (bool) –
Whether to sample in the unit hypercube.
By default it is set to False.
**options (DOELibraryOptionType) – The options of the DOE algorithm.
- Returns:
The design of experiments whose rows are the samples and columns the variables.
- Return type:
- deactivate_progress_bar()¶
Deactivate the progress bar.
- Return type:
- driver_has_option(option_name)¶
Check the existence of an option.
- ensure_bounds(orig_func, normalize=True)¶
Project the design vector onto the design space before execution.
- Parameters:
orig_func – The original function.
normalize (bool) –
Whether to use the normalized design space.
By default it is set to True.
- Returns:
A function calling the original function with the input data projected onto the design space.
- evaluate_samples(eval_jac=False, n_processes=1, wait_time_between_samples=0.0)¶
Evaluate all the functions of the optimization problem at the samples.
- Parameters:
eval_jac (bool) –
Whether to evaluate the Jacobian.
By default it is set to False.
n_processes (int) –
The maximum simultaneous number of processes used to parallelize the execution.
By default it is set to 1.
wait_time_between_samples (float) –
The time to wait between each sample evaluation, in seconds.
By default it is set to 0.0.
- Return type:
This class relies on multiprocessing features when
n_processes > 1
, it is therefore necessary to protect its execution with anif __name__ == '__main__':
statement when working on Windows.
- execute(problem, algo_name=None, eval_obs_jac=False, skip_int_check=False, **options)¶
Execute the driver.
- Parameters:
problem (OptimizationProblem) – The problem to be solved.
algo_name (str | None) – The name of the algorithm. If
, use the algo_name attribute which may have been set by the factory.eval_obs_jac (bool) –
Whether to evaluate the Jacobian of the observables.
By default it is set to False.
skip_int_check (bool) –
Whether to skip the integer variable handling check of the selected algorithm.
By default it is set to False.
**options (DriverLibOptionType) – The options for the algorithm.
- Returns:
The optimization result.
- Raises:
ValueError – If algo_name was not either set by the factory or given as an argument.
- Return type:
- export_samples(doe_output_file)¶
Export the samples generated by DOE library to a CSV file.
- Parameters:
doe_output_file (Path | str) – The path to the output file.
- Return type:
- filter_adapted_algorithms(problem)¶
Filter the algorithms capable of solving the problem.
- finalize_iter_observer()¶
Finalize the iteration observer.
- Return type:
- get_optimum_from_database(message=None, status=None)¶
Return the optimization result from the database.
- Return type:
- get_x0_and_bounds_vects(normalize_ds, as_dict=False)¶
Return the initial design variable values and their lower and upper bounds.
- init_iter_observer(max_iter, message='')¶
Initialize the iteration observer.
It will handle the stopping criterion and the logging of the progress bar.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
ValueError – If
is lower than one.- Return type:
- init_options_grammar(algo_name)¶
Initialize the options’ grammar.
- Parameters:
algo_name (str) – The name of the algorithm.
- Return type:
- classmethod is_algorithm_suited(algorithm_description, problem)¶
Check if an algorithm is suited to a problem according to its description.
- Parameters:
algorithm_description (AlgorithmDescription) – The description of the algorithm.
problem (Any) – The problem to be solved.
- Returns:
Whether the algorithm is suited to the problem.
- Return type:
- new_iteration_callback(x_vect=None)¶
Iterate the progress bar, implement the stop criteria.
- Parameters:
x_vect (ndarray | None) – The design variables values. If
, use the values of the last iteration.- Raises:
MaxTimeReached – If the elapsed time is greater than the maximum execution time.
- Return type:
- requires_gradient(driver_name)¶
Check if a driver requires the gradient.
- ALPHA_KEYWORD = 'alpha'¶
- CENTER_BB_KEYWORD = 'center_bb'¶
- CENTER_CC_KEYWORD = 'center_cc'¶
- CRITERION_KEYWORD = 'criterion'¶
- DESC_LIST: ClassVar[list[str]] = ['Full-Factorial implemented in pyDOE', '2-Level Full-Factorial implemented in pyDOE', 'Plackett-Burman design implemented in pyDOE', 'Box-Behnken design implemented in pyDOE', 'Central Composite implemented in pyDOE', 'Latin Hypercube Sampling implemented in pyDOE']¶
- DESIGN_ALGO_NAME = 'Design algorithm'¶
- DIMENSION = 'dimension'¶
- EQ_TOLERANCE = 'eq_tolerance'¶
- EVAL_JAC = 'eval_jac'¶
- EVAL_OBS_JAC_OPTION = 'eval_obs_jac'¶
- FACE_KEYWORD = 'face'¶
- INEQ_TOLERANCE = 'ineq_tolerance'¶
- ITERATION_KEYWORD = 'iterations'¶
- LEVEL_KEYWORD = 'levels'¶
- MAX_TIME = 'max_time'¶
- NORMALIZE_DESIGN_SPACE_OPTION = 'normalize_design_space'¶
- N_PROCESSES = 'n_processes'¶
- N_SAMPLES = 'n_samples'¶
- OPTIONS_DIR: ClassVar[str | Path] = 'options'¶
The name of the directory containing the files of the grammars of the options.
- OPTIONS_MAP: ClassVar[dict[str, str]] = {}¶
The names of the options in GEMSEO mapping to those in the wrapped library.
- PHIP_CRITERIA = 'phi^p'¶
- PYDOE_2LEVELFACT = 'ff2n'¶
- PYDOE_2LEVELFACT_DESC = '2-Level Full-Factorial implemented in pyDOE'¶
- PYDOE_BBDESIGN = 'bbdesign'¶
- PYDOE_BBDESIGN_DESC = 'Box-Behnken design implemented in pyDOE'¶
- PYDOE_CCDESIGN = 'ccdesign'¶
- PYDOE_CCDESIGN_DESC = 'Central Composite implemented in pyDOE'¶
- PYDOE_DOC = ''¶
- PYDOE_FULLFACT = 'fullfact'¶
- PYDOE_FULLFACT_DESC = 'Full-Factorial implemented in pyDOE'¶
- PYDOE_LHS = 'lhs'¶
- PYDOE_LHS_DESC = 'Latin Hypercube Sampling implemented in pyDOE'¶
- PYDOE_PBDESIGN = 'pbdesign'¶
- PYDOE_PBDESIGN_DESC = 'Plackett-Burman design implemented in pyDOE'¶
- ROUND_INTS_OPTION = 'round_ints'¶
- SAMPLES_TAG = 'samples'¶
- SEED = 'seed'¶
- USE_DATABASE_OPTION = 'use_database'¶
- WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_SAMPLES = 'wait_time_between_samples'¶
- WEB_LIST: ClassVar[list[str]] = ['', '', '', '', '', '']¶
- activate_progress_bar: ClassVar[bool] = True¶
Whether to activate the progress bar in the optimization log.
- descriptions: dict[str, AlgorithmDescription]¶
The description of the algorithms contained in the library.
- internal_algo_name: str | None¶
The internal name of the algorithm used currently.
It typically corresponds to the name of the algorithm in the wrapped library if any.
- opt_grammar: JSONGrammar | None¶
The grammar defining the options of the current algorithm.
- problem: OptimizationProblem¶
The optimization problem the driver library is bonded to.
- samples: ndarray¶
The input samples with the design space variable types stored as dtype metadata.
- seed: int¶
The seed to be used for reproducibility reasons.
This seed is initialized at 0 and each call to
increments it before using it.
- unit_samples: ndarray¶
The input samples transformed in \([0,1]\).