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color_evolution module

Evolution of the variables by means of a color scale.

class, variables=None, use_log=False, opacity=0.6, **options)[source]

Bases: DatasetPlot

Evolution of the variables by means of a color scale.

Based on the matplotlib function imshow().


Use colormap to set a matplotlib colormap, e.g. "seismic".

  • dataset (Dataset) – The dataset containing the data to plot.

  • variables (Iterable[str] | None) – The variables of interest If None, use all the variables.

  • use_log (bool) –

    Whether to use a symmetric logarithmic scale.

    By default it is set to False.

  • opacity (float) –

    The level of opacity (0 = transparent; 1 = opaque).

    By default it is set to 0.6.

  • **options (bool | float | str | None) – The options for the matplotlib function imshow().


ValueError – If the dataset is empty.

class PlotEngine(value)

Bases: StrEnum

An engine of plots.

MATPLOTLIB = 'MatplotlibPlotFactory'
PLOTLY = 'PlotlyPlotFactory'
execute(save=True, show=False, file_path='', directory_path=None, file_name=None, file_format='png', file_name_suffix='', **engine_parameters)

Execute the post-processing.

  • save (bool) –

    If True, save the plot.

    By default it is set to True.

  • show (bool) –

    If True, display the plot.

    By default it is set to False.

  • file_path (str | Path) –

    The path of the file to save the figures. If empty, create a file path from directory_path, file_name and file_format.

    By default it is set to “”.

  • directory_path (str | Path | None) – The path of the directory to save the figures. If None, use the current working directory.

  • file_name (str | None) – The name of the file to save the figures. If None, use a default one generated by the post-processing.

  • file_format (str) –

    A file format, e.g. ‘png’, ‘pdf’, ‘svg’, …

    By default it is set to “png”.

  • file_name_suffix (str) –

    The suffix to be added to the file name.

    By default it is set to “”.

  • **engine_parameters (Any) – The parameters specific to the plot engine.


The figures.

Return type:


DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE: ClassVar[PlotEngine] = 'MatplotlibPlotFactory'

The default engine of plots.

FILE_FORMATS_TO_PLOT_ENGINES: ClassVar[dict[str, PlotEngine]] = {'html': PlotEngine.PLOTLY}

The file formats bound to the engines of plots.

The method execute() uses this dictionary to select the engine of plots associated with its file_format argument. If missing, the method uses the DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE.

property color: str | list[str]

The colors for the series; if empty, use a default one.

property colormap: str

The color map.

property dataset: Dataset

The dataset.

property fig_size: FigSizeType

The figure size.

property fig_size_x: float

The x-component of figure size.

property fig_size_y: float

The y-component of figure size.

property font_size: int

The font size.

property labels: Mapping[str, str]

The labels for the variables.

property legend_location: str

The location of the legend.

property linestyle: str | list[str]

The line style for the series; if empty, use a default one.

property marker: str | list[str]

The marker for the series; if empty, use a default one.

property output_files: list[str]

The paths to the output files.

property rmax: float | None

The maximum value on the r-axis; if None, compute it from data.

property rmin: float | None

The minimum value on the r-axis; if None, compute it from data.

property title: str

The title of the plot.

property xlabel: str

The label for the x-axis.

property xmax: float | None

The maximum value on the x-axis; if None, compute it from data.

property xmin: float | None

The minimum value on the x-axis; if None, compute it from data.

property xtick_rotation: str

The rotation angle in degrees for the x-ticks.

property ylabel: str

The label for the y-axis.

property ymax: float | None

The maximum value on the y-axis; if None, compute it from data.

property ymin: float | None

The minimum value on the y-axis; if None, compute it from data.

property zlabel: str

The label for the z-axis.

property zmax: float | None

The maximum value on the z-axis; if None, compute it from data.

property zmin: float | None

The minimum value on the z-axis; if None, compute it from data.