Source code for gemseo.algos.parameter_space

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Matthias De Lozzo
"""Variable space defining both deterministic and uncertain variables.


The :class:`.ParameterSpace` class describes a set of parameters of interest
which can be either deterministic or uncertain.
This class inherits from :class:`.DesignSpace`.


The :meth:`.DesignSpace.add_variable` aims to add deterministic variables from:

- a variable name,
- an optional variable size (default: 1),
- an optional variable type (default: float),
- an optional lower bound (default: - infinity),
- an optional upper bound (default: + infinity),
- an optional current value (default: None).

The :meth:`.add_random_variable` aims to add uncertain
variables (a.k.a. random variables) from:

- a variable name,
- a distribution name
  (see :func:`.uncertainty.get_available_distributions`),
- an optional variable size,
- optional distribution parameters (``parameters`` set as
  a tuple of positional arguments for :class:`.OTDistribution`
  or a dictionary of keyword arguments for :class:`.SPDistribution`,
  or keyword arguments for standard probability distribution such
  as :class:`.OTNormalDistribution` and :class:`.SPNormalDistribution`).

The :class:`.ParameterSpace` also provides the following methods:

- :meth:`.ParameterSpace.compute_samples`: returns several samples
  of the uncertain variables,
- :meth:`.evaluate_cdf`: evaluate the cumulative density function
  for the different variables and their different
- :meth:`.get_range` returns the numerical range
  of the different uncertain parameters,
- :meth:`.get_support`: returns the mathematical support
  of the different uncertain variables,
- :meth:`.is_uncertain`: checks if a parameter is uncertain,
- :meth:`.is_deterministic`: checks if a parameter is deterministic.

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any

    from import Iterable
    from import Mapping
    from import Sequence

    from gemseo.datasets.dataset import Dataset
    from gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.composed import ComposedDistribution

from numpy import array
from numpy import ndarray

from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace
from gemseo.third_party.prettytable import PrettyTable
from gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.factory import DistributionFactory
from gemseo.utils.data_conversion import concatenate_dict_of_arrays_to_array
from gemseo.utils.data_conversion import split_array_to_dict_of_arrays

RandomVariable = collections.namedtuple(
    ["distribution", "size", "parameters"],
    defaults=(1, {}),

RandomVector = collections.namedtuple(
    ["distribution", "size", "parameters"],
    defaults=(1, {}),

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ParameterSpace(DesignSpace): """Parameter space.""" uncertain_variables: list[str] """The names of the uncertain variables.""" distributions: dict[str, ComposedDistribution] """The marginal probability distributions of the uncertain variables. These variables are defined as random vectors with independent components. """ distribution: ComposedDistribution """The joint probability distribution of the uncertain variables.""" _INITIAL_DISTRIBUTION = "Initial distribution" _TRANSFORMATION = "Transformation" _SUPPORT = "Support" _MEAN = "Mean" _STANDARD_DEVIATION = "Standard deviation" _RANGE = "Range" _BLANK = "" _PARAMETER_SPACE = "Parameter space" __uncertain_variables_to_definitions: dict[str, tuple[str, dict[str, Any], bool]] """The uncertain variable names bound to their defining. The definition is a triplet. The first component is the name of the class of the probability distribution, the second component is the dictionary of parameters of the probability distribution and the third one is to indicate if the random variable is one-sized. """ def __init__(self, name: str = "") -> None: # noqa:D107 LOGGER.debug("*** Create a new parameter space ***") super().__init__(name=name) self.uncertain_variables = [] self.distributions = {} self.distribution = None self.__uncertain_variables_to_definitions = {} self.__distribution_family_id = ""
[docs] def build_composed_distribution(self, copula: Any = None) -> None: """Build the joint probability distribution. Args: copula: A copula distribution defining the dependency structure between random variables; if ``None``, consider an independent copula. """ if self.uncertain_variables: distributions = [ marginal for name in self.uncertain_variables for marginal in self.distributions[name].marginals ] self.distribution = distributions[0].COMPOSED_DISTRIBUTION_CLASS( distributions, copula )
[docs] def is_uncertain( self, variable: str, ) -> bool: """Check if a variable is uncertain. Args: variable: The name of the variable. Returns: True is the variable is uncertain. """ return variable in self.uncertain_variables
[docs] def is_deterministic( self, variable: str, ) -> bool: """Check if a variable is deterministic. Args: variable: The name of the variable. Returns: True is the variable is deterministic. """ deterministic = set(self.variable_names) - set(self.uncertain_variables) return variable in deterministic
[docs] def add_random_vector( self, name: str, distribution: str, size: int = 0, interfaced_distribution: str = "", interfaced_distribution_parameters: tuple[list[Any]] | Mapping[str, list[Any]] = (), **parameters: list[Any], ) -> None: """Add a *d*-length random vector from a probability distribution. Warnings: The probability distributions must have the same :class:`~.Distribution.DISTRIBUTION_FAMILY_ID`. For instance, one cannot mix a random vector using a :class:`.OTUniformDistribution` with identifier ``"OT"`` and a random vector using a :class:`.SPNormalDistribution` with identifier ``"SP"``. Args: name: The name of the random vector. distribution: The name of a class implementing a probability distribution, e.g. ``"OTUniformDistribution"`` or ``"SPUniformDistribution"``, or an interface to a library of probability distributions, e.g. ``"OTDistribution"`` or ``"SPDistribution"``. size: The length *d* of the random vector. If ``0``, deduce it from the parameters. interfaced_distribution: The name of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when ``distribution`` is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library. interfaced_distribution_parameters: The parameters of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when ``distribution`` is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library. The values of the data structure (mapping or tuple) must be set either as ``[p_1,...,p_d]`` (one value per component of the random vector) or as ``[p]`` (one value for all the components) If empty, use the default ones. **parameters: The parameters of the distribution, either as ``[p_1,...,p_d]`` (one value per component of the random vector) or as ``[p]`` (one value for all the components); otherwise, use the default ones. Raises: ValueError: When mixing probability distributions from different families, e.g. an :class:`.OTDistribution` and a :class:`.SPDistribution` or when the lengths of the distribution parameter collections are not consistent. """ self._check_variable_name(name) # TODO: API: remove this compatibility layer # TODO: API: use interfaced_distribution_parameters only. interfaced_distribution_parameters = self.__get_distribution_parameters( interfaced_distribution_parameters, parameters ) distribution_class = DistributionFactory().get_class(distribution) parameters_as_tuple = isinstance(interfaced_distribution_parameters, tuple) # Check that the distribution belongs to the same library as the previous ones. distribution_family_id = distribution_class.__name__[0:2] if self.__distribution_family_id: if distribution_family_id != self.__distribution_family_id: raise ValueError( f"A parameter space cannot mix {self.__distribution_family_id} " f"and {distribution_family_id} distributions." ) else: self.__distribution_family_id = distribution_family_id # Set the size if undefined and check the consistency with the parameters. size = self.__get_random_vector_size( interfaced_distribution_parameters, parameters.values(), size ) # Force the collections of the parameters to the same size. parameters = { name: self.__get_random_vector_parameter_value(size, value) for name, value in parameters.items() } if parameters_as_tuple: interfaced_distribution_parameters = tuple([ self.__get_random_vector_parameter_value(size, value) for value in interfaced_distribution_parameters ]) else: interfaced_distribution_parameters = { name: self.__get_random_vector_parameter_value(size, value) for name, value in interfaced_distribution_parameters.items() } # Store the definitions of the uncertain variables # for use by RandomVariable and RandomVector (see __getitem__ and __setitem__). is_random_variable = size == 1 if is_random_variable: data = {name: value[0] for name, value in parameters.items()} if parameters_as_tuple: idp_data = {value[0] for value in interfaced_distribution_parameters} else: idp_data = { name: value[0] for name, value in interfaced_distribution_parameters.items() } else: data = parameters.copy() idp_data = interfaced_distribution_parameters if idp_data: data["parameters"] = idp_data self.__uncertain_variables_to_definitions[name] = ( distribution, data, is_random_variable, ) # Define the marginal distributions # (one marginal for each component of the random vector). marginals = [] for i in range(size): kwargs = {k: v[i] for k, v in parameters.items()} if interfaced_distribution: kwargs["interfaced_distribution"] = interfaced_distribution if parameters_as_tuple: kwargs["parameters"] = tuple([ v[i] for v in interfaced_distribution_parameters ]) else: kwargs["parameters"] = { k: v[i] for k, v in interfaced_distribution_parameters.items() } marginals.append(distribution_class(**kwargs)) # Define the distribution of the random vector with a joint distribution. composed_distribution_class = distribution_class.COMPOSED_DISTRIBUTION_CLASS self.distributions[name] = composed_distribution_class(marginals) # Update the uncertain variables. self.uncertain_variables.append(name) # Update the full joint distribution, # i.e. the joint distribution of all the uncertain variables. self.build_composed_distribution() # Update the parameter space as subclass of a DesignSpace. l_b = self.distributions[name].math_lower_bound u_b = self.distributions[name].math_upper_bound value = self.distributions[name].mean if name in self.variable_names: self.set_lower_bound(name, l_b) self.set_upper_bound(name, u_b) self.set_current_variable(name, value) else: self.add_variable( name, self.distributions[name].dimension, self.DesignVariableType.FLOAT, l_b, u_b, value, )
@staticmethod def __get_random_vector_parameter_value(size: int, value: list[Any]) -> list[Any]: """Adapt the parameter value if its size is inconsistent with the random vector. When the ``size`` of the random vector greater than one and the length of the parameter ``value`` is 1, the parameter value is repeated ``size`` times. Args: size: The size of the random vector. value: The value of the parameter of the probability distribution, whose length is either ``1`` or ``size``. Returns: The value of the parameter of the probability distribution for each component of the random vector. """ return value * size if len(value) == 1 and size != 1 else value @staticmethod def __get_random_vector_size( interfaced_distribution_parameters: tuple[list[Any]] | Mapping[str, list[Any]], parameter_values: Iterable[list[Any]], size: int, ) -> int: """Define the random vector size if undefined. Args: interfaced_distribution_parameters: The parameters of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when ``distribution`` is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library; if empty, use the default ones. parameter_values: The parameters of the distribution, either as ``(p_1,...,p_d)`` (one value per component of the random vector) or as ``(p)`` (one value for all the components); otherwise, use the default ones. size: The length *d* of the random vector. If ``0``, deduce it from the parameters. Returns: The size of the random vector. Raises: ValueError: The lengths of the distribution parameter collections are not consistent. """ parameters_as_tuple = isinstance(interfaced_distribution_parameters, tuple) # Bring together the collections of values of the various parameters. values = ( interfaced_distribution_parameters if parameters_as_tuple else interfaced_distribution_parameters.values() ) # Compute the unique collection sizes; expectation: {1}, {d} or {1,d}. sizes = {len(v) for vv in [values, parameter_values] for v in vv} n_sizes = len(sizes) # Set the size if undefined. if not size: size = max(sizes) if sizes else 1 # Check the consistency of the size with the parameters. if ( n_sizes > 2 or (n_sizes == 2 and sizes != {1, size}) or (n_sizes == 1 and not sizes.issubset({1, size})) ): raise ValueError( "The lengths of the distribution parameter collections " "are not consistent." ) return size
[docs] def add_random_variable( self, name: str, distribution: str, size: int = 1, interfaced_distribution: str = "", interfaced_distribution_parameters: tuple[Any] | Mapping[str, Any] = (), **parameters: Any, ) -> None: """Add a random variable from a probability distribution. Args: name: The name of the random variable. distribution: The name of a class implementing a probability distribution, e.g. ``"OTUniformDistribution"`` or ``"SPUniformDistribution"``, or an interface to a library of probability distributions, e.g. ``"OTDistribution"`` or ``"SPDistribution"``. size: The dimension of the random variable. The parameters of the distribution are shared by all the components of the random variable. interfaced_distribution: The name of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when ``distribution`` is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library. interfaced_distribution_parameters: The parameters of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when ``distribution`` is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library; if empty, use the default ones. **parameters: The parameters of the distribution; otherwise, use the default ones. Warnings: The probability distributions must have the same :class:`~.Distribution.DISTRIBUTION_FAMILY_ID`. For instance, one cannot mix a random variable distributed as an :class:`.OTUniformDistribution` with identifier ``"OT"`` and a random variable distributed as a :class:`.SPNormalDistribution` with identifier ``"SP"``. """ # TODO: API: remove this compatibility layer # TODO: API: use interfaced_distribution_parameters only. interfaced_distribution_parameters = self.__get_distribution_parameters( interfaced_distribution_parameters, parameters ) kwargs = {k: [v] for k, v in parameters.items()} if interfaced_distribution: kwargs["interfaced_distribution"] = interfaced_distribution if interfaced_distribution_parameters: if isinstance(interfaced_distribution_parameters, tuple): formatted_parameters = tuple([ [v] for v in interfaced_distribution_parameters ]) else: formatted_parameters = { k: [v] for k, v in interfaced_distribution_parameters.items() } kwargs.update({ "interfaced_distribution_parameters": formatted_parameters }) self.add_random_vector( name, distribution, size, **kwargs, )
@staticmethod def __get_distribution_parameters( interfaced_distribution_parameters: tuple[Any] | Mapping[str, Any] | list[tuple[Any]] | tuple[Mapping[str, Any]], parameters: Any | list[Any], ) -> tuple[Any] | Mapping[str, Any] | list[tuple[Any]] | tuple[Mapping[str, Any]]: """Return the parameters of the interfaced distribution. Args: interfaced_distribution_parameters: The parameters of the interfaced distribution. parameters: The parameters of the distribution. Returns: The parameters of the interfaced distribution. """ if "parameters" in parameters: if interfaced_distribution_parameters: raise ValueError( "'interfaced_distribution_parameters' " "is the new name of 'parameters' " "which will be removed in the next major release; " "you cannot use both names at the same time; " "please use 'interfaced_distribution_parameters'." ) return parameters.pop("parameters") return interfaced_distribution_parameters
[docs] def get_range( self, variable: str, ) -> list[ndarray]: """Return the numerical range of a random variable. Args: variable: The name of the random variable. Returns: The range of the components of the random variable. """ return self.distributions[variable].range
[docs] def get_support( self, variable: str, ) -> list[ndarray]: """Return the mathematical support of a random variable. Args: variable: The name of the random variable. Returns: The support of the components of the random variable. """ return self.distributions[variable].support
[docs] def remove_variable( self, name: str, ) -> None: """Remove a variable from the probability space. Args: name: The name of the variable. """ if name in self.uncertain_variables: del self.distributions[name] self.uncertain_variables.remove(name) if self.uncertain_variables: self.build_composed_distribution() super().remove_variable(name)
[docs] def compute_samples( self, n_samples: int = 1, as_dict: bool = False, ) -> dict[str, ndarray] | ndarray: """Sample the random variables and return the realizations. Args: n_samples: A number of samples. as_dict: The type of the returned object. If ``True``, return a dictionary. Otherwise, return an array. Returns: The realizations of the random variables, either stored in an array or in a dictionary whose values are the names of the random variables and the values are the evaluations. """ sample = self.distribution.compute_samples(n_samples) if as_dict: sample = [ split_array_to_dict_of_arrays( data_array, self.variable_sizes, self.uncertain_variables ) for data_array in sample ] return sample
[docs] def evaluate_cdf( self, value: dict[str, ndarray], inverse: bool = False, ) -> dict[str, ndarray]: """Evaluate the cumulative density function (or its inverse) of each marginal. Args: value: The values of the uncertain variables passed as a dictionary whose keys are the names of the variables. inverse: The type of function to evaluate. If ``True``, compute the cumulative density function. Otherwise, compute the inverse cumulative density function. Returns: A dictionary where the keys are the names of the random variables and the values are the evaluations. """ if inverse: self.__check_dict_of_array(value) values = {} for name in self.uncertain_variables: val = value[name] distribution = self.distributions[name] if val.ndim == 1: if inverse: current_v = distribution.compute_inverse_cdf(val) else: current_v = distribution.compute_cdf(val) elif inverse: current_v = [distribution.compute_inverse_cdf(sample) for sample in val] else: current_v = [distribution.compute_cdf(sample) for sample in val] values[name] = array(current_v) return values
def __check_dict_of_array( self, obj: Any, ) -> None: """Check if the object is a dictionary whose values are numpy arrays. Args: obj: The object to test. """ error_msg = ( "obj must be a dictionary whose keys are the variables " "names and values are arrays " "whose dimensions are the variables ones and components are in [0, 1]." ) if not isinstance(obj, dict): raise TypeError(error_msg) for variable, value in obj.items(): if variable not in self.uncertain_variables: LOGGER.debug( "%s is not defined in the probability space; " "available variables are [%s]; " "use uniform distribution for %s.", variable, ", ".join(self.uncertain_variables), variable, ) else: if not isinstance(value, ndarray): raise TypeError(error_msg) if value.shape[-1] != self.variable_sizes[variable]: raise ValueError(error_msg) if (value > 1.0).any() or (value < 0.0).any(): raise ValueError(error_msg)
[docs] def get_pretty_table( # noqa: D102 self, fields: Sequence[str] | None = None, with_index: bool = False, capitalize: bool = False, simplify: bool = False, ) -> PrettyTable: if not simplify or self.deterministic_variables or fields is not None: table = super().get_pretty_table( fields=fields, capitalize=capitalize, with_index=with_index ) else: table = PrettyTable(["Name" if capitalize else "name"]) table.float_format = "%.16g" for name in self.variable_names: size = self.variable_sizes[name] name_template = "{name}" if with_index and size > 1: name_template += "[{index}]" for i in range(size): table.add_row([name_template.format(name=name, index=i)]) distributions = [] transformations = [] for variable in self.variable_names: if variable in self.uncertain_variables: for marginal in self.distributions[variable].marginals: distributions.append(repr(marginal)) transformations.append(marginal.transformation) else: empty = [self._BLANK] * self.variable_sizes[variable] distributions.extend(empty) transformations.extend(empty) if self.uncertain_variables: default_variable_name = ( self.distributions[self.uncertain_variables[0]] .marginals[0] .DEFAULT_VARIABLE_NAME ) add_transformation = False for transformation in transformations: if transformation not in [default_variable_name, self._BLANK]: add_transformation = True break if add_transformation: table.add_column( "Initial distribution" if capitalize else "initial distribution", distributions, ) table.add_column( "Transformation(x)=" if capitalize else "transformation(x)=", transformations, ) else: table.add_column( "Distribution" if capitalize else "distribution", distributions ) return table
def __str__(self) -> str: title = "" if self.deterministic_variables else "Uncertain space" return self._get_string_representation(False, simplify=True, title=title)
[docs] def get_tabular_view( self, decimals: int = 2, ) -> str: """Return a tabular view of the parameter space. This view contains statistical information. Args: decimals: The number of decimals to print. Returns: The tabular view. """ table = super().get_pretty_table() distribution = [] transformation = [] support = [] mean = [] std = [] rnge = [] for variable in self.variable_names: if variable in self.uncertain_variables: dist = self.distributions[variable] tmp_mean = dist.mean tmp_std = dist.standard_deviation tmp_range = dist.range tmp_support = for dim in range(dist.dimension): distribution.append(str(dist)) transformation.append(dist.transformation) mean.append(tmp_mean[dim]) mean[-1] = round(mean[-1], decimals) std.append(tmp_std[dim]) std[-1] = round(std[-1], decimals) rnge.append(tmp_range[dim]) support.append(tmp_support[dim]) else: for _ in range(self.variable_sizes[variable]): distribution.append(self._BLANK) transformation.append(self._BLANK) mean.append(self._BLANK) std.append(self._BLANK) support.append(self._BLANK) rnge.append(self._BLANK) table.add_column(self._INITIAL_DISTRIBUTION, distribution) table.add_column(self._TRANSFORMATION, transformation) table.add_column(self._SUPPORT, support) table.add_column(self._MEAN, mean) table.add_column(self._STANDARD_DEVIATION, std) table.add_column(self._RANGE, rnge) table.title = self._PARAMETER_SPACE return str(table)
[docs] def unnormalize_vect( self, x_vect: ndarray, minus_lb: bool = True, no_check: bool = False, use_dist: bool = False, out: ndarray | None = None, ) -> ndarray: """Unnormalize a normalized vector of the parameter space. If ``use_dist`` is True, use the inverse cumulative probability distributions of the random variables to unscale the components of the random variables. Otherwise, use the approach defined in :meth:`.DesignSpace.unnormalize_vect` with `minus_lb` and `no_check`. For the components of the deterministic variables, use the approach defined in :meth:`.DesignSpace.unnormalize_vect` with `minus_lb` and `no_check`. Args: x_vect: The values of the design variables. minus_lb: Whether to remove the lower bounds at normalization. no_check: Whether to check if the components are in :math:`[0,1]`. use_dist: Whether to unnormalize the components of the random variables with their inverse cumulative probability distributions. out: The array to store the unnormalized vector. If ``None``, create a new array. Returns: The unnormalized vector. """ if not use_dist: return super().unnormalize_vect(x_vect, no_check=no_check, out=out) if x_vect.ndim not in {1, 2}: raise ValueError("x_vect must be either a 1D or a 2D NumPy array.") return self.__unnormalize_vect(x_vect, no_check)
def __unnormalize_vect(self, x_vect, no_check): data_names = self.variable_names data_sizes = self.variable_sizes x_u_geom = super().unnormalize_vect(x_vect, no_check=no_check) x_u = self.evaluate_cdf( split_array_to_dict_of_arrays(x_vect, data_sizes, data_names), inverse=True ) x_u_geom = split_array_to_dict_of_arrays(x_u_geom, data_sizes, data_names) missing_names = [name for name in data_names if name not in x_u] for name in missing_names: x_u[name] = x_u_geom[name] return concatenate_dict_of_arrays_to_array(x_u, data_names)
[docs] def transform_vect( # noqa:D102 self, vector: ndarray, out: ndarray | None = None, ) -> ndarray: return self.normalize_vect(vector, use_dist=True, out=out)
[docs] def untransform_vect( # noqa:D102 self, vector: ndarray, no_check: bool = False, out: ndarray | None = None, ) -> ndarray: return self.unnormalize_vect(vector, use_dist=True, no_check=no_check, out=out)
[docs] def normalize_vect( self, x_vect: ndarray, minus_lb: bool = True, use_dist: bool = False, out: ndarray | None = None, ) -> ndarray: """Normalize a vector of the parameter space. If `use_dist` is True, use the cumulative probability distributions of the random variables to scale the components of the random variables between 0 and 1. Otherwise, use the approach defined in :meth:`.DesignSpace.normalize_vect` with `minus_lb`. For the components of the deterministic variables, use the approach defined in :meth:`.DesignSpace.normalize_vect` with `minus_lb`. Args: x_vect: The values of the design variables. minus_lb: If ``True``, remove the lower bounds at normalization. use_dist: If ``True``, normalize the components of the random variables with their cumulative probability distributions. out: The array to store the normalized vector. If ``None``, create a new array. Returns: The normalized vector. """ if not use_dist: return super().normalize_vect(x_vect, out=out) if x_vect.ndim not in {1, 2}: raise ValueError("x_vect must be either a 1D or a 2D NumPy array.") return self.__normalize_vect(x_vect)
def __normalize_vect(self, x_vect): data_names = self.variable_names data_sizes = self.variable_sizes dict_sample = split_array_to_dict_of_arrays(x_vect, data_sizes, data_names) x_n_geom = super().normalize_vect(x_vect) x_n = self.evaluate_cdf(dict_sample) x_n_geom = split_array_to_dict_of_arrays(x_n_geom, data_sizes, data_names) missing_names = [name for name in data_names if name not in x_n] for name in missing_names: x_n[name] = x_n_geom[name] return concatenate_dict_of_arrays_to_array(x_n, data_names) @property def deterministic_variables(self) -> list[str]: """The deterministic variables.""" return [ variable for variable in self.variable_names if variable not in self.uncertain_variables ]
[docs] def extract_uncertain_space( self, as_design_space: bool = False, ) -> DesignSpace | ParameterSpace: """Define a new :class:`.DesignSpace` from the uncertain variables only. Args: as_design_space: If ``False``, return a :class:`.ParameterSpace` containing the original uncertain variables as is; otherwise, return a :class:`.DesignSpace` where the original uncertain variables are made deterministic. In that case, the bounds of a deterministic variable correspond to the limits of the support of the original probability distribution and the current value correspond to its mean. Return: A :class:`.ParameterSpace` defined by the uncertain variables only. """ uncertain_space = deepcopy(self).filter(self.uncertain_variables) if as_design_space: return uncertain_space.to_design_space() return uncertain_space
[docs] def extract_deterministic_space(self) -> DesignSpace: """Define a new :class:`.DesignSpace` from the deterministic variables only. Return: A :class:`.DesignSpace` defined by the deterministic variables only. """ deterministic_space = DesignSpace() for name in self.deterministic_variables: deterministic_space.add_variable( name, self.get_size(name), self.get_type(name) ) value = self._current_value.get(name) if value is not None: deterministic_space.set_current_variable(name, value) deterministic_space.set_lower_bound(name, self.get_lower_bound(name)) deterministic_space.set_upper_bound(name, self.get_upper_bound(name)) return deterministic_space
[docs] @staticmethod def init_from_dataset( dataset: Dataset, groups: Iterable[str] | None = None, uncertain: Mapping[str, bool] | None = None, copula: Any = None, ) -> ParameterSpace: """Initialize the parameter space from a dataset. Args: dataset: The dataset used for the initialization. groups: The groups of the dataset to be considered. If ``None``, consider all the groups. uncertain: Whether the variables should be uncertain or not. copula: A name of copula defining the dependency between random variables. """ parameter_space = ParameterSpace() if uncertain is None: uncertain = {} if groups is None: groups = dataset.group_names for group in groups: for name in dataset.get_variable_names(group): data = dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy() l_b = data.min(0) u_b = data.max(0) value = (l_b + u_b) / 2 size = len(l_b) if uncertain.get(name, False): for idx in range(size): parameter_space.add_random_variable( f"{name}_{idx}", "OTUniformDistribution", minimum=float(l_b[idx]), maximum=float(u_b[idx]), ) else: parameter_space.add_variable(name, size, "float", l_b, u_b, value) parameter_space.build_composed_distribution(copula) return parameter_space
[docs] def to_design_space(self) -> DesignSpace: """Convert the parameter space into a :class:`.DesignSpace`. The original deterministic variables are kept as is while the original uncertain variables are made deterministic. In that case, the bounds of a deterministic variable correspond to the limits of the support of the original probability distribution and the current value correspond to its mean. Return: A :class:`.DesignSpace` where all original variables are made deterministic. """ design_space = self.extract_deterministic_space() for name in self.uncertain_variables: design_space.add_variable( name, size=self.get_size(name), var_type=self.get_type(name), l_b=self.get_lower_bound(name), u_b=self.get_upper_bound(name), value=self.get_current_value([name]), ) return design_space
def __getitem__( self, name: str, ) -> DesignSpace.DesignVariable | RandomVariable | RandomVector: if name not in self.variable_names: raise KeyError(f"Variable '{name}' is not known.") if self.is_uncertain(name): if self.__uncertain_variables_to_definitions[name][2]: cls = RandomVariable else: cls = RandomVector return cls( distribution=self.__uncertain_variables_to_definitions[name][0], size=self.get_size(name), parameters=self.__uncertain_variables_to_definitions[name][1], ) try: value = self.get_current_value([name]) except KeyError: value = None return DesignSpace.DesignVariable( size=self.get_size(name), var_type=self.get_type(name), l_b=self.get_lower_bound(name), u_b=self.get_upper_bound(name), value=value, ) def __setitem__( self, name: str, item: DesignSpace.DesignVariable | RandomVariable | RandomVector, ) -> None: if isinstance(item, RandomVariable): self.add_random_variable( name, item.distribution, size=item.size, **item.parameters ) elif isinstance(item, RandomVector): self.add_random_vector( name, item.distribution, size=item.size, **item.parameters ) else: self.add_variable( name, size=item.size, var_type=item.var_type, l_b=item.l_b, u_b=item.u_b, value=item.value, )
[docs] def rename_variable( # noqa:D102 self, current_name: str, new_name: str, ) -> None: super().rename_variable(current_name, new_name) if current_name in self.uncertain_variables: position = self.uncertain_variables.index(current_name) self.uncertain_variables[position] = new_name _dict = self.__uncertain_variables_to_definitions _dict[new_name] = _dict.pop(current_name)