Source code for gemseo.caches.hdf5_file_singleton

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                         documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard, Matthias De Lozzo
"""HDF5 file singleton used by the HDF5 cache."""

from __future__ import annotations

from multiprocessing import RLock
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import ClassVar

import h5py
from genericpath import exists
from numpy import append
from numpy import bytes_
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import str_
from numpy.core.multiarray import array
from scipy.sparse import csr_array
from strenum import StrEnum

from gemseo.core.cache import AbstractFullCache
from gemseo.core.cache import hash_data_dict
from gemseo.core.cache import to_real
from gemseo.utils.compatibility.scipy import SparseArrayType
from gemseo.utils.compatibility.scipy import sparse_classes
from gemseo.utils.singleton import SingleInstancePerFileAttribute

    from gemseo.core.discipline_data import Data

[docs] class HDF5FileSingleton(metaclass=SingleInstancePerFileAttribute): """Singleton to access an HDF file. Used for multithreading/multiprocessing access with a lock. """ # We create a single instance of cache per HDF5 file # to allow the multiprocessing lock to work # Ie we want a single lock even if we instantiate multiple # caches hdf_file_path: str """The path to the HDF file.""" lock: RLock """The lock used for multithreading.""" HASH_TAG: ClassVar[str] = "hash" """The label for the hash.""" FILE_FORMAT_VERSION: ClassVar[int] = 2 """The version of the file format.""" _INPUTS_GROUP: ClassVar[str] = AbstractFullCache._INPUTS_GROUP """The label for the input variables.""" class __SparseMatricesAttributes(StrEnum): # noqa: N801 """Attribute names required to store sparse matrices in CSR format.""" SPARSE = "sparse" INDICES = "indices" INDPTR = "indptr" SHAPE = "shape" def __init__( self, hdf_file_path: str, ) -> None: """ Args: hdf_file_path: The path to the HDF file. """ # noqa: D205, D212, D415 self.hdf_file_path = hdf_file_path self.__check_file_format_version() # Attach the lock to the file and NOT the Cache because it is a singleton. self.lock = RLock()
[docs] def write_data( self, data: Data, group: str, index: int, hdf_node_path: str, h5_open_file: h5py.File | None = None, ) -> None: """Cache input data to avoid re-evaluation. Args: data: The data containing the values of the names to cache. group: The name of the group, either :attr:`.AbstractFullCache._INPUTS_GROUP`, :attr:`.AbstractFullCache._OUTPUTS_GROUP` or :attr:`.AbstractFullCache._JACOBIAN_GROUP`. index: The index of the entry in the cache. hdf_node_path: The name of the HDF group to store the entries, possibly passed as a path ``root_name/.../group_name/.../node_name``. h5_open_file: The opened HDF file. This improves performance but is incompatible with multiprocess/treading. If ``None``, open it. """ if h5_open_file is None: h5_file = h5py.File(self.hdf_file_path, "a") else: h5_file = h5_open_file if not len(h5_file): self.__set_file_format_version(h5_file) root = h5_file.require_group(hdf_node_path) entry = root.require_group(str(index)) group = entry.require_group(group) try: # Write hash if needed if entry.get(self.HASH_TAG) is None: data_hash = array([hash_data_dict(data)], dtype="bytes") entry.create_dataset(self.HASH_TAG, data=data_hash) for name, value in data.items(): value = data.get(name) if value is not None: if value.dtype.type is str_: group.create_dataset(name, data=value.astype("bytes")) elif isinstance(value, sparse_classes): self.__write_sparse_array(group, name, value) else: group.create_dataset(name, data=to_real(value)) # IOError and RuntimeError are for python 2.7 except (RuntimeError, OSError, ValueError): h5_file.close() raise RuntimeError( "Failed to cache dataset %s.%s.%s in file: %s", hdf_node_path, index, group, self.hdf_file_path, ) from None if h5_open_file is None: h5_file.close()
def __write_sparse_array( self, group: h5py.Group, dataset_name: str, value: SparseArrayType ) -> None: """Store sparse array in HDF5 group. Args: group: The name of the group. or :attr:`.AbstractFullCache._JACOBIAN_GROUP`. dataset_name: The name of the dataset to store the sparse array in. value: The sparse array. """ value = value.tocsr() # Create a dataset containing the non-zero elements of value dataset = group.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=to_real( # Add as attribute the indices, pointers and shape required for reconstruction dataset.attrs.create(self.__SparseMatricesAttributes.INDICES, value.indices) dataset.attrs.create(self.__SparseMatricesAttributes.INDPTR, value.indptr) dataset.attrs.create(self.__SparseMatricesAttributes.SHAPE, value.shape) # Add a sparse flag dataset.attrs.create(self.__SparseMatricesAttributes.SPARSE, True)
[docs] def read_data( self, index: int, group: str, hdf_node_path: str, h5_open_file: h5py.File | None = None, ) -> tuple[Data | None, int | None]: """Read the data for given index and group. Args: index: The index of the entry. group: The name of the group. hdf_node_path: The name of the HDF group where the entries are stored, possibly passed as a path ``root_name/.../group_name/.../node_name``. h5_open_file: The opened HDF file. This improves performance but is incompatible with multiprocess/treading. If ``None``, open it. Returns: The group data and the input data hash. """ if h5_open_file is None: h5_file = h5py.File(self.hdf_file_path) else: h5_file = h5_open_file root = h5_file[hdf_node_path] if not self._has_group(index, group, hdf_node_path, h5_file): return None, None entry = root[str(index)] data = {} for key, dataset in entry[group].items(): if dataset.attrs.get(self.__SparseMatricesAttributes.SPARSE): data[key] = self.__read_sparse_array(dataset) else: data[key] = array(dataset) if group == self._INPUTS_GROUP: hash_ = entry[self.HASH_TAG] hash_ = int(array(hash_)[0]) else: hash_ = None if h5_open_file is None: h5_file.close() for name, value in data.items(): if value.dtype.type is bytes_: data[name] = value.astype(str_) return data, hash_
def __read_sparse_array(self, dataset: h5py.Dataset) -> csr_array: """Read sparse array from a HDF5 dataset. Args: dataset: The dataset to the read the data from. Returns: The sparse array in CSR format. """ indices = dataset.attrs.get(self.__SparseMatricesAttributes.INDICES) indptr = dataset.attrs.get(self.__SparseMatricesAttributes.INDPTR) shape = dataset.attrs.get(self.__SparseMatricesAttributes.SHAPE) return csr_array((dataset, indices, indptr), shape) @staticmethod def _has_group( index: int, group: str, hdf_node_path: str, h5_open_file: h5py.File, ) -> bool: """Return whether a group exists. Args: hdf_node_path: The name of the HDF group where the entries are stored, possibly passed as a path ``root_name/.../group_name/.../node_name``. h5_open_file: The opened HDF file. This improves performance but is incompatible with multiprocess/treading. Returns: Whether a group exists. """ entry = h5_open_file[hdf_node_path].get(str(index)) if entry is None: return False if entry.get(group) is None: return False return True
[docs] def has_group( self, index: int, group: str, hdf_node_path: str, ) -> bool: """Check if an entry has data corresponding to a given group. Args: index: The index of the entry. group: The name of the group. hdf_node_path: The name of the HDF group where the entries are stored, possibly passed as a path ``root_name/.../group_name/.../node_name``. Returns: Whether the entry has data for this group. """ with h5py.File(self.hdf_file_path) as h5file: return self._has_group(index, group, hdf_node_path, h5file)
[docs] def read_hashes( self, hashes_to_indices: dict[str, ndarray], hdf_node_path: str, ) -> int: """Read the hashes in the HDF file. Args: hashes_to_indices: The indices associated to the hashes. hdf_node_path: The name of the HDF group where the entries are stored, possibly passed as a path ``root_name/.../group_name/.../node_name``. Returns: The maximum index. """ if not exists(self.hdf_file_path): return 0 # We must lock so that no data is added to the cache meanwhile with h5py.File(self.hdf_file_path) as h5file: root = h5file.get(hdf_node_path) if root is None: return 0 max_index = 0 for index, entry in root.items(): index = int(index) hash_ = int(array(entry[self.HASH_TAG])[0]) indices = hashes_to_indices.get(hash_) if indices is None: hashes_to_indices[hash_] = array([index]) else: hashes_to_indices[hash_] = append(indices, array([index])) max_index = max(max_index, index) return max_index
[docs] def clear( self, hdf_node_path: str, ) -> None: """Clear a node. Args: hdf_node_path: The name of the HDF group to clear, possibly passed as a path ``root_name/.../group_name/.../node_name``. """ with h5py.File(self.hdf_file_path, "a") as h5file: del h5file[hdf_node_path]
def __check_file_format_version(self) -> None: """Make sure the file can be handled. Raises: ValueError: If the version of the file format is missing or greater than the current one. """ if not Path(self.hdf_file_path).exists(): return h5_file = h5py.File(self.hdf_file_path) if not len(h5_file): h5_file.close() return version = h5_file.attrs.get("version") h5_file.close() if version is None: raise ValueError( "The file {} cannot be used because it has no file format version: " "see HDFCache.update_file_format to convert it.".format( self.hdf_file_path ) ) if version > self.FILE_FORMAT_VERSION: raise ValueError( "The file {} cannot be used because its file format version is {} " "while the expected version is {}: " "see HDFCache.update_file_format to convert it.".format( self.hdf_file_path, version, self.FILE_FORMAT_VERSION ) ) @classmethod def __set_file_format_version( cls, h5_file: h5py.File, ) -> None: """Change the version of an HDF5 file to :attr:`.FILE_FORMAT_VERSION`. Args: h5_file: A HDF5 file object. """ h5_file.attrs["version"] = cls.FILE_FORMAT_VERSION
[docs] @classmethod def update_file_format( cls, hdf_file_path: str | Path, ) -> None: """Update the format of a HDF5 file. |g| 3.2.0 added a :attr:`.HDF5FileSingleton.FILE_FORMAT_VERSION` to the HDF5 files, to allow handling its maintenance and evolutions. In particular, |g| 3.2.0 fixed the hashing of the data dictionaries. Args: hdf_file_path: A HDF5 file path. """ with h5py.File(str(hdf_file_path), "a") as h5file: cls.__set_file_format_version(h5file) for value in h5file.values(): if not isinstance(value, h5py.Group): continue for sample_value in value.values(): data = sample_value[cls._INPUTS_GROUP] data = {key: array(val) for key, val in data.items()} data_hash = array([hash_data_dict(data)], dtype="bytes") sample_value[cls.HASH_TAG][0] = data_hash