Source code for gemseo_mlearning.algos.opt.core.surrogate_based

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
"""A class for surrogate-based optimization."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from gemseo.algos.doe.doe_factory import DOEFactory
from gemseo.algos.doe.doe_library import DOELibrary
from gemseo.algos.doe.doe_library import DOELibraryOptionType
from gemseo.algos.doe.lib_openturns import OpenTURNS
from gemseo.mlearning.regression.factory import RegressionModelFactory
from gemseo.mlearning.regression.gpr import GaussianProcessRegressor
from gemseo.mlearning.regression.regression import MLRegressionAlgo

from gemseo_mlearning.adaptive.acquisition import MLDataAcquisition
from gemseo_mlearning.adaptive.criteria.optimum.criterion import ExpectedImprovement
from gemseo_mlearning.adaptive.distributions import get_regressor_distribution

    from import Mapping

    from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem
    from gemseo.mlearning.core.ml_algo import MLAlgoParameterType

    from gemseo_mlearning.algos.opt import OptimizationLibraryOptionType

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SurrogateBasedOptimizer: """An optimizer based on surrogate models.""" __STOP_BECAUSE_ALREADY_KNOWN = "The acquired input data is already known." __STOP_BECAUSE_MAX_ACQUISITIONS = "All the data acquisitions have been made." def __init__( self, problem: OptimizationProblem, acquisition_algorithm: str, doe_size: int = 0, doe_algorithm: str = OpenTURNS.OT_LHSO, doe_options: Mapping[str, DOELibraryOptionType] = MappingProxyType({}), regression_algorithm: str = GaussianProcessRegressor.__name__, regression_options: Mapping[str, MLAlgoParameterType] = MappingProxyType({}), acquisition_options: Mapping[ str, OptimizationLibraryOptionType ] = MappingProxyType({}), ) -> None: """ Args: acquisition_algorithm: The name of the algorithm to optimize the data acquisition criterion. N.B. this algorithm must handle integers if some of the optimization variables are integers. problem: The optimization problem. doe_size: The size of the initial DOE. Should be ``0`` if the DOE algorithm does not have a ``n_samples`` option. doe_algorithm: The name of the algorithm for the initial sampling. doe_options: The options of the algorithm for the initial sampling. regression_algorithm: The name of the regression algorithm for the objective function. regression_options: The options of the regression algorithm for the objective function. acquisition_options: The options of the algorithm to optimize the data acquisition criterion. """ # noqa: D205, D212, D415 self.__acquisition = None self.__distribution = None self.__problem = problem # Initialize the surrogate model of the objective function # Store max_iter as it will be overwritten by DOELibrary max_iter = self.__problem.max_iter options = dict(doe_options) if doe_size > 0 and DOELibrary.N_SAMPLES not in options: options[DOELibrary.N_SAMPLES] = doe_size DOEFactory().execute(self.__problem, doe_algorithm, **options) self.__problem.max_iter = max_iter self.__model = RegressionModelFactory().create( regression_algorithm, data=self.__problem.to_dataset(opt_naming=False), transformer=MLRegressionAlgo.DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER, **regression_options, ) self.__distribution = get_regressor_distribution(self.__model) self.__acquisition = MLDataAcquisition( ExpectedImprovement.__name__, self.__problem.design_space, self.__distribution, ) self.__acquisition.set_acquisition_algorithm( acquisition_algorithm, **acquisition_options )
[docs] def execute(self, number_of_acquisitions: int) -> str: """Execute the surrogate-based optimization. Args: number_of_acquisitions: The number of learning points to be acquired. Returns: The termination message. """ self.__distribution.learn() message = self.__STOP_BECAUSE_MAX_ACQUISITIONS for _ in range(number_of_acquisitions): input_data = self.__acquisition.compute_next_input_data() if input_data in self.__problem.database: message = self.__STOP_BECAUSE_ALREADY_KNOWN break self.__problem.evaluate_functions(input_data, normalize=False) self.__distribution.change_learning_set( self.__problem.to_dataset(opt_naming=False) ) self.__acquisition.update_problem() return message