Source code for gemseo_pymoo.algos.opt_result_mo

# Copyright 2022 Airbus SAS
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Gabriel Max DE MENDONÇA ABRANTES
"""Multi-objective optimization result."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from gemseo.algos.opt_result import OptimizationResult
from gemseo.algos.opt_result import Value
from gemseo.algos.pareto_front import compute_pareto_optimal_points
from gemseo.third_party.prettytable import PrettyTable
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import MultiLineString
from numpy import all as np_all
from numpy import argwhere
from numpy import array
from numpy import concatenate as np_concat
from numpy import max as np_max
from numpy import min as np_min
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import zeros
from numpy.linalg import norm as np_norm
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas import MultiIndex
from pandas import concat as pd_concat

    from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Pareto: """Hold data from multi-objective optimization problems.""" _df_interest: DataFrame """Hold the points of interest to be shown in the optimization result.""" def __init__( self, problem: OptimizationProblem, ) -> None: """Initialize an object containing pareto related data. Args: problem: The optimization problem. """ self._problem = problem # Pareto front and pareto set. self._front, self._set = self.get_pareto(problem) # Utopia and anti-utopia points. self._utopia = np_min(self._front, axis=0) self._anti_utopia = np_max(self._front, axis=0) # Anchor points (extremities of the Pareto front). self._anchor_front, self._anchor_set = self.get_pareto_anchor( self._front, self._set ) # Point with the lowest norm (closest to the utopia point). self._min_norm_f, self._min_norm_x, self._min_norm = self.get_lowest_norm( self._front, self._set, self._utopia ) # Get dataset as a dataframe. df = self._problem.to_dataset() df.index = df.index.astype(int) # Get design variables group, # and reorder the columns to match the design space order. df_dp = df.get_view(variable_names=problem.design_space.variable_names) ind_anchor = [df.index[np_all(df_dp == p, axis=1)][0] for p in self._anchor_set] ind_min_norm = [ df.index[np_all(df_dp == p, axis=1)][0] for p in self._min_norm_x ] # DataFrame with points of interest. df_anchor = df.loc[ind_anchor].droplevel(0, axis=1) df_anchor.index = [f"anchor_{i + 1}" for i in range(len(ind_anchor))] df_min_norm = df.loc[ind_min_norm].droplevel(0, axis=1) df_min_norm.index = [f"compromise_{i + 1}" for i in range(len(ind_min_norm))] self._df_interest = pd_concat([df_anchor, df_min_norm], axis=0) # Shift dimensions to start at 1. new_columns = [ (*c[0:-1], str(int(c[-1]) + 1)) for c in self._df_interest.columns ] self._df_interest.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples(new_columns) @property def problem(self) -> OptimizationProblem: """The optimization problem whose Pareto data is represented.""" return self._problem @property def front(self) -> ndarray: """The values of the objectives of all pareto efficient solutions.""" return self._front @property def set(self) -> ndarray: # noqa: A003 """The values of the design variables of all pareto efficient solutions.""" return self._set @property def anchor_front(self) -> ndarray: """The values of the objectives of all anchor points. At those points, each objective is minimized one at a time. """ return self._anchor_front @property def anchor_set(self) -> ndarray: """The values of the design variables values of all anchor points. At those points, each objective is minimized one at a time. """ return self._anchor_set @property def utopia(self) -> ndarray: """The ideal point where every objective reaches its minimum simultaneously.""" return self._utopia @property def anti_utopia(self) -> ndarray: """The point where every objective reaches its maximum simultaneously.""" return self._anti_utopia @property def min_norm_f(self) -> ndarray: """The objectives value of the closest point(s) to the :attr:`.utopia`.""" return self._min_norm_f @property def min_norm_x(self) -> ndarray: """The design variables value of the closest point(s) to the :attr:`.utopia`.""" return self._min_norm_x @property def min_norm(self) -> float: """The shortest distance (2-norm) from the pareto front to the utopia point.""" return self._min_norm
[docs] @staticmethod def get_lowest_norm( pareto_front: ndarray, pareto_set: ndarray, reference: ndarray | None = None, order: int = 2, ) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray, float]: """Get Pareto points with the lowest norm relative to a reference point. Args: pareto_front: The objectives' value of all non-dominated points. pareto_set: The design variables' value of all non-dominated points. reference: The reference point. If None, the origin (0, 0, ..., 0) will be used. order: The order of the norm. Returns: The objectives' values of the point(s) with the lowest norm. The design variables' values of the point(s) with the lowest norm. The lowest norm value. Raises: ValueError: If the reference point does not have the appropriate dimension. """ if reference is None: reference = zeros(pareto_front.shape[1]) if reference.shape != (pareto_front.shape[1],): raise ValueError( f"Reference point {reference} does not have the " "same amount of objectives as the pareto front" ) pareto_norm = np_norm(pareto_front - reference, axis=1, ord=order) min_pareto_norm = np_min(pareto_norm) # Get all indexes (if more than one). index_min = argwhere(pareto_norm == min_pareto_norm).flatten() return pareto_front[index_min], pareto_set[index_min], min_pareto_norm
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pareto( gemseo_problem: OptimizationProblem, ) -> tuple[None, None] | tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """Get Pareto Front and Pareto Set from the database. Args: gemseo_problem: The optimization problem containing the results from an optimization run. Returns: The objectives' value of all non-dominated points and the design variables' value of all non-dominated points. `None` if a single-objective :class:`~gemseo.algos.opt_problem.OptimizationProblem` is provided. Raises: RuntimeError: If the optimization problem is single-objective. """ if gemseo_problem.objective.dim == 1: raise RuntimeError("Single-objective problems have no Pareto Front.") n_iter = len(gemseo_problem.database) constraints = ( gemseo_problem.get_ineq_constraints() + gemseo_problem.get_eq_constraints() ) dv_history = zeros((n_iter, gemseo_problem.design_space.dimension)) obj_history = zeros((n_iter, gemseo_problem.objective.dim)) feasibility = zeros(n_iter) iteration = 0 for x_vect, out_val in gemseo_problem.database.items(): dv_history[iteration] = x_vect.unwrap() if in out_val: obj_history[iteration] = array(out_val[]) feasibility[iteration] = gemseo_problem.is_point_feasible( out_val, constraints=constraints ) else: obj_history[iteration] = float("nan") feasibility[iteration] = False iteration += 1 pareto_opt_pts = compute_pareto_optimal_points(obj_history, feasibility) pareto_front = obj_history[pareto_opt_pts] pareto_set = dv_history[pareto_opt_pts] return pareto_front, pareto_set
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pareto_anchor( pareto_front: ndarray, pareto_set: ndarray, ) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """Get Pareto's anchor points. Args: pareto_front: The objectives' value of all non-dominated points. pareto_set: The design variables' value of all non-dominated points. Returns: The objectives' values of all anchor points. The design variables' values of all anchor points. """ n_obj = pareto_front.shape[1] anchor_points_index = zeros(n_obj, dtype=int) min_pf = np_min(pareto_front, axis=0) for obj_i in range(n_obj): anchor_points_index[obj_i] = argwhere( pareto_front[:, obj_i] == min_pf[obj_i] )[0] return pareto_front[anchor_points_index], pareto_set[anchor_points_index]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pretty_table_from_df( df: DataFrame, ) -> PrettyTable: """Build a tabular view of the Pareto problem. Args: df: The Pareto data. Returns: A :class:`~gemseo.third_party.prettytable.PrettyTable` representing the dataframe. """ fields = [ or "name"] if df.columns.nlevels == 1: fields += list(df.columns) else: fields += [f"{col[0]} ({', '.join(col[1:])})" for col in df.columns] table = PrettyTable(fields) table.float_format = "%.6g" for _, row in df.iterrows(): name = if isinstance(name, tuple): content = [f"{name[0]} ({', '.join(name[1:])})"] else: content = [name] content += list(row.values) table.add_row(content) table.align = "r" return table
def __str__(self) -> str: obj_names = [self._problem.get_objective_name()] c_names = self._problem.get_constraint_names() dv_names = self._problem.get_design_variable_names() msg = MultiLineString() msg.add( "Pareto optimal points : {} / {}", self._front.shape[0], len(self._problem.database), ) msg.add("Utopia point : {}", self._utopia) msg.add("Compromise solution (closest to utopia) : {}", self._min_norm_f) msg.add("Compromise solution norm : {}", self._min_norm) msg.add("Objectives value:") msg.indent() for line in str( self.get_pretty_table_from_df(self._df_interest[obj_names].T) ).split("\n"): msg.add("{}", line) if self._problem.constraints: msg.dedent() msg.add("Constraint(s) value:") msg.indent() for line in str( self.get_pretty_table_from_df(self._df_interest[c_names].T) ).split("\n"): msg.add("{}", line) msg.dedent() msg.add("Design space:") msg.indent() # Prepare DataFrame for design space. ds = self._problem.design_space cols = MultiIndex.from_tuples([ (n, str(d + 1)) for n in dv_names for d in range(ds.get_size(n)) ]) types = np_concat([ds.get_type(var) for var in dv_names]) df_lb = DataFrame( ds.get_lower_bounds().reshape(1, -1), columns=cols, index=["lower_bound"] ) df_ub = DataFrame( ds.get_upper_bounds().reshape(1, -1), columns=cols, index=["upper_bound"] ) df_types = DataFrame(types.reshape(1, -1), columns=cols, index=["type"]) df_interest_dv = pd_concat([ df_lb, self._df_interest[dv_names], df_ub, df_types, ]) for line in str(self.get_pretty_table_from_df(df_interest_dv.T)).split("\n"): msg.add("{}", line) return str(msg)
[docs] @dataclass class MultiObjectiveOptimizationResult(OptimizationResult): """The result of a multi-objective optimization.""" pareto: Pareto | None = None """The pareto efficient solutions.""" def __repr__(self) -> str: msg = MultiLineString() msg.add("Multi-objective optimization result:") msg.indent() msg.add("Design variables: {}", self.x_opt) msg.add("Objective function: {}", self.f_opt) msg.add("Feasible solution: {}", self.is_feasible) msg.add("Pareto available: {}", self.pareto is not None) if self.pareto is not None: msg.indent() msg.add("Number of point: {}", self.pareto.front.shape[0]) msg.add("Lowest norm: {}", self.f_opt) msg.add("Design variables: {}", self.x_opt) msg.dedent() return str(msg) def __str__(self) -> str: msg = MultiLineString() msg.add("Multi-objective optimization result:") msg.indent() msg.add("Optimizer info:") msg.indent() msg.add("Status: {}", self.status) msg.add("Message: {}", self.message) msg.add("The result is {}.", "feasible" if self.is_feasible else "unfeasible") msg.add( "Number of calls to the objective function by the optimizer: {}", self.n_obj_call, ) msg.dedent() msg.add("Pareto efficient solutions:") msg.indent() for line in str(self.pareto).split("\n"): msg.add("{}", line) return str(msg)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Value]: """Convert the multi-objective optimization result to a dictionary. The keys are the names of the optimization result fields, except for the constraint values, gradients and the :attr:`.pareto`. The key ``"constr:y"`` maps to ``result.constraint_values["y"]``, ``"constr_grad:y"`` maps to ``result.constraints_grad["y"]`` and ``"pareto:y"`` maps to ``result.pareto.y``. Returns: A dictionary representation of the optimization result. """ dict_ = super().to_dict() # Remove pareto attribute. pareto = dict_.pop("pareto") # Breakdown pareto attribute into its own attributes. if pareto is not None: for attr, value in self.pareto.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(value, (int, float, str, bool, list, tuple, ndarray)): dict_[f"pareto:{attr}"] = value return dict_
get_data_dict_repr = to_dict