Source code for gemseo.problems.sobieski.core.structure

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation
#               and/or initial documentation
#        :author: Sobieski, Agte, and Sandusky
#        :author: Damien Guenot
#        :author: Francois Gallard
# From NASA/TM-1998-208715
# Bi-Level Integrated System Synthesis (BLISS)
# Sobieski, Agte, and Sandusky
"""Structure discipline for the Sobieski's SSBJ use case."""

from __future__ import annotations

from numpy import append
from numpy import array
from numpy import nan
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import ones
from numpy import zeros

from gemseo.problems.sobieski.core.discipline import SobieskiDiscipline
from gemseo.problems.sobieski.core.utils import DEG_TO_RAD
from gemseo.problems.sobieski.core.utils import SobieskiBase

[docs] class SobieskiStructure(SobieskiDiscipline): """Structure discipline for the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.""" STRESS_LIMIT = 1.09 TWIST_UPPER_LIMIT = 1.04 TWIST_LOWER_LIMIT = 0.8 def __init__(self, sobieski_base: SobieskiBase) -> None: # noqa: D107 super().__init__(sobieski_base) self.__ao_coeff_secthick = zeros(1, dtype=self.dtype) self.__ai_coeff_secthick = zeros(1, dtype=self.dtype) self.__aij_coeff_secthick = zeros((1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) self.__ao_coeff_twist = zeros(1, dtype=self.dtype) self.__ai_coeff_twist = zeros(4, dtype=self.dtype) self.__aij_coeff_twist = zeros((4, 4), dtype=self.dtype) self.__ao_coeff_stress = zeros(1, dtype=self.dtype) self.__ai_coeff_stress = zeros(5, dtype=self.dtype) self.__aij_coeff_stress = zeros((5, 5), dtype=self.dtype) self.__flag1 = array([2, 4, 4, 3], dtype=self.dtype) self.__bound1 = array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25], dtype=self.dtype) self.__flag_stress = array([4, 1, 4, 1, 1], dtype=self.dtype) self.__flag_secthick = array([1], dtype=self.dtype) self.__bound_secthick = array([0.008], dtype=self.dtype) self.__s_initial_for_wing_twist = array( [ self.x_initial, self.half_span_initial, self.aero_center_initial, self.lift_initial, ], dtype=self.dtype, ) self.__s_initial_for_wing_weight = array([self.x_initial], dtype=self.dtype) self.__s_initial_for_constraints = array( [ self.tc_initial, self.lift_initial, self.x_initial, self.half_span_initial, self.aero_center_initial, ], dtype=self.dtype, ) self.__loc_ones = ones(5, dtype=self.dtype) self.__ones_mat = ones(5, dtype=self.dtype) self.__aero_center = None self.__half_span = None self.__dadimlift_dlift = None def __compute_dadimcenter_dcenter(self) -> float: """Derive the adimensioned aerodynamic center wrt the aerodynamic center. Returns: The derivative of the adimensioned aerodynamic center wrt the aerodynamic center. """ return self.base.derive_normalization( self.aero_center_initial, self.__aero_center ) def __compute_dcenter_dlambda(self, wing_taper_ratio: float) -> float: """Derive the aerodynamic center with respect to the wing taper ratio. Args: wing_taper_ratio: The wing taper ratio. Returns: The derivative of the aerodynamic center with respect to the wing taper ratio. """ dadimcenter_dcenter = self.__compute_dadimcenter_dcenter() return dadimcenter_dcenter * 1.0 / (3.0 * (1.0 + wing_taper_ratio) ** 2) def __compute_wing_weight( self, tc_ratio: float, aspect_ratio: float, sweep: float, wing_area: float, wing_taper_ratio: float, wingbox_area: float, lift: float, linearize: bool = False, c_2: float | None = None, ) -> float: """Compute the weight of the wing. Args: tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. sweep: The wing sweep. wing_area: The wing surface area. wing_taper_ratio: The wing taper ratio. wingbox_area: The wingbox x-sectional area. lift: The lift coefficient. linearize: Whether to derive the polynomial approximation. c_2: The maximum load factor. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. Returns: If ``linearize`` is ``True``, the wing weight, the wing weight coefficient and the value of the polynomial function. Otherwise, the wing weight only. """ c_2 = c_2 or self.constants[2] s_new = array([wingbox_area], dtype=self.dtype) if linearize: f_o, a_i, a_ij, s_shifted = self.base.derive_polynomial_approximation( self.__s_initial_for_wing_weight, s_new, self.__flag_secthick, self.__bound_secthick, self.__ao_coeff_secthick, self.__ai_coeff_secthick, self.__aij_coeff_secthick, ) else: f_o = self.base.compute_polynomial_approximation( self.__s_initial_for_wing_weight, s_new, self.__flag_secthick, self.__bound_secthick, self.__ao_coeff_secthick, self.__ai_coeff_secthick, self.__aij_coeff_secthick, ) wing_weight_coeff = ( 0.0051 * ((lift * c_2) ** 0.557) * (wing_area**0.649) * (aspect_ratio**0.5) * (tc_ratio**-0.4) * ((1 + wing_taper_ratio) ** 0.1) * ((self.math.cos(sweep * DEG_TO_RAD)) ** -1.0) * ((0.1875 * wing_area) ** 0.1) ) wing_weight = wing_weight_coeff * f_o if linearize: return wing_weight, wing_weight_coeff, f_o, a_i, a_ij, s_shifted return wing_weight def __compute_fuelwing_weight( self, tc_ratio: float, aspect_ratio: float, wing_area: float, ) -> float: """Compute the fuel wing weight. Args: tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. wing_area: The wing surface area. Returns: The fuel wing weight. """ thickness = self.base.compute_thickness(aspect_ratio, tc_ratio, wing_area) return (5.0 * wing_area / 18.0) * (2.0 / 3.0 * thickness) * 42.5 def __compute_dfuelwing_dtoverc( self, aspect_ratio: float, wing_area: float, ) -> float: """Derive the wing fuel weight. Args: aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. wing_area: The wing area. Returns: The derivative of the wing fuel weight. """ return 212.5 / 27.0 * wing_area ** (3.0 / 2.0) / self.math.sqrt(aspect_ratio) @staticmethod def __compute_dfuelwing_dar( tc_ratio: float, aspect_ratio: float, wing_area: float, ) -> float: """Derive the wing fuel weight with respect to the aspect ratio. Args: tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. wing_area: The wing surface. Returns: The derivative of the wing fuel weight with respect to the aspect ratio. """ dfuelwing_dar = 212.5 / 27.0 * wing_area ** (3.0 / 2.0) dfuelwing_dar *= tc_ratio * -0.5 * aspect_ratio ** (-3.0 / 2.0) return dfuelwing_dar def __compute_dfuelwing_dsref( self, tc_ratio: float, aspect_ratio: float, wing_area: float, ) -> float: """Derive the wing fuel weight with respect to the reference surface. Args: tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. wing_area: The wing surface area. Returns: The derivative of the fuel wing weight with respect to the reference surface. """ return 637.5 / 54.0 * wing_area**0.5 * tc_ratio / self.math.sqrt(aspect_ratio) def __compute_dhalfspan_dar(self, wing_area: float) -> float: """Derive the half-span with respect to the aspect ratio. Args: wing_area: The wing surface area. Returns: The derivative of the half-span with respect to the aspect ratio. """ dadimspan_dspan = self.__compute_dadimspan_dspan() return dadimspan_dspan * wing_area / (8.0 * self.__half_span) def __compute_dadimspan_dsref(self, aspect_ratio: float) -> float: """Derive the half-span with respect to the reference surface. Args: aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. Returns: The derivative of the half-span with respect to the reference surface. """ dadimspan_dspan = self.__compute_dadimspan_dspan() return dadimspan_dspan * aspect_ratio / (8.0 * self.__half_span) def __compute_dadimspan_dspan(self) -> float: """Derive the adimensioned half-span with respect to the half-span. Returns: The derivative of the adimensioned half-span with respect to the half-span. """ return self.base.derive_normalization(self.half_span_initial, self.__half_span) def __compute_dadimx_dx(self, wingbox_sectional_area: float) -> float: """Derive the adimensional sectional area with respect to the sectional area. Args: wingbox_sectional_area: The wingbox x-sectional area. Returns: The derivative of the adimensional sectional area with respect to the sectional area. """ return self.base.derive_normalization(self.x_initial, wingbox_sectional_area) def __compute_dadimtaper_dtaper(self, tc_ratio: float) -> float: """Derive the adimensional taper ratio with respect to the taper ratio. Args: tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. Returns: The derivative of the adimensional taper ratio with respect to the taper ratio. """ return self.base.derive_normalization(self.tc_initial, tc_ratio) def __compute_dadimlift_dlift(self, lift: float) -> float: """Derive the adimensioned lift with respect to the lift. Args: lift: The lift coefficient. Returns: The derivative of the adimensioned lift with respect to the lift. """ return self.base.derive_normalization(self.lift_initial, lift) @staticmethod def __compute_weight_ratio( w_t: float, w_f: float, ) -> float: """Computation the weight ratio from the Breguet formula. Args: w_t: The total aircraft mass. w_f: The fuel mass. Returns: The weight ratio. """ return w_t / (w_t - w_f)
[docs] def execute( self, x_shared: ndarray, y_21: ndarray, y_31: ndarray, x_1: ndarray, true_cstr: bool = False, c_0: ndarray | None = None, c_1: ndarray | None = None, c_2: ndarray | None = None, ) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]: """Compute the structural outputs and the structural constraints. Args: x_shared: The values of the shared design variables, where ``x_shared[0]`` is the thickness-to-chord ratio, ``x_shared[1]`` is the altitude, ``x_shared[2]`` is the Mach number, ``x_shared[3]`` is the aspect ratio, ``x_shared[4]`` is the wing sweep and ``x_shared[5]`` is the wing surface area. y_21: The lift coefficient. y_31: The engine weight. x_1: The wing taper ratio ``x_1[0]`` and the wingbox x-sectional area ``x_1[1]``. true_cstr: If ``True``, return the value of the constraint outputs. Otherwise, return the distance to the corresponding constraint thresholds. c_0: The minimum fuel weight. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. c_1: The miscellaneous weight. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. c_2: The maximum load factor. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. Returns: The structural outputs and the structural constraints. """ return self._execute( x_shared[0], x_shared[3], x_shared[4], x_shared[5], x_1[0], x_1[1], y_21[0], y_31[0], true_cstr=true_cstr, c_0=c_0, c_1=c_1, c_2=c_2, )
def _execute( self, tc_ratio: float, aspect_ratio: float, sweep: float, wing_area: float, taper_ratio: float, wingbox_area: float, lift: float, engine_mass: float, true_cstr: bool = False, c_0: ndarray | None = None, c_1: ndarray | None = None, c_2: ndarray | None = None, ) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]: """Compute the structural outputs and the structural constraints. Args: tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. sweep: The wing sweep. wing_area: The wing surface area. taper_ratio: The wing taper ratio. wingbox_area: The wingbox x-sectional area. lift: The lift coefficient. engine_mass: The mass of the engine. true_cstr: If ``True``, return the value of the constraint outputs. Otherwise, return the distance to the corresponding constraint thresholds. c_0: The minimum fuel weight. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. c_1: The miscellaneous weight. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. c_2: The maximum load factor. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. Returns: The structural outputs and the structural constraints. """ c_0 = c_0 or self.constants[0] c_1 = c_1 or self.constants[1] c_2 = c_2 or self.constants[2] y_12 = zeros(2, dtype=self.dtype) y_14 = zeros(2, dtype=self.dtype) self.__aero_center = self.base.compute_aero_center(taper_ratio) self.__half_span = self.base.compute_half_span(aspect_ratio, wing_area) y_1, y_11 = self.__poly_structure( tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, sweep, wing_area, taper_ratio, wingbox_area, lift, engine_mass, c_0=c_0, c_1=c_1, c_2=c_2, ) g_1 = self.__poly_structure_constraints(tc_ratio, wingbox_area, lift) g_1[5] = y_1[2] # Coupling variables y_12[1] = y_1[2] y_12[0] = y_1[0] y_14[0] = y_1[0] y_14[1] = y_1[1] if not true_cstr: g_1 = append( g_1[0:5] - self.STRESS_LIMIT, (g_1[5] - self.TWIST_UPPER_LIMIT, self.TWIST_LOWER_LIMIT - g_1[5]), ) return y_1, y_11, y_12, y_14, g_1 def __initialize_jacobian(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]]: """Initialize the Jacobian structure. Returns: The empty Jacobian structure. """ # Jacobian matrix as a dictionary jacobian = {"y_1": {}, "g_1": {}, "y_12": {}, "y_14": {}, "y_11": {}} n_y1 = 3 jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"] = zeros((n_y1, 6), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"] = zeros((n_y1, 2), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_1"]["y_21"] = zeros((n_y1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_1"]["y_31"] = zeros((n_y1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_1"]["c_0"] = zeros((n_y1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_1"]["c_1"] = zeros((n_y1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_1"]["c_2"] = zeros((n_y1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) n_y11 = 1 jacobian["y_11"]["x_shared"] = zeros((n_y11, 6), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_11"]["x_1"] = zeros((n_y11, 2), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_11"]["y_21"] = zeros((n_y11, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_11"]["y_31"] = zeros((n_y11, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_11"]["c_0"] = zeros((n_y11, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_11"]["c_1"] = zeros((n_y11, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_11"]["c_2"] = zeros((n_y11, 1), dtype=self.dtype) n_y12 = 2 jacobian["y_12"]["x_shared"] = zeros((n_y12, 6), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_12"]["x_1"] = zeros((n_y12, 2), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_12"]["y_21"] = zeros((n_y12, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_12"]["y_31"] = zeros((n_y12, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_12"]["c_0"] = zeros((n_y12, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_12"]["c_1"] = zeros((n_y12, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_12"]["c_2"] = zeros((n_y12, 1), dtype=self.dtype) for key, jac_val in jacobian["y_12"].items(): jacobian["y_14"][key] = jac_val return jacobian
[docs] def linearize( self, x_shared: ndarray, y_21: ndarray, y_31: ndarray, x_1: ndarray, true_cstr: bool = False, c_0: float | None = None, c_1: float | None = None, c_2: float | None = None, ) -> dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]]: """Derive the structural outputs and the structural constraints. Args: x_shared: The values of the shared design variables, where ``x_shared[0]`` is the thickness-to-chord ratio, ``x_shared[1]`` is the altitude, ``x_shared[2]`` is the Mach number, ``x_shared[3]`` is the aspect ratio, ``x_shared[4]`` is the wing sweep and ``x_shared[5]`` is the wing surface area. y_21: The lift coefficient. y_31: The engine weight. x_1: The wing taper ratio ``x_1[0]`` and the wingbox x-sectional area ``x_1[1]``. true_cstr: If ``True``, return the value of the constraint outputs. Otherwise, return the distance to the corresponding constraint thresholds. c_0: The minimum fuel weight. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. c_1: The miscellaneous weight. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. c_2: The maximum load factor. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. Returns: The derivatives of the structural outputs and the structural constraints. """ return self._linearize( x_shared[0], x_shared[3], x_shared[4], x_shared[5], x_1[0], x_1[1], y_21[0], y_31[0], true_cstr=true_cstr, c_0=c_0, c_1=c_1, c_2=c_2, )
def _linearize( self, tc_ratio: float, aspect_ratio: float, sweep: float, wing_area: float, taper_ratio: float, wingbox_area: float, lift: float, engine_mass: float, true_cstr: bool = False, c_0: float | None = None, c_1: float | None = None, c_2: float | None = None, ) -> dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]]: """Derive the structural outputs and the structural constraints. Args: tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. sweep: The wing sweep. wing_area: The wing surface area. taper_ratio: The wing taper ratio. wingbox_area: The wingbox x-sectional area. lift: The lift coefficient. engine_mass: The mass of the engine. true_cstr: If ``True``, return the value of the constraint outputs. Otherwise, return the distance to the corresponding constraint thresholds. c_0: The minimum fuel weight. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. c_1: The miscellaneous weight. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. c_2: The maximum load factor. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. Returns: The derivatives of the structural outputs and the structural constraints. """ c_0 = c_0 or self.constants[0] c_1 = c_1 or self.constants[1] c_2 = c_2 or self.constants[2] self.__aero_center = self.base.compute_aero_center(taper_ratio) self.__half_span = self.base.compute_half_span(aspect_ratio, wing_area) self.__dadimlift_dlift = self.__compute_dadimlift_dlift(lift) # Jacobian matrix as a dictionary jacobian = self.__initialize_jacobian() jacobian = self.__derive_poly_structure( jacobian, tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, sweep, wing_area, taper_ratio, wingbox_area, lift, engine_mass, c_2=c_2, ) y_1, _ = self.__poly_structure( tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, sweep, wing_area, taper_ratio, wingbox_area, lift, engine_mass, c_0=c_0, c_1=c_1, c_2=c_2, ) f = y_1[0] / (y_1[0] - y_1[1]) jacobian["y_1"]["c_0"][0, 0] = 1 jacobian["y_1"]["c_0"][1, 0] = 1 fp = (1 * (y_1[0] - y_1[1]) - y_1[0] * (1 - 1)) / (y_1[0] - y_1[1]) ** 2 jacobian["y_11"]["c_0"][:, 0] = fp / f jacobian["y_1"]["c_1"][0, 0] = 1 fp = (1 * (y_1[0] - y_1[1]) - y_1[0] * (1 - 0)) / (y_1[0] - y_1[1]) ** 2 jacobian["y_11"]["c_1"][:, 0] = fp / f dy10dc2 = ( self.__compute_wing_weight( tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, sweep, wing_area, taper_ratio, wingbox_area, lift, c_2=c_2, ) * 0.557 / c_2 ) jacobian["y_1"]["c_2"][0, 0] = dy10dc2 dy11dc2 = jacobian["y_1"]["c_2"][1, 0] fp = (dy10dc2 * (y_1[0] - y_1[1]) - y_1[0] * (dy10dc2 - dy11dc2)) / ( y_1[0] - y_1[1] ) ** 2 jacobian["y_11"]["c_2"][:, 0] = fp / f # Stress constraints jacobian = self.__derive_constraints( jacobian, tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, wing_area, taper_ratio, wingbox_area, lift, true_cstr=true_cstr, ) # Twist constraints jacobian["g_1"]["x_1"][5, :] = jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["x_shared"][5, :] = jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["y_21"][5, :] = jacobian["y_1"]["y_21"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["y_31"][5, :] = jacobian["y_1"]["y_31"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["c_0"][5, :] = jacobian["y_1"]["c_0"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["c_1"][5, :] = jacobian["y_1"]["c_1"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["c_2"][5, :] = jacobian["y_1"]["c_2"][2, :] if not true_cstr: jacobian["g_1"]["x_1"][6, :] = -jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["x_shared"][6, :] = -jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["y_21"][6, :] = -jacobian["y_1"]["y_21"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["y_31"][6, :] = -jacobian["y_1"]["y_31"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["c_0"][6, :] = -jacobian["y_1"]["c_2"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["c_1"][6, :] = -jacobian["y_1"]["c_2"][2, :] jacobian["g_1"]["c_2"][6, :] = -jacobian["y_1"]["c_2"][2, :] # Coupling variables return self.__set_coupling_jacobian(jacobian) @staticmethod def __set_coupling_jacobian( jacobian, ) -> dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]]: """Set Jacobian of the coupling variables.""" for der_v, jac_loc in jacobian["y_1"].items(): jacobian["y_12"][der_v][1, :] = jac_loc[2, :] jacobian["y_12"][der_v][0, :] = jac_loc[0, :] jacobian["y_14"][der_v] = jac_loc[0:2, :] return jacobian def __derive_poly_structure( self, jacobian: dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]], tc_ratio: float, aspect_ratio: float, sweep: float, wing_area: float, taper_ratio: float, wingbox_area: float, lift: float, engine_mass: float, c_2: float | None = None, ): """Derive the structural variables. Args: jacobian: The Jacobian of the discipline. tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. sweep: The wing sweep. wing_area: The wing surface area. taper_ratio: The wing taper ratio. wingbox_area: The wingbox x-sectional area. lift: The lift coefficient. c_2: The maximum load factor. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. Returns: The updated Jacobian of the discipline. """ c_2 = c_2 or self.constants[2] # wing aero. center location y_1, _ = self.__poly_structure( tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, sweep, wing_area, taper_ratio, wingbox_area, lift, engine_mass, ) # dWf/d(t/c) jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][1, 0] = self.__compute_dfuelwing_dtoverc( aspect_ratio, wing_area ) # dWf/d(AR) jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][1, 3] = self.__compute_dfuelwing_dar( tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, wing_area ) # dWf/dsref jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][1, 5] = self.__compute_dfuelwing_dsref( tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, wing_area ) # Derivation of wing twist = y_1[2] s_1 = array( [wingbox_area, self.__half_span, self.__aero_center, lift], dtype=self.dtype, ) _, a_i, a_ij, s_shifted = self.base.derive_polynomial_approximation( self.__s_initial_for_wing_twist, s_1, self.__flag1, self.__bound1, self.__ao_coeff_twist, self.__ai_coeff_twist, self.__aij_coeff_twist, ) dcenter_dlambda = self.__compute_dcenter_dlambda(taper_ratio) jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"][2, 0] = dcenter_dlambda * ( a_i[2] + a_ij[2, 0] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[2, 1] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[2, 2] * s_shifted[2] + a_ij[2, 3] * s_shifted[3] ) dadimx_dx = self.__compute_dadimx_dx(wingbox_area) jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"][2, 1] = dadimx_dx * ( a_i[0] + a_ij[0, 0] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[0, 1] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[0, 2] * s_shifted[2] + a_ij[0, 3] * s_shifted[3] ) dhalfspan_dar = self.__compute_dhalfspan_dar(wing_area) jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][2, 3] = dhalfspan_dar * ( a_i[1] + a_ij[1, 0] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[1, 1] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[1, 2] * s_shifted[2] + a_ij[1, 3] * s_shifted[3] ) dhalfspan_dsref = self.__compute_dadimspan_dsref(aspect_ratio) jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][2, 5] = dhalfspan_dsref * ( a_i[1] + a_ij[1, 0] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[1, 1] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[1, 2] * s_shifted[2] + a_ij[1, 3] * s_shifted[3] ) jacobian["y_1"]["y_21"][2, 0] = self.__dadimlift_dlift * ( a_i[3] + a_ij[0, 3] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[1, 3] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[2, 3] * s_shifted[2] ) # Derivation of total weight = y_1[0] (requires derivation of wing weight) # Calculation of wingbox X-sectional thickness ( wing_w, ww_coeff, _, a_i, a_ij, s_shifted, ) = self.__compute_wing_weight( tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, sweep, wing_area, taper_ratio, wingbox_area, lift, linearize=True, c_2=c_2, ) # dtotal_weight_d(t/c) jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][0, 0] = ( -0.4 * tc_ratio ** (-1.0) * wing_w + jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][1, 0] ) dy11_dz = jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"] # dtotal_weight_dAR dy11_dz[0, 3] = 0.5 * aspect_ratio ** (-1.0) * wing_w dy11_dz[0, 3] += jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][1, 3] # d1total_weight_dsweep dy11_dz[0, 4] = DEG_TO_RAD dy11_dz[0, 4] *= self.math.sin(sweep * DEG_TO_RAD) * wing_w dy11_dz[0, 4] /= self.math.cos(sweep * DEG_TO_RAD) # dtotal_weight_dsref dy11_dz[0, 5] = 0.749 * wing_area ** (-1.0) * wing_w dy11_dz[0, 5] += jacobian["y_1"]["x_shared"][1, 5] # dtotal_weight_d(lambda) jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"][0, 0] = ( 0.1 * (1 + taper_ratio) ** (-1.0) * wing_w + jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"][1, 0] ) # dtotal_weight_dx jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"][0, 1] = ww_coeff * dadimx_dx jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"][0, 1] *= a_i[0] + a_ij[0, 0] * s_shifted[0] jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"][0, 1] += jacobian["y_1"]["x_1"][1, 1] # dtotal_weight_dLift jacobian["y_1"]["y_21"][0, 0] = 0.557 * lift**-1 * wing_w # dtotal_weight_dWe jacobian["y_1"]["y_31"][0, 0] = 1.0 for out_v, jac_y_1 in jacobian["y_1"].items(): val = jac_y_1[0, :] / y_1[0] val -= (jac_y_1[0, :] - jac_y_1[1, :]) / (y_1[0] - y_1[1]) jacobian["y_11"][out_v][0, :] = val return jacobian def __derive_constraints( self, jacobian: dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]], tc_ratio: float, aspect_ratio: float, wing_area: float, taper_ratio: float, wingbox_area: float, lift: float, true_cstr: bool = False, ): """Derive the structural constraints from a polynomial approximation. Args: jacobian: The Jacobian of the discipline. tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. wing_area: The wing surface area. taper_ratio: The wing taper ratio. wingbox_area: The wingbox x-sectional area. lift: The lift coefficient. true_cstr: If ``True``, return the value of the constraint outputs. Otherwise, return the distance to the corresponding constraint thresholds. Returns: The structural constraints from a polynomial approximation. """ n_g = 6 if true_cstr else 7 jacobian["g_1"]["x_shared"] = zeros((n_g, 6), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["g_1"]["x_1"] = zeros((n_g, 2), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["g_1"]["y_21"] = zeros((n_g, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["g_1"]["y_31"] = zeros((n_g, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["g_1"]["c_0"] = zeros((n_g, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["g_1"]["c_1"] = zeros((n_g, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["g_1"]["c_2"] = zeros((n_g, 1), dtype=self.dtype) # Stress constraints s_new = array( [tc_ratio, lift, wingbox_area, self.__half_span, self.__aero_center], dtype=self.dtype, ) for i in range(5): _, a_i, a_ij, s_shifted = self.base.derive_polynomial_approximation( self.__s_initial_for_constraints, s_new, self.__flag_stress, 0.1 * self.__ones_mat + i * 0.05 * self.__ones_mat, self.__ao_coeff_stress, self.__ai_coeff_stress, self.__aij_coeff_stress, ) dg_dx_1, dg_dz, dg_dy_21, dg_dy_31 = self.__der_constraint( taper_ratio, wingbox_area, tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, wing_area, a_i, a_ij, s_shifted, ) jacobian["g_1"]["x_1"][i, :] = dg_dx_1[:] jacobian["g_1"]["x_shared"][i, :] = dg_dz[:] jacobian["g_1"]["y_21"][i, :] = dg_dy_21[:] jacobian["g_1"]["y_31"][i, :] = dg_dy_31[:] return jacobian def __poly_structure( self, tc_ratio: float, aspect_ratio: float, sweep: float, wing_area: float, taper_ratio: float, wingbox_area: float, lift: float, engine_mass: float, c_0: float | None = None, c_1: float | None = None, c_2: float | None = None, ) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """Compute the structural variables from a polynomial approximation. Args: tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. sweep: The wing sweep. wing_area: The wing surface area. taper_ratio: The wing taper ratio. wingbox_area: The wingbox x-sectional area. lift: The lift coefficient. engine_mass: The mass of the engine. c_0: The minimum fuel weight. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. c_1: The miscellaneous weight. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. c_2: The maximum load factor. If ``None``, use :meth:`.SobieskiBase.constants`. Returns: The vector of the total aircraft mass, fuel mass and wing twist, as well as the mass term in the Breguet range equation. """ c_0 = c_0 or self.constants[0] c_1 = c_1 or self.constants[1] c_2 = c_2 or self.constants[2] y_1 = zeros(3, dtype=self.dtype) # t = self.base.compute_thickness(x_shared) # wing thickness # Calculation of wing twist y_1[2] = self.__compute_wing_twist(wingbox_area, lift) # Calculation of wingbox X-sectional thickness wing_w = self.__compute_wing_weight( tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, sweep, wing_area, taper_ratio, wingbox_area, lift, c_2=c_2, ) fuel_wing_weight = self.__compute_fuelwing_weight( tc_ratio, aspect_ratio, wing_area ) y_1_i1 = c_0 + fuel_wing_weight y_1[1] = y_1_i1 # Fuel weight y_1[0] = c_1 + wing_w + y_1_i1 + engine_mass # This is the mass term in the Breguet range equation. try: logarithm = self.math.log(self.__compute_weight_ratio(y_1[0], y_1[1])) except ValueError: logarithm = nan y_11 = array([logarithm], dtype=self.dtype) return y_1, y_11 def __compute_wing_twist( self, wingbox_area: float, lift: float, ) -> ndarray: """Compute the wing twist. Args: wingbox_area: The wingbox x-sectional area. lift: The lift coefficient. Returns: The wing twist. """ # Compute the half span and the aerodynamic center s_1 = array( [wingbox_area, self.__half_span, self.__aero_center, lift], dtype=self.dtype, ) return self.base.compute_polynomial_approximation( self.__s_initial_for_wing_twist, s_1, self.__flag1, self.__bound1, self.__ao_coeff_twist, self.__ai_coeff_twist, self.__aij_coeff_twist, ) def __der_constraint( self, taper_ratio: float, wingbox_area: float, tc_ratio: float, aspect_ratio: float, wing_area: float, a_i: ndarray, a_ij: ndarray, s_shifted: ndarray, ) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]: """Derive the structural constraints. Args: tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. wing_area: The wing surface area. a_i: The linear coefficients. a_ij: The quadratic coefficients. s_shifted: The normalized design variables. Returns: The derivatives of the structural constraints. """ dcenter_dlambda = self.__compute_dcenter_dlambda(taper_ratio) dadimx_dx = self.__compute_dadimx_dx(wingbox_area) dadimhalfspan_dar = self.__compute_dhalfspan_dar(wing_area) dadimhalfspan_dsref = self.__compute_dadimspan_dsref(aspect_ratio) dadimtaper_dtaper = self.__compute_dadimtaper_dtaper(tc_ratio) dg_dz = zeros((1, 6), dtype=self.dtype) dg_dx_1 = zeros((1, 2), dtype=self.dtype) dg_dy_21 = zeros((1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) dg_dy_31 = zeros((1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) dg_dx_1[0, 0] = dcenter_dlambda * ( a_i[4] + a_ij[4, 0] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[4, 1] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[4, 2] * s_shifted[2] + a_ij[4, 3] * s_shifted[3] + a_ij[4, 4] * s_shifted[4] ) # dsigma/dx dg_dx_1[0, 1] = dadimx_dx * ( a_i[2] + a_ij[2, 0] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[2, 1] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[2, 2] * s_shifted[2] + a_ij[2, 3] * s_shifted[3] + a_ij[2, 4] * s_shifted[4] ) # dsigma1/d(t/c) dg_dz[0, 0] = dadimtaper_dtaper * ( a_i[0] + a_ij[0, 0] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[0, 1] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[0, 2] * s_shifted[2] + a_ij[0, 3] * s_shifted[3] + a_ij[0, 4] * s_shifted[4] ) # dsigma1/dh dg_dz[0, 1] = 0.0 # dsigma1/dM dg_dz[0, 2] = 0.0 # dsigma1/dAR dg_dz[0, 3] = dadimhalfspan_dar * ( a_i[3] + a_ij[3, 0] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[3, 1] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[3, 2] * s_shifted[2] + a_ij[3, 3] * s_shifted[3] + a_ij[3, 4] * s_shifted[4] ) # dsigma1/dsweep dg_dz[0, 4] = 0.0 # dsigma1/dsref dg_dz[0, 5] = dadimhalfspan_dsref * ( a_i[3] + a_ij[3, 0] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[3, 1] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[3, 2] * s_shifted[2] + a_ij[3, 3] * s_shifted[3] + a_ij[3, 4] * s_shifted[4] ) # dsigma1/dLift dg_dy_21[0, 0] = self.__dadimlift_dlift * ( a_i[1] + a_ij[1, 0] * s_shifted[0] + a_ij[1, 1] * s_shifted[1] + a_ij[1, 2] * s_shifted[2] + a_ij[1, 3] * s_shifted[3] + a_ij[1, 4] * s_shifted[4] ) # dsigma1/dWengine dg_dy_31[0, 0] = 0.0 return dg_dx_1, dg_dz, dg_dy_21, dg_dy_31 def __poly_structure_constraints( self, tc_ratio: float, wingbox_area: float, lift: float, ) -> ndarray: """Compute the structural constraints from a polynomial approximation. Args: tc_ratio: The thickness-to-chord ratio. wingbox_area: The wingbox x-sectional area. lift: The lift coefficient. Returns: The structural constraints. """ g_1 = zeros(6, dtype=self.dtype) s_new = array( [tc_ratio, lift, wingbox_area, self.__half_span, self.__aero_center], dtype=self.dtype, ) for i in range(5): g_1[i] = self.base.compute_polynomial_approximation( self.__s_initial_for_constraints, s_new, self.__flag_stress, 0.1 * self.__loc_ones + i * 0.05 * self.__loc_ones, self.__ao_coeff_stress, self.__ai_coeff_stress, self.__aij_coeff_stress, ) return g_1