# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Copyright (c) 2018 IRT-AESE.
# All rights reserved.
# Contributors:
# INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
# :author: François Gallard: initial Scilab version
# :author: Arthur Piat: conversion Scilab to Matlab and complementary features
# :author: Nicolas Roussouly: GEMSEO integration
"""Definition of the Matlab discipline.
This module contains the :class:`.MatlabDiscipline`
which enables to automatically create a wrapper of any Matlab function.
This class can be used in order to interface any Matlab code
and to use it inside a MDO process.
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import os
import re
from os.path import exists
from os.path import join
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Final
import matlab.engine
import numpy as np
from gemseo.core.discipline import MDODiscipline
from gemseo.core.parallel_execution.callable_parallel_execution import (
from gemseo.utils.portable_path import to_os_specific
from gemseo_matlab.engine import MatlabEngine
from gemseo_matlab.engine import get_matlab_engine
from gemseo_matlab.matlab_data_processor import MatlabDataProcessor
from gemseo_matlab.matlab_data_processor import convert_array_from_matlab
from gemseo_matlab.matlab_data_processor import double2array
from gemseo_matlab.matlab_data_processor import load_matlab_file
from gemseo_matlab.matlab_data_processor import save_matlab_file
from gemseo_matlab.matlab_parser import MatlabParser
from collections.abc import Mapping
from collections.abc import MutableMapping
from collections.abc import Sequence
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MatlabDiscipline(MDODiscipline):
"""Base wrapper for matlab discipline.
Generates a discipline of given matlab function and wrap it to be executed with
GEMSEO. Can be used on encrypted, MATLAB build-in and user made function.
>>> # build the discipline from the MATLAB function "function.m"
>>> disc = MatlabDiscipline("function.m")
>>> # Execute the discipline
>>> disc.execute({"x": array([2.0]), "y": array([1.0])})
>>> # build discipline with initial data from MATLAB file
>>> disc = MatlabDiscipline("function.m", matlab_data_file="data.mat")
>>> # execute discipline from default values
>>> disc.execute()
>>> # build discipline from MATLAB file located in matlab_files directory
>>> disc = MatlabDiscipline("function.m", search_file="matlab_files")
>>> # build discipline with jacobian returned by the matlab function
>>> disc = MatlabDiscipline("function.m", is_jac_returned_by_func=True)
>>> disc.execute({"x": array([2.0]), "y": array([1.0])})
>>> # print jacboian values
>>> print(disc.jac)
If ``is_jac_returned_by_func`` is True, jacobian matrices must be returned
by the matlab function itself. In such case, function outputs must contain
standard output as well as new outputs for jacobian terms. These new
outputs must follow naming convention described in function
:meth:`.MatlabDiscipline._get_jac_name`. They can be returned
in any order.
JAC_PREFIX: ClassVar[str] = "jac_"
__TMP_ATTR_FOR_SERIALIZED_ENGINE_NAME: Final[str] = "matlab_engine_name"
__TMP_ATTR_FOR_SERIALIZED_PATHS: Final[str] = "matlab_paths"
def __init__(
matlab_fct: str | Path,
input_names: Sequence[str] | None = None,
output_names: Sequence[str] | None = None,
add_subfold_path: bool = False,
search_file: str | None = None,
matlab_engine_name: str = "matlab",
matlab_data_file: str | Path | None = None,
name: str | None = None,
clean_cache_each_n: int | None = None,
input_grammar_file: str | None = None,
output_grammar_file: str | None = None,
auto_detect_grammar_files: bool = False,
check_opt_data: bool = True,
cache_type: MDODiscipline.CacheType = MDODiscipline.CacheType.SIMPLE,
grammar_type: MDODiscipline.GrammarType = MDODiscipline.GrammarType.JSON,
cache_file_path: str | None = None,
is_jac_returned_by_func: bool = False,
) -> None:
matlab_fct: The path of the Matlab file or Name of the function.
input_names: The input variables.
output_names: The output variables.
add_subfold_path: Whether to add all sub-folder to matlab engine path.
search_file: The root directory to launch the research of matlab file.
matlab_engine_name: The name of the singleton used for this discipline.
matlab_data_file: The .mat file or path containing default values of data.
name: The name of discipline.
clean_cache_each_n: Iteration interval at which matlab workspace is cleaned.
input_grammar_file: The file for input grammar description,
if None, name + "_input.json" is used.
output_grammar_file: The file for output grammar description.
auto_detect_grammar_files: If no input and output grammar files
are provided,
auto_detect_grammar_files uses a naming convention
to associate a grammar file to a discipline:
searches in the "comp_dir" directory containing the
discipline source file for files basenames
self.name _input.json and self.name _output.json.
check_opt_data: Whether to check input and output data of
cache_type: The type of cache.
grammar_type: The type of the input and output grammars.
cache_file_path: The file to store the data,
mandatory when HDF caching is used.
is_jac_returned_by_func: If True, the jacobian matrices should be returned
of matlab function with standard outputs.
Default is False.
If True, the conventional name 'jac_dout_din' is used as jacobian
term of any output 'out' with respect to input 'in'.
""" # noqa: D205, D212, D415
# Force multiprocessing the spwan method
CallableParallelExecution.MULTI_PROCESSING_START_METHOD = (
self.__fct_name = None
matlab_fct = str(matlab_fct)
if input_names is None or output_names is None:
parser = MatlabParser()
if search_file is not None:
path = self.search_file(matlab_fct, search_file)
if matlab_data_file is not None and not exists(str(matlab_data_file)): # noqa: PTH110
matlab_data_file = self.search_file(
str(matlab_data_file), search_file, ".mat"
input_data = parser.inputs
output_data = parser.outputs
function_path = (parser.directory / parser.function_name).with_suffix(".m")
function_path = matlab_fct
if input_names is not None:
input_data = input_names
if output_names is not None:
output_data = output_names
self.__engine = get_matlab_engine(matlab_engine_name)
self.__inputs = input_data
self.__outputs = output_data
# init size with -1 -> means that size is currently unknown
self.__is_size_known = False
self.__inputs_size = {var: -1 for var in self.__inputs}
self.__outputs_size = {var: -1 for var in self.__outputs}
# self.outputs can be filtered here
self.__jac_output_names = []
self.__jac_output_indices = []
self.__is_jac_returned_by_func = is_jac_returned_by_func
if self.__is_jac_returned_by_func:
self.__check_function(function_path, add_subfold_path)
self.__check_opt_data = check_opt_data
self.cleaning_interval = clean_cache_each_n
self.data_processor = MatlabDataProcessor()
def __setstate__(
state: Mapping[str, Any],
) -> None:
engine_name = state.pop(self.__TMP_ATTR_FOR_SERIALIZED_ENGINE_NAME)
paths = state.pop(self.__TMP_ATTR_FOR_SERIALIZED_PATHS)
self.__engine = get_matlab_engine(engine_name)
# We need to retrieve the path so the engine can find all needed matlab files
for path in paths:
def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
state = super().__getstate__()
state[self.__TMP_ATTR_FOR_SERIALIZED_ENGINE_NAME] = self.__engine.engine_name
# We need to cast the type of path depending on the OS when the serialization
# is used through different platform
to_os_specific(Path(path)) for path in self.__engine.paths
if not self.__engine.is_closed:
return state
def engine(self) -> MatlabEngine:
"""The matlab engine of the discipline.
The engine is associated to the ``matlab_engine_name`` provided at the instance
return self.__engine
def function_name(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the function."""
return self.__fct_name
def search_file(
file_name: str,
root_dir: str,
extension: str = ".m",
) -> str:
"""Locate recursively a file in the given root directory.
file_name: The name of the file to be located.
root_dir: The root directory to launch the research.
extension: The extension of the file in case not given by user.
The path of the given file.
* If two files are found in same directory;
* If no file is found.
found_file = False
re_matfile = re.compile(r"\S+\.\S*")
grps = re_matfile.search(file_name)
if grps is None:
file_name += extension
file_path = ""
for subdir, _, files in os.walk(str(root_dir)):
for file_loc in files:
if file_loc == file_name:
if found_file:
msg = "At least two files {} were in directory {}".format(
file_name, root_dir
msg += f"\n File one: {file_path};"
msg += f"\n File two: {join(subdir, file_loc)}." # noqa: PTH118
raise OSError(msg)
found_file = True
file_path = join(subdir, file_loc) # noqa: PTH118
dir_name = subdir
if not found_file:
raise OSError(f"No file: {file_name}, found in directory: {root_dir}.")
LOGGER.info("File: %s found in directory: %s.", file_name, dir_name)
return file_path
def __check_function(
matlab_fct: str | Path,
add_subfold_path: bool,
) -> None:
"""Check the availability of the prescribed MATLAB function.
The function manages encrypted, build-in and user made function and
unify their use.
matlab_fct: A name for the matlab function to be wrapped.
add_subfold_path: If true, add all sub-folders of the function to
matlab search path.
NameError: If the function (or file) does not exist.
path = Path(matlab_fct)
if path.exists():
# Test if the file exists in the system
self.__engine.add_path(path.parent, add_subfolder=add_subfold_path)
self.__fct_name = path.stem
elif self.__engine.exist(matlab_fct)[0]:
# If file does not exist, try to find an existing build-in function in
# engine
self.__fct_name = matlab_fct
# If no file and build-in function exist, raise error
msg = f'No existing file or function "{matlab_fct}".'
raise NameError(msg)
def __init_default_data(
matlab_data_file: str,
input_grammar_file: str,
output_grammar_file: str,
auto_detect_grammar_files: bool,
) -> None:
"""Initialize default data of the discipline.
matlab_data_file: The path to the .mat containing default values of data
input_grammar_file: The file for input grammar description,
if None, name + "_input.json" is used.
output_grammar_file: The file for output grammar description.
auto_detect_grammar_files: If True, no input and output grammar files.
if matlab_data_file is not None:
saved_values = convert_array_from_matlab(
load_matlab_file(str(matlab_data_file).replace(".mat", ""))
# Here, we temporary init inputs data with an array of
# size 1 but that could not be the right size...
# The right size can be known from either matlab_data_file or evaluating
# the matlab function
input_data = dict.fromkeys(self.__inputs, np.array([0.1]))
# same remark as above about the size
output_data = dict.fromkeys(self.__outputs, np.array([0.1]))
if (
input_grammar_file is None
and not auto_detect_grammar_files
and matlab_data_file is not None
input_data = self.__update_data(input_data.copy(), saved_values)
if (
output_grammar_file is None
and not auto_detect_grammar_files
and matlab_data_file is not None
output_data = self.__update_data(output_data.copy(), saved_values)
# If none input matlab data is prescribed, we cannot know
# the size of inputs and outputs. Thus, we must evaluate
# the function in order to know the sizes
if matlab_data_file is not None:
self.__is_size_known = True
for input_name, input_value in input_data.items():
self.__inputs_size[input_name] = len(input_value)
for output_name, output_value in output_data.items():
self.__outputs_size[output_name] = len(output_value)
self.default_inputs = input_data.copy()
def __filter_jacobian_in_outputs(self) -> None:
"""Filter jacobians in outputs names.
This function is applied when _is_jac_returned_by_func is True. In such case,
the function extracts the jacobian component from the list of output names
returned by the matlab function. It thus fills _jac_output_names attributes as
well as _jac_output_indices which corresponds to indices of jacobian component
in the list of outputs returned by the matlab function.
After applying this function, _outputs attribute no longer contains jacobian
output names but only standard outputs.
In order to filter jacobian component, this function just checks that jacobian
names are prefixed by 'jac_'.
output_names = list(self.__outputs)
# select jacobian output and remove them from self.outputs
for i, out_name in enumerate(self.__outputs):
if out_name[0:4] == self.JAC_PREFIX:
# here self.outputs only contains output responses (no jacobian)
self.__outputs = output_names
def __reorder_and_check_jacobian_consistency(self) -> None:
"""This function checks jacobian output consistency.
This function is used when _is_jac_returned_by_func is True.
The function is called after calling jacobian filtering
:meth:`.MatlabDiscipline._filter_jacobian_in_outputs`. It enables to:
* check that all outputs have a jacobian matrix with respect to all inputs;
* reorder the list of jacobian names (and indices) following the order
from iterating over outputs then inputs lists;
In order to check that all jacobian components exist, the function
uses the conventional naming described in
* If the number of jacobian outputs is wrong;
* If a specific jacobian output has the wrong name.
conventional_jac_names = self.__get_conventional_jac_names()
new_indices = [-1] * len(conventional_jac_names)
if len(conventional_jac_names) != len(self.__jac_output_names):
raise ValueError(
"The number of jacobian outputs does "
"not correspond to what it should be. "
"Make sure that all outputs have a jacobian "
"matrix with respect to inputs."
not_found = []
for i, name in enumerate(conventional_jac_names):
idx = self.__jac_output_names.index(name)
except ValueError: # noqa: PERF203
new_indices[i] = self.__jac_output_indices[idx]
if not_found:
raise ValueError(
f"Jacobian terms {not_found} are not found in the "
"list of conventional names. It is reminded that "
"jacobian terms' name should be "
"such as 'jac_dout_din'"
self.__jac_output_names = conventional_jac_names
self.__jac_output_indices = new_indices
def __get_conventional_jac_names(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return the list of jacobian names following the conventional naming.
The conventional naming is described in :meth:`.MatlabDiscipline._get_jac_name`.
return [
self.__get_jac_name(out_var, in_var)
for out_var in self.__outputs
for in_var in self.__inputs
def __get_jac_name(
out_var: str,
in_var: str,
) -> str:
"""Return the name of jacobian given input and ouput variables.
The conventional naming of jacobian component is the following:
if outputs have any names ``out_1``, ``out_2``...
and inputs are ``in_1``, ``in_2``... Therefore, names of jacobian
components returned
by the matlab function must be: ``jac_dout_1_din_1``,
``jac_dout_2_din_1``, ``jac_dout_2_din_2``... which means
that the names must be prefixed by ``jac_``, and followed by
``doutput`` and ``dinput`` seperated by ``_``.
out_var: The output variable name.
in_var: The input variable name.
The jacobian matrix name of output with respect to input.
return str(f"{self.JAC_PREFIX}d{out_var}_d{in_var}")
def check_output_data(self, raise_exception: bool = True) -> None: # noqa: D102
if self.__check_opt_data:
def _run(self) -> None:
"""Run the Matlab discipline.
If jacobian values are returned by the matlab function, they are filtered and
used in order to fill :attr:`.MatlabDiscipline.jac`.
* If the execution of the matlab function fails.
* If the size of the jacobian output matrix is wrong.
# import pudb;pudb.set_trace()
input_vals = self.get_input_data()
list_of_values = [input_vals.get(k) for k in self.__inputs if k in input_vals]
out_vals = self.__engine.execute_function(
nargout=len(self.__outputs) + len(self.__jac_output_names),
except matlab.engine.MatlabExecutionError:
LOGGER.exception("Discipline: %s execution failed", self.name)
# filter output values if jacobian is returned
if self.__is_jac_returned_by_func:
out_vals = np.array(out_vals, dtype=object)
jac_vals = [out_vals[idx] for idx in self.__jac_output_indices]
out_vals = np.delete(out_vals, self.__jac_output_indices)
# --> now out_vals only contains output responses (no jacobian)
if (
self.cleaning_interval is not None
and self._n_calls.value % self.cleaning_interval == 0
self.__engine.execute_function("clear", "all", nargout=0)
"MATLAB cache cleaned: Discipline called %s times",
out_names = self.__outputs
if len(out_names) == 1:
self.store_local_data(**{out_names[0]: double2array(out_vals)})
for out_n, out_v in zip(out_names, out_vals):
self.store_local_data(**{out_n: double2array(out_v)})
if not self.__is_size_known:
for i, var in enumerate(self.__inputs):
self.__inputs_size[var] = len(list_of_values[i])
for var in self.__outputs:
self.__outputs_size[var] = len(self.local_data[var])
self.__is_size_known = True
if self.__is_jac_returned_by_func:
def __store_jacobian(self, jac_vals: list[float]) -> None:
"""Store the jacobian.
jac_vals: The values of the jacobian.
# Revert the data processing so that the data converters can work on data
# compliant the grammars.
processor = self.data_processor
if processor is not None:
self.local_data = processor.post_process_data(self._local_data)
if processor is not None:
self.local_data = processor.pre_process_data(self._local_data)
cpt = 0
for out_name in self.__outputs:
self.jac[out_name] = {}
for in_name in self.__inputs:
self.jac[out_name][in_name] = np.atleast_2d(jac_vals[cpt])
if self.jac[out_name][in_name].shape != (
raise ValueError(
"Jacobian term 'jac_d{}_d{}' "
"has the wrong size {} whereas it should "
"be {}.".format(
cpt += 1
self._is_linearized = True
def __update_data(
data: MutableMapping[str, Any],
other_data: Mapping[str, Any],
) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
"""Update the values of a data mapping without adding new data names.
data: The data to be updated.
other_data: The data to update ``data``.
The updated data.
for key, value in other_data.items():
if key in data:
data[key] = value
return data
def save_data_to_matlab(self, file_path: str | Path) -> None:
"""Save local data to matlab .mat format.
file_path: The path where to save the file.
file_path = Path(file_path)
save_matlab_file(self.local_data, file_path=file_path)
msg = "Local data of discipline {} exported to {}.mat successfully.".format(
self.name, file_path.name
def cleaning_interval(self) -> int:
"""Get and/or set the flushing interval for matlab disciplines."""
return self.__cleaning_interval
def cleaning_interval(self, cleaning_interval: int) -> None:
if cleaning_interval is not None:
is_integer = cleaning_interval % 1 == 0
if not is_integer:
raise ValueError(
"The parameter 'cleaning_interval' argument must be an integer."
self.__cleaning_interval = cleaning_interval