# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
"""GCMMA-MMA-Python. This file is part of GCMMA-MMA-Python.
GCMMA-MMA-Python is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation. For more information and the LICENSE file, see `
arjendeetman/GCMMA-MMA-Python <https://github.com/arjendeetman/GCMMA-MMA-Python>`_
. The original work is written by
Krister Svanberg in MATLAB. This is the python version of the code written Arjen
Deetman. version 09-11-2019.
MMA optimizer.
Original work written by Krister Svanberg in Matlab. This is the python version of the
code written by Arjen Deetman.
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy.linalg import lstsq
from scipy.linalg import solve # or use numpy: from numpy.linalg import solve
from scipy.sparse import diags # or use numpy: from numpy import diag as diags
# Function for the MMA sub problem
def solve_mma_local_approximation_problem(
m: int,
n: int,
n_iterations: int,
xval: ndarray,
xmin: ndarray,
xmax: ndarray,
xold1: ndarray,
xold2: ndarray,
f0val: ndarray,
df0dx: ndarray,
fval: ndarray,
dfdx: ndarray,
low: ndarray,
upp: ndarray,
a0: float,
a: ndarray,
c: ndarray,
d: ndarray,
move: float,
external_move_limit: float = 10.0,
internal_limit: float = 0.01,
asyinit: float = 0.5,
asyincr: float = 1.2,
asydecr: float = 0.7,
) -> tuple[
"""MMA sub function.
This function mmasub performs one MMA-iteration, aimed at solving the nonlinear
programming problem:
Minimize f_0(x) + a_0*z + sum( c_i*y_i + 0.5*d_i*(y_i)^2 )
subject to f_i(x) - a_i*z - y_i <= 0, i = 1,...,m
xmin_j <= x_j <= xmax_j, j = 1,...,n
z >= 0, y_i >= 0, i = 1,...,m
m: The number of general constraints.
n: The number of variables x_j.
n_iterations: The current iteration number
(=1 the first time mmasub is called).
xval: The column vector with the current values of the variables x_j.
xmin: The column vector with the lower bounds for the variables x_j.
xmax: The column vector with the upper bounds for the variables x_j.
xold1: The value of xval, one iteration ago (provided that n_iterations>1).
xold2: The value of xval, two iterations ago (provided that n_iterations>2).
f0val: The value of the objective function f_0 at xval.
df0dx: The column vector with the derivatives of the objective function
f_0 with respect to the variables x_j, calculated at xval.
fval: The column vector with the values of the constraint functions f_i,
calculated at xval.
dfdx: The (m x n)-matrix with the derivatives of the constraint functions
f_i with respect to the variables x_j, calculated at xval.
low: The column vector with the lower asymptotes from the previous
iteration (provided that n_iterations>1).
upp: The column vector with the upper asymptotes from the previous
iteration (provided that n_iterations>1).
a0: The constants a_0 in the term a_0*z.
a: The column vector with the constants a_i in the terms a_i*z.
c: The column vector with the constants c_i in the terms c_i*y_i.
d: The column vector with the constants d_i in the terms 0.5*d_i*(y_i)^2.
move: The maximum optimization step.
external_move_limit: The maximum distance of the asymptotes from the current
design variable value.
internal_limit: The minimum distance of the asymptotes from the current design
variable value.
asyinit: The initial asymptotes distance from the current design variable value.
asyincr: The incremental factor for successful iterations.
asydecr: The decremental factor for unsuccessful iterations.
xmma = The Column vector with the optimal values of the variables x_j
in the current MMA subproblem.
ymma = The Column vector with the optimal values of the variables y_i
in the current MMA subproblem.
zmma = The Scalar with the optimal value of the variable z
in the current MMA subproblem.
lam = The Lagrange multipliers for the m general MMA constraints.
xsi = The Lagrange multipliers for the n constraints alfa_j - x_j <= 0.
eta = The Lagrange multipliers for the n constraints x_j - beta_j <= 0.
mu = The Lagrange multipliers for the m constraints -y_i <= 0.
zet = The Lagrange multiplier for the single constraint -z <= 0.
s = The Slack variables for the m general MMA constraints.
low = The Column vector with the lower asymptotes, calculated and used
in the current MMA subproblem.
upp = The Column vector with the upper asymptotes, calculated and used
in the current MMA subproblem.
epsimin = 0.0000001
raa0 = 0.00001
albefa = 0.1
eeen = np.ones((n, 1))
eeem = np.ones((m, 1))
zeron = np.zeros((n, 1))
# Calculation of the asymptotes low and upp
if n_iterations <= 2:
low = xval - asyinit * (xmax - xmin)
upp = xval + asyinit * (xmax - xmin)
zzz = (xval - xold1) * (xold1 - xold2)
factor = eeen.copy()
factor[np.where(zzz > 0)] = asyincr
factor[np.where(zzz < 0)] = asydecr
low = xval - factor * (xold1 - low)
upp = xval + factor * (upp - xold1)
lowmin = xval - external_move_limit * (xmax - xmin)
lowmax = xval - internal_limit * (xmax - xmin)
uppmin = xval + internal_limit * (xmax - xmin)
uppmax = xval + external_move_limit * (xmax - xmin)
low = np.maximum(low, lowmin)
low = np.minimum(low, lowmax)
upp = np.minimum(upp, uppmax)
upp = np.maximum(upp, uppmin)
# Calculation of the bounds alfa and beta
zzz1 = low + albefa * (xval - low)
zzz2 = xval - move * (xmax - xmin)
zzz = np.maximum(zzz1, zzz2)
alfa = np.maximum(zzz, xmin)
zzz1 = upp - albefa * (upp - xval)
zzz2 = xval + move * (xmax - xmin)
zzz = np.minimum(zzz1, zzz2)
beta = np.minimum(zzz, xmax)
# Calculations of p0, q0, pp, qq and b
xmami = xmax - xmin
xmamieps = 0.00001 * eeen
xmami = np.maximum(xmami, xmamieps)
xmamiinv = eeen / xmami
ux1 = upp - xval
ux2 = ux1 * ux1
xl1 = xval - low
xl2 = xl1 * xl1
uxinv = eeen / ux1
xlinv = eeen / xl1
p0 = zeron.copy()
q0 = zeron.copy()
p0 = np.maximum(df0dx, 0)
q0 = np.maximum(-df0dx, 0)
pq0 = 0.001 * (p0 + q0) + raa0 * xmamiinv
p0 = p0 + pq0
q0 = q0 + pq0
p0 = p0 * ux2
q0 = q0 * xl2
pp = np.zeros((m, n))
qq = np.zeros((m, n))
pp = np.maximum(dfdx, 0)
qq = np.maximum(-dfdx, 0)
ppqq = 0.001 * (pp + qq) + raa0 * np.dot(eeem, xmamiinv.T)
pp = pp + ppqq
qq = qq + ppqq
pp = (diags(ux2.flatten(), 0).dot(pp.T)).T
qq = (diags(xl2.flatten(), 0).dot(qq.T)).T
b = np.dot(pp, uxinv) + np.dot(qq, xlinv) - fval
xmma, ymma, zmma, lam, xsi, eta, mu, zet, s = __subsolv(
m, n, epsimin, low, upp, alfa, beta, p0, q0, pp, qq, a0, a, b, c, d
# Return values
return xmma, ymma, zmma, lam, xsi, eta, mu, zet, s, low, upp
# Function for solving the subproblem (can be used for MMA)
def __subsolv(
m: int,
n: int,
epsimin: float,
low: ndarray,
upp: ndarray,
alfa: ndarray,
beta: ndarray,
p0: ndarray,
q0: ndarray,
pp: ndarray,
qq: ndarray,
a0: ndarray,
a: ndarray,
b: ndarray,
c: ndarray,
d: ndarray,
) -> tuple[
ndarray | ndarray,
"""Solve the subproblem by a primal-dual Newton method.
This function subsolv solves the MMA subproblem:
minimize SUM[p0j/(uppj-xj) + q0j/(xj-lowj)] + a0*z + SUM[ci*yi + 0.5*di*(yi)^2],
subject to SUM[pij/(uppj-xj) + qij/(xj-lowj)] - ai*z - yi <= bi,
alfaj <= xj <= betaj, yi >= 0, z >= 0.
m: The number of general constraints.
n: The number of variables x_j.
epsimin:The convergence tolerance of the local approximation sub problem.
low: The column vector with the lower asymptotes, calculated and used in the
current MMA subproblem.
upp: The column vector with the upper asymptotes, calculated and used in the
current MMA subproblem.
alfa: The column vector of local lower bound alfa_j.
beta: The column vector of local upper bound beta_j.
p0: The column vector of p0_j.
q0: The column vector of q0_j.
pp: The m x n matrix of p_ij.
qq: The m x n matrix of q_ij.
a0: The constants a_0 in the term a_0*z.
a: The column vector with the constants a_i in the terms a_i*z.
c: The column vector with the constants c_i in the terms c_i*y_i.
d: The column vector with the constants d_i in the terms 0.5*d_i*(y_i)^2.
b: The column vector of b_i.
All the unkowns of the subproblem.
een = np.ones((n, 1))
eem = np.ones((m, 1))
epsi = 1
x = 0.5 * (alfa + beta)
y = eem.copy()
z = np.array([[1.0]])
lam = eem.copy()
xsi = een / (x - alfa)
xsi = np.maximum(xsi, een)
eta = een / (beta - x)
eta = np.maximum(eta, een)
mu = np.maximum(eem, 0.5 * c)
zet = np.array([[1.0]])
s = eem.copy()
itera = 0
# Start while epsi>epsimin
while epsi > epsimin:
epsvecn = epsi * een
epsvecm = epsi * eem
ux1 = upp - x
xl1 = x - low
ux2 = ux1 * ux1
xl2 = xl1 * xl1
uxinv1 = een / ux1
xlinv1 = een / xl1
plam = p0 + np.dot(pp.T, lam)
qlam = q0 + np.dot(qq.T, lam)
gvec = np.dot(pp, uxinv1) + np.dot(qq, xlinv1)
dpsidx = plam / ux2 - qlam / xl2
rex = dpsidx - xsi + eta
rey = c + d * y - mu - lam
rez = a0 - zet - np.dot(a.T, lam)
relam = gvec - a * z - y + s - b
rexsi = xsi * (x - alfa) - epsvecn
reeta = eta * (beta - x) - epsvecn
remu = mu * y - epsvecm
rezet = zet * z - epsi
res = lam * s - epsvecm
residu1 = np.concatenate((rex, rey, rez), axis=0)
residu2 = np.concatenate((relam, rexsi, reeta, remu, rezet, res), axis=0)
residu = np.concatenate((residu1, residu2), axis=0)
residunorm = np.sqrt((np.dot(residu.T, residu)).item())
residumax = np.max(np.abs(residu))
ittt = 0
# Start while (residumax>0.9*epsi) and (ittt<200)
while (residumax > 0.9 * epsi) and (ittt < 200):
ittt = ittt + 1
itera = itera + 1
ux1 = upp - x
xl1 = x - low
ux2 = ux1 * ux1
xl2 = xl1 * xl1
ux3 = ux1 * ux2
xl3 = xl1 * xl2
uxinv1 = een / ux1
xlinv1 = een / xl1
uxinv2 = een / ux2
xlinv2 = een / xl2
plam = p0 + np.dot(pp.T, lam)
qlam = q0 + np.dot(qq.T, lam)
gvec = np.dot(pp, uxinv1) + np.dot(qq, xlinv1)
gg = (diags(uxinv2.flatten(), 0).dot(pp.T)).T - (
diags(xlinv2.flatten(), 0).dot(qq.T)
dpsidx = plam / ux2 - qlam / xl2
delx = dpsidx - epsvecn / (x - alfa) + epsvecn / (beta - x)
dely = c + d * y - lam - epsvecm / y
delz = a0 - np.dot(a.T, lam) - epsi / z
dellam = gvec - a * z - y - b + epsvecm / lam
diagx = plam / ux3 + qlam / xl3
diagx = 2 * diagx + xsi / (x - alfa) + eta / (beta - x)
diagxinv = een / diagx
diagy = d + mu / y
diagyinv = eem / diagy
diaglam = s / lam
diaglamyi = diaglam + diagyinv
# Start if m<n
if m < n:
blam = dellam + dely / diagy - np.dot(gg, (delx / diagx))
bb = np.concatenate((blam, delz), axis=0)
alam = np.asarray(
diags(diaglamyi.flatten(), 0)
+ (diags(diagxinv.flatten(), 0).dot(gg.T).T).dot(gg.T)
aar1 = np.concatenate((alam, a), axis=1)
aar2 = np.concatenate((a, -zet / z), axis=0).T
aa = np.concatenate((aar1, aar2), axis=0)
solut = solve(aa, bb)
dlam = solut[0:m]
dz = solut[m : m + 1]
dx = -delx / diagx - np.dot(gg.T, dlam) / diagx
diaglamyiinv = eem / diaglamyi
dellamyi = dellam + dely / diagy
axx = np.asarray(
diags(diagx.flatten(), 0)
+ (diags(diaglamyiinv.flatten(), 0).dot(gg).T).dot(gg)
azz = zet / z + np.dot(a.T, (a / diaglamyi))
axz = np.dot(-gg.T, (a / diaglamyi))
bx = delx + np.dot(gg.T, (dellamyi / diaglamyi))
bz = delz - np.dot(a.T, (dellamyi / diaglamyi))
aar1 = np.concatenate((axx, axz), axis=1)
aar2 = np.concatenate((axz.T, azz), axis=1)
aa = np.concatenate((aar1, aar2), axis=0)
bb = np.concatenate((-bx, -bz), axis=0)
solut, _i, _j, _k = lstsq(aa, bb, rcond=-1)
dx = solut[0:n]
dz = solut[n : n + 1]
dlam = (
np.dot(gg, dx) / diaglamyi
- dz * (a / diaglamyi)
+ dellamyi / diaglamyi
# End if m<n
dy = -dely / diagy + dlam / diagy
dxsi = -xsi + epsvecn / (x - alfa) - (xsi * dx) / (x - alfa)
deta = -eta + epsvecn / (beta - x) + (eta * dx) / (beta - x)
dmu = -mu + epsvecm / y - (mu * dy) / y
dzet = -zet + epsi / z - zet * dz / z
ds = -s + epsvecm / lam - (s * dlam) / lam
xx = np.concatenate((y, z, lam, xsi, eta, mu, zet, s), axis=0)
dxx = np.concatenate((dy, dz, dlam, dxsi, deta, dmu, dzet, ds), axis=0)
stepxx = -1.01 * dxx / xx
stmxx = np.max(stepxx)
stepalfa = -1.01 * dx / (x - alfa)
stmalfa = np.max(stepalfa)
stepbeta = 1.01 * dx / (beta - x)
stmbeta = np.max(stepbeta)
stmalbe = max(stmalfa, stmbeta)
stmalbexx = max(stmalbe, stmxx)
stminv = max(stmalbexx, 1.0)
steg = 1.0 / stminv
xold = x.copy()
yold = y.copy()
zold = z.copy()
lamold = lam.copy()
xsiold = xsi.copy()
etaold = eta.copy()
muold = mu.copy()
zetold = zet.copy()
sold = s.copy()
itto = 0
resinew = 2 * residunorm
# Start: while (resinew>residunorm) and (itto<50)
while (resinew > residunorm) and (itto < 50):
itto = itto + 1
x = xold + steg * dx
y = yold + steg * dy
z = zold + steg * dz
lam = lamold + steg * dlam
xsi = xsiold + steg * dxsi
eta = etaold + steg * deta
mu = muold + steg * dmu
zet = zetold + steg * dzet
s = sold + steg * ds
ux1 = upp - x
xl1 = x - low
ux2 = ux1 * ux1
xl2 = xl1 * xl1
uxinv1 = een / ux1
xlinv1 = een / xl1
plam = p0 + np.dot(pp.T, lam)
qlam = q0 + np.dot(qq.T, lam)
gvec = np.dot(pp, uxinv1) + np.dot(qq, xlinv1)
dpsidx = plam / ux2 - qlam / xl2
rex = dpsidx - xsi + eta
rey = c + d * y - mu - lam
rez = a0 - zet - np.dot(a.T, lam)
relam = gvec - np.dot(a, z) - y + s - b
rexsi = xsi * (x - alfa) - epsvecn
reeta = eta * (beta - x) - epsvecn
remu = mu * y - epsvecm
rezet = np.dot(zet, z) - epsi
res = lam * s - epsvecm
residu1 = np.concatenate((rex, rey, rez), axis=0)
residu2 = np.concatenate(
(relam, rexsi, reeta, remu, rezet, res), axis=0
residu = np.concatenate((residu1, residu2), axis=0)
resinew = np.sqrt(np.dot(residu.T, residu))
steg = steg / 2
# End: while (resinew>residunorm) and (itto<50)
residunorm = resinew.copy()
residumax = max(abs(residu))
steg = 2 * steg
# End: while (residumax>0.9*epsi) and (ittt<200)
epsi = 0.1 * epsi
# End: while epsi>epsimin
xmma = x.copy()
ymma = y.copy()
zmma = z.copy()
lamma = lam
xsimma = xsi
etamma = eta
mumma = mu
zetmma = zet
smma = s
# Return values
return xmma, ymma, zmma, lamma, xsimma, etamma, mumma, zetmma, smma
# Function for Karush-Kuhn-Tucker check
def compute_kkt_residual_on_local_approximation(
m: int,
n: int,
x: ndarray,
y: ndarray,
z: ndarray,
lam: ndarray,
xsi: ndarray,
eta: ndarray,
mu: ndarray,
zet: ndarray,
s: ndarray,
xmin: ndarray,
xmax: ndarray,
df0dx: ndarray,
fval: ndarray,
dfdx: ndarray,
a0: float,
a: ndarray,
c: ndarray,
d: ndarray,
) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]:
"""KKT residual computation.
The left hand sides of the KKT conditions for the following nonlinear programming
problem are calculated.
Minimize f_0(x) + a_0*z + sum(c_i*y_i + 0.5*d_i*(y_i)^2)
subject to f_i(x) - a_i*z - y_i <= 0, i = 1,...,m
xmax_j <= x_j <= xmin_j, j = 1,...,n
z >= 0, y_i >= 0, i = 1,...,m
m: The number of general constraints.
n: The number of variables x_j.
x: The current values of the n variables x_j.
y: The current values of the m variables y_i.
z: The current value of the single variable z.
lam: The Lagrange multipliers for the m general constraints.
xsi: The Lagrange multipliers for the n constraints xmin_j - x_j <= 0.
eta: The Lagrange multipliers for the n constraints x_j - xmax_j <= 0.
mu: The Lagrange multipliers for the m constraints -y_i <= 0.
zet: The Lagrange multiplier for the single constraint -z <= 0.
s: The Slack variables for the m general constraints.
xmin: The Lower bounds for the variables x_j.
xmax: The Upper bounds for the variables x_j.
df0dx: The vector with the derivatives of the objective function f_0 with
respect to the variables x_j, calculated at x.
fval: The vector with the values of the constraint functions f_i, calculated
at x.
dfdx: The (m x n)-matrix with the derivatives of the constraint functions f_i
with respect to the variables x_j, calculated at x.
dfdx(i,j) = the derivative of f_i with respect to x_j.
a0: The constants a_0 in the term a_0*z.
a: The vector with the constants a_i in the terms a_i*z.
c: The vector with the constants c_i in the terms c_i*y_i.
d: The vector with the constants d_i in the terms 0.5*d_i*(y_i)^2.
The vector residual, its norm and its maximum.
rex = df0dx + np.dot(dfdx.T, lam) - xsi + eta
rey = c + d * y - mu - lam
rez = a0 - zet - np.dot(a.T, lam)
relam = fval - a * z - y + s
rexsi = xsi * (x - xmin)
reeta = eta * (xmax - x)
remu = mu * y
rezet = zet * z
res = lam * s
residu1 = np.concatenate((rex, rey, rez), axis=0)
residu2 = np.concatenate((relam, rexsi, reeta, remu, rezet, res), axis=0)
residu = np.concatenate((residu1, residu2), axis=0)
residunorm = np.sqrt((np.dot(residu.T, residu)).item())
residumax = np.max(np.abs(residu))
return residu, residunorm, residumax