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Compute the Jacobian of a discipline analytically¶
In this example,
we will compute the Jacobians of some outputs of an MDODiscipline
with respect to some inputs, based on its analytical derivatives.
from __future__ import annotations
from numpy import array
from gemseo.disciplines.analytic import AnalyticDiscipline
we create a discipline, e.g. an AnalyticDiscipline
discipline = AnalyticDiscipline({"y": "a**2+b", "z": "a**3+b**2"})
We can execute it with its default input values:
{'b': array([0.]), 'a': array([0.]), 'z': array([0.]), 'y': array([0.])}
or with custom ones:
discipline.execute({"a": array([1.0])})
{'a': array([1.]), 'b': array([0.]), 'z': array([1.]), 'y': array([1.])}
we use the method MDODiscipline.linearize()
to compute the derivatives:
jacobian_data = discipline.linearize()
There is no Jacobian data
because we need to set the input variables
against which to compute the Jacobian of the output ones.
For that,
we use the method add_differentiated_inputs()
We also need to set these output variables:
with the method add_differentiated_outputs()
For instance,
we may want to only compute the derivative of "z"
with respect to "a"
jacobian_data = discipline.linearize()
defaultdict(<function default_dict_factory at 0x7f8b2e8a6b80>, {'z': defaultdict(None, {'a': array([[0.]])})})
By default,
GEMSEO uses MDODiscipline.default_inputs
as input data
for which to compute the Jacobian on.
We can change them with input_data
jacobian_data = discipline.linearize({"a": array([1.0])})
defaultdict(<function default_dict_factory at 0x7f8b2e8a6b80>, {'z': defaultdict(None, {'a': array([[3.]])})})
We can also force the discipline to compute the derivatives of all the outputs with respect to all the inputs:
jacobian_data = discipline.linearize(compute_all_jacobians=True)
defaultdict(<function default_dict_factory at 0x7f8b2e8a6b80>, {'y': defaultdict(None, {'a': array([[0.]]), 'b': array([[1.]])}), 'z': defaultdict(None, {'a': array([[0.]]), 'b': array([[0.]])})})
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.023 seconds)