gemseo / problems / optimization

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rosen_mf module

A multi-fidelity Rosenbrock discipline.

class gemseo.problems.optimization.rosen_mf.RosenMF(dimension=2)[source]

Bases: MDODiscipline

A multi-fidelity Rosenbrock discipline.

Its expression is \(\mathrm{fidelity} * \mathrm{Rosenbrock}(x)\) where both \(\mathrm{fidelity}\) and \(x\) are provided as input data.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


dimension (int) –

The dimension of the design space.

By default it is set to 2.

cache: AbstractCache | None

The cache containing one or several executions of the discipline according to the cache policy.

data_processor: DataProcessor

A tool to pre- and post-process discipline data.

exec_for_lin: bool

Whether the last execution was due to a linearization.

input_grammar: BaseGrammar

The input grammar.

jac: MutableMapping[str, MutableMapping[str, ndarray | csr_array | JacobianOperator]]

The Jacobians of the outputs wrt inputs.

The structure is {output: {input: matrix}}.

name: str

The name of the discipline.

output_grammar: BaseGrammar

The output grammar.

re_exec_policy: ReExecutionPolicy

The policy to re-execute the same discipline.

residual_variables: dict[str, str]

The output variables mapping to their inputs, to be considered as residuals; they shall be equal to zero.

run_solves_residuals: bool

Whether the run method shall solve the residuals.