Source code for gemseo.problems.mdo.sobieski.disciplines

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                        documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard
"""The disciplines of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case."""

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from numbers import Number
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any

from numpy import array

from gemseo.core.discipline import MDODiscipline
from gemseo.disciplines.remapping import RemappingDiscipline
from gemseo.problems.mdo.sobieski.core.problem import SobieskiProblem
from gemseo.problems.mdo.sobieski.core.utils import SobieskiBase

    from import Iterable
    from import Mapping

[docs] class SobieskiDiscipline(MDODiscipline): """Abstract base discipline for the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.""" dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType """The data type for the NumPy arrays.""" sobieski_problem: SobieskiProblem """The Sobieski's SSBJ use case defining the MDO problem, e.g. disciplines, constraints, design space and reference optimum.""" GRAMMAR_DIRECTORY = Path(__file__).parent / "grammars" _ATTR_NOT_TO_SERIALIZE = MDODiscipline._ATTR_NOT_TO_SERIALIZE.union( [ "sobieski_problem", ], ) def __init__( self, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> None: """ Args: dtype: The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128". """ # noqa: D205 D212 super().__init__(auto_detect_grammar_files=True) self.dtype = dtype self.sobieski_problem = SobieskiProblem(dtype=dtype) self.default_inputs = self.sobieski_problem.get_default_inputs( self.get_input_data_names() ) self.re_exec_policy = self.ReExecutionPolicy.DONE def __setstate__(self, state: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: super().__setstate__(state) self.sobieski_problem = SobieskiProblem(self.dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_physical_naming( cls, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> RemappingDiscipline: """ Args: dtype: The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128". """ # noqa: D205 D212 raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class SobieskiMission(SobieskiDiscipline): """Mission discipline of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case. Compute the range with the Breguet formula. """ enable_delay: bool | float """If ``True``, wait one second before computation. If a positive number, wait the corresponding number of seconds. If ``False``, compute directly. """ def __init__( self, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, enable_delay: bool | float = False, ) -> None: """ Args: enable_delay: If ``True``, wait one second before computation. If a positive number, wait the corresponding number of seconds. If ``False``, compute directly. """ # noqa: D205 D212 super().__init__(dtype=dtype) self.enable_delay = enable_delay def _run(self) -> None: if self.enable_delay: if isinstance(self.enable_delay, Number): time.sleep(self.enable_delay) else: time.sleep(1.0) data_names = ["y_14", "y_24", "y_34", "x_shared"] y_14, y_24, y_34, x_shared = self.get_inputs_by_name(data_names) y_4 = self.sobieski_problem.mission.execute(x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34) self.store_local_data(y_4=y_4) def _compute_jacobian( self, inputs: Iterable[str] | None = None, outputs: Iterable[str] | None = None, ) -> None: data_names = ["y_14", "y_24", "y_34", "x_shared"] y_14, y_24, y_34, x_shared = self.get_inputs_by_name(data_names) self.jac = self.sobieski_problem.mission.linearize(x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34)
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_physical_naming( cls, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, enable_delay: bool | float = False, ) -> RemappingDiscipline: """ Args: enable_delay: If ``True``, wait one second before computation. If a positive number, wait the corresponding number of seconds. If ``False``, compute directly. """ # noqa: D205 D212 return RemappingDiscipline( cls(dtype=dtype, enable_delay=enable_delay), { "t_w_4": ("y_14", 0), "f_w": ("y_14", 1), "altitude": ("x_shared", 1), "mach": ("x_shared", 2), "cl_cd": "y_24", "sfc": "y_34", }, {"range": "y_4"}, )
[docs] class SobieskiStructure(SobieskiDiscipline): """Structure discipline of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.""" def __init__( # noqa: D107 self, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> None: super().__init__(dtype=dtype) self.default_inputs["c_0"] = array([self.sobieski_problem.constants[0]]) self.default_inputs["c_1"] = array([self.sobieski_problem.constants[1]]) self.default_inputs["c_2"] = array([self.sobieski_problem.constants[2]]) def _run(self) -> None: data_names = ["x_1", "y_21", "y_31", "x_shared", "c_0", "c_1", "c_2"] x_1, y_21, y_31, x_shared, c_0, c_1, c_2 = self.get_inputs_by_name(data_names) y_1, y_11, y_12, y_14, g_1 = self.sobieski_problem.structure.execute( x_shared, y_21, y_31, x_1, c_0=c_0[0], c_1=c_1[0], c_2=c_2[0] ) self.store_local_data(y_1=y_1, y_11=y_11, y_12=y_12, y_14=y_14, g_1=g_1) def _compute_jacobian( self, inputs: Iterable[str] | None = None, outputs: Iterable[str] | None = None, ) -> None: data_names = ["x_1", "y_21", "y_31", "x_shared", "c_2"] x_1, y_21, y_31, x_shared, c_2 = self.get_inputs_by_name(data_names) self.jac = self.sobieski_problem.structure.linearize( x_shared, y_21, y_31, x_1, c_2=c_2[0] )
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_physical_naming( # noqa: D102 cls, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT ) -> RemappingDiscipline: return RemappingDiscipline( cls(dtype=dtype), { "cl": "y_21", "e_w": "y_31", "t_c": ("x_shared", 0), "ar": ("x_shared", 3), "sweep": ("x_shared", 4), "area": ("x_shared", 5), "taper_ratio": ("x_1", 0), "wingbox_area": ("x_1", 1), "min_f_w": "c_0", "m_w": "c_1", "max_lf": "c_2", }, { "y_1": "y_1", "y_11": "y_11", "t_w_4": ("y_14", 0), "t_w_2": ("y_12", 0), "f_w": ("y_14", 1), "twist": ("y_12", 1), "stress": ("g_1", range(5)), "twist_c": ("g_1", range(5, 7)), }, )
[docs] class SobieskiAerodynamics(SobieskiDiscipline): """Aerodynamics discipline for the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.""" def __init__( # noqa: D107 self, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> None: super().__init__(dtype=dtype) self.default_inputs["c_4"] = array([self.sobieski_problem.constants[4]]) def _run(self) -> None: data_names = ["x_2", "y_12", "y_32", "x_shared", "c_4"] x_2, y_12, y_32, x_shared, c_4 = self.get_inputs_by_name(data_names) y_2, y_21, y_23, y_24, g_2 = self.sobieski_problem.aerodynamics.execute( x_shared, y_12, y_32, x_2, c_4=c_4[0] ) self.store_local_data(y_2=y_2, y_21=y_21, y_23=y_23, y_24=y_24, g_2=g_2) def _compute_jacobian( self, inputs: Iterable[str] | None = None, outputs: Iterable[str] | None = None, ) -> None: data_names = ["x_2", "y_12", "y_32", "x_shared", "c_4"] x_2, y_12, y_32, x_shared, c_4 = self.get_inputs_by_name(data_names) self.jac = self.sobieski_problem.aerodynamics.linearize( x_shared, y_12, y_32, x_2, c_4=c_4[0] )
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_physical_naming( # noqa: D102 cls, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> RemappingDiscipline: return RemappingDiscipline( cls(dtype=dtype), { "esf": "y_32", "t_w_2": ("y_12", 0), "twist": ("y_12", 1), "cf": "x_2", "t_c": ("x_shared", 0), "altitude": ("x_shared", 1), "mach": ("x_shared", 2), "sweep": ("x_shared", 4), "area": ("x_shared", 5), "min_cd": "c_4", }, { "y_2": "y_2", "cl": "y_21", "cd": "y_23", "cl_cd": "y_24", "dp_dx": "g_2", }, )
[docs] class SobieskiPropulsion(SobieskiDiscipline): """Propulsion discipline of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.""" def __init__( # noqa: D107 self, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> None: super().__init__(dtype=dtype) self.default_inputs["c_3"] = array([self.sobieski_problem.constants[3]]) def _run(self) -> None: data_names = ["x_3", "y_23", "x_shared", "c_3"] x_3, y_23, x_shared, c_3 = self.get_inputs_by_name(data_names) y_3, y_34, y_31, y_32, g_3 = self.sobieski_problem.propulsion.execute( x_shared, y_23, x_3, c_3=c_3[0] ) self.store_local_data(y_3=y_3, y_34=y_34, y_31=y_31, y_32=y_32, g_3=g_3) def _compute_jacobian( self, inputs: Iterable[str] | None = None, outputs: Iterable[str] | None = None, ) -> None: data_names = ["x_3", "y_23", "x_shared", "c_3"] x_3, y_23, x_shared, c_3 = self.get_inputs_by_name(data_names) self.jac = self.sobieski_problem.propulsion.linearize( x_shared, y_23, x_3, c_3=c_3[0] )
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_physical_naming( # noqa: D102 cls, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> RemappingDiscipline: return RemappingDiscipline( cls(dtype=dtype), { "throttle": "x_3", "cd": "y_23", "altitude": ("x_shared", 1), "mach": ("x_shared", 2), "ref_weight": "c_3", }, { "y_3": "y_3", "sfc": ("y_3", 0), "e_w": ("y_3", 1), "esf_c": ("g_3", range(2)), "esf": "y_32", "throttle_c": ("g_3", 2), "temperature": ("g_3", 3), }, )
[docs] def create_disciplines( dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> list[SobieskiDiscipline]: """Instantiate the structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines. Args: dtype: The NumPy type for data arrays, either "float64" or "complex128". Returns: The structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines. """ return [ SobieskiStructure(dtype), SobieskiAerodynamics(dtype), SobieskiPropulsion(dtype), SobieskiMission(dtype), ]
[docs] def create_disciplines_with_physical_naming( dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> list[RemappingDiscipline]: """Instantiate the structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines. Use a physical naming for the input and output variables. Args: dtype: The NumPy type for data arrays, either "float64" or "complex128". Returns: The structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines. """ return [ SobieskiStructure.create_with_physical_naming(dtype), SobieskiAerodynamics.create_with_physical_naming(dtype), SobieskiPropulsion.create_with_physical_naming(dtype), SobieskiMission.create_with_physical_naming(dtype), ]