
Use a data converter

Use a data converter

Fundamentals of disciplines

A discipline computes output data from input data.

Check the Jacobian of a discipline

Check the Jacobian of a discipline

Compute the Jacobian of a discipline analytically

Compute the Jacobian of a discipline analytically

Compute the Jacobian of a discipline with finite differences

Compute the Jacobian of a discipline with finite differences

Create a discipline from an external executable

Create a discipline from an external executable

Create a discipline that uses pandas DataFrames

Create a discipline that uses pandas DataFrames

Grammars for inputs and outputs

A grammar defines a set of variables from names and possibly types and default values.

Merge or update a JSONGrammar

Merge or update a JSONGrammar

Use a pydantic grammar

Use a pydantic grammar

Different types of disciplines

A few examples of templates to help you build your discipline faster.

Create a discipline from a Python function

Create a discipline from a Python function

Create a discipline from analytical expressions

Create a discipline from analytical expressions

Rename the input and output variables

Rename the input and output variables

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