Here is the list (almost) all the publications about GEMSEO.
Publication |
Year |
Keywords |
Link |
Gazaix et al, Towards the Industrialization of New MDO Methodologies and Tools for Aircraft Design, 18th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, June 2017. |
2017 |
Olivanti et al, Comparison of Generic Multi-Fidelity Approaches for Bound-Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Applied to Adjoint-Based CFD Applications, AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, June 2019. |
2017 |
Barjhoux et al, A Bilevel Methodology for solving a Structural Optimization Problem with both Continuous and Categorical Variables, 2018 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, June 2018. |
2018 |
Gallard et al, GEMS: A Python Library for Automation of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Process Generation, 2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, January 2018. |
2018 |
Dabas et al, Error-Based Adaptive Coupling Process Between Multipoint High-Fidelity Aerodynamics and Mission Performance for Shape Optimization in the MDA-MDO Project, AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, June 2019. |
2019 |
Gallard et al, GEMS, a Generic Engine for MDO Scenarios : Key Features in Application, AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum. June 2019. |
2019 |
Gazaix et al, Industrial Application of an Advanced Bi-level MDO Formulation to Aircraft Engine Pylon Optimization, AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, June 2019. |
2019 |
Damien Guénot et al, Aerodynamic optimisation of a parametrised engine pylon on a mission path using the adjoint method, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 33:6-7, 289-301, 2019. |
2019 |
Barjhoux et al, A bi-level methodology for solving large-scale mixed categorical structural optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 62, 337–351, 2020. |
2020 |
Piat et al, A Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Approach for EMC Filters Design For More Electric Aircraft Applications, 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21 ECCE Europe), Ghent, Belgium, 2021. |
2021 |
De Lozzo et al, A Data-driven Scalable MDO Problem To Compare MDO Formulations, AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM, August 2021. |
2021 |
Abu-Zurayk et al, Comparing Two Multidisciplinary Optimization Formulations of Trimmed Aircraft Subject to Industry-relevant Loads and Constraints, AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM, August 2021. |
2021 |
Meheut, Multidisciplinary Adjoint-based Optimizations in the MADELEINE Project: Overview and Main Results, AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM, August 2021. |
2021 |
Nagy et al, Multi-fidelity Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis of a Strut-braced Ultra-high Aspect Ratio Wing Configuration, AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, June 2022. |
2022 |
Gazaix, A Model-Based System Engineering approach for Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Design Optimisation processes definition, CSD&M, 2022. |
2022 |
Aziz-Alaoui and al, M. A scalable problem to benchmark robust multidisciplinary design optimization techniques, Optimization & Engineering, 2023. |
2023 |
De Lozzo, How GEMSEO uses OpenTURNS, OpenTURNS Users’Day, 2023. |
2023 |
El Amri et al, Multilevel Surrogate-based Control Variates, preprint, 2023. |
2023 |