Source code for gemseo.algos.aggregation.aggregation_func

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
#       :author: Francois Gallard
"""Constraint aggregation methods.

Transform a constraint vector into one scalar equivalent or quasi equivalent constraint.

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable

from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_iks_agg
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_lower_bound_ks_agg
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_max_agg
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_max_agg_jac
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_sum_positive_square_agg
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_sum_square_agg
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_total_iks_agg_jac
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_total_ks_agg_jac
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_total_sum_square_agg_jac
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_total_sum_square_positive_agg_jac
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.core import compute_upper_bound_ks_agg
from gemseo.core.mdo_functions.mdo_function import MDOFunction

    from import Sequence

    from numpy import ndarray

[docs] def check_constraint_type( function_type: str, ) -> Callable[[Callable[[Any], Any]], Callable[[Any], Any]]: """Decorate a function to check whether it is of the expected type. Args: function_type: The expected function type, ``"ineq"`` or ``"eq"``. Returns: The decorated function. """ def decorator( func: Callable[[Any], Any], ) -> Callable[[Any], Any]: """Decorator to check the aggregation function type. Args: func: The aggregation function. Returns: The decorated function. """ @wraps(func) def function_wrapper( *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """Check that ``func`` has the type `function_type``. Args: *args: The positional arguments. **kwargs: The keyword arguments. Raises: ValueError: If the type is not correct. Returns: The return value of ``func``. """ constr = args[0] if constr.f_type != function_type: msg = ( f"{func.__name__} constraint aggregation is only supported" f" for func_type {function_type}, got {constr.f_type}" ) raise ValueError(msg) return func(*args, **kwargs) return function_wrapper return decorator
[docs] @check_constraint_type("eq") def aggregate_sum_square( constr_fct: MDOFunction, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> MDOFunction: """Transform a vector of equalities into a sum of squared constraints. Args: constr_fct: The initial constraint function. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function. """ def compute(x): return compute_sum_square_agg( constr_fct.evaluate(x), indices=indices, scale=scale ) def compute_jac(x): return compute_total_sum_square_agg_jac( constr_fct.evaluate(x), constr_fct.jac(x), indices=indices, scale=scale ) return _create_mdofunc( constr_fct, compute, compute_jac, f"sum²_{}", f"sum({constr_fct.expr}**2)", "sum_sq_cstr", )
[docs] @check_constraint_type("ineq") def aggregate_positive_sum_square( constr_fct: MDOFunction, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> MDOFunction: """Transform a vector of equalities into a sum of squared constraints. Args: constr_fct: The initial constraint function. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function. """ def compute(x): return compute_sum_positive_square_agg( constr_fct.evaluate(x), indices=indices, scale=scale ) def compute_jac(x): return compute_total_sum_square_positive_agg_jac( constr_fct.evaluate(x), constr_fct.jac(x), indices=indices, scale=scale ) return _create_mdofunc( constr_fct, compute, compute_jac, f"pos_sum_{}", f"sum(heaviside({constr_fct.expr})*{constr_fct.expr}**2)", "pos_sum_sq_cstr", )
[docs] @check_constraint_type("ineq") def aggregate_max( constr_fct: MDOFunction, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> MDOFunction: """Transform a vector of equalities into a max of all values. Args: constr_fct: The initial constraint function. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. Returns: The aggregated function. """ def compute(x): return compute_max_agg(constr_fct.evaluate(x), indices=indices, scale=scale) def compute_jac(x): return compute_max_agg_jac( constr_fct.evaluate(x), constr_fct.jac(x), indices=indices, scale=scale ) return _create_mdofunc( constr_fct, compute, compute_jac, "max_" +, f"max({constr_fct.expr})", "max_cstr", )
[docs] @check_constraint_type("ineq") def aggregate_iks( constr_fct: MDOFunction, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, rho: float = 1e2, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> MDOFunction: """Constraints aggregation method for inequality constraints. See :cite:`kennedy2015improved`. Args: constr_fct: The initial constraint function. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. rho: The multiplicative parameter in the exponential. Returns: The aggregated function. """ def compute(x): return compute_iks_agg( constr_fct.evaluate(x), indices=indices, rho=rho, scale=scale ) def compute_jac(x): return compute_total_iks_agg_jac( constr_fct.evaluate(x), constr_fct.jac(x), indices=indices, rho=rho, scale=scale, ) return _create_mdofunc( constr_fct, compute, compute_jac, f"IKS({})", f"IKS({constr_fct.expr})", "IKS", )
[docs] @check_constraint_type("ineq") def aggregate_lower_bound_ks( constr_fct: MDOFunction, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, rho: float = 1e2, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> MDOFunction: """Aggregate constraints for inequality constraints. See :cite:`kennedy2015improved` and :cite:`kreisselmeier1983application`. Args: constr_fct: The initial constraint function. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. rho: The multiplicative parameter in the exponential. Returns: The aggregated function. """ def compute(x): return compute_lower_bound_ks_agg( constr_fct.evaluate(x), indices=indices, rho=rho, scale=scale ) def compute_jac(x): return compute_total_ks_agg_jac( constr_fct.evaluate(x), constr_fct.jac(x), indices=indices, rho=rho, scale=scale, ) return _create_mdofunc( constr_fct, compute, compute_jac, f"lower_bound_KS({})", f"lower_bound_KS({constr_fct.expr})", "lower_bound_KS", )
[docs] @check_constraint_type("ineq") def aggregate_upper_bound_ks( constr_fct: MDOFunction, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, rho: float = 1e2, scale: float | ndarray = 1.0, ) -> MDOFunction: """Aggregate constraints for inequality constraints. See :cite:`kennedy2015improved` and :cite:`kreisselmeier1983application`. Args: constr_fct: The initial constraint function. indices: The indices to generate a subset of the outputs to aggregate. If ``None``, aggregate all the outputs. scale: The scaling factor for multiplying the constraints. rho: The multiplicative parameter in the exponential. Returns: The aggregated function. """ def compute(x): return compute_upper_bound_ks_agg( constr_fct.evaluate(x), indices=indices, rho=rho, scale=scale ) def compute_jac(x): return compute_total_ks_agg_jac( constr_fct.evaluate(x), constr_fct.jac(x), indices=indices, rho=rho, scale=scale, ) return _create_mdofunc( constr_fct, compute, compute_jac, f"upper_bound_KS({})", f"upper_bound_KS({constr_fct.expr})", "upper_bound_KS", )
def _create_mdofunc( constr_fct: MDOFunction, compute_fct: Callable[[ndarray], ndarray], compute_jac_fct: Callable[[ndarray], ndarray], new_name: str, new_expr: str, new_output_names: Sequence[str], ) -> MDOFunction: """Create an aggregated MDOFunction from a constraint function. Args: constr_fct: The initial constraint function. compute_fct: The aggregated compute function. compute_jac_fct: The aggregated compute function jacobian. new_name: The name of aggregated function. new_expr: The aggregated function expression. new_output_names: The aggregated function output names. Returns: The aggregated MDOFunction. """ return MDOFunction( compute_fct, new_name, constr_fct.f_type, compute_jac_fct, new_expr, constr_fct.input_names, 1, new_output_names, constr_fct.force_real, original_name=constr_fct.original_name, )