Source code for gemseo.algos.optimization_problem

# Copyright 2022 Airbus SAS
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
#       :author: Damien Guenot
#       :author: Francois Gallard, Charlie Vanaret, Benoit Pauwels
#       :author: Gabriel Max De Mendonça Abrantes
r"""Optimization problem.

The :class:`.OptimizationProblem` class operates on a :class:`.DesignSpace` defining:

- an initial guess :math:`x_0` for the design variables,
- the bounds :math:`l_b \leq x \leq u_b` of the design variables.

A (possible vector) objective function with an :class:`.MDOFunction` type
is set using the ``objective`` attribute.
If the optimization problem looks for the maximum of this objective function,
the :meth:`.OptimizationProblem.minimize_objective` property
changes the objective function sign
because the optimization drivers seek to minimize this objective function.

Equality and inequality constraints are also :class:`.MDOFunction` instances
provided to the :class:`.OptimizationProblem`
by means of its :meth:`.OptimizationProblem.add_constraint` method.

The :class:`.OptimizationProblem` allows to evaluate the different functions
for a given design parameters vector
(see :meth:`.OptimizationProblem.evaluate_functions`).
Note that this evaluation step relies on an automated scaling of function wrt the bounds
so that optimizers and DOE algorithms work
with inputs scaled between 0 and 1 for all the variables.

The :class:`.OptimizationProblem`  has also a :class:`.Database`
that stores the calls to all the functions
so that no function is called twice with the same inputs.
Concerning the derivatives' computation,
the :class:`.OptimizationProblem` automates
the generation of the finite differences or complex step wrappers on functions,
when the analytical gradient is not available.

various getters and setters are available,
as well as methods to export the :class:`.Database`
to an HDF file or to a :class:`.Dataset` for future post-processing.

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Final
from typing import Literal
from typing import Optional
from typing import overload

import h5py
from numpy import atleast_1d
from numpy import bytes_
from numpy import eye as np_eye
from numpy import hstack
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy import where
from numpy import zeros
from strenum import StrEnum

from gemseo.algos.aggregation.aggregation_func import aggregate_positive_sum_square
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.aggregation_func import aggregate_sum_square
from gemseo.algos.constraint_tolerances import ConstraintTolerances
from gemseo.algos.database import Database
from gemseo.algos.evaluation_problem import EvaluationProblem
from gemseo.algos.multiobjective_optimization_result import (
from gemseo.algos.optimization_history import OptimizationHistory
from gemseo.algos.optimization_result import OptimizationResult
from gemseo.algos.pareto.pareto_front import ParetoFront
from gemseo.core.mdo_functions.collections.constraints import Constraints
from gemseo.core.mdo_functions.linear_composite_function import LinearCompositeFunction
from gemseo.core.mdo_functions.mdo_function import MDOFunction
from gemseo.core.mdo_functions.mdo_linear_function import MDOLinearFunction
from gemseo.datasets.dataset import Dataset
from gemseo.datasets.io_dataset import IODataset
from gemseo.datasets.optimization_dataset import OptimizationDataset
from gemseo.typing import RealArray
from gemseo.utils.hdf5 import convert_h5_group_to_dict
from gemseo.utils.hdf5 import get_hdf5_group
from gemseo.utils.hdf5 import store_attr_h5data
from gemseo.utils.hdf5 import store_h5data
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import MultiLineString
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import pretty_str

    from import Iterable
    from pathlib import Path

    from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BestInfeasiblePointType = tuple[
    Optional[RealArray], Optional[RealArray], bool, dict[str, RealArray]

[docs] class OptimizationProblem(EvaluationProblem): """An optimization problem.""" __constraints: Constraints """The constraints.""" __tolerances: ConstraintTolerances """The constraint tolerances.""" __is_linear: bool """Whether the optimization problem is linear.""" __minimize_objective: bool """Whether to minimize the objective.""" _objective: MDOFunction | None """The objective if set.""" solution: OptimizationResult | None """The solution of the optimization problem if solved; otherwise ``None``.""" use_standardized_objective: bool """Whether to use standardized objective for logging and post-processing. The standardized objective corresponds to the original one expressed as a cost function to minimize. A :class:`.BaseDriverLibrary` works with this standardized objective and the :class:`.Database` stores its values. However, for convenience, it may be more relevant to log the expression and the values of the original objective. """ # Enumerations AggregationFunction = Constraints.AggregationFunction DifferentiationMethod = EvaluationProblem.DifferentiationMethod
[docs] class HistoryFileFormat(StrEnum): """The format of the history file.""" HDF5 = "hdf5" GGOBI = "ggobi"
# HDF5 group names _CONSTRAINTS_GROUP: Final[str] = "constraints" _OBJECTIVE_GROUP: Final[str] = "objective" _OBSERVABLES_GROUP: Final[str] = "observables" _OPT_DESCR_GROUP: Final[str] = "opt_description" _SOLUTION_GROUP: Final[str] = "solution" _OPTIM_DESCRIPTION: ClassVar[str] = [ "minimize_objective", "differentiation_step", "differentiation_method", "is_linear", "ineq_tolerance", "eq_tolerance", ] _SLACK_VARIABLE: Final[str] = "slack_variable_{}" def __init__( self, design_space: DesignSpace, is_linear: bool = True, database: Database | None = None, differentiation_method: DifferentiationMethod = DifferentiationMethod.USER_GRAD, differentiation_step: float = 1e-7, parallel_differentiation: bool = False, use_standardized_objective: bool = True, **parallel_differentiation_options: int | bool, ) -> None: """ Args: pb_type: The type of the optimization problem. use_standardized_objective: Whether to use standardized objective for logging and post-processing. """ # noqa: D205, D212, D415 self.__tolerances = ConstraintTolerances() self._objective = None self.__constraints = Constraints(design_space, self.tolerances) self.__minimize_objective = True self.use_standardized_objective = use_standardized_objective self.solution = None super().__init__( design_space, database=database, differentiation_method=differentiation_method, differentiation_step=differentiation_step, parallel_differentiation=parallel_differentiation, **parallel_differentiation_options, ) self._sequence_of_functions = [self.__constraints, *self._sequence_of_functions] self._function_names = ["_objective"] self.history = OptimizationHistory( self.constraints, self.database, self.design_space ) self.__is_linear = is_linear @property def is_linear(self) -> bool: """Whether the optimization problem is linear.""" if self.constraints.aggregated_constraint_indices: self.__is_linear = False return self.__is_linear @property def tolerances(self) -> ConstraintTolerances: """The constraint tolerances.""" return self.__tolerances @property def constraints(self) -> Constraints: """The constraints.""" return self.__constraints @constraints.setter def constraints(self, functions: Iterable[MDOFunction]) -> None: self.__constraints.clear() self.__constraints.extend(functions) @property def objective(self) -> MDOFunction: """The objective function.""" return self._objective @objective.setter def objective(self, function: MDOFunction) -> None: if self.is_linear and not isinstance(function, MDOLinearFunction): self.__is_linear = False function.f_type = function.FunctionType.OBJ self._objective = function self.history.objective_name = @property def minimize_objective(self) -> bool: """Whether to minimize the objective.""" return self.__minimize_objective @minimize_objective.setter def minimize_objective(self, value: bool) -> None: if self.__minimize_objective != value: self.__minimize_objective = not self.__minimize_objective self.objective = -self.objective
[docs] def add_constraint( self, function: MDOFunction, value: float = 0.0, constraint_type: MDOFunction.ConstraintType | None = None, positive: bool = False, ) -> None: r"""Add an equality or inequality constraint to the optimization problem. An equality constraint is written as :math:`c(x)=a`, a positive inequality constraint is written as :math:`c(x)\geq a` and a negative inequality constraint is written as :math:`c(x)\leq a`. Args: function: The function :math:`c`. value: The value :math:`a`. constraint_type: The type of the constraint. positive: Whether the inequality constraint is positive. Raises: TypeError: When the constraint of a linear optimization problem is not an :class:`.MDOLinearFunction`. ValueError: When the type of the constraint is missing. """ if self.is_linear and not isinstance(function, MDOLinearFunction): self.__is_linear = False formatted_constraint = self.__constraints.format( function, value=value, constraint_type=constraint_type, positive=positive ) self.__constraints.append(formatted_constraint)
[docs] def apply_exterior_penalty( self, objective_scale: float = 1.0, scale_inequality: float | RealArray = 1.0, scale_equality: float | RealArray = 1.0, ) -> None: r"""Reformulate the optimization problem using exterior penalty. Given the optimization problem with equality and inequality constraints: .. math:: min_x f(x) s.t. g(x)\leq 0 h(x)=0 l_b\leq x\leq u_b The exterior penalty approach consists in building a penalized objective function that takes into account constraints violations: .. math:: min_x \tilde{f}(x) = \frac{f(x)}{o_s} + s[\sum{H(g(x))g(x)^2}+\sum{h(x)^2}] s.t. l_b\leq x\leq u_b Where :math:`H(x)` is the Heaviside function, :math:`o_s` is the ``objective_scale`` parameter and :math:`s` is the scale parameter. The solution of the new problem approximate the one of the original problem. Increasing the values of ``objective_scale`` and scale, the solutions are closer but the optimization problem requires more and more iterations to be solved. Args: scale_equality: The equality constraint scaling constant. objective_scale: The objective scaling constant. scale_inequality: The inequality constraint scaling constant. """ self.__is_linear = False penalized_objective = self._objective / objective_scale self.add_observable(self._objective) for constraint in self.__constraints: if constraint.f_type == MDOFunction.ConstraintType.INEQ: penalized_objective += aggregate_positive_sum_square( constraint, scale=scale_inequality ) else: penalized_objective += aggregate_sum_square( constraint, scale=scale_equality ) self.add_observable(constraint) self.objective = penalized_objective self.__constraints.clear()
[docs] def get_reformulated_problem_with_slack_variables(self) -> OptimizationProblem: r"""Add slack variables and replace inequality constraints with equality ones. Given the original optimization problem, .. math:: min_x f(x) s.t. g(x)\leq 0 h(x)=0 l_b\leq x\leq u_b Slack variables are introduced for all inequality constraints that are non-positive. An equality constraint for each slack variable is then defined. .. math:: min_{x,s} F(x,s) = f(x) s.t. H(x,s) = h(x)=0 G(x,s) = g(x)-s=0 l_b\leq x\leq u_b s\leq 0 Returns: An optimization problem without inequality constraints. """ # Copy the original design space problem = OptimizationProblem(deepcopy(self.design_space)) # Evaluate the MDOFunctions. self.evaluate_functions() # Add a slack variable to the copied design space for each # inequality constraint. for inequality_constraint in self.constraints.get_inequality_constraints(): problem.design_space.add_variable( name=self._SLACK_VARIABLE.format(, size=inequality_constraint.dim, value=0, upper_bound=0, ) # Compute a restriction operator that goes from the new design space to the old # design space variables. dimension = self.design_space.dimension restriction_operator = hstack(( np_eye(dimension), zeros((dimension, problem.design_space.dimension - dimension)), )) # Get the new problem objective function composing the initial objective # function with the restriction operator. problem.objective = LinearCompositeFunction( self._objective, restriction_operator ) # Each constraint is passed to the new problem. Each inequality constraints is # modified first composing the initial constraint with the restriction operator # then subtracting s. Where s is the constraint slack variable previously built. # Each equality constraint is added composing the initial constraint with the # restriction operator. for constraint in self.__constraints: new_function = LinearCompositeFunction(constraint, restriction_operator) new_function.f_type = MDOFunction.ConstraintType.EQ if constraint.f_type == MDOFunction.ConstraintType.EQ: problem.add_constraint(new_function) continue coefficients = where( [ i in problem.design_space.get_variables_indexes( self._SLACK_VARIABLE.format( ) for i in range(problem.design_space.dimension) ], -1, 0, ) correction_term = MDOLinearFunction( coefficients=coefficients, name=f"offset_{}", input_names=problem.design_space.get_indexed_variable_names(), ) problem.add_constraint(new_function + correction_term) return problem
@property def functions(self) -> list[MDOFunction]: # noqa: D102 return [self._objective, *self.__constraints, *super().functions] @property def original_functions(self) -> list[MDOFunction]: # noqa: D102 return [ self.objective.original, *self.__constraints.get_originals(), *super().original_functions, ] @property def standardized_objective_name(self) -> str: """The name of the standardized objective. Given an objective named ``"f"``, the name of the standardized objective is ``"f"`` in the case of minimization and "-f" in the case of maximization. """ return @property def objective_name(self) -> str: """The name of the objective.""" if self.minimize_objective: return return[1:]
[docs] def get_function_names(self, names: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]: """Return the names of the functions stored in the database. Args: names: The names of the outputs or constraints specified by the user. Returns: The names of the constraints stored in the database. """ original_to_current_names = self.constraints.original_to_current_names function_names = [] for name in names: if name in original_to_current_names: function_names.extend(original_to_current_names[name]) else: function_names.append(name) return function_names
[docs] def get_functions( self, no_db_no_norm: bool = False, observable_names: Iterable[str] | None = (), jacobian_names: Iterable[str] | None = None, evaluate_objective: bool = True, constraint_names: Iterable[str] | None = (), ) -> tuple[list[MDOFunction], list[MDOFunction]]: """ Args: evaluate_objective: Whether to evaluate the objective. constraint_names: The names of the constraints to evaluate. If empty, then all the constraints are returned. If ``None``, then no constraint is returned. """ # noqa: D205, D212 return super().get_functions( no_db_no_norm=no_db_no_norm, observable_names=observable_names, jacobian_names=jacobian_names, return_objective=evaluate_objective, constraint_names=constraint_names, )
def _get_options_for_get_functions( self, jacobian_names: list[str] ) -> dict[str, bool | list[str]]: return { "return_objective": in jacobian_names, "constraint_names": [ name for name in jacobian_names if name in self.constraints.original_to_current_names ], } def _get_functions( self, observable_names: Iterable[str] | None, from_original_functions: bool, return_objective: bool, constraint_names: Iterable[str] | None, ) -> list[MDOFunction]: """ Args: return_objective: Whether to return the objective function. constraint_names: The names of the constraints to return. If empty, then all the constraints are returned. If ``None``, then no constraint is returned. """ # noqa: D205, D212 if not return_objective: functions = [] elif from_original_functions: functions = [self.objective.original] else: functions = [self._objective] if constraint_names: for name in constraint_names: functions.append( self.constraints.get_from_name(name, from_original_functions) ) elif constraint_names is not None and from_original_functions: functions += self.__constraints.get_originals() elif constraint_names is not None: functions += self.__constraints functions.extend( super()._get_functions(observable_names, from_original_functions) ) return functions # TODO: only one public use in DOELibrary and it seems to be a duplicate.
[docs] def check(self) -> None: """Check if the optimization problem is ready for run. Raises: ValueError: If the objective function is missing. """ if self._objective is None: msg = "Missing objective function in OptimizationProblem" raise ValueError(msg) super().check()
@property def optimum(self) -> OptimizationHistory.Solution: """The optimum solution within a given feasibility tolerance. This solution is defined by: - the value of the objective function, - the value of the design variables, - the indicator of feasibility of the optimal solution, - the value of the constraints, - the value of the gradients of the constraints. """ return self.history.optimum def _get_string_representation(self) -> MultiLineString: mls = MultiLineString() mls.add("Optimization problem:") mls.indent() # objective representation if self.minimize_objective or self.use_standardized_objective: optimize_verb = "minimize " start = 0 else: optimize_verb = "maximize " start = 1 objective_function = [ line for line in repr(self._objective).split("\n") if line ] mls.add(optimize_verb + objective_function[0][start:]) for line in objective_function[1:]: mls.add(" " * len(optimize_verb) + line) # variables representation mls.add("with respect to {}", pretty_str(self.design_space)) if self.__constraints: mls.add("subject to constraints:") mls.indent() for functions in [ self.constraints.get_inequality_constraints(), self.constraints.get_equality_constraints(), ]: for constraint in functions: constraint = [c_i for c_i in str(constraint).split("\n") if c_i] for constraint_i in constraint: mls.add(constraint_i) return mls
[docs] def to_hdf( self, file_path: str | Path, append: bool = False, hdf_node_path: str = "", ) -> None: """Export the optimization problem to an HDF file. Args: file_path: The HDF file path. append: Whether to append the data to the file if not empty. Otherwise, overwrite data. hdf_node_path: The path of the HDF node in which the optimization problem should be exported. If empty, the root node is considered. """ "Exporting the optimization problem to the file %s at node %s", file_path, hdf_node_path, ) with h5py.File(file_path, "a" if append else "w") as h5file: if hdf_node_path: h5file = h5file.require_group(hdf_node_path) if not append or self._OPT_DESCR_GROUP not in h5file: opt_group = h5file.require_group(self._OPT_DESCR_GROUP) for attr_name in self._OPTIM_DESCRIPTION: if attr_name == "ineq_tolerance": attr = self.tolerances.inequality elif attr_name == "eq_tolerance": attr = self.tolerances.equality elif attr_name == "fd_step": attr = self.differentiation_step else: attr = getattr(self, attr_name) store_h5data(opt_group, attr, attr_name) store_attr_h5data( self._objective, h5file.require_group(self._OBJECTIVE_GROUP) ) for functions, group in zip( [self.__constraints, self.observables], [self._CONSTRAINTS_GROUP, self._OBSERVABLES_GROUP], ): if functions: function_group = h5file.require_group(group) for function in functions: store_attr_h5data( function, function_group.require_group( ) if self.solution is not None: sol_group = h5file.require_group(self._SOLUTION_GROUP) store_attr_h5data(self.solution, sol_group) self.database.to_hdf(file_path, append=True, hdf_node_path=hdf_node_path)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf( cls, file_path: str | Path, x_tolerance: float = 0.0, hdf_node_path: str = "", ) -> OptimizationProblem: """Import an optimization history from an HDF file. Args: file_path: The file containing the optimization history. x_tolerance: The tolerance on the design variables when reading the file. hdf_node_path: The path of the HDF node from which the database should be imported. If empty, the root node is considered. Returns: The read optimization problem. """ "Importing the optimization problem from the file %s at node %s", file_path, hdf_node_path, ) database = Database.from_hdf(file_path, hdf_node_path=hdf_node_path, log=False) design_space = database.input_space problem = OptimizationProblem(design_space, database=database) with h5py.File(file_path) as h5file: h5file = get_hdf5_group(h5file, hdf_node_path) if problem._SOLUTION_GROUP in h5file: solution_data = convert_h5_group_to_dict( h5file, problem._SOLUTION_GROUP ) for name in ["x_0_as_dict", "x_opt_as_dict"]: if name in h5file: solution_data[name] = convert_h5_group_to_dict(h5file, name) problem.solution = OptimizationResult.from_dict(solution_data) objective = MDOFunction.init_from_dict_repr( **convert_h5_group_to_dict(h5file, problem._OBJECTIVE_GROUP) ) # The generated functions can be called at the x stored in # the database objective.set_pt_from_database( problem.database, design_space, x_tolerance=x_tolerance ) problem.objective = objective group = get_hdf5_group(h5file, problem._OPT_DESCR_GROUP) for attr_name, attr in group.items(): val = attr[()] if isinstance(val, ndarray) and isinstance(val[0], bytes_): val = val[0].decode() if attr_name == "minimize_objective": attr_name = "_OptimizationProblem__minimize_objective" if attr_name == "is_linear": attr_name = "_OptimizationProblem__is_linear" if attr_name == "pb_type": attr_name = "_OptimizationProblem__is_linear" val = val == "linear" setattr(problem, attr_name, val) for name, functions in zip( [problem._CONSTRAINTS_GROUP, problem._OBSERVABLES_GROUP], [problem.constraints, problem.observables], ): if name in h5file: group = get_hdf5_group(h5file, name) for function_name in group: functions.append( MDOFunction.init_from_dict_repr( **convert_h5_group_to_dict(group, function_name) ) ) is_mono_objective = False with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): # Sometimes the dimension of the problem cannot be determined. is_mono_objective = problem.is_mono_objective if not is_mono_objective and problem._SOLUTION_GROUP in h5file: pareto_front = ( ParetoFront.from_optimization_problem(problem) if problem.solution.is_feasible else None ) problem.solution = MultiObjectiveOptimizationResult( **problem.solution.__dict__, pareto_front=pareto_front ) return problem
@overload def to_dataset( self, name: str = "", categorize: Literal[True] = ..., export_gradients: bool = ..., input_values: Iterable[RealArray] = ..., opt_naming: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> IODataset: ... @overload def to_dataset( self, name: str = ..., categorize: Literal[True] = ..., export_gradients: bool = ..., input_values: Iterable[RealArray] = ..., opt_naming: Literal[True] = ..., ) -> OptimizationDataset: ...
[docs] def to_dataset( self, name: str = "", categorize: bool = True, export_gradients: bool = False, input_values: Iterable[RealArray] = (), opt_naming: bool = True, ) -> Dataset: """ Args: categorize: Whether to distinguish between the different groups of variables. opt_naming: Whether to put the design variables in the :attr:`.OptimizationDataset.DESIGN_GROUP` and the functions and their derivatives in the :attr:`.OptimizationDataset.FUNCTION_GROUP`. Otherwise, put the design variables in the :attr:`.IODataset.INPUT_GROUP` and the functions and their derivatives in the :attr:`.IODataset.OUTPUT_GROUP`. """ # noqa: D205, D212 if categorize: gradient_group = Dataset.GRADIENT_GROUP if opt_naming: dataset_class = OptimizationDataset input_group = OptimizationDataset.DESIGN_GROUP output_group = OptimizationDataset.FUNCTION_GROUP else: dataset_class = IODataset input_group = IODataset.INPUT_GROUP output_group = IODataset.OUTPUT_GROUP else: dataset_class = Dataset input_group = output_group = gradient_group = Dataset.DEFAULT_GROUP return self.database.to_dataset( name=name, export_gradients=export_gradients, input_values=input_values, dataset_class=dataset_class, input_group=input_group, output_group=output_group, gradient_group=gradient_group, )
@property def is_mono_objective(self) -> bool: """Whether the optimization problem is mono-objective. Raises: ValueError: When the dimension of the objective cannot be determined. """ dimension = self._objective.dim if dimension != 0: return dimension == 1 n_output_names = len(self._objective.output_names) if n_output_names == 0: msg = "Cannot determine the dimension of the objective." raise ValueError(msg) return n_output_names == 1
[docs] def get_functions_dimensions( self, names: Iterable[str] | None = None ) -> dict[str, int]: """Return the dimensions of the outputs of the problem functions. Args: names: The names of the functions. If ``None``, then the objective and all the constraints are considered. Returns: The output dimensions of the functions associated with their names. """ if names is None: names = [, *self.constraints.get_names()] return {name: self.get_function_dimension(name) for name in names}
[docs] def get_function_dimension(self, name: str) -> int: """Return the dimension of a function of the problem (e.g. a constraint). Args: name: The name of the function. Returns: The dimension of the function. Raises: ValueError: If the function name is unknown to the problem. RuntimeError: If the function dimension is not available. """ # Check that the required function belongs to the problem and get it for function in self.functions: if == name: break else: msg = f"The problem has no function named {name}." raise ValueError(msg) # Get the dimension of the function output if function.dim: return function.dim if self.design_space.has_current_value: get_current_value = self.design_space.get_current_value if function.expects_normalized_inputs: current_variables = get_current_value(normalize=True) else: current_variables = get_current_value() return atleast_1d(function.evaluate(current_variables)).size msg = f"The output dimension of function {name} is not available." raise RuntimeError(msg)
@property def scalar_constraint_names(self) -> list[str]: """The names of the scalar constraints. A scalar constraint is a constraint whose output is of dimension 1. """ constraint_names = [] for constraint in self.__constraints: dimension = self.get_function_dimension( if dimension == 1: constraint_names.append( else: constraint_names.extend([ constraint.get_indexed_name(index) for index in range(dimension) ]) return constraint_names
[docs] def reset( # noqa: D102 self, database: bool = True, current_iter: bool = True, design_space: bool = True, function_calls: bool = True, preprocessing: bool = True, ) -> None: if preprocessing and self._functions_are_preprocessed: n_obj_calls = self._objective.n_calls n_constraint_calls = [c.n_calls for c in self.__constraints] self._objective = self._objective.original self.__constraints.reset() if not function_calls: self._objective.n_calls = n_obj_calls for constraint, n_calls in zip(self.__constraints, n_constraint_calls): constraint.n_calls = n_calls super().reset( database=database, current_iter=current_iter, design_space=design_space, function_calls=function_calls, preprocessing=preprocessing, )