Source code for gemseo.mlearning.regression.algos.rbf_settings

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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"""Settings of the RBF network for regression."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Annotated
from typing import Callable

from pydantic import Field
from pydantic import WithJsonSchema
from strenum import StrEnum

from gemseo.mlearning.regression.algos.base_regressor_settings import (
from gemseo.utils.pydantic_ndarray import NDArrayPydantic  # noqa: TCH001

[docs] class Function(StrEnum): """The radial basis functions.""" MULTIQUADRIC = "multiquadric" INVERSE_MULTIQUADRIC = "inverse_multiquadric" GAUSSIAN = "gaussian" LINEAR = "linear" CUBIC = "cubic" QUINTIC = "quintic" THIN_PLATE = "thin_plate"
[docs] class RBFRegressor_Settings(BaseRegressorSettings): # noqa: N801 """The settings of the RBF network for regression.""" function: ( Function | Annotated[Callable[[float, float], float], WithJsonSchema({})] ) = Field( default=Function.MULTIQUADRIC, description=r"""The radial basis function. This function takes a radius :math:`r` as input, representing a distance between two points. If it is a string, then it must be one of the following: - ``"multiquadric"`` for :math:`\sqrt{(r/\epsilon)^2 + 1}`, - ``"inverse"`` for :math:`1/\sqrt{(r/\epsilon)^2 + 1}`, - ``"gaussian"`` for :math:`\exp(-(r/\epsilon)^2)`, - ``"linear"`` for :math:`r`, - ``"cubic"`` for :math:`r^3`, - ``"quintic"`` for :math:`r^5`, - ``"thin_plate"`` for :math:`r^2\log(r)`. If it is a callable, then it must take the two arguments ``self`` and ``r`` as inputs, e.g. ``lambda self, r: sqrt((r/self.epsilon)**2 + 1)`` for the multiquadric function. The epsilon parameter will be available as ``self.epsilon``. Other keyword arguments passed in will be available as well.""", ) der_function: ( Annotated[Callable[[NDArrayPydantic], NDArrayPydantic], WithJsonSchema({})] | None ) = Field( default=None, description=r"""The derivative of the radial basis function. Only to be provided if ``function`` is a callable and if the use of the model with its derivative is required. If ``None`` and if ``function`` is a callable, an error will be raised. If ``None`` and if ``function`` is a string, the class will look for its internal implementation and will raise an error if it is missing. The ``der_function`` shall take three arguments (``input_data``, ``norm_input_data``, ``eps``). For an RBF of the form function(:math:`r`), der_function(:math:`x`, :math:`|x|`, :math:`\epsilon`) shall return :math:`\epsilon^{-1} x/|x| f'(|x|/\epsilon)`.""", ) epsilon: float | None = Field( default=None, description="""An adjustable constant for Gaussian or multiquadric functions. If ``None``, use the average distance between input data.""", ) smooth: float = Field( default=0.0, description="""The degree of smoothness. ``0`` involves an interpolation of the learning points.""", ) norm: ( str | Annotated[ Callable[[NDArrayPydantic, NDArrayPydantic], float], WithJsonSchema({}) ] ) = Field( default="euclidean", description="""The distance metric. Either a distance function name `known by SciPy < scipy.spatial.distance.cdist.html>`_ or a function that computes the distance between two points.""", )