Memory full cache#

This example shows how to manipulate an MemoryFullCache object.

from __future__ import annotations

from numpy import array

from gemseo import configure_logger
from gemseo.caches.memory_full_cache import MemoryFullCache

<RootLogger root (INFO)>


We can create an instance of the MemoryFullCache class. We can then print it, and we can see it is empty.


The MemoryFullCache relies on some multiprocessing features. When working on Windows, the execution of scripts containing instances of MemoryFullCache must be protected by an if __name__ == '__main__': statement.

cache = MemoryFullCache()
Name: MemoryFullCache
  • Type: MemoryFullCache
  • Tolerance: 0.0
  • Input names: []
  • Output names: []
  • Length: 0


We can manually add data into the cache. However, it has to be noted that most of the time a cache is attached to an Discipline. Then, the cache feeding has not to be performed explicitly by the user.

cache[{"x": array([1.0])}] = ({"y": array([2.0])}, None)
cache[{"x": array([2.0])}] = ({"y": array([3.0])}, None)
Name: MemoryFullCache
  • Type: MemoryFullCache
  • Tolerance: 0.0
  • Input names: ['x']
  • Output names: ['y']
  • Length: 2

Get all data#

We can now print some information from the cache, such as its length:


We can also display all the cached data so far.

[CacheEntry(inputs={'x': array([1.])}, outputs={'y': array([2.])}, jacobian={}), CacheEntry(inputs={'x': array([2.])}, outputs={'y': array([3.])}, jacobian={})]

Get last cached data#

The user can access the last entry (inputs or outputs) which have been entered in the cache.

last_entry = cache.last_entry
last_entry.inputs, last_entry.outputs
({'x': array([2.])}, {'y': array([3.])})


The user can clear a cache of all its entries by using the MemoryFullCache.clear() method:

Name: MemoryFullCache
  • Type: MemoryFullCache
  • Tolerance: 0.0
  • Input names: []
  • Output names: []
  • Length: 0

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.013 seconds)

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