
A Pareto Front.

class ParetoFront(opt_problem)[source]#

Bases: BasePost[ParetoFront_Settings]

Compute the Pareto front for a multi-objective problem.

The Pareto front of an optimization problem is the set of non-dominated points of the design space for which there is no other point that improves an objective without damaging another.

This post-processing computes the Pareto front and generates a matrix of plots, one per couple of objectives. For a given plot, the red markers are the non-dominated points according to the objectives of this plot and the green markers are the non-dominated points according to all the objectives. The latter are also called Pareto optimal points.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


opt_problem (OptimizationProblem) -- The optimization problem to be post-processed.


alias of ParetoFront_Settings