Source code for gemseo.utils.string_tools

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Matthias De Lozzo
#        :author: Antoine Dechaume
"""Pretty string utils."""

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import abc
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import deepcopy
from html import escape
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable

from gemseo.utils.repr_html import REPR_HTML_WRAPPER

    from import Iterable

# to store the raw ingredients of a string to be formatted later
MessageLine = namedtuple("MessageLine", "str_format level args kwargs")

"""A string to separate string fields."""

"""A string to separate key and value in a key-value pair of a mapping."""

def __stringify(
    obj: Any,
    delimiter: str,
    key_value_separator: str,
    function: Callable[[Any], str],
    sort: bool,
    use_and: bool,
) -> str:
    """Represent an object with a string.

        delimiter: The string to separate string fields.
        key_value_separator: The string to separate key and value
            in a key-value pair of a mapping.
        function: A function to represent an object with a string,
            e.g. :func:`str` or :func:`repr`.
        sort: Whether to sort the elements when the object if a collection.
        use_and: Whether to replace the last delimiter occurrence by ``"and"``.

        A string representing the object.
    if not isinstance(obj, abc.Iterable):
        return function(obj)

    if isinstance(obj, abc.Mapping):
        obj = [
            f"{key!s}{key_value_separator}{function(val)}" for key, val in obj.items()
        obj = [function(val) for val in obj]

    if sort:
        obj = sorted(obj)

    if use_and and len(obj) > 1:
        return f"{delimiter.join(obj[:-1])} and {obj[-1]}"
    return delimiter.join(obj)

[docs] def pretty_repr( obj: Any, delimiter: str = DEFAULT_DELIMITER, key_value_separator: str = DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR, sort: bool = True, use_and: bool = False, ) -> str: """Return an unambiguous string representation of an object based on :func:`repr`. Args: obj: The object to represent. delimiter: The string to separate string fields. key_value_separator: The string to separate key and value in a key-value pair of a mapping. sort: Whether to sort the elements when the object if a collection. use_and: Whether to replace the last delimiter occurrence by ``" and "``. Returns: An unambiguous string representation of the object. """ return __stringify(obj, delimiter, key_value_separator, repr, sort, use_and)
[docs] def pretty_str( obj: Any, delimiter: str = DEFAULT_DELIMITER, key_value_separator: str = DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR, sort: bool = True, use_and: bool = False, ) -> str: """Return a readable string representation of an object based on :func:`str`. Args: obj: The object to represent. delimiter: The string to separate string fields. key_value_separator: The string to separate key and value in a key-value pair of a mapping. sort: Whether to sort the elements when the object if a collection. use_and: Whether to replace the last delimiter occurrence by ``"and"``. Returns: A readable string representation of the object. """ return __stringify(obj, delimiter, key_value_separator, str, sort, use_and)
[docs] def repr_variable(name: str, index: int, size: int = 0, simplify: bool = False) -> str: """Return the string representation of a variable. Args: name: The name of the variable. index: The component of the variable. size: The size of the variable if known. Use ``0`` if unknown. simplify: Whether to return ``"[i]"`` when ``i>0`` instead of ``"name[i]"``. Returns: The string representation of the variable. """ if size == 1: return name if simplify and index != 0: return f"[{index}]" return f"{name}[{index}]"
[docs] class MultiLineString: """Multi-line string lazy evaluator. The creation of the string is postponed to when an instance is stringified through the __repr__ method. This is mainly used for logging complex strings or objects where the string evaluation cost may be avoided when the logging level dismisses a logging message. A __add__ method is defined to allow the "+" operator between two instances, that implements the concatenation of two MultiLineString. If the other instance is not MultiLineString, it is first converted to string using its __str__ method and then added as a new line in the result. """ INDENTATION = " " * 3 DEFAULT_LEVEL = 0 def __init__( self, lines: Iterable[MessageLine] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Args: lines: The lines from which to create the multi-line string. """ # noqa:D205 D212 D415 if lines is None: self.__lines = [] else: self.__lines = list(lines) self.__level = None self.reset()
[docs] def add( self, str_format: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Add a line. Args: str_format: The string to be process by the format() method. args: The args passed to the format() method. kwargs: The kwargs passed to the format() method. """ self.__lines.append(MessageLine(str_format, self.__level, args, kwargs))
@property def lines(self) -> list[MessageLine]: """The strings composing the lines.""" return self.__lines
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the indentation.""" self.__level = self.DEFAULT_LEVEL
def _repr_html_(self) -> str: multiline_string_repr = "" current_level = self.DEFAULT_LEVEL for line in self.__lines: if line.level > current_level: # Start a new list (in the last item of the current list if any). multiline_string_repr = multiline_string_repr.removesuffix("</li>") multiline_string_repr += "<ul>" elif line.level < current_level: # End nested lists. for _ in range(current_level - line.level): # Close the list. multiline_string_repr += "</ul>" if line.level != self.DEFAULT_LEVEL: # Close the item containing this list. multiline_string_repr += "</li>" # String representation of the line. line_string_repr = escape(line.str_format) if line.args or line.kwargs: args = (escape(str(arg)) for arg in line.args) kwargs = {k: escape(str(arg)) for k, arg in line.kwargs.items()} line_string_repr = line_string_repr.format(*args, **kwargs) # Update the level of the current current_level = line.level if current_level == self.DEFAULT_LEVEL: multiline_string_repr += f"{line_string_repr}<br/>" else: multiline_string_repr += f"<li>{line_string_repr}</li>" if current_level > self.DEFAULT_LEVEL: # Close the lists that are still open. multiline_string_repr += "</ul></li>" * (current_level - self.DEFAULT_LEVEL) multiline_string_repr = multiline_string_repr.removesuffix("</li>") return REPR_HTML_WRAPPER.format(multiline_string_repr)
[docs] def indent(self) -> None: """Increase the indentation.""" self.__level += 1
[docs] def dedent(self) -> None: """Decrease the indentation.""" if self.__level > 0: self.__level -= 1
[docs] def replace( self, old: str, new: str, ) -> MultiLineString: """Return a new MultiLineString with all occurrences of old replaced by new. Args: old: The sub-string to be replaced. new: The sub-string to be replaced with. Returns: The MultiLineString copy with replaced occurrences. """ repl_msg = [] for line in self.__lines: new_str = line.str_format.replace(old, new) repl_msg.append(MessageLine(new_str, line.level, line.args, line.kwargs)) return MultiLineString(repl_msg)
def __repr__(self) -> str: lines = [] for line in self.__lines: str_format = self.INDENTATION * line.level + line.str_format if line.args or line.kwargs: str_format = str_format.format(*line.args, **line.kwargs) lines.append(str_format) return "\n".join(lines) def __add__(self, other: Any) -> MultiLineString: if isinstance(other, MultiLineString): return MultiLineString(self.lines + other.lines) out = deepcopy(self) out.add(str(other)) return out
[docs] @classmethod @contextmanager def offset(cls) -> None: """Create a temporary offset with a context manager.""" cls.DEFAULT_LEVEL += 1 try: yield finally: cls.DEFAULT_LEVEL -= 1