gemseo /
problems /
sobieski /
coreShow inherited members
mission module
Mission discipline for the Sobieski’s SSBJ use case.
class gemseo.problems.sobieski.core.mission.SobieskiMission(sobieski_base)[source]
Bases: SobieskiDiscipline
Mission discipline for the Sobieski’s SSBJ use case.
- Parameters:
sobieski_base (SobieskiBase) – The Sobieski base.
execute(x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34)[source]
Compute the range.
- Parameters:
x_shared (ndarray) – The shared design variables.
y_14 (ndarray) – The total aircraft weight y_14[0]
and the fuel weight y_14[1]
y_24 (ndarray) – The lift-over-drag ratio.
y_34 (ndarray) – The specific fuel consumption.
- Returns:
The range.
- Return type:
linearize(x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34)[source]
Derive the discipline with respect to its inputs.
- Parameters:
x_shared (ndarray) – The shared design variables.
y_14 (ndarray) – The total aircraft weight y_14[0]
and the fuel weight y_14[1]
y_24 (ndarray) – The lift-over-drag ratio.
y_34 (ndarray) – The specific fuel consumption.
- Returns:
The Jacobian of the discipline.
- Return type:
dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]]