ishigami_space module¶
The uncertain space used in the Ishigami use case.
- class gemseo.uncertainty.use_cases.ishigami.ishigami_space.IshigamiSpace(uniform_distribution_name=UniformDistribution.SCIPY)[source]
The uncertain space used in the Ishigami use case.
\(X_1,X_2,X_3\) are independent random variables uniformly distributed between \(-\pi\) and \(\pi\).
This uncertain space uses the class
.See [IH90].
- Parameters:
uniform_distribution_name (UniformDistribution) –
The name of the class implementing the uniform distribution.
By default it is set to “SPUniformDistribution”.
- class UniformDistribution(value)[source]
The name of the class implementing the uniform distribution.
- OPENTURNS = 'OTUniformDistribution'
- SCIPY = 'SPUniformDistribution'
- dimension: int
The total dimension of the space, corresponding to the sum of the sizes of the variables.
- distribution: ComposedDistribution
The joint probability distribution of the uncertain variables.
- distributions: dict[str, ComposedDistribution]
The marginal probability distributions of the uncertain variables.
These variables are defined as random vectors with independent components.
- normalize: dict[str, ndarray]
The normalization policies of the variables components indexed by the variables names; if True, the component can be normalized.
- variable_types: dict[str, ndarray]
The types of the variables components, which can be any