Source code for gemseo.algos.doe.doe_library

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Damien Guenot
"""Base DOE library."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import singledispatchmethod
from multiprocessing import RLock
from multiprocessing import current_process
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Final

from numpy import array
from numpy import dtype
from numpy import hstack
from numpy import int32
from numpy import savetxt
from numpy import where

from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace
from gemseo.algos.driver_library import DriverDescription
from gemseo.algos.driver_library import DriverLibOptionType
from gemseo.algos.driver_library import DriverLibrary
from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import EvaluationType
from gemseo.algos.parameter_space import ParameterSpace
from gemseo.core.parallel_execution.callable_parallel_execution import SUBPROCESS_NAME
from gemseo.core.parallel_execution.callable_parallel_execution import (
from gemseo.core.serializable import Serializable
from gemseo.utils.locks import synchronized
from gemseo.utils.seeder import Seeder

    from import Iterable
    from pathlib import Path

    from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem
    from gemseo.algos.opt_result import OptimizationResult
    from gemseo.typing import RealArray

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: API: remove DOELibraryOptionType
DOELibraryOptionType = DriverLibOptionType
"""The type of a DOE algorithm option."""

# TODO: API: remove and use EvaluationType directly.
DOELibraryOutputType = EvaluationType
"""The type of the output value in an input-output sample."""

CallbackType = Callable[[int, EvaluationType], Any]
"""The type of a callback function in the context of a ."""

[docs] @dataclass class DOEAlgorithmDescription(DriverDescription): """The description of a DOE algorithm.""" handle_integer_variables: bool = True minimum_dimension: int = 1 """The minimum dimension of the parameter space."""
[docs] class DOELibrary( DriverLibrary, Serializable, ): """Abstract class to use for DOE library link See DriverLibrary.""" unit_samples: RealArray """The design vector samples projected in the unit hypercube. In the case of a design space of dimension :math:`d`, the unit hypercube is :math:`[0,1]^d`. To access those in the design space, use :attr:`.samples`. """ lock: RLock """The lock protecting database storage in multiprocessing.""" samples: RealArray """The design vector samples in the design space. The design space variable types stored as dtype metadata. To access those in the unit hypercube, use :attr:`.unit_samples`. """ # TODO: API: make the attribute eval_jac private. eval_jac: bool """Whether to evaluate the Jacobian.""" # TODO: API: remove unused DESIGN_ALGO_NAME attribute DESIGN_ALGO_NAME = "Design algorithm" # TODO: API: remove unused SAMPLES_TAG attribute SAMPLES_TAG = "samples" # TODO: API: remove unused PHIP_CRITERIA attribute PHIP_CRITERIA = "phi^p" N_SAMPLES = "n_samples" # TODO: API: remove unused LEVEL_KEYWORD attribute LEVEL_KEYWORD = "levels" EVAL_JAC = "eval_jac" N_PROCESSES = "n_processes" WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_SAMPLES = "wait_time_between_samples" # TODO: API: remove unused DIMENSION attribute DIMENSION = "dimension" SEED = "seed" _NORMALIZE_DS = False # TODO: use DesignSpace enum once there are hashable. __DESIGN_VARIABLE_TYPE_TO_PYTHON_TYPE: Final[dict[str, type]] = { "float": float, "integer": int32, } _ATTR_NOT_TO_SERIALIZE: ClassVar[set[str]] = {"lock"} _USE_UNIT_HYPERCUBE: ClassVar[bool] = True """Whether the algorithms use a unit hypercube to generate the design samples.""" _seeder: Seeder """A seed generator.""" def __init__(self) -> None: # noqa: D107 super().__init__() self.unit_samples = array([]) self.samples = array([]) self.eval_jac = False self._seeder = Seeder() self.lock = RLock() def _init_shared_memory_attrs(self) -> None: self.lock = RLock() @property def seed(self) -> int: """The default seed used for reproducibility reasons.""" return self._seeder.default_seed @seed.setter def seed(self, value: int) -> None: self._seeder.default_seed = value def _pre_run( self, problem: OptimizationProblem, algo_name: str, **options: DOELibraryOptionType, ) -> None: design_space = self.problem.design_space self.__check_unnormalization_capability(design_space) super()._pre_run(problem, algo_name, **options) problem.stop_if_nan = False self.unit_samples = self._generate_samples(design_space, **options) LOGGER.debug( ( "The DOE algorithm %s of %s has generated %s samples " "in the input unit hypercube of dimension %s." ), self.algo_name, self.__class__.__name__, *self.unit_samples.shape, ) self.samples = self.__convert_unit_samples_to_samples() self.init_iter_observer(len(self.unit_samples)) def __convert_unit_samples_to_samples(self) -> RealArray: """Convert the unit design vector samples to design vector samples. We also set the design variable types as dtype metadata. Returns: The design vector samples. """ design_space = self.problem.design_space samples = design_space.untransform_vect(self.unit_samples, no_check=True) variable_types = design_space.variable_types unique_variable_types = {t[0] for t in variable_types.values()} if len(unique_variable_types) > 1: # When the design space have both float and integer variables, # the samples array has the float dtype. # We record the integer variables types to later be able to restore the # proper data type. python_var_types = { name: self.__DESIGN_VARIABLE_TYPE_TO_PYTHON_TYPE[type_[0]] for name, type_ in variable_types.items() if type_[0] != DesignSpace.DesignVariableType.FLOAT } samples.dtype = dtype(samples.dtype, metadata=python_var_types) return samples # TODO:API:rename _generate_samples to _generate_unit_samples @abstractmethod def _generate_samples(self, design_space: DesignSpace, **options: Any) -> RealArray: """Generate the samples of the design vector in the unit hypercube. Args: design_space: The design space to be sampled. **options: The options of the DOE algorithm. Returns: The samples of the design vector in the unit hypercube. """ # TODO: API: remove and use compute_doe instead def __call__( self, n_samples: int | None, dimension: int, **options: Any ) -> RealArray: """Generate a design of experiments in the unit hypercube. Args: n_samples: The number of samples. If ``None``, the number of samples is deduced from the ``options``. dimension: The dimension of the design space. **options: The options of the DOE algorithm. Returns: A design of experiments in the unit hypercube. """ design_space = DesignSpace() design_space.add_variable("x", size=dimension) return self._generate_samples( design_space, **self._update_algorithm_options(n_samples=n_samples, **options), ) def _run( self, eval_jac: bool = False, n_processes: int = 1, wait_time_between_samples: float = 0.0, use_database: bool = True, callbacks: Iterable[CallbackType] = (), **options: Any, ) -> OptimizationResult: """ Args: eval_jac: Whether to evaluate the Jacobian function. n_processes: The maximum simultaneous number of processes used to parallelize the execution. wait_time_between_samples: The time to wait between each sample evaluation, in seconds. use_database: Whether to store the evaluations in the database. callbacks: The functions to be evaluated after each call to :meth:`.OptimizationProblem.evaluate_functions`; to be called as ``callback(index, (output, jacobian))``. **options: These options are not used. """ # noqa: D205, D212 self.evaluate_samples( eval_jac=eval_jac, n_processes=n_processes, wait_time_between_samples=wait_time_between_samples, use_database=use_database, callbacks=callbacks, ) return self.get_optimum_from_database() # TODO: API: remove this unused method. # Note: it would be more appropriate to save the samples instead of the unit ones.
[docs] def export_samples(self, doe_output_file: Path | str) -> None: """Export the samples generated by DOE library to a CSV file. Args: doe_output_file: The path to the output file. """ if not self.unit_samples.size: msg = "Samples are missing, execute method before export." raise RuntimeError(msg) savetxt(doe_output_file, self.unit_samples, delimiter=",")
def _worker(self, sample: RealArray) -> EvaluationType: """Wrap the evaluation of the functions for parallel execution. Args: sample: A point from the unit hypercube. Returns: The computed values. """ if current_process().name == SUBPROCESS_NAME: self.deactivate_progress_bar() self.problem.database.clear_listeners() return self.problem.evaluate_functions( x_vect=self.problem.design_space.untransform_vect(sample, no_check=True), eval_jac=self.eval_jac, eval_observables=True, normalize=False, ) # TODO: API: remove and merge into _run as it cannot be used safely outside execute.
[docs] def evaluate_samples( self, eval_jac: bool = False, n_processes: int = 1, wait_time_between_samples: float = 0.0, use_database: bool = True, callbacks: Iterable[CallbackType] = (), ) -> None: """Evaluate all the functions of the optimization problem at the samples. Args: eval_jac: Whether to evaluate the Jacobian function. n_processes: The maximum simultaneous number of processes used to parallelize the execution. wait_time_between_samples: The time to wait between each sample evaluation, in seconds. use_database: Whether to store the evaluations in the database. callbacks: The functions to be evaluated after each call to :meth:`.OptimizationProblem.evaluate_functions`; to be called as ``callback(index, (output, jacobian))``. Warnings: This class relies on multiprocessing features when ``n_processes > 1``, it is therefore necessary to protect its execution with an ``if __name__ == '__main__':`` statement when working on Windows. """ self.eval_jac = eval_jac callbacks = list(callbacks) if n_processes > 1:"Running DOE in parallel on n_processes = %s", n_processes) # Given a ndarray input value, # the worker evaluates the functions attached to the problem # with up to n_processes simultaneous processes. parallel = CallableParallelExecution( [self._worker], n_processes=n_processes, wait_time_between_fork=wait_time_between_samples, ) database = self.problem.database if use_database: # Add a callback to store the samples in the database on the fly. callbacks.append(self.__store_in_database) # Initialize the order of samples # as parallel execution does not guarantee it. for sample in self.samples:, {}) # The list of inputs of the tasks is the list of samples # A callback function stores the samples on the fly # during the parallel execution. parallel.execute(self.unit_samples, exec_callback=callbacks) if use_database: # We added empty entries by default to keep order in the database # but when the DOE point is failed, this is not consistent # with the serial exec, so we clean the DB database.remove_empty_entries() else: # Sequential execution if wait_time_between_samples != 0: LOGGER.warning( "Wait time between samples option is ignored in sequential run." ) for index, input_data in enumerate(self.samples): try: output_data, jacobian_data = self.problem.evaluate_functions( x_vect=input_data, eval_jac=self.eval_jac, normalize=False, ) for callback in callbacks: callback(index, (output_data, jacobian_data)) except ValueError: # noqa: PERF203 LOGGER.exception( "Problem with evaluation of sample:" "%s result is not taken into account in DOE.", input_data, )
@synchronized def __store_in_database( self, index: int, output_and_jacobian_data: EvaluationType, ) -> None: """Store the output and Jacobian data in the database. Args: index: The sample index. output_and_jacobian_data: The output and Jacobian data. """ data, jacobian_data = output_and_jacobian_data if jacobian_data: for output_name, jacobian in jacobian_data.items(): data[self.problem.database.get_gradient_name(output_name)] = jacobian[index], data) @classmethod def __check_unnormalization_capability(cls, design_space) -> None: """Check if a point of the unit hypercube can be unnormalized. Args: design_space: The design space to unnormalize the point. Raises: ValueError: When some components of the design space are unbounded. """ if not cls._USE_UNIT_HYPERCUBE or isinstance(design_space, ParameterSpace): return components = set(where(hstack(list(design_space.normalize.values())) == 0)[0]) if components: msg = f"The components {components} of the design space are unbounded." raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def compute_doe( self, variables_space: DesignSpace | int, size: int | None = None, unit_sampling: bool = False, **options: DOELibraryOptionType, ) -> RealArray: """Compute a design of experiments (DOE) in a variables space. Args: variables_space: Either the variables space to be sampled or its dimension. size: The size of the DOE. If ``None``, the size is deduced from the ``options``. unit_sampling: Whether to sample in the unit hypercube. If the value provided in ``variables_space`` is the dimension, the samples will be generated in the unit hypercube whatever the value of ``unit_sampling``. **options: The options of the DOE algorithm. Returns: The design of experiments whose rows are the samples and columns the variables. """ design_space = self.__get_design_space(variables_space) if not unit_sampling: self.__check_unnormalization_capability(design_space) self.init_options_grammar(self.algo_name) if self.driver_has_option(self.N_SAMPLES): options[self.N_SAMPLES] = size unit_samples = self._generate_samples( design_space, **self._update_algorithm_options( initialize_options_grammar=False, **options ), ) if unit_sampling: return unit_samples return design_space.untransform_vect(unit_samples, no_check=True)
@singledispatchmethod def __get_design_space(self, design_space): """Return a design space. Args: design_space: Either a design space or a design space dimension. Returns: A design space. """ return design_space @__get_design_space.register def _(self, design_space: DesignSpace): """Return a design space. Args: design_space: A design space Returns: The design space passed as argument. """ return design_space @__get_design_space.register def _(self, design_space: int): """Return a design space from a design space dimension. Args: design_space: A design space dimension. Returns: A design space containing a single variable called ``"x"`` whose size is the dimension passed as argument and lower and upper bounds are 0 and 1 respectively. """ design_space_ = DesignSpace() design_space_.add_variable("x", size=design_space, l_b=0.0, u_b=1.0) return design_space_