# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
# INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
# :author: Francois Gallard
"""The chain rule."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from networkx import Graph
from networkx import edge_bfs
from networkx import reverse_view
from collections.abc import Iterable
from collections.abc import Mapping
from gemseo.core.discipline import MDODiscipline
DisciplineIOMapping = Mapping[MDODiscipline, tuple[list[str], list[str]]]
def _initialize_add_diff_io(
graph: Graph, inputs: Iterable[str], outputs: Iterable[str]
) -> tuple[list[MDODiscipline], list[MDODiscipline], DisciplineIOMapping]:
"""Initialize the graph traversal algorithm.
Detects the disciplines that have inputs and outputs to be differentiated
because they have an input/output in the list of data to be differentiated.
graph: The data graph of the process, built from
inputs: The inputs with respect to which the chain is differentiated.
outputs: The chain outputs to be differentiated.
The disciplines that have inputs with respect to which the
differentiation is performed.
The disciplines containing outputs to be differentiated.
The input and output data names to differentiate.
input_sources = []
output_sources = []
diff_ios = {}
for disc in graph.nodes:
input_grammar = disc.input_grammar
output_grammar = disc.output_grammar
common_data = set(inputs).intersection(input_grammar.names)
if common_data:
diff_ios[disc] = (common_data, [])
common_data = set(outputs).intersection(output_grammar.names)
if common_data:
diff_io_init_disc = diff_ios.get(disc)
if diff_io_init_disc is None:
diff_io_init_disc = ([], common_data)
diff_ios[disc] = diff_io_init_disc
return input_sources, output_sources, diff_ios
def _bfs_one_way_diff_io(
graph: Graph, source_disciplines: list[MDODiscipline], reverse: bool = False
) -> DisciplineIOMapping:
"""Traverse the graph using a BFS algorithm to set the differentiated IOs.
Detects the disciplines that depend on outputs of the source disciplines,
eventually indirectly through outputs of other disciplines.
graph: The data graph of the process, built from
source_disciplines: The disciplines that have inputs with respect
to which the differentiation is performed.
reverse: Whether to reverse the graph direction and traverse it in reverse.
The disciplines containing the outputs to be differentiated.
The mapping of input and output data names to differentiate.
if reverse:
graph = reverse_view(graph)
inputs_source_edge_index = 1
outputs_dest_edge_index = 0
inputs_source_edge_index = 0
outputs_dest_edge_index = 1
diff_io = {}
for source_disc in source_disciplines:
for edge in edge_bfs(graph, source=source_disc):
coupl_io = graph.get_edge_data(*edge)["io"]
# The origin of the edge is the discipline that computes the outputs.
# These outputs are added to the outputs to be differentiated.
disc_1 = edge[0]
disc_1_couplings = diff_io.get(disc_1)
if disc_1_couplings is None:
disc_1_couplings = ([], [])
diff_io[disc_1] = disc_1_couplings
# The destination of the edge is the discipline that takes the couplings as
# inputs, these inputs are added to the inputs to be differentiated.
disc_2 = edge[1]
disc_2_couplings = diff_io.get(disc_2)
if disc_2_couplings is None:
disc_2_couplings = ([], [])
diff_io[disc_2] = disc_2_couplings
return diff_io
def _merge_diff_ios(
diff_io_direct: DisciplineIOMapping,
diff_io_reverse: DisciplineIOMapping,
diff_io_init: DisciplineIOMapping,
) -> DisciplineIOMapping:
"""Merge the differentiated inputs and outputs mappings.
These have been generated by the direct and
reverse tree traversal, and the initial one generated by the sources (inputs and
outputs to be differentiated of the MDA).
diff_io_direct: The differentiated inputs & outputs generated by the direct BFS.
diff_io_reverse: The differentiated inputs & outputs generated by the
reverse BFS.
diff_io_init: The initial differentiated inputs & outputs.
The merged differentiated inputs and outputs.
# Now set the final diff ios
if len(diff_io_reverse) < len(diff_io_direct):
diff_io_1 = diff_io_reverse
diff_io_2 = diff_io_direct
diff_io_1 = diff_io_direct
diff_io_2 = diff_io_reverse
diff_ios_merged = {}
for disc, in_out_1 in diff_io_1.items():
in_out_2 = diff_io_2.get(disc)
if in_out_2 is not None:
diff_ios_merged[disc] = [[], []]
# If the inputs are presents in both the direct and reverse graph
# traversal, add them to the differentiated ios.
diff_inputs = set(in_out_1[0]).intersection(in_out_2[0])
# Do the same for outputs.
diff_outputs = set(in_out_1[1]).intersection(in_out_2[1])
# Now treat the special case of the initial step of the algorithm, by
# the inputs and outputs with respect to the derivation of the chain
# is made.
disc_ios_init = diff_io_init.get(disc)
if disc_ios_init is not None:
# The inputs ared added to the differentiated inputs of the discipline
# only if the discipline has differentiated outputs.
if diff_outputs and disc_ios_init[0]:
diff_inputs_of_disc = disc_ios_init[0]
# Vice and versa.
if diff_inputs and disc_ios_init[1]:
diff_outputs_of_disc = disc_ios_init[1]
return diff_ios_merged
def _merge_diff_io_special(
source_input_disc: Iterable[MDODiscipline],
source_output_disc: Iterable[MDODiscipline],
init_diff_ios: DisciplineIOMapping,
diff_ios_merged: DisciplineIOMapping,
) -> None:
"""Merge the differentiated inputs and outputs.
To treat the special case of the
isolated disciplines that are not connected to others in the graph.
This modifies inplace the diff_ios_merged.
source_input_disc: The disciplines that have inputs with respect to which the
differentiation is performed.
source_output_disc: The disciplines containing outputs to be differentiated.
The input and output data names to differentiate.
init_diff_ios: The initial differentiated inputs & outputs.
diff_ios_merged: The merged differentiated inputs and outputs.
for disc_source in set(source_input_disc).intersection(source_output_disc):
diff_inputs_of_disc = init_diff_ios[disc_source][0]
diff_outputs_of_disc = init_diff_ios[disc_source][1]
if disc_source in diff_ios_merged:
diff_ios_merged[disc_source] = (diff_inputs_of_disc, diff_outputs_of_disc)
def apply_diff_ios(diff_ios: DisciplineIOMapping) -> None:
"""Apply the differentiated inputs and outputs.
From the diff_ios specfication, add the differentiated inputs and outputs to the
diff_ios: The differentiated inputs and outputs.
for disc, (diff_in, diff_out) in diff_ios.items():
if diff_in:
if diff_out:
def traverse_add_diff_io(
graph: Graph,
inputs: Iterable[str],
outputs: Iterable[str],
add_differentiated_ios: bool = True,
) -> None | dict[MDODiscipline, list[set, set]]:
"""Set the required differentiated IOs for the disciplines in a chain.
Add the differentiated inputs and outputs to the disciplines in a chain of
executions, given the list of inputs with respect to which the derivation is made
and the list of outputs to be derived. The inputs and outputs are a subset of all
the inputs and outputs of the chain. This allows to minimize the number of
linearizations to perform in the disciplines.
Uses a two ways (from inputs to outputs and then from outputs to inputs)
breadth first search graph traversal algorithm.
The graph is constructed by :class:`.DependencyGraph`, which represents the data
connexions (edges) between the disciplines (nodes).
graph: The data graph of the process, built from
inputs: The inputs with respect to which the chain chain is differentiated.
outputs: The chain outputs to be differentiated.
add_differentiated_ios: Whether to add the differentiated inputs and outputs
to the discipline by calling `~.MDODiscipline.add_differentiated_inputs`
and `~.MDODiscipline.add_differentiated_outputs`
The merged differentiated inputs and outputs.
source_input_disc, source_output_disc, init_diff_ios = _initialize_add_diff_io(
graph, inputs, outputs
# Traverse the graph from the inputs to the bottom.
diff_io_direct = _bfs_one_way_diff_io(graph, source_input_disc, reverse=False)
# Now the graph is traversed from the outputs to the inputs.
# The graph edges are reversed.
diff_io_reverse = _bfs_one_way_diff_io(graph, source_output_disc, reverse=True)
diff_ios_merged = _merge_diff_ios(diff_io_direct, diff_io_reverse, init_diff_ios)
# We treat the special case of isolated disciplines that are not connected to others
# in the graph.
source_input_disc, source_output_disc, init_diff_ios, diff_ios_merged
if add_differentiated_ios:
return diff_ios_merged