# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
# INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
# :author: Matthias De Lozzo
"""Abstract class for the estimation of statistics from a dataset.
The abstract :class:`.Statistics` class implements the concept of statistics library.
It is enriched by the :class:`.EmpiricalStatistics` and :class:`.ParametricStatistics`.
A :class:`.Statistics` object is built from a :class:`.Dataset`
and optionally variables names.
In this case,
statistics are only computed for these variables.
statistics are computed for all the variable available in the dataset.
the user can give a name to its :class:`.Statistics` object.
By default,
this name is the concatenation of the name of the class overloading :class:`.Statistics`
and the name of the :class:`.Dataset`.
A :class:`.Statistics` returns standard descriptive and statistical measures
for the different variables:
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_minimum`: the minimum value,
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_maximum`: the maximum value,
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_range`: the difference between minimum and maximum values,
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_mean`: the expectation (a.k.a. mean value),
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_moment`: a central moment,
which is the expected value
of a specified integer power
of the deviation from the mean,
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_variance`: the variance,
which is the mean squared variation around the mean value,
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_standard_deviation`: the standard deviation,
which is the square root of the variance,
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_variation_coefficient`: the coefficient of variation,
which is the standard deviation normalized by the mean,
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_quantile`: the quantile associated with a probability,
which is the cut point diving the range into a first continuous interval
with this given probability and a second continuous interval
with the complementary probability; common *q*-quantiles dividing
the range into *q* continuous interval with equal probabilities are also implemented:
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_median`
which implements the 2-quantile (50%).
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_quartile`
whose order (1, 2 or 3) implements the 4-quantiles (25%, 50% and 75%),
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_percentile`
whose order (1, 2, ..., 99) implements the 100-quantiles (1%, 2%, ..., 99%),
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_probability`:
the probability that the random variable is larger or smaller
than a certain threshold,
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_tolerance_interval`:
the left-sided, right-sided or both-sided tolerance interval
associated with a given coverage level and a given confidence level,
which is a statistical interval within which,
with some confidence level,
a specified proportion of the random variable realizations falls
(this proportion is the coverage level)
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_a_value`:
the A-value, which is the lower bound of the left-sided tolerance interval
associated with a coverage level equal to 99% and a confidence level equal to 95%,
- :meth:`.Statistics.compute_b_value`:
the B-value, which is the lower bound of the left-sided tolerance interval
associated with a coverage level equal to 90% and a confidence level equal to 95%,
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Final
from numpy import array
from numpy import ndarray
from gemseo.uncertainty.statistics.tolerance_interval.distribution import (
from gemseo.utils.metaclasses import ABCGoogleDocstringInheritanceMeta
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import MultiLineString
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import pretty_str
from collections.abc import Iterable
from collections.abc import Mapping
from gemseo.datasets.dataset import Dataset
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Statistics(metaclass=ABCGoogleDocstringInheritanceMeta):
"""A toolbox to compute statistics.
Unless otherwise stated, the statistics are computed *variable-wise* and *component-
wise*, i.e. variable-by-variable and component-by-component. So, for the sake of
readability, the methods named as :meth:`compute_statistic` return ``dict[str,
ndarray]`` objects whose values are the names of the variables and the values are
the statistic estimated for the different component.
dataset: Dataset
"""The dataset."""
n_samples: int
"""The number of samples."""
n_variables: int
"""The number of variables."""
name: str
"""The name of the object."""
SYMBOLS: ClassVar[dict[str, str]] = {}
__QUARTILE_LEVELS: Final[list[float]] = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]
__QUARTILE_ORDERS: Final[list[int]] = [1, 2, 3]
def __init__(
dataset: Dataset,
variable_names: Iterable[str] = (),
name: str = "",
) -> None:
dataset: A dataset.
variable_names: The names of the variables for which to compute statistics.
If empty, consider all the variables of the dataset.
name: A name for the toolbox computing statistics.
If empty,
concatenate the names of the dataset and the name of the class.
""" # noqa: D205,D212,D415
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
self.name = name or f"{class_name}({dataset.name})"
LOGGER.info("Create %s, a %s library.", self.name, class_name)
self.dataset = dataset
self.n_samples = len(dataset)
self.names = variable_names or dataset.variable_names
self.n_variables = len(self.names)
def __string_representation(self) -> MultiLineString:
"""The string representation of the object."""
mls = MultiLineString()
mls.add("n_samples: {}", self.n_samples)
mls.add("n_variables: {}", self.n_variables)
mls.add("variables: {}", pretty_str(self.names))
return mls
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self.__string_representation)
def _repr_html_(self) -> str:
return self.__string_representation._repr_html_()
def compute_tolerance_interval(
coverage: float,
confidence: float = 0.95,
side: ToleranceInterval.ToleranceIntervalSide = ToleranceInterval.ToleranceIntervalSide.BOTH, # noqa:E501
) -> dict[str, list[ToleranceInterval.Bounds]]: # noqa: D102
r"""Compute a :math:`(p,1-\alpha)` tolerance interval :math:`\text{TI}[X]`.
The tolerance interval :math:`\text{TI}[X]` is defined
to contain at least a proportion :math:`p` of the values of :math:`X`
with a level of confidence :math:`1-\alpha`.
:math:`p` is also called the *coverage level* of the TI.
Typically, :math:`\alpha=0.05` or equivalently :math:`1-\alpha=0.95`.
The tolerance interval can be either
- lower-sided (``side="LOWER"``: :math:`[L, +\infty[`),
- upper-sided (``side="UPPER"``: :math:`]-\infty, U]`) or
- both-sided (``side="BOTH"``: :math:`[L, U]`).
coverage: A minimum proportion :math:`p\in[0,1]` of belonging to the TI.
confidence: A level of confidence :math:`1-\alpha\in[0,1]`.
side: The type of the tolerance interval.
The component-wise tolerance intervals of the different variables,
expressed as
``{variable_name: [(lower_bound, upper_bound), ...], ... }``
where ``[(lower_bound, upper_bound), ...]``
are the lower and upper bounds of the tolerance interval
of the different components of ``variable_name``.
See Also:
raise NotImplementedError
SYMBOLS["tolerance_interval"] = "TI"
def compute_a_value(self) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the A-value :math:`\text{Aval}[X]`.
The A-value is the lower bound of the left-sided tolerance interval
associated with a coverage level equal to 99%
and a confidence level equal to 95%.
The component-wise A-value of the different variables.
See Also:
return {
name: array([t_i.lower for t_i in tolerance_intervals])
for name, tolerance_intervals in self.compute_tolerance_interval(
0.99, side=ToleranceInterval.ToleranceIntervalSide.LOWER
SYMBOLS["a_value"] = "Aval"
def compute_b_value(self) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the B-value :math:`\text{Bval}[X]`.
The B-value is the lower bound of the left-sided tolerance interval
associated with a coverage level equal to 90%
and a confidence level equal to 95%.
The component-wise B-value of the different variables.
See Also:
return {
name: array([t_i.lower for t_i in tolerance_intervals])
for name, tolerance_intervals in self.compute_tolerance_interval(
0.9, side=ToleranceInterval.ToleranceIntervalSide.LOWER
SYMBOLS["b_value"] = "Bval"
def compute_maximum(self) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the maximum :math:`\text{Max}[X]`.
The component-wise maximum of the different variables.
SYMBOLS["maximum"] = "Max"
def compute_mean(self) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the mean :math:`\mathbb{E}[X]`.
The component-wise mean of the different variables.
SYMBOLS["mean"] = "E"
def compute_margin(self, std_factor: float) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute a margin :math:`\text{Margin}[X]=\mathbb{E}[X]+\kappa\mathbb{S}[X]`.
std_factor: The weight :math:`\kappa` of the standard deviation.
The component-wise margin for the different variables.
mean = self.compute_mean()
return {
name: mean[name] + std_factor * standard_deviation
for name, standard_deviation in self.compute_standard_deviation().items()
compute_mean_std = compute_margin
SYMBOLS["mean_std"] = "E_StD"
SYMBOLS["margin"] = "Margin"
def compute_minimum(self) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the :math:`\text{Min}[X]`.
The component-wise minimum of the different variables.
SYMBOLS["minimum"] = "Min"
SYMBOLS["median"] = "Med"
def compute_percentile(self, order: int) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the n-th percentile :math:`\text{p}[X; n]`.
order: The order :math:`n\in\{0,1,2,...100\}` of the percentile.
The component-wise percentile of the different variables.
ValueError: When :math:`n\notin\{0,1,2,...100\}`.
if not isinstance(order, int) or order > 100 or order < 0:
msg = "Percentile order must be in {0, 1, 2, ..., 100}."
raise TypeError(msg)
return self.compute_quantile(order / 100.0)
SYMBOLS["percentile"] = "p"
def compute_probability(
self, thresh: Mapping[str, float | ndarray], greater: bool = True
) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the probability related to a threshold.
Either :math:`\mathbb{P}[X \geq x]` or :math:`\mathbb{P}[X \leq x]`.
thresh: A threshold :math:`x` per variable.
greater: The type of probability.
If ``True``,
compute the probability of exceeding the threshold.
compute the opposite.
The component-wise probability of the different variables.
def compute_joint_probability(
self, thresh: Mapping[str, float | ndarray], greater: bool = True
) -> dict[str, float]:
r"""Compute the joint probability related to a threshold.
Either :math:`\mathbb{P}[X \geq x]` or :math:`\mathbb{P}[X \leq x]`.
thresh: A threshold :math:`x` per variable.
greater: The type of probability.
If ``True``,
compute the probability of exceeding the threshold.
compute the opposite.
The joint probability of the different variables
(by definition of the joint probability,
this statistics is not computed component-wise).
SYMBOLS["probability"] = "P"
def compute_quantile(self, prob: float) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the quantile :math:`\mathbb{Q}[X; \alpha]` related to a probability.
prob: A probability :math:`\alpha` between 0 and 1.
The component-wise quantile of the different variables.
SYMBOLS["quantile"] = "Q"
def compute_quartile(self, order: int) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the n-th quartile :math:`q[X; n]`.
order: The order :math:`n\in\{1,2,3\}` of the quartile.
The component-wise quartile of the different variables.
ValueError: When :math:`n\notin\{1,2,3\}`.
if order not in self.__QUARTILE_ORDERS:
msg = "Quartile order must be in {1, 2, 3}."
raise ValueError(msg)
return self.compute_quantile(self.__QUARTILE_LEVELS[order - 1])
SYMBOLS["quartile"] = "q"
def compute_range(self) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the range :math:`R[X]`.
The component-wise range of the different variables.
SYMBOLS["range"] = "R"
def compute_standard_deviation(self) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the standard deviation :math:`\mathbb{S}[X]`.
The component-wise standard deviation of the different variables.
SYMBOLS["standard_deviation"] = "StD"
def compute_variation_coefficient(self) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the coefficient of variation :math:`CoV[X]`.
This is the standard deviation normalized by the expectation:
The component-wise coefficient of variation of the different variables.
mean = self.compute_mean()
standard_deviation = self.compute_standard_deviation()
return {name: standard_deviation[name] / mean[name] for name in mean}
SYMBOLS["variation_coefficient"] = "CoV"
def compute_variance(self) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the variance :math:`\mathbb{V}[X]`.
The component-wise variance of the different variables.
SYMBOLS["variance"] = "V"
def compute_moment(self, order: int) -> dict[str, ndarray]:
r"""Compute the n-th moment :math:`M[X; n]`.
order: The order :math:`n` of the moment.
The component-wise moment of the different variables.
SYMBOLS["moment"] = "M"
def compute_expression(
variable_name: str,
statistic_name: str,
show_name: bool = False,
**options: bool | float | int,
) -> str:
"""Return the expression of a statistical function applied to a variable.
E.g. "P[X >= 1.0]" for the probability that X exceeds 1.0.
variable_name: The name of the variable, e.g. ``"X"``.
statistic_name: The name of the statistic, e.g. ``"probability"``.
show_name: If ``True``, show option names.
Otherwise, only show option values.
**options: The options passed to the statistical function,
e.g. ``{"greater": True, "thresh": 1.0}``.
The expression of the statistical function applied to the variable.
if "greater" in options:
separator = " >= " if options["greater"] else " <= "
elif statistic_name == "probability":
separator = " >= "
separator = ""
values = options if show_name else options.values()
value = pretty_str(values)
if value and not separator:
separator = "; "
return (
f"{cls.SYMBOLS.get(statistic_name, statistic_name)}"